#bookish quotes


”Up until yesterday, I, Georgie Carruthers, never believed in aliens.”

And I, Miranda, didn’t think I’d like this book.

Spoiler alert, both me and Georgie were wrong

IPB was a fun, quick read and I quite enjoyed it! There was a lot of convenient plot progression, but it worked. And the smut was top notch.

Will I probably be reading the rest of the books? Probably. But for now, on to Crescent City!

Do you believe in aliens?

There’s probably more life out there…but I don’t think they’d bother with us.

The hardest part of this job isn’t the stealing.”

More thieves. I am a happy clam. I love me some good roguish characters! I can not wait to get to this book!

If you had to pick one color for your bookshelf, what would it be?

Black and gold for me. But I love my rainbow shelves so I’m glad that’s not happening

September’s new moon waited for the sun to set, and I found myself trapped in Mazarine’s library, drawing her twelfth portrait by candlelight.”

Ok, this line gives me major romance vibes. A new moon? Candlelight? But then…the use of trapped makes me think it’s definitely a reluctant or undiscovered romance story.

Either way, can we agree this cover is beautiful?

Silver or Gold armor?

Silver. Silver is my fav. But….gold armor wouldn’t be terrible. Just have to channel your inner Aelin right?

Mud squelched between her toes as Larkin shoved the hoe into the ground, lifted a sodden lump of earth and dropped seeds from her belt into the hole.”

Now don’t get me wrong, mud is delightful, but this first line definitely sets a tone of unhappiness and gloom for me. Like someone who is looking for more than a farmers life and ends up on a crazy adventure!

Do you think you could live on a farm?

I could maybe. It would probably be a nice change of pace. And think of all the baby animals!

And horses. I miss horses.

There were guards nearby.”

A first sentence like that you just know is going to dump you right in the middle of some fun.

Thief or Assassin?

Obviously thief is the easier way to go…but you could probably make so much money as an assassin that if I was in a place like Aderlan, assassin might be the way to go!

There were guards nearby.”

A first sentence like that you just know is going to dump you right in the middle of some fun.

Thief or Assassin?

Obviously thief is the easier way to go…but you could probably make so much money as an assassin that if I was in a place like Aderlan, assassin might be the way to go!

“Certain people have said that the world is like a calm pond, and that anytime a person does even the smallest thing, it is as if a stone has dropped into the pond, spreading circles of ripples further and further out, until the entire world has been changed by one tiny action.”

What is a word you learned from a book that you absolutely love?

Mine is Penultimate. A word which here means ‘second to last’. It’s the best word. I don’t know why. But I love it. And this is the book I learned it from!

“May I kiss you, Dr. Carlson?”

I’d like to give a bit Monday Morning shoutout to the romcom that made me obsessed with romcoms: the Love Hypothesis.

I have it a read because there was so much hype around it, I had to see what was what. And now, I can’t get enough romcoms. They’re so easy, happy, and make for great audio listening while I’m at work. And they’re excellent palette cleansers between reads.

Do you read romcoms? What’s your favorite?

This one is probably mine, but I’ve been going through so many lately idk if I could pick!

“But just for a moment, I close my eyes, lean into his touch, and remember what it was like when it was just the two of us against the night.”

“My Wraith would counsel mercy. But thanks to you, she’s not here to plead your case.”

“The grinding noise and vibration of the rumble strips under her passenger-side tires snapped Sunday to attention.”

“I circle the ship with the sharks, slipping between dark waves.”

“On a drowsy Sunday afternoon, a man in a long dark coat hesitated in front of a house on a tree-lined street.”

“With the strength of the most powerful force in the world. The most powerful force in any realm…What brings loyalty beyond death, undimming despite the years. What remains unwavering in the face of hopelessness…

, .”

“No shadow without light,

Ever day follows night,

Between black and white,

There is gray.”

“Once upon a time, on the coldest night of midwinter, in the darkest heart of the forest, Death and Fortune came to a crossroads.”

“The Lowe family had always been the undisputed villains of their town’s ancient, bloodstained story, and no one understood that better than the Lowe brothers.”

“As of 4:24 a.m. Persian Time, the last of the world’s ice is gone.”

“Father told me I’m broken.”

Have you read this book? If yes, what would you rate it? If no, is it on your tbr list?

“Night fell as death Road into the Great Library of Summershall.”

I loved this book. It had its slow moments, but by the end I was entranced and totally invested. So when I saw this Sorcery of Thorns print by @litjoycrate and @rosiethorns88 I needed it!

Have you ever wanted to be a librarian?

I have. Being surrounded by books all day doesn’t sound like a bad gig.
