#bnha shoto todoroki




falling slowly, eyes that know me

summary : todoroki falls in love with you slowly everyday

tw/cw : todoroki x gn reader, love at first sight, todoroki falls in love with you more every single day, ways todoroki falls in love, todoroki comfort, pure pure pure fluff, the whole story is basically flashbacks, there is religious references (angel), pet names are used (love, my love, my dear, darling, baby)

a/n : first todoroki fic lets go, had to make up for the angst shinso fic LMAO


todoroki stared at the sleeping form beside him. yes, it’s was late, but he couldn’t help it. the gleaming moonlight on your skin made you look like a beautiful angel. slowly, his thoughts lead to the four ways that lead him to this moment.

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Simple, yet lovely killing me zufjrjefj


Movie Night in the Park

✧・゚: * Prompt ~ Shoto notices you’re cold during movie night, and so he gives you his sweatshirt ~

✧・゚: * Character/Pairing ~ Shoto Todoroki x gn!reader ~

✧・゚: * Content ~ little bit of idiots to lovers, confession (and some sweater-thievery) ~

✧・゚: * Type ~ Request, drabble, fluff ~

✧・゚: * Author’s Note ~ I always love the idea of Shoto as your own personal AC/Heating unit, and getting their sweater just makes my heart melt, so this one was really fun! I kinda ran with it a little, hope you like it! ~

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Hello, this is so sweet I melted


AMC for Shoto (fluff)


Shoto imagines a future where his partner is safe, where they can be happy and smiling for him when he comes home. He imagines a future where he makes it safe for them both. Sometimes he gets worried and scared for their safety, but it helps fuel him and reminds him to appreciate every moment he has with his partner.


He has little twinges of jealousy, moments where he’s envious of you being able to be so happy with others. But he reminds himself that it’s for you, and at the very least he can relax that you have others who care and will look out for you.


Shoto very much wants to get married to you. Though the proposal might be awkward. It would be hard to hide his plans, and you could tell something is up when Fuyumi starts taking you out on little shopping trips or walks or whatever it takes to get you out of the house and to talk to you about styles you might like as you go window shopping. It would be a private event in the sense of he wants to ask when it’s just the two of you, but friends and family are waiting just around the corner to congratulate you two.


A lot of what he does to be romantic for you is cliché, because he’s researching tips, or getting advice from friends. He’s worried he won’t be a good partner for you because he didn’t have the best role model, so he does his best to make sure he shows you he loves you and cares for you. Sometimes he needs little reminding that he doesn’t need to go plus ultra to show you he cares, because you also love him just as he is.


Dabi Headcanons (ft. Shigadabi)

- He is pretty musical. He can sing and play a variety of instruments (though prefers Piano, violin and bass guitar - Also is very skilled with a kazoo).

- The others found out when they saw him singing to himself.

- He asks Shigaraki out with a song and later on proposes with a song of the same tune.

- If given the chance, he would wear 12 inch heels while flipping Endeavor off.

- In fights he will try to protect Shouto, though he will do it discreetly.

- He found recordings of Class 1A’s performance and was hoping to see Shouto smile. He still enjoyed it because he knew Shouto was helping something musical and hoped that he enjoyed participating in it.

(Should he ever get some sort of redemption)

- He would be pretty good with Eri (since he’s got experience in being an older brother) and does that thing where you cover someone’s hands while playing an instrument to guide them while they play.

- He and Jirou would bond over their love of music. Mic also joins them.

- He didn’t go to any ‘family’ gatherings for a long time, despite his siblings inviting him, because he didn’t want to see his mothers ‘disappointment’ in him.

Movie Night in the Park

✧・゚: * Prompt ~ Shoto notices you’re cold during movie night, and so he gives you his sweatshirt ~

✧・゚: * Character/Pairing ~ Shoto Todoroki x gn!reader ~

✧・゚: * Content ~ little bit of idiots to lovers, confession (and some sweater-thievery) ~

✧・゚: * Type ~ Request, drabble, fluff ~

✧・゚: * Author’s Note ~ I always love the idea of Shoto as your own personal AC/Heating unit, and getting their sweater just makes my heart melt, so this one was really fun! I kinda ran with it a little, hope you like it! ~

It’s the monthly movie in the park, your old classmates get together and bring movies, and the group votes on what will you watch. Tonight, Kaminari is in charge of the votes, so when the previous movie wraps up he stands in front of the group, “It’s time -drumroll please- for movie number three! Our current selections are suggested by our dear friends here, Izuku Midoriya and Fumikage Tokoyami! Number one is… it’s a three-hour documentary on All Might’s bronze age. And number two is a horror movie! So, what do we think?” The vote was nearly unanimous, and with only two votes for the All Might documentary, the horror movie won, and Kaminari started the film. You’ve been out here since early afternoon, and while the shirt you’re wearing was enough before sundown, the cold is starting to get to you.

You were sitting next to your best friend, Shoto Todoroki, on the edge of the rest of the group. But when you noticed his eyes on you, he didn’t bother to look away, so you gave him a quizzical look. “You’re shivering,” he said bluntly. You blush at the gaze, “Yeah, it’s getting kinda chilly out, but it’s no big deal! I’m just going to run and get my jacket from the car.” He looks at you for a moment, as if deep in thought, “I don’t get as cold, use this” he hands his plain blue sweatshirt to you, wearing a white t-shirt underneath. “Did I do it right? The boyfriend sweater thing?”

Boyfriend?! It’s not that you minded the idea of dating him, but since you had been friends so long without saying anything you didn’t think he was interested, “Shoto we’re not dating?” Your words are met with a blank stare, "We aren’t? I had thought that’s what all the study sessions and meals were? That’s what Kaminari said at least.” You feel your face getting even hotter and you turn away, “Well yeah they could have been dates, I just, we never said anything so I didn’t think we were together?” His eyebrows furrow, “Do you not want us to be dating? I assumed that the feelings were mutual I guess.”

You stop for a moment. One of the top students in UA, the son of the number 1 hero, your best friend, just admitted he has a crush on you. Not only that, but that he thought you two had been dating for who knows how long. “You like me?” you ask, “And you thought we were dating?” He shifts a little uncomfortably, glancing toward the others, before answering in a quieter tone “Yes, I do, and I did think we were. I would like to continue, or to start dating if you would?” You smirk as you pull on the hoodie, and lean into his warm side. “I would like that too.”

He puts his arm around you and uses his quirk just enough to keep you both warm. As you finally got comfortable, you started to lightly tease Todoroki for never having actually asked you out, before you were interrupted by Sero. “Alright lovebirds, glad you got that figured out. But can you please quiet down, we’re trying to watch this” Ah. Yes. The movie.

Requests | OPEN|

Did someone say Daddy issues?

Okay so @ravynmasters took these photos of me and @noxlux.cosplay , and she did an awesome job, but imma take a small shred of credit because it was my idea to do the forced perspective thing.

But yeah! I love these photos. Read into them what you will, but I really like what it symbolizes between these two characters.

I have what might be called an “infinite” number of Todoroki photos so whenever I don’t know what to post, that’s what y'all are getting. Good thing there’s so many MHA fans out there.

Photos taken by @greynedox and @killcade_cosplay over on Instagram.

Lately I have taken back the watercolors, I have never been able to practice properly, maybe I will force myself to color only with those mwhahHaha. I hope you enjoy this Todoroki sketch

Guest Spotlight!

Meet our guest merch artist, Joy!

twt: @/mafuwafuwaa

ig: @/mafuwafuwaa

With a soft yet eye-catching style and the cutest chibis, we know Joy is going to make some awesome merch for this zine!

Don’t forget, our contributor apps are open until April 4th!



✈️Merch Artists: https://forms.gle/VHWsMPXxZcRFK5w26

Endeavor: help me!

Todoroki: I am here~

Todoroki: to watch, god I hope the wound is fatal


Is there any bnha character you would like to see in my style??


Dabi Headcanons (ft. Shigadabi)

- He is pretty musical. He can sing and play a variety of instruments (though prefers Piano, violin and bass guitar - Also is very skilled with a kazoo).

- The others found out when they saw him singing to himself.

- He asks Shigaraki out with a song and later on proposes with a song of the same tune.

- If given the chance, he would wear 12 inch heels while flipping Endeavor off.

- In fights he will try to protect Shouto, though he will do it discreetly.

- He found recordings of Class 1A’s performance and was hoping to see Shouto smile. He still enjoyed it because he knew Shouto was helping something musical and hoped that he enjoyed participating in it.

(Should he ever get some sort of redemption)

- He would be pretty good with Eri (since he’s got experience in being an older brother) and does that thing where you cover someone’s hands while playing an instrument to guide them while they play.

- He and Jirou would bond over their love of music. Mic also joins them.

- He didn’t go to any ‘family’ gatherings for a long time, despite his siblings inviting him, because he didn’t want to see his mothers ‘disappointment’ in him.
