#body autonomy

RELIGIOUS REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS CAMPAIGN Donate here“TST and its members have deeply held religious RELIGIOUS REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS CAMPAIGN Donate here“TST and its members have deeply held religious


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“TST and its members have deeply held religious beliefs that bodily autonomy is a fundamental right.

Join The Satanic Temple’s fight for Religious Reproductive Rights by making a recurring donation via your state or the state closest to you.

In 11 states, egregious laws have been passed that restrict or inhibit access to abortion, make unreasonable demands on patients or practitioners, or endanger the health, safety, or wellbeing of our members. This is a violation of our Third Tenet - bodily autonomy - and Fifth Tenet - living in accordance with the best scientific understanding of the world. As a federally recognized religion, the right to practice our beliefs is protected under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Our ongoing legal battles in the fight for Reproductive Rights cost immense amounts of money. We need your help.” - The Satanic Temple

“Please join the fight for Reproductive Rights by making a recurring donation. Select your state or the state closest to you to donate.

A rally will be held at the capital of the state who raises the most money. The winner will be announced after the campaign ends on Oct. 31, at 11:59 p.m.

Once your donation has been made, the governor of your chosen state will receive a postcard informing them that, due to their actions, a donation has been made to TST in their name.

As a federally recognized religion, the right to practice our beliefs is protected under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

A concerted effort to insert theocratic law into US legislation has resulted in egregious laws that restrict or inhibit access to abortion, make unreasonable demands on patients or practitioners, or endanger the health, safety, or well-being of our members.

Lawsuits are a necessary part of an ongoing battle that we are aggressively fighting to preserve the rights of women and all our members.

​On July 31st, 2019 The Satanic Temple filed an appeal to a federal lawsuit in Missouri. The appeal is based on a 1989 decision handed down by the U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals “which explicitly states that the life of each human being begins at conception is ‘an impermissible state adoption of a theory when life begins.’ ” The appeal is to the same court.

We need your help to continue the fight. “ - The Satanic Temple

Donate here

More information about TST and the campaign

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