

midoriya :
- tried to straighten his curly hair and had a similar hairstyle to bakugo after that ( it was really spikey-looking )
- buys java-chip frapucinos with 4 extra shots of coffee
- he actually bought the same pair of shoes 3 times, but people think theyre the same pair

bakugo :
- he does not look like it, but he loves romance ( as genre )
- went to detention at least once for giving midoriya a bald spot with his quirk
- played doki doki literature club, his favourite was monika

todorki :
- at the age of 11, he took some makeup from his sister to cover up his scar ( it did not work )
- his halloween costume is him wearing cat ears and simplified cat makeup
- his favourite pokemon is leafeon

uraraka :
- she cuts her bangs and hair herself
- she casually learned how to play some songs on the guitar and piano
- even though she might not look like it, she likes almost every music genre ( from country, to musicals, to j-pop to metal, everything except rap )

tenya :
- lemon juice is bad for his quirk
- he had really dry hands as kid, until his mother made a remark about his hands, ever since then he uses hand lotion almost daily
- people assume he has a clear and innocent mind, but he gets every so little dirty joke ( he definetly isnt pure )

would you like any headcanons to other mha characters? let me know !

-ann !!

american exchange student to UA:

aizawa: so,,,,,whats your quirk

student:its called Gun

aizawa: and what does it do?

student: it means i have a Gun

You know how they diagnose Quirkless people by the extra joint in their pinky toe? Introducing…

Quirk: Extra Pinky Toe Joint!

This Quirk grants the user an extra joint in their pinky toe effectively making it impossible to identify them as having a Quirk!

A sudden crazy thought.

A quirk is a piece of DNA that can be examined and identified if it is in the quirk registry (Nomu’s investigation from USJ, which had several DNA according to his quirks that could be identified). There were a lot of quirks in Nomu. Who else has a lot of quirks? In Afo.

❗️Watch out! Pseudoscientific statements! Please don’t take it all at face value❗️

According to him, the recipient, when transplanted with the donor’s DNA (quirks), subsequently adopts some characteristics both external and personality from the donor. But in his case, Afo has some mechanism of protection against such influences of other people’s DNA quirks, so he is of such ordinary appearance, without special and memorable details for others, with his character.

But then it turns out that he has many other DNA (quirks) in him, some of which he constantly uses and which function in the background (the same supposed immortality quirk). However, he must have these other people’s DNA, albeit in some sense isolated or recoded into his basic DNA. And as in Nomu’s case, the analysis of his blood and DNA will have to identify several (many) other DNA.

There is also a point. Because of the presence of a large number of foreign dna and the insertion of extra DNA strands that do not correspond to its original code, there is a rearrangement and mutation of the organism. We can see this in the example of Kamino with hypertrophy and mutation of his right arm under the influence of a few quirks. But in essence, it’s all reflected in the original code, and these chain mismatches and extra couplings may well render the bearer of multiple quirks sterile. And I want to remind you thaton the cover of one issue of WSJ Izuku was portrayed as Issumboshi, the Japanese version of the Tom Thumb who was the long-awaited child of his old parents.

And now for the craziest part: What about his direct descendant in the end? With the child? After all, his gamete - the germ cell contains his DNA, and therefore the DNA of other people whose quirks he has taken for himself. Will that part of the other people’s DNA be passed on when fertilized? Given that the AFO quirk (DNA) in a sense isolates the external and personal influences of other people (donors of quirks) on its host (recipient), but the operating mechanisms and other applications of donors’ quirks must remain, working in the background, right? At least the passive adaptive functions of quirks for the host body: for example, increased heat resistance to fire quirks.

Hisashi has a fire breathing quirk. Consequently, he must have some mechanism to protect himself against his quirk so that his body does not get burned by its own flames. And that defense mechanism could have been passed on to his direct descendant, the child.

My point is - did Izuku have burns? We know that Katsuki bullied him in middle school, setting his clothes on fire and burning his stuff through explosions. But … if Katsuki used a quirk on Izuku (burned clothes), there should have been burns or burn marks on unprotected and exposed skin areas if Katsuki used his quirk on him. But Izuku doesn’t have them. Even fighting Katsuki already in UA, Izuku didn’t get visible burns - only abrasions and fracture scars (due to the fact that Izuku as a 2-3 generation quirky person has a less robust body in nature).

Maybe Izuku has some kind of resistance to the effects of high temperatures on his body? Like a passive ability that just works in the background.

In general, what do you think about Izuku inheriting his father’s (stolen) abilities in one way or another?

I just had a sad realization about the MHA universe and I think it’s so very sad.

TW: Mentions of suicide

I was watching a TikTok about which anime world you’d want to live in and I said “Fairy Tail” because you can actually pick witch magic you study and your life won’t be flashing before your eyes every two seconds.

I also thought about My Hero Academia universe and how I wasn’t going to risk be part of the 20% of the quirkless population. I actually said aloud “I’d rather die than be in a world were people can fly and breathe fire when I’m quirkless”. It hit me that a lot of people (especially kids) have actually committed suicide because of that reason. We all want to be accepted by society so they probably felt hopeless. And remember when Bakugo told Deku to jump off the roof? In that scene I think he actually contemplated doing it.

I just really think it’s sad that some people will off themselves because they don’t feel like they belong anywhere. I know we are all quirkless in this world, but a lot of people feel like they don’t fit in. I want you to know that you don’t have to be special for your life to have worth. I want you alive and I love you. Even if I don’t know you, I want you to keep living. If not for me, then do it for your future. ❤️❤️❤️

Todoroki: What are your talents.

Midoriya: Oh! I’m really fast at mumbling and I analyze heroes and I-*starts mumbling*


Midoriya: Oh! You meant my Quirk! Yeah, I don’t have one.

So! Here are some of my #artistquirks, inspired by @vagalumie! I’d add so many more if I could, like

So! Here are some of my #artistquirks, inspired by @vagalumie! I’d add so many more if I could, like how I sleep on top of my duvet when I’m too lazy to change into my pyjamas but absolutely refuse to taint my sheets with “outside clothes”, or how all my skin care products are passion fruit scented, or that I NEVER leave the house without mascara. But in order to stick to my goal of showing the weird human behind the artist in my social media, I made sure to add a couple of my “not-so-romantic” quirks. Except for my necklaces. I love my necklaces.
#artistsoninstagram #art #artist #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #quirks #watercolordigitalart

Post link


I don’t have problems.


Ok. So these results he says, literally the results the psychologist wrote down. Like, verbatim. “Questionnaire consistent with ADHD”. I’ve literally had my primary care physician say to me, “man, I think you have adhd. You sound and act exactly like my college roommate”.


nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders


what’s the vibe of your blog. everyone has their own. is it an art gallery exhibit serving canapés. a nightclub. a knights of the round table situation. a book discussion meeting. a lonely hearts club newspaper section. a bedroom where you and two friends are chatting. the school of athens debating matters of consequence. a garden tea party. a bacchanal. an agatha christie murder novel style tense dinner party. etc
