#bones imagines


Imagine Prompts?

Hey everyone! Feel free to request or choose a prompt and let me know! Love you! 

1. “You’re not jealous, are you?”
2. “I hate that I love you!”
3. “Why did you do it?”
4. “Drunk words are sober thoughts
5. “I miss you”
6. “I thought you loved me”
7. “If you walk out right now, it’s over between us”
8. “You’re not the person I fell in love with, you’ve changed”
9. “I don’t love you anymore”
10. “This was a mistake”
11. “We’re just friends, aren’t we”
12. “You’re my best friend. Come on you know that”
13. “When are you going to open up your eyes and see I love you”
14. “It’s just one of those things. He loves her, she loves him and everyone can see it, but them”
15. “I wish I never met you”
16. “I need you” (smut or fluff let me know)
17. “I want us”
18. “I love you”
19. “What happened to us?”
20. “I don’t hate you. I never did”
21. “Was it worth it?”
22. “You never really loved me, did you?”                                                            
23. “You are so beautiful”
24. “Can I kiss you?”
25. “I hate you, but I’m falling in love with you and I can’t stop it.”
26. “Bite me” “Well, if you insist”
27. “You can’t just leave” “Watch me”
28. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
29. “Did it hurt?”
30) “Do you regret it?”
31) “There never was an us”
32. “I don’t know if I can do this anymore”
33. “I’m sorry”
34. “You’re so cheesy”
35. “Do you love me?”
36. “When are you going to get it? I never wanted you to change! I loved you the way you were!”
37. “Can we cuddle?”
38. “You’re mine and I don’t share”
39. “Are you going to kiss me or not?”
40. “Come over and make me then”
41. “No strings attached?”
42. “This is awkward”
43. “You heard me. Take the damn thing off”
44. “Marry me” (Joke or serious)
45. “Its’s awkward….. Maybe we should make out?”
46. “I don’t care anymore.”
47. “You don’t know jackshit”
48. “Every time you do that to yourself, just know you’re hurting me too”
49. “You’re still my favourite”
50. “She hates me, doesn’t she?”
51. “I want the old you back”
52. “I really don’t care about your stupid reputation”
53. “You can push me away as much as you want. You can try to lock yourself away and act like I don’t exist or like you hate me, but I’ll always come back”
54. “Fuck it”
55. “Was it just a game for you?”
56. “Is that mine?”
57. “I lied”
58. “We can share a bed, its only one night”
59. “If youb ever really loved me, there wouldn’t even be a choice”
60. “Maybe they are right” “Don’t say it, please don’t say it” “Maybe we aren’t suppose to be together”
61. “You’re friends don’t like me”
62. “He/She is mine”
63. “Try me”
64. “I’d rather die then forgive you”
65. “I think we all know who wears the pants in this relationship”
66. “Its funny because I used to think it was wrong to hate someone so much that you want them to die, but then I met you and I realized I don’t care”
67.  “I can’t move on from something that wasn’t supposed to end!”
68. “ I lied when I told you I didn’t love you.  You needed to move on, you weren’t suppose to love me and I needed to protect you from me.”
69. “This was a mistake”
70. “I’m tired of loving someone who doesn’t love me back”
71. “All you ever do is date assholes and I have to watch you get heartbroken over and over again because you are too blind to see that I’m in love with you”
72. “Sometimes I feel like I wanna make out with you is that a friend thing to do?”
73. “I don’t know why but somewhere inside me I still have hope that you would fall in love with me. how pathetic is that?”
74. “Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
75. “Why does it hurt so much?” “Because it was real. Because it was love, you actually loved him.”
76. “I came here to explain what happened, and I’m not leaving until you listen.”
77. “I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.”
78. “you’re an idiot” “Yeah, but I’m you’re idiot”
79. “You lied to me”, “No I just avoided telling you the truth”, “That’s lying you bastard!”.
80. “Just come here and hug me you little shit”
