#bowie yells


when you suffer through 16 episodes of tbb and cody’s not even there

I definitely agree that the way Gregor was written and voiced was really poorly researched and excecuted (further explanation here), but I’ve seen a couple people say it seems like he has Tourette’s, and as someone with tics I really didn’t see any of that in Gregor’s mannerisms? Some of his speech patterns are “out of place”, but they remain consistent in his mannerisms, and don’t seem involuntary. (Not to mention that Tourette’s specifically is A) usually a genetically inherited disorder, B) presents at a younger age and is not caused by head trauma, which Gregor’s mannerisms seem to stem from)

(Also, in reference to a general tic disorder, it’s incredibly rare for a traumatic brain injury to cause tics, and the current theories on this propose that tics developed after head trauma are caused by an underlying genetic predisposition, which the clones wouldn’t have)

TL;DR: Gregor’s mannerisms are a poor representation of a TBI, but they’re likely not Tourette’s or tics!

thanks for the cute trans pride banner youtube. would love to stop seeing ads promoting anti-trans documentaries perpetuating the beliefs that get trans people killed.

okay, maybe this is just a weekly-release we-dont-have-the-whole-story-yet thing but the narrative thing i keep getting caught up on is obi-wan’s attitude towards leia? Like dude, i know your job rn is luke, but bail used his super-secret emergencies-only phone to ask you to rescue his kidnapped daughter, and you’re like “oooohhh…but i don’t think i can :(“. I know you have it set in your mind that helping luke will fix your mistakes with anakin, but you’re forgetting that anakin and padme had another kid, who is ACTIVELY KIDNAPPED?? Also, the “leia reminds him of padme”…. she got kidnapped while sneaking out with a droid to look at starships and spent the entire rescue bullying you, who does she really remind you of obi-wan. use your words.

“everybody bleeds” is such a lame one-liner but i kind of love that for him. this cringe fail old man hasn’t had to zing anyone in ten years, he’s struggling


i was so convinced the beskar spear was going to become armor for the baby,,,

i’m a fucking genius

why the fuck are college teachers allowed to just not provide online classes
