#piercing advice


So sorry ladies and gents! I know I have disappeared again out of the blue when I promised I was back for good. I must seem like the flakiest blogger of all time. I have had some pretty major road bumps in my life recently. I know it sucks for you guys, but life happens and occasionally I actually have to be the one to deal with it. Sucks, right?

So here’s the low down of my life over the last few months of my disappearance. A very dear friend of mine, lapsed into a coma of unknown origin for 5 weeks. We were all exceptionally concerned that he wouldn’t make it past these extreme hurdles. But against all odds, about a week before Christmas, he woke up. He still has a long recovery ahead which means I’m still not 100% back to the blogosphere since I will be trying to spend at least 1 day per week at the hospital with him.

After all this happened, I was informed that my grandmother was very ill, with cancer. I cut my hours down at work so I could be there more for her and my friend, we moved my grandmother into our home, and started caring for her full time. Unfortunately she took a severe downturn after Christmas. Last week we were forced to move her into Hospice care, and yesterday, she passed away while I was stuck at work. It’s a lot for myself and my family to process, so please be understanding about my absence.

All this being said, I am in need of a good distraction. So today and tomorrow you will likely notice a big boost in my question responses. If you have been waiting some time for your answer, I truly apologize. I hope you all had lovely holidays! Lots of love my darlings!
