#bookish quotes


“The Lowe family had always been the undisputed villains of their town’s ancient, bloodstained story, and no one understood that better than the Lowe brothers.”

“As of 4:24 a.m. Persian Time, the last of the world’s ice is gone.”

“Father told me I’m broken.”

Have you read this book? If yes, what would you rate it? If no, is it on your tbr list?

“Night fell as death Road into the Great Library of Summershall.”

I loved this book. It had its slow moments, but by the end I was entranced and totally invested. So when I saw this Sorcery of Thorns print by @litjoycrate and @rosiethorns88 I needed it!

Have you ever wanted to be a librarian?

I have. Being surrounded by books all day doesn’t sound like a bad gig.
