#broken age

Here’s an illustration I did recently for the Double Fine game, Broken Age. It will be available as

Here’s an illustration I did recently for the Double Fine game, Broken Age. It will be available as a small print if you buy Double Fine’s game bundle this weekend at PAX East! 

The bundle also includes 9 other illustrations of Double Fine games, and you can switch them out as the box cover art. Those other 9 were all drawn by my boyfriend, Jon Magram, and you can check them out on his tumblr here!


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My piece for the upcoming @gallerynucleus​ show Broken AgeReally enjoyed playing this beautiful gameMy piece for the upcoming @gallerynucleus​ show Broken AgeReally enjoyed playing this beautiful game

My piece for the upcoming @gallerynucleus​ showBroken Age

Really enjoyed playing this beautiful game! Can’t wait to see all the other pieces!

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So, I had a bizzaro dream the other night

Well, technically it was during the day because I was napping. I dreamt that my friend Morty (that’s her actual nickname) and I were in some radio host guy’s space pod on this new radio podcast that they were airing in space, my friend and the host were making so many puns about it such as “Welcome to the PILOT episode of our new space-PODCAST, we are now on live on AIR-pod!” and so on, and I was there like “you’re never gonna live that down are you?”

So then I was interviewed throughout the rest of the podcast promoting a videogame I was apparently developing, all the while my friend who DM’s our D&D game was narrating the whole thing. The art style and aesthetic were very similar to Broken Age.
