


The moment after the spindle.

Ambition. Loss. Regret.

What have you done, Fay?

slipping back into a more narrative piece

maybe thats the wrong word

basically a piece with no dialogue hahaha

Brief Summary: Briar and Faybelle’s love is haunted by thorns. 

Word Count: 207

I’m still accepting ships for femslash feb!!! Send me your fave fem pairs and I’ll write you a fic sometime this month!!

Briar and Faybelle’s love was wrapped up in thorns. Roses… the sharp point of a spindle… it seemed like no matter how beautiful something appeared, it was destined to hurt them.

Briar’s first gift to Faybelle had been a rose, plucked from the gardens at Ever After High on one of their secret dates. When Faybelle had taken it from Briar’s hand, a thorn had plucked her in the finger and made her bleed. One of the first, more ironic signs that their love was fated to end badly.

The truth was that no matter what she did, Faybelle couldn’t keep herself from hurting Briar. Her loud mouth, her jeers when they were in public. Briar always took it like a champ, but it was like Faybelle couldn’t keep herself from self-sabotaging their relationship. Maybe because she didn’t think she deserved it. Maybe because she didn’t even understand it.

The rose, which lasted for a few months, had wilted now. No amount of fairy magic could keep it alive forever. Still, Faybelle couldn’t bring herself to throw it away. She grabbed it from the vase, aiming right for the spot that she knew would make her bleed. Maybe pricking her own finger was just what she deserved.

Nah cause my ideal bribelle fanfic would basically be the plot of malice but with them as the leads….

Oh yeah btw go read Malice by Heather Walter. Its a sapphic retelling of Sleeping Beauty from the perspective of the Villains. Screw Prince Charming, the Villain gets with the Princess in this one! Its a duology and the second book just came out a couple of days ago!
