
 Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk/Jungkook (BTS) x fem!reader Genre: SmutContains: Drinking, possessiveness, m

Pairing:Jeon Jeongguk/Jungkook (BTS) x fem!reader

Genre: Smut

Contains: Drinking, possessiveness, making out, hair pulling, marking, dry-humping, name-calling, orgasm denial

Word count:2168

A/N:This is the first part of the The Come And Find Me duology!


“Cheers to that,” laughs one of your friends rising her glass in a toast.

Reaching towards your own drink, you realize with disappointment that you’ve already drank it all.

“Care to pour me a drink, love?” you ask a man sitting on your right side.

He complies with your request with a smile that surely makes women’s knees go weak instantly but, unfortunately for him, you’re not the type to be conquered. You’re the one who conquers.

“Thank you, honey,” you say with a sweet smile as you take the glass from him, letting your fingers touch for a brief second.

“My pleasure,” he nods leaning back against his chair with a smug expression on his handsome face.

Suddenly you feel a light tap on your shoulder – a young woman sitting on your other side is clearly trying to get your attention. Turning towards her, you realize she wants to tell you something, so you lean forward to hear her better.

“You know him?” she almost screams into your ear while pointing in the direction of the most shadowed part of the room.

Your gaze follows her hand only to see that she’s talking about the man sitting on one of the leather couches half-hidden in the shadows – Jeongguk.

“He’s been gaping at you for quite some time now.”

“I know him very well,” you shrug nonchalantly with a smirk causing the woman to laugh as she nudges you with her elbow.

“The night’s still young,” she says, rising her drink with a wink.

You simply laugh in the answer, gently tapping your glass with hers before turning to hungrily observe Jeongguk as you sip your drink. Even though he’s not wearing anything flashy, somehow that tight-fitting black shirt and a pair of dark jeans make him stand out even more from the crowd surrounding him. He doesn’t need anything besides his charisma to turn heads, you know that already.

“Gorgeous,” you murmur into your already empty glass as you drink in the sight of him instead.

The way he licks his lips after downing a shot makes your own mouth go dry, so you ask the man next to you for another drink. As you grab the glass, your eyes involuntary travel in Jeongguk’s direction – how could you not notice it before?

His head’s slightly tilted to the side, dark eyes colder than you’ve ever seen them being boring into the man sitting next to you like he wants to see him dead. He looks away, talking to his friends, laughing at their jokes – all that while smirking under his nose, not even trying to hide his contempt as if trying to play it off. But you know he’s just pretending from the way his jaw clenches, the way he puts his tongue in his cheek – he’s jealous.

“Another one?” asks the man beside you, clearly hoping to receive something in return for his kindness.

What a disappointment awaits him.

“Thanks, love, but I’ve had enough for today,” you say swiftly standing up and straightening your dress.

Before he could say something about your sudden departure, you’ve already walked away, disappearing from his view for good. No need to waste time like that when you know that there’s something much more interesting in store for you tonight.

He’s still sitting where you’ve seen him before, but there’s considerably fewer people around him now. Only partially empted bottles of various alcohols tell you that they certainly didn’t leave for good. You can’t help but click your tongue in irritation seeing that he’s not alone – an attractive young woman boldly flirts with him clearly using everything she has in her arsenal to get his attention. However, she proves herself to not be very assertive as she quickly backs off seeing you approach the table. Good.

“Not so lonely any more, I see,” you chuckle sitting on the couch next to him, your thigh pressed hard against his.

“Must be why you choose such dimly lit place to sit in the first place.”

Jeongguk rolls his eyes before pouring himself a shot and downing it in one go. His Adam’s apple bobs visibly when he swallows and your fingers practically itch to touch it.

“It’s private,” he answers curtly, not even looking at you.

“I know, love,” you chuckle then, your hand brushing his knee as if by accident.

You can feel the muscles of his thigh tensing next to yours before he forces himself to relax. Always trying to appear so laid back and unbothered, that man, pushing you to the edge with his indifference. But for you nothing is impossible – in the end you always get the reaction out of him.

“So why are you here? From what I’ve seen earlier you were clearly having fun with that guy,” he says nonchalantly examining a cocktail stick he just picked from the table.

You’re about to answer when he puts said stick between his lips, his tongue rolling it in his mouth with precision that makes your core clench at the very memory of what this tongue’s capable of. That bastard knows what he’s doing, no doubt.

“Are you jealous?” you ask tilting your head to the side as you reach towards his face and take the cocktail stick from between his soft lips.

“Me? Why would I be?” Jeongguk huffs in return, rolling his eyes as if amused.

He’s good at acting you have to admit – if you didn’t know him so well, maybe you’d believe him. What betrays him is his body: his fists clenching and unclenching in a steady rhythm, shoulders tensed, lips swollen from biting in irritation. All of those tell you all you need to know.

“You know that I don’t like it when you’re acting like that, Jeongguk,” you murmur slowly leaning towards him, giving him plenty of time to move away.

He doesn’t.

Your lips brush his jaw softly, your nose moving alongside his cheek as you pepper his coarse skin with kisses. His breathing gets heavy, long eyelashes brushing his cheekbones as he closes his eyes with a quiet sigh. It’s absolutely delightful how weak he is for your kisses.

“You were the one who stated that you don’t want to feel tied down, love,” you continue, your lips moving against his skin as your hand gently massages his inner thigh.

“I was wrong,” he breathes out leaning back against the couch, baring his neck for you as if begging for you to kiss him there.

“I hate it. I fucking hate it when they touch you, when they flirt with you, I hate it when you flirt back. Good god I hate it so fucking much.”

“I want to be the only one who gets to feel your touch, for your lips to only touch my skin, for your eyes to only see me,” he manages to say before your lips land on his.

Kissing him is always so easy: it’s as if your lips were made for each other, moving together without any care for the outside world. The kiss becomes more and more aggressive as time passes, and it feels like you were both starving for months to finally slake your thirst now.

“Please, I need you so badly,” he pants out between the kisses, his shaking hands caressing your sides tenderly.

“How can I say no when you ask so nicely,” you chuckle before straddling him.

For a moment you just sit on his lap admiring him as there’s a lot to take in. Even the dimness of the room can’t hide the bright flush colouring his cheeks, and it pleases you deeply. He observes you too from under his long eyelashes, his head thrown back on the backrest, swollen lips parted slightly as he tries to catch his breath.

“Like what you see?” he asks with a cheeky grin playing on his lips.

You only smile back in the answer before leaning forward and placing a kiss on his Adam’s apple. A shiver runs down his spine when your fingers slip into his tangled locks and you tilt his head carefully to expose his neck. There’s nothing better than marking that flawless skin of his, forcing him to either hide the hickeys somehow or show them off for everyone to see. You love to create constellations of those on his body: that long neck, strong thighs, muscled chest and abdomen all covered in marks made by you – what a sight to behold. Besides, you like to be sure that every time he looks at himself in the mirror he thinks of you.

“You know that I love to look at you, Jeongguk,” you murmur into his skin as you rub your crotch against his teasingly.

“Fuck,” he murmurs placing his hands on your waist, his thumbs massaging your skin through the thin fabric of your dress.

Somewhere in the back of your mind you’re aware that you’re still in the room full of people, but you can’t bring yourself to care. People were doing worse things than drunkenly making out in such places anyway.

“You’re an asshole, you know that? Constantly telling me to do whatever I want only to act like a petty little bitch when someone pours me a drink,” you scoff pulling hard on his thick hair.

Jeongguk moans softly in the answer but nonetheless smirks under his nose.

“So you noticed.”

You roll your hips angrily causing him to growl out your name as if in warning. It’s a part of the game you both like to play, and you can feel yourself getting excited already. You never get bored with that little push-and-pull dance knowing that the reward’s worth waiting for.

“It’s hard not to when you look like that,” you shrug tenderly caressing his jaw with your hand.

His strong arms circle your waist tightly, pulling your body closer and closer to his until there’s no space left in between. As you feel his hard length rubbing against your clothed crotch, an idea appears in your mind.

“You’re quite an attention seeker, aren’t you?” you chuckle grabbing his jaw and forcing him to look at you.

“So what if I am? I’ve got your attention, haven’t I?” he answers with another smug smirk.

The things you want to do to this man. He’s too attractive for his own good, really.

“You’ve always had my attention, Jeongguk,” you murmur before kissing him hungrily.

He clearly didn’t expect you to do that as he doesn’t respond at first. Just when he starts to do so you on the other hand start to roll your hips against his causing him to moan right into your lips. The kiss turns sloppy as you focus all of your attention on moving as swiftly as you possible can in this position.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but, fuck, we can’t, not here,” Jeongguk manages to say between the kisses, but you silence him quickly putting a finger on his lips.

“Why not? Don’t you want them to see that I’m already taken?” you ask sharply as your fingers slip down to curl loosely around his neck.

You could feel how irregular his pulse became after this question, the movement of his hips also losing its previous steadiness. Distracted you move away just a little, and he uses that opportunity to hide his face in your shoulder. It’d have been quite adorable if only you weren’t currently dry humping in a room full of people, but it’s not like you’re going to complain anyway.

“Fuck, I’m close,” he cries out as his grip on your waist tightens.

“Is that so?” you ask just before stopping to move altogether.

He huffs out a laugh knowing very well where this is going.

“Should’ve expected that, I guess,” he says in a shaken voice.

“I told you, love, I don’t like it when you act like that,” you say kissing his head lovingly as you caress his locks with your hand.

“You’re going to learn from your mistakes, aren’t you?”

He doesn’t answer at first, but then his grip on your waist starts to loosen slowly.

“Yeah,” he answers in a hoarse voice as he moves away to lean against the backseat.

You have to admit: his level of self-control is something to be admired. The desire’s still swimming in his dark eyes, but you know that he has learned his lesson, at least for now.

“Think about it. About us, Jeongguk,” you say standing up carefully as your legs are shaking a little from the effort.

No matter how hard you try to act unaffected it’s never the truth with him.

“And then what?” he asks softly looking up at you in that way that makes your heart beat faster.

“And when you decide, come and find me.”

It takes everything from you to not turn around and look at him, but you force yourself to look ahead of you as you walk away. It’s his move now.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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“Jungkook lets out a breathy moan, fisting the sheets. His breathing doesn’t calm down after he made the sound, his eyes race behind his eyelids. You know what that means and it turns you on so much. Your touch was enough to help Jungkook have a wet dream. Your sweet bunnyboy is getting fucked in his dreams while in reality you are the one helping him with keeping the sensations as realistic as possible.

Alternatively: Jungkook wakes after dreaming of getting pegged, only to realise that his dream is quite literally his sweet reality.”

Pairing:fiancé!Jungkook x f.Reader

Genre:established relationship!AU, Smut

Warnings:sub!Jungkook, dom!Reader, mommy kink, morning sex, consensual somnophilia, anal fingering, wet dreams, sleepy but horny Kook, pegging, dirty talk, ownership kink, praising, spanking, hair pulling, choking, multiple orgasms (m.recieving), doggy style, cum eating, a slow rimjob, loving aftercare


a/n: I have to stop thinking up all those pegging scenarios, it’s not good for my health also this is obviously the aaol!couple, duh. Enjoy my sweeties, because I sure as hell did (I am serious, this is one of those stories I wrote in one sitting because I was feeling it so much)


You wake before your fiancé, enjoying the tranquil silence of your bedroom. His breathing is calm this morning, audible enough for you to find comfort in it. In the distance the traffic is busy, but with your windows closed, it sounds like faraway whispers of a city. 

It is brighter than usual in your room. You know it to be the product of last night’s laziness when you deemed it too exhausting to fully close the blinds. You don’t particularly mind that the sunlight peeks into your room. You feel refreshed and your eyes are vast of heaviness. Perhaps in some weird way, the light feels nice to have. Like this you are able to look at your love’s handsome face. 

Jungkook is facing you, resting on his stomach while his cheek is squished against his pillow. His lips are parted and against his flawless skin his dark lashes rest quite beautifully. You think he looks eternal like this, reaching out to caress his cheek with the back of your hand. His skin is soft and slightly cold. You blame it on the bedroom air and his entire back being out. 

“Look at you sweets, all out of the covers”, you murmur under your breath as you make sure to tug him in, “there we go, now you’re warm again”, you say and give his ear a soft kiss. 

Then you rest back again. Jungkook looks happier and cosier now. He even goes so far as to smile in his sleep. 

“My handsome man”, you whisper, tracing his face with your fingertip. You are so lucky. You have truly hit the jackpot of life. 

Jungkook nuzzles into the pillow and licks over his lips. He looks so peaceful that you feel sleepiness overcome you. You scoot closer and allow your fingers to find their resting spot on his upper back. Then you close your eyes, allowing that sweet sleepiness to wash over your body. 

Keep reading
