#body mod blog


        This is the first post of this blog. I would like to welcome everyone here, whether you’re just passing through or staying awhile. No matter how you got here I thank you for giving my blog a read.

       Anyways, this blog is for everyone whether you are modified or not. If you have stretched ears or not, it doesn’t matter. As long as you have an interest and respect for body modification. 

        What is considered modification? Body modification or body mod(s), in my view, is anything a person does to his/her body to change or enhance something. Body mods are found all throughout the world in varying degrees. You may not realize the little things you do everyday are modifications. Examples are: coloring hair, applying makeup, brushing hair, ear piercing ,etc. 

         Enough education now :P I hope you will follow this blog and stick around for awhile and see what this blog turns into. :) 

A tattoo is a story, a memory, a piece of art. We choose to decorate ourselves because we want to remember or just have a beautiful piece of art on ourselves; for life. 
