

single dad bucky x single mom reader

word count: 1.8k

Part 1


You looked down at your watch, relieved that just like your son you were going to make it to work on time. Bucky really relieved your worries when he offered to drive you to work, him saying that it was better since he wanted to get to know the mother of his daughter’s best friend. As you were telling him the directions, you were surprised he would turn in the right direction before you even go the chance to finish your directions.  

“You know Brooke mentions that she wants to invite Isaac over,” eyes fixed on the road, “and was wondering if you don’t mind setting something up, Brooke would be ecstatic,” his smile growing just thinking about how happy his little girl will be.

“Yea I don’t see why not, Isaac practically jumps at any chance to play,” agreeing with him, already knowing how he’s going to be jumping with joy when you would mention it.

“Great hopefully we can get a date sorted soon,” Bucky quickly glanced over at you with a smile.

Your face slightly warmed up, since his words for some reason being misinterpreted in that your children’s playdate would be a single date with him. Reminding you that you it has been a long time since you have even been on a date, because your free time was usually devoted to your son.

Not sure what to say, you just focused back on the road, noticing that you were almost at your workplace, “uh, you’re going to make a left at that stop sign,” pointing at said stop sign.

You hummed to the beat of the music, Bucky smiling to himself as you were so comfortable around him. You were ready for him to turn left; however he quickly turned right, already parking his car, not expecting that at all. .

“Uhh, I know that this sounds weird, but left is the other way,” pointing to the side of the street you should have been on, “but if you want to drop me off here its ok, thank you so much for the ride,” already getting ready to hop out of his car, and hoping that maybe what you said came off as a bit rude.  

“I know, it’s just I need to park, before my spot gets taken, I’ll walk you to your work though,” he said as he turned off the car and reaching into the backseat to pull out a blue sleeved shirt to go over his black tee.

You eyed him curiously not understanding what he meant, but none the less he was doing you the huge favor for even giving you a ride to begin with. He quickly downed on his blue work shirt, his name ‘James’ embroidered on the side, as he told you to stay put. You gathered your things, as Bucky opened your door, bright smile on his face.

“Thanks, Bucky, I would have still been on the bus if it wasn’t for you,” you admitted as you brushed your hair out of your face, feeling so small as he almost towered over you.

“I don’t mind driving you, I mean we work near each other to begin with,” he said with a smile.

“We do?” you questioned.

“Yea, you see that garage shop over there,” he said pointing to a car repair shop just down the block.

You nodded as you both started walking heading to the cross light.

“I work there,” he continued as he pushed the button for you both to cross, “that’s why I didn’t mind taking you, now let’s get you to work before your late,” he said as he gestured you to walk as walking man sign turned on.

“You don’t have to Bucky, I mean I don’t want to make you late either, you’ve already been a big help,” not wanting to take too much of his time, always in your nature to put others ahead of yourself.

Bucky chuckled, “I own the place, and no one can get mad at me, besides it’s just me working in the morning today. And I’m pretty sure no one is going to be there right at the start of the day, I can afford to be a few minutes late,” his hand landing on your back to tell you that you weren’t going to talk him out of dropping you off at work, “unless you don’t want me too, I’ll understand if you do.”

“No, that’s not it!” taking a step forward, giving into him and really hoping you weren’t coming off as rude, “it’s really cool that you own your own shop.”

“Yea, it was hard to start, but it’s doing well so far, get a good flow of customers. Plus its nice not having anyone breathing down your back, I’m my own boss,” his voice really showcasing how proud he was of his shop, “may not be a doctor or lawyer, but pays the bills. Don’t hesitate to come on by if you ever have car troubles, I’ll make sure to give you a family discount,” smiling over at you, making you really admire how handsome he really was.  

“Is this some sort of sales pitch?” you teased, “because hate to break it to you, but I already sent my car to repair to another repair shop,” you finished.

“Just saying,” his shoulders scrunching up, “you should best mechanic in this part of town,” he said with confidence.

“Says who?” smirk on your face, and slowing down your pace, not wanting to stop talking to him at all and judging by how he matched your pace…neither did he.

“Says myself,” his tone just as playful as yours, “but seriously though stop by sometime, don’t be afraid to ask for help or a repair,” being very sincere to you.

“Yea, I’ll keep that in mind if anything happens, but I hope it doesn’t don’t think my wallet would afford constant car troubles,” you laughed.

“Guess not,” laughing along with you. You stopped in front of your job, Bucky stopping as well, looking up at the name of your shop, “figured you work in a bookstore,” smile growing on his face as his blue gaze met your eyes, somewhat entrancing you, trying to keep yourself from getting lost in them.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” placing your hands on your sides, your eyebrows furrowing wondering if he was trying compliment your or insult you.

“it’s nothing bad, just…,” trying to find the best way to correct his wrong, his mouth opening and closing unsure of what to say. He was worried that if he did say what he planned to, it may upset you, “nothing never mind,” his hand scratching the back of his head, his cheeks gaining a pink color.

“Ok,” forgetting about what just happened, mainly because you were too bust enjoying the view of this big strong man being so bashful over a simple question.

You looked at the watering can by the door, sign that your coworkers already assigned you to water the flowers outside the shop, but then again you were the one that suggested it and even picked out your favorite flowers to plant. You picked up the can, sighing as you realized that it was empty, thinking that the least they could do was at least fill it up to save you the time.  

“Watering duty?” pointing at the can.

“Yep, but I don’t mind, I mean I sort of was the one that nursed all these flowers to begin with,” pointing at the flowers that lined the store.

“Really?” his blue eyes slightly widening, “I can barely keep a plant alive for more than a week, what kind of flowers are they?”

“the white ones on the bush are gardenias, the red and magenta flowers are peonies,” pointing out which ones they were, glad that they were in full bloom, so he could really appreciate them, the morning air slightly tinted with the scent of the gardenias, “they’re my favorite flowers,” you quietly said but by the way Bucky lifted his eyebrows, you blushed knowing that he heard it.

“They’re really pretty,” he said softly, as his left hand reached out to touch the soft velvet petals of the gardenia. He was careful, treating them as if any sudden or wrong movement would cause all the petals to fall off. However this this allowed you a good opportunity to see the beautiful tattoos that were inked across his skin, hints of gears, stars, trees, and more scattered across his arms, all coming together to form an intricate monochrome piece.

Bucky’s arms were beautiful, firm muscles all across his arms and basically his whole body, giving away how fit he was. His muscles were so prominent throughout his body, it wasn’t that you were interested in him, but you couldn’t help but stare at an attractive man, especially when his tattoos basically screamed to be looked and appreciated. You trailed up his arm, seeing how each one was so unique, reaching to the hem of his sleeve, wondering what more lied underneath. But before you could let your imagination begin to wonder, your eyes met with his crystal blue ones with a smirk very present on his face.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to stare,” your face starting to heat up, “I mean, I know I did, but,” groaning because you were just making things worse.

He chuckled, making your face heat up even more in embarrassment, “its fine, I mean I guess my tattoos are just as much for my eyes as for anyone else’s,” looking down at his tattooed arm.

“They’re beautiful though,” not even caring that your cheeks were on fire.

“Thanks,” his smile ever present with the pink tint still on his cheeks, “so I was asking if you want I could give you a ride to pick up our kids,” he asked his voice losing that playful tone replaced with a soft tone.

“Sure, do I meet you here or at your shop?”

“I’ll swing by and pick you up, now hate to cut our conversation, but I think it’s time for you to go, before you’re actually late,” the bright smile back, his head gesturing to the door.

You looked down at your watch and he was right, you had to go inside and clock in. You thanked him and dashed inside, already feeling the curious stares of your coworkers, knowing that they were going to ask who you were speaking to…but you didn’t stop at all. As you were clocking in you couldn’t shake the heat off your cheeks, feeling that it skyrocket, when he said ‘our kids’. You brought your hands up to your face, letting out a sigh, you were an adult and yet here you were swooning over Bucky like a schoolgirl. You shook your head, wanting to forget those feeling, labeling them as a sign that you needed to go back on the dating scene soon…and preferably not with him.


tag list: @bovaria@stovehairington@ria132love@allyp1023@gallifreyansass@the-amaranthine@cecifina@fearthedietcoke@ailynalonso15@theloveablesociopath@rchlnwtn@winterssmary@fab-notfat

Pairings: singledad! bucky x singlemom!reader

word count: 1.7+k

tagging list (the person that inspired me to write again): @bovaria


You were rushing as you took your six year old son, Isaac, to school. You and Isaac had woken up a bit late, and were rushing to make sure that he got to school on time since this week you were most likely going to have to walk him to school, since your car was in repair. You quickly fixed him up a breakfast to take with him, just to make sure that he will make it and although the school wasn’t far, you weren’t taking any chances on him being late again. Isaac was your pride and joy, sharing many physical similarities with you, such as your hair color, skin color, and many more, the only thing that he had in common with his biological father was his hazel eye color.

You were fine providing for the two of you, already used to the idea of being a single mother since the moment you told his father that you were pregnant. But you would be lying to yourself if you said that it wasn’t difficult at times, but it was well worth it if Isaac was happy. There wasn’t more that you could ask, since at least his father agreed for child support, but still it wasn’t easy, especially with time. You looked down at your son, seeing him munch on his peanut butter sandwich, as he bounced and kicked every leaf he could, being on the more energetic side of the spectrum. You really did question your parenting skills at times, but maybe you weren’t as bad as you thought. Isaac looked up, his hazel eyes meeting yours, as he smiled at you and offered you a bite of his sandwich, which you laughed and told him that you were fine.

You were holding onto Isaac’s hand, relieved that you weren’t as late as you thought, since parents were still dropping off their kids as you approached the school. For once Isaac was going to make it on time to school to spare. Just as you crossed the street Isaac quickly pulled away from you to run on ahead.

“Isaac, don’t run,” worried that he would end up falling, since although he was very wild he wasn’t the most careful of children.

You hurried your own pace trying to catch up to your six year old son, only to see him quickly embrace (more like tackle) a small brunette girl, almost sending her off balance. Isaac was so outgoing, never shy of doing anything once he sets his mind to it. It honestly makes you wonder where he got it from, because even if you weren’t too shy, you never had the valor to be outgoing like him. The little girl had a startled face as Isaac embraced her, making you worry that her parents were going to scold Isaac for almost tackling their child to the ground. You were opening your mouth to tell him to let go of her, but were interrupted.

“Brooke, you don’t have to be so shy” you heard a male voice say.

You looked up and were met with two beautiful icy blue eyes. You were taken back by the man in front of you; he had a warm smile on his face as he looked down at Isaac and what you guessed was his daughter. Your eyes were immediately drawn his left arm covered with tattoos forming a beautiful sleeve that complimented his strong arms. Dark brown hair that almost reached his shoulders was tucked behind his ears, but you could honestly say that his blue eyes were the most beautiful thing you have seen.

“I’m sorry for my son,” you said apologizing to the father that your little girl was hugging like there was no tomorrow.

“It’s no worries, although it’s a bit sad when Brooklyn more luck with people than her own father…and she’s only five,” he said jokingly, making you smile as well.

“Mommy, this is my best friend Brooke,” Isaac smiled as he let go of brunette who had eyes just as blue as her father.  

Brooke…the name was familiar to you; you smiled knowing that this was the Brooke that your son would talk your ear off when you picked him up from school. His only friend since he started this year and would always mention about inviting her over, but the timing was never right. Isaac had a bright smile as he presented you to her, the same one he had on when he talked to you about her. You looked down, your eyes meeting Brooke’s blue ones, and could already tell that she was beyond shy, complete opposite from Isaac. She was too shy to even return his hug, as her hands tightly held onto the straps of her Spiderman backpack. Brooke slowly looked up to her dad, a small tint of pink tinted on her cheeks.  

“Dad, this is my best friend Isaac,” she introduced her voice coming out so low that you could barely hear it. But her father heard it loud and clear, his smile getting brighter as he realized who your little boy was.

“So you’re the famous Isaac,” he said squatting down to be at eye level with your son. You don’t know why you found it nice that he got down to his height, unable to hide the small smile forming on your lips.  

Isaac nodded, not shying away at all, typical of him.

“well,” he said with a bright smile, “thank you for taking good care of Brooke, I know that she’s really shy and can’t make many friends, so I’m glad she has you by her side,” he said ruffling his hair, “Brooke talks about you all the time, saying that she’s glad you’re her best friend,” he said with a smile, earning him a small playful smack from his daughter, “ok she doesn’t talk about you all the time,” hoping to not embarrass his little girl any more. He brought his hands to his knees to help him stand back up. “Sorry for messing up his hair,” he said as he softly smiled and scratched the back of his neck, making you guess that maybe some of Brooke’s shyness stemmed partially from his father.  

“It’s no problem, by the time I pick him up from school, his hair is a lot messier than this,” you said with a reassuring smile, as you smoothed out his hair.

“Bucky,” he said with a smile.

“Pardon?” you said, wondering if you misheard something.

“Name’s James, but I like Bucky instead,” he said extending his hand to yours, seeing the look of confusion from what he prefers to be called, “James Buchanan Barnes,” he said with a bright smile, “this here’s Brooklyn Sarah Barnes”

“(full name),” you responded as you shook his hand, instantly feeling how warm and calloused it was, “and he’s Isaac Nathaniel (l/n),” Isaac already holding out his hand for Bucky, always the eager one to meet new people, “Buchanan? Don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before”

“I know, not the most common name, reason I go by Bucky instead,” he said with a smile.

“Isaac talks about Brooke all the time, it’s good to know that she has a patient kind friend, since I was told from the teachers that he is a bit too loud and energetic for the other students,” you said.

“Other kindergarteners find him loud?” he said with an uncertain tone, almost not believing it.

“Yeah I know, weird,” you said with an odd look, you looked over to your child seeing how he was talking to Brooke about who knows what, his hands moving everywhere as he told his story to her, and the shy girl keeping up with his fast speech. .

The bell rang, letting you both know that it was time for your children to get to school, you reached for your son, hoisting him up, to give him a kiss and tell him that you will be here to pick him up and told him to wait here for you if you were a bit late. You looked over at Bucky, and noticed that he was at eye level with his girl, bringing her in for a hug as he tickled her, loud giggles filling the air around you both, which made you smile too, as he explained that he’ll be right on time to pick her up.

Both children ran into school, seeing how comfortable they both were around each other, leaving you and Bucky smiling as they walked into class.

“Your son’s is adorable, he’s such a ball of sunshine, dad must be happy to have a son like him,” he said with a smile.

“His father isn’t really in the picture, haven’t seen him, since he found out I was pregnant,” you answered.

“Oh he left…I’m really sorry,” he said hoping that he didn’t offend you.

“Don’t, I spend a long time feeling bad about it, it was a better choice for everyone, he didn’t want kids and why would I make both our lives miserable if I forced him to stay. Besides we are doing fine by ourselves,” you said with a smile, hoping you weren’t coming off as rude “Brooke’s really shy, does she get that from you or her mom,” you asked.

“Most likely from me, since her mother isn’t in the picture either,” he said with a soft smile.

“She left you too,” you said not understanding how anyone could leave him like that.

“Uhh…sort of” he said scratching the back of his head seeing his eyes sadden for a brief second making you wonder if they had recently divorced.

You looked down on you watch seeing that you were going to be late if you didn’t start moving. You much like Isaac couldn’t be late either.

“Are you alright?” Bucky as most likely picking up on your small distress.

“Don’t want to be rude, but really better start walking to work before I’m late,” hoping he didn’t think that you just wanted to stop talking to him.

“Do you need a lift? I’m more than happy to take you there.”

“No I don’t want to be a burden, you most likely have somewhere to go as well,” he really was a kind man.

“Trust me, I don’t mind besides if Brooke finds out I let you walk, I’ll hear about it later. I can afford to be late, come on,” he said gesturing you over to his car.

You thought it over looking down at your watch, knowing even at your best pace you may not make it in time, and followed him to his car.  
