#bruce wayne x selina kyle x reader



summary: being adopted into one of the most wealthy families in Gotham would have been a dream come true if it were any other family but yours. when your beloved grandfather dies and names you the heir to everything,  all hell breaks loose and the only people who don’t want you dead are your exes Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle.  
trigger warnings:  violence,  blood,   injuries, mentions of abuse,  illness,  soft dom!selina switch! bruce,  praise k!nk,someone said bruce wayne cries after sex and i support this.DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE NOT 18+




Pretty words and dancing with a ghost.

You watched Bruce’s car go off into the distance, the reality of going back into the house you were planning on running away from only a few hours ago finally starting to sink in. 

“ You know, I’ve always liked that boy.” Greta said as you walked into the kitchen, clothes still damp from the rain. 

“ He just gave me a ride home Greta, I don’t think Mom was going to let me carpool after what just happened.  Oh god, you don’t know, do you?” Greta nods, sliding a mug of hot tea into your hand.

“ I’ve known for quite some time dear, just as I also know that if I go look in my purse right now, I’ll find triple my salary.”  Greta laughs at the bewilderment on your face, patting your hand.

“Did you honestly believe your grandfather was going to leave you with nothing?  I remember the day your mother brought you home, how scared you were of everything and everyone. Your grandfather was far from a perfect man but when you came into this house, you brought him the one thing he had been missing.”

“ Good publicity?”

“Hope.  Your parents adopted you as a publicity stunt, you know that, I know that, and your grandfather knew it too but you managed to reach him in a way his children did not and they hate you for it.  The things they did and continue to do to you under this roof I shudder to think about.  Your grandfather and I should have done a far better job protecting you-

“ Greta, it wasn’t your fault-

“No, let me finish. Every adult in your life has failed you in one way or another, including me but you have not and will not fail yourself.” Greta said, wiping away your tears and her own.

“ But what do I do now? What if I just took the money and ran? They’ll be back soon and I’m not sure I can face them yet.” 

“I can handle them. I know you want to leave and if you did, no one would blame you.  But there’s a benefit tonight, usually your uncle goes in your grandfather’s stead but if you’re feeling up to it and want to get out of the house a little longer, I can have a car ready in five.”

The tea cold in your hands, you weigh your options which seem to be running away for good, hiding upstairs until your family comes home, or going to a party where you won’t know anyone.

“ I don’t have anything to wear.”

Before you know it, you’ve outside of a gala, not exactly where you thought you’d be tonight but you’re there nonetheless.  You’re barely out of the car before journalists spot you and it takes everything in you to not do your usual routine of pretending you’re invisible.

“You’re the richest woman in Gotham now, how does it feel?”

“Who are you wearing?”

“Will you be spending your money on yourself or charity?”

“Where’s your date?”

“Gotham is well aware of my grandfather’s history of philanthropy and I hope to continue good work in his name. I understand what it is like to be without money, food, or shelter, and no one should have to feel that way. I acknowledge the place of privilege I am at now but I am committed to putting my money towards the people who need it and not those who seek to make a profit. I’m excited to get to work.” 

Where the fuck did that come from?

 The pretty words and a shy smile flow out of you way too easily as you move away from the press line, making your way into the party. The hard part was done, now you could just eat some shrimp puffs, drink champagne in a corner before going home to face your no doubt vengeful parents.  All you had to do now was-

“ Would the richest woman in Gotham care to dance?”

That voice.

That silky, life altering voice that brought you to your knees at one time in your life and even now had you wobbling in your heels as you turned around to face what had to be a ghost.


 Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek! I’ve got some irl stuff that’s just popped up but I hope to have this finished up soon! See you soon and thank you for reading!

Schedule of fanfic updates :)

  • the heiress- hopefully tomorrow
  • bride of the witch and the widow- friday
  • burden of proof- saturday
  • steak time- friday too

work has been kicking my ass, i need a break
