#boost please


Hey all, I really need some help right now. Can you guys suggest the best donation sites? I’m considering gofundme but I’m not sure if that is the best one. My friend is having a really hard time right now and needs help. Her husband passed away this past week, and they won’t do anything for a funeral until they get money from her. On top of that, her dog(who is closing in on 14 years) has a lump on her stomach that has started bleeding and now she’s going to have to pay for a vet in the morning as well. Me and another friend are at her house right now just trying to help ease the chaos. If you guys have any suggestions for donation sites I could use for her or any advice I would greatly appreciate it.

@bisexdom has refused to remove our photo, which they took the caption off of, from their blog

This was their response when contacted:

We also asked @dicksbiggerthanhis to do the same, after he ADDED HIS OWN CAPTION to our photo after removing our own. He has NOT removed the photo and this is his response:

I’d greatly appreciate if anyone could help us out here and get them to remove the photos. Reblogging without the caption makes it harder for the photo to be traced back to our blog, and adding your own caption while removing ours is just nasty. Block them also if you create your own content since they are clearly lacking respect for content creators.

Hey y’all! I decided to start a Ko-Fi yesterday!

If anyone wants to support my writing and such I’d very much appreciate a coffee!

If you can’t, don’t worry! I still love you!❤️

Sharing this post would mean a lot to me if you can’t buy a coffee!

You can also buy commissions here as well!

☕️ = $3 (my application and love)

☕️ x5 = $15 (One full commission aka 1.5k+ words)

☕️ x3 = $9 (One smaller commission 1k words)

Any bit of support helps, especially during this time in my life because I’m moving to Cali very soon for college!

My Ko-Fi account can be found here!
