#not hcs


Me realizing my last post was almost a year ago:

Hello my dearest lovelies! I miss y’all so much

I can’t believe I abandoned this account ): But sadly life has been anything BUT nice to me. Wow where do I begin..

For starters I caught covid and luckily beat it! Most likely because I’m still a young adult but wow it sucked ass lemme tell y’all. I still plan on getting my vaccine and such soon! Bless the lord himself for keeping me alive through that

Secondly my mental health was decreasing quite a bit and I ended up in a super dark place in life. Luckily I’m on new medication that I’m trailing and things are looking up :)

Third, I’m moving! Yup! Southern California baby! I’m starting college out there and I’m more than excited! I move in two weeks! (This will be explained more in another post)

So I’m considering coming back to this account because I’ve missed this fandom sooo much and I miss writing for it. Yeah yeah I know I always say I’m coming back and don’t but I truly mean it this time

Would this account still be active if I came back? I saw I gained SO many followers when I was away and honestly it made me so happy seeing you guys enjoy my work despite me being gone. If I start writing again I just wanna know if my lovelies will still be here <3

Anyways that’s my return post! I hope you guys forgive me for being gone for so long I miss y’all so much!

I swear to god it felt like yesterday when I reached 600 followers.

THANK YOU FOR 700+ FOLLOWERS!!! Wow I’m at a complete lost for words. This made me smile during this hard time. I love all of y’all so much! Thank you so much for this support

Personal update:

Hello lovelies! I know I’ve been inactive for a bit but I’d just like give a small update.

Just as I was returning to be active, my dog got gravely sick (turns out he had cancer) and he sadly passed away yesterday. I’ve been giving him endless attention and love for his final days so I was unable to focus on other things.

I’d like to thank the new followers I’ve gained while I’m gone, thank you for reading my stuff and supporting me with this even while I was away. And even requesting commissions. Thank you all <3

My heart is still healing and this is rough loss for me. I’d like to distract myself with writing so I’m hoping to motivate myself enough so I don’t fall into my depression. I would just like to give a thanks for y’all being so sweet and patient with me :’)

Shoutout to the anon(s) who sent in 3 Colm requests because those are *chefs kiss* just amazing prompts

Happy belated New Years my lovelies! I hope y’all are staying safe out there. Cheers to 2021!

Not me checking this account and crying because I’m working overtime and becoming burned out and having no time writing what I enjoy anymore

Hey y’all! I didn’t abandoned you guys I promise! Just on my way to Cali!

Things are pretty stressful because of traveling and expensives so I don’t have much time to write. But hopefully I have some free time soon by the end of the week when I’m hopefully done with this long trip

Hey y’all! I decided to start a Ko-Fi yesterday!

If anyone wants to support my writing and such I’d very much appreciate a coffee!

If you can’t, don’t worry! I still love you!❤️

Sharing this post would mean a lot to me if you can’t buy a coffee!

You can also buy commissions here as well!

☕️ = $3 (my application and love)

☕️ x5 = $15 (One full commission aka 1.5k+ words)

☕️ x3 = $9 (One smaller commission 1k words)

Any bit of support helps, especially during this time in my life because I’m moving to Cali very soon for college!

My Ko-Fi account can be found here!

Sorry for my little mini hiatus again y’all again I’ve been packing for my move to Cali but I’m back and will start writing again tonight ❤️

So with the announcement of my return I have a second announcement to make

Commissions are opened again!

What is a writing commission you ask?

These are full fanfictions that I write for you! Personalized to whatever you’d like and for whatever pair you’d like. Including self inserts of course :)

I also write for different fandoms as well! Mostly Red Dead Redemption of course but I also write for FC5 :)

How much for a fanfic?

Short stories ( stories under 1K words ) are $10

Longer and more detailed fanfics (1.5k words and over) will be $15 dollars

I accept PayPal only!

Do you have any examples to share if I’m interested?

Yes I do! I have previous commissions I can share! The buyer will remain anonymous when I share these stories just because of privacy

How long til I receive my commission?

Commissions are usually done within 4-5 days (proof reading and fixes take a bit) If it is a gift commission and you need it soon, I will charge an extra $3 to write it ASAP.

And since I’m moving to Cali in just two weeks for college, any extra money will definitely help me!

If you can’t buy a commission, sharing this post is very much appreciated to help spread the word!

If you’re interested just shoot me a message and I’ll be glad to help now that I’ve returned fully :) Thanks so much y’all!

Importantblog announcement

Alright y’all since I returned I’ve been trying to find ways to revamp this blog up again.

Since I’ve been on hiatus for almost a year I thought it would just be best if I restarted my inbox and started from scratch again.

I know I know, some people may find this annoying to resend in requests but I truly think it’ll help me not get so overwhelmed with starting this blog up again and I know where to start instead of being so overwhelmed with old requests.

There were 100 requests in my inbox and I just want to start from the beginning so I can get back into it.

So if you sent in a request while I was away, PLEASE SEND IT AGAIN! so I can write it for you lovelies!

The rules still apply of course so you can find that post pinned on my blog :)

Thank you for understanding my dears!

What??? I gained 150 followers while I was away?!

Thank y’all so much I still love all of you despite my hiatus
