




So, I understand this is a little random, but I’d like to ask for y'alls help with something.

Around ten months ago, my family lost my mum to lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) and its been rough for all of us. For me and my sister (15 and 16 at the time) she was an incredible pillar of love and support and we all miss her dearly. As a young man with ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) who faces discrimination for that fact, it’s been immensly difficult, especially when she was the only one able to defend me against discrimination because of my condition.

In her final month’s, an organisation called Garden House Hospice gave her an incredible amount of support. They listened to her when she told them something was wrong (something the other charities and the NHS refused to do), their volunteers and staff are incredibly kind and caring, and they give an incredible quality of life to those suffering from life-altering illnesses. I saw first-hand the incredible work they do, and they do so much good for so many people.

As many people know, Hospice services have been hit especially hard during this pandemic, and with their charity shops closed and their fund-raising events cancelled, Garden House has been struggling to get by.

So, to pay my thanks to them and help them through these tough times, I’ve decided to raise money for them by cutting my hair! As an ASD kid, such a drastic change is a pretty bid deal for me (I haven’t cut my hair since I was four, and I’m very protective of it) but I’d like to do what I can to help those who did so much for my mum while she was at her lowest.

I’d be grateful to anyone who donates and/or shares this post around, the link is below to the fundraiser!


Don’t worry, you can still donate (if you’re able to) after the big cut, but it’s all going down today! I’ll be making a post with the video once it’s done! I guess it’s a face-reveal too?




So, I understand this is a little random, but I’d like to ask for y'alls help with something.

Around ten months ago, my family lost my mum to lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) and its been rough for all of us. For me and my sister (15 and 16 at the time) she was an incredible pillar of love and support and we all miss her dearly. As a young man with ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) who faces discrimination for that fact, it’s been immensly difficult, especially when she was the only one able to defend me against discrimination because of my condition.

In her final month’s, an organisation called Garden House Hospice gave her an incredible amount of support. They listened to her when she told them something was wrong (something the other charities and the NHS refused to do), their volunteers and staff are incredibly kind and caring, and they give an incredible quality of life to those suffering from life-altering illnesses. I saw first-hand the incredible work they do, and they do so much good for so many people.

As many people know, Hospice services have been hit especially hard during this pandemic, and with their charity shops closed and their fund-raising events cancelled, Garden House has been struggling to get by.

So, to pay my thanks to them and help them through these tough times, I’ve decided to raise money for them by cutting my hair! As an ASD kid, such a drastic change is a pretty bid deal for me (I haven’t cut my hair since I was four, and I’m very protective of it) but I’d like to do what I can to help those who did so much for my mum while she was at her lowest.

I’d be grateful to anyone who donates and/or shares this post around, the link is below to the fundraiser!




So, I understand this is a little random, but I’d like to ask for y'alls help with something.

Around ten months ago, my family lost my mum to lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) and its been rough for all of us. For me and my sister (15 and 16 at the time) she was an incredible pillar of love and support and we all miss her dearly. As a young man with ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) who faces discrimination for that fact, it’s been immensly difficult, especially when she was the only one able to defend me against discrimination because of my condition.

In her final month’s, an organisation called Garden House Hospice gave her an incredible amount of support. They listened to her when she told them something was wrong (something the other charities and the NHS refused to do), their volunteers and staff are incredibly kind and caring, and they give an incredible quality of life to those suffering from life-altering illnesses. I saw first-hand the incredible work they do, and they do so much good for so many people.

As many people know, Hospice services have been hit especially hard during this pandemic, and with their charity shops closed and their fund-raising events cancelled, Garden House has been struggling to get by.

So, to pay my thanks to them and help them through these tough times, I’ve decided to raise money for them by cutting my hair! As an ASD kid, such a drastic change is a pretty bid deal for me (I haven’t cut my hair since I was four, and I’m very protective of it) but I’d like to do what I can to help those who did so much for my mum while she was at her lowest.

I’d be grateful to anyone who donates and/or shares this post around, the link is below to the fundraiser!
