#braden charron


Braden Charron and Damien Rush grapple and duke it out at MuscleDominationWrestling.com

Rack ‘em up

1. Bulldog (aka Brendan Byers) racks Stefan (aka Calvin Haynes) at WrestlingMale.com

2. Shane Styles racks Aryx Quinn at BGEast.com

3. Barry Burke (aka Brian Cage) racks Ethan Andrews at Wrestler4Hire2.com

4. Braden Charron racks Darius at MuscleDominationWrestling.com

5. Joey Nux racks Roger Atlas and 6. Tripp Evans at MuscleBoyWrestling.com

Braden Charron clotheslines Jake Jenkins at BGEast.com

Jonny Firestorm squashes Braden Charron with help from the ref at Wrestler4Hire
