



“Jungkook got new jeans last week and he looks so adorable in them that you can’t help but want to play with him.”

Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader 

Genre:Smut, established relationship!AU

Warnings: sub!Jungkook, dom!Reader, mommy kink, vibrating buttplug, orgasm control, edging, ruined orgasm, multiple orgasms (m.recieving), dry humping, use of a wooden spanking paddle, finger sucking, Jungkook is a needy bunny, the softest aftercare


a/n:This is without a doubt the aaol!couple. Also blame @tipsydipsydo for the creation of this, because she sent me a picture of Kook in those jeans and I spiralled


“Play with me.”

That was the first thing Jungkook said to you this morning. 

It was not long that he was stripped naked and with his legs pulled to his chest, feeling breathless and giggling the entire time you prepared him for his favourite game. Jungkook ended up with a vibrating buttplug lodged inside of him. Silicone, black, with a sleek tip. You made him lower his legs afterwards and then close them. Then you told him to sit up. Jungkook still thought that you would continue your play at that point because you often made him sit on his buttplugs as it made him squirm so perfectly. He soon realised with horror yet delight that you were not planning on continuing your little game as you made him put his clothes back on and then left the room to take a shower instead.

It left Jungkook squirming on the bed because he watched you take the remote control to his plug with you. 

So he waited with bated breath and his cock straining against his briefs for the moment he would feel those sweet vibrations.

But they didn’t come. As a matter of fact they didn’t come at breakfast either. Or later when he ate you out on your yoga mat. Or even later when you took him shopping because you wanted a new pair of lingerie. Jungkook knew that you were only going lingerie shopping to rile him up. You even made him follow you into the dressing room with you and help you try the pieces on. His plug however, stayed passiv. It frustrated Jungkook and he ended up sucking on your breast so needily that he bruised it accidentally. Didn’t work, the sweet vibrations he so deeply craved stayed away. Jungkook also ended up buying you every single piece of lingerie you liked, but he would have done so with or without a plug up his ass. He just really enjoys treating you. 

Jungkook was restless on the way home because you kept the remote on your lap and fumbled with it. He could watch you graze your thumb over the button ever so often and it drove him insane. The vibrations however didn’t come. 

Jungkook grew almost mad in the elevator to the penthouse, seeking your touch as he pressed his body against yours and nuzzled his face into your shoulder. You hugged him back in an instance.

“Did you forget mommy?” he asked shyly. 

“Forget what Bunny? That?” you showed him the remote. 

“Yes”, he whispered and shivered in your arms. 

“No, I didn’t forget”, you said nonchalantly and let the remote disappear back into your pocket. 

Jungkook squeezed your body in a desperate hug, but the vibrations didn’t come.

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holy shit

so beautifully written!!



“Jungkook lets out a breathy moan, fisting the sheets. His breathing doesn’t calm down after he made the sound, his eyes race behind his eyelids. You know what that means and it turns you on so much. Your touch was enough to help Jungkook have a wet dream. Your sweet bunnyboy is getting fucked in his dreams while in reality you are the one helping him with keeping the sensations as realistic as possible.

Alternatively: Jungkook wakes after dreaming of getting pegged, only to realise that his dream is quite literally his sweet reality.”

Pairing:fiancé!Jungkook x f.Reader

Genre:established relationship!AU, Smut

Warnings:sub!Jungkook, dom!Reader, mommy kink, morning sex, consensual somnophilia, anal fingering, wet dreams, sleepy but horny Kook, pegging, dirty talk, ownership kink, praising, spanking, hair pulling, choking, multiple orgasms (m.recieving), doggy style, cum eating, a slow rimjob, loving aftercare


a/n: I have to stop thinking up all those pegging scenarios, it’s not good for my health also this is obviously the aaol!couple, duh. Enjoy my sweeties, because I sure as hell did (I am serious, this is one of those stories I wrote in one sitting because I was feeling it so much)


You wake before your fiancé, enjoying the tranquil silence of your bedroom. His breathing is calm this morning, audible enough for you to find comfort in it. In the distance the traffic is busy, but with your windows closed, it sounds like faraway whispers of a city. 

It is brighter than usual in your room. You know it to be the product of last night’s laziness when you deemed it too exhausting to fully close the blinds. You don’t particularly mind that the sunlight peeks into your room. You feel refreshed and your eyes are vast of heaviness. Perhaps in some weird way, the light feels nice to have. Like this you are able to look at your love’s handsome face. 

Jungkook is facing you, resting on his stomach while his cheek is squished against his pillow. His lips are parted and against his flawless skin his dark lashes rest quite beautifully. You think he looks eternal like this, reaching out to caress his cheek with the back of your hand. His skin is soft and slightly cold. You blame it on the bedroom air and his entire back being out. 

“Look at you sweets, all out of the covers”, you murmur under your breath as you make sure to tug him in, “there we go, now you’re warm again”, you say and give his ear a soft kiss. 

Then you rest back again. Jungkook looks happier and cosier now. He even goes so far as to smile in his sleep. 

“My handsome man”, you whisper, tracing his face with your fingertip. You are so lucky. You have truly hit the jackpot of life. 

Jungkook nuzzles into the pillow and licks over his lips. He looks so peaceful that you feel sleepiness overcome you. You scoot closer and allow your fingers to find their resting spot on his upper back. Then you close your eyes, allowing that sweet sleepiness to wash over your body. 

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