#wandanat x reader


New Beginnings pt.3

Natasha woke up, taking a moment to notice how calm she was at that moment. She finally opens her eyes and sees that the sun has not yet risen. To her right lays Maria who is curled into her side with an arm wrapped around her waist.

She kicks herself for not minding the brunettes actions.God why is she so weak?! She can’t believe people saw her like that.

Natasha sneaks out of the bed and out the room making sure neither Fury or Maria woke up. She makes her way to the training room and does what she does best.

She put her walls back up. After all, Widows are made of steel. She doesn’t bother wrapping her hands before punching the punching bag. She doesn’t know how long she was training until the sun was up and she heard her names being called from behind her.

“Natasha! You scared us. You can’t just leave and not te-” Maria doesn’t get to finished her sentence due to the view of Natasha’s hands.

“Natasha. Come here please.” Maria says calmly.

Natasha rolls her eyes and walks over to the brunette. Maria softly grabs Natasha’s hand, observing the bright red that leaked down her fingers and split knuckles that colored black and purple.

Maria sighs, “Why are you doing this to yourself? You can’t train if this is how you’re going to do it.”

“I can do whatever I want. Stop acting like you care. You think I’m stupid enough to believe that you all are just nice people?! No. They’re always nice at first and I’m not going to let myself fall for your shit so move. I’m leaving, or if you want to kill me that’s fine too. I don’t really give a shit anymore. You know what? Barton should have killed me the second he got me.” Natasha snatched her hand out of Maria’s grasp and heads towards the door.

“Natasha get back here now! Natasha please.” Maria follows her, running after the familiar red hair. Natasha goes to her room first and locks it, sighing in relief when she sees that Fury had left. She goes to her bathroom and sits against the bathtub.

She finally lets the tears fall. She’s cried so much over the past couple of days which makes her feel even worse.

She’s so lost in though that she doesn’t hear the heaping of the override Maria used to het into her room. Neither does she hear the bathroom door opening.

Maria sits in front of her with a first aid kit. She sees the far off look in Natasha’s eyes, knowing she won’t be back mentally for a while. As before, Natasha looks like she’s looking right through her. She reaches out to grab the small girls hand.

She wipes off the blood with alcohol wipes. Natasha doesn’t even flinch which makes Maria worried. She wraps the hand and goes to the other. When she has both hands done, she doesn’t let them go. Instead, she holds them close and presses a soft kiss to each of the girls knuckles.

“Natasha.” No answer.

She moves forward onto her knees, taking Natasha’s face in her hands. She soothingly rubs Natasha’s cheeks with the pads of her thumbs. This brings Natasha back to the present with a scare.

She flinches at the touch but then relaxes once she sees who it is. She looks down, away from the blue eyes that look worried.

Maria lifts her chin, making her hold eye contact. “I’m sorry Natasha. I’m sorry that I yelled. I’m sorry that you felt as though this place was a trick. I’m so sorry that you experienced something like that in the past. You don’t deserve that. We would never hurt you here. Not on purpose. Never.”

Maria brings her into a hug causing Natasha to stiffen. Maria runs her fingers through the redheads hair, untangling the strands. Natasha melts into the embrace after a couple moments.

She doesn’t notice that a couple tears have fallen from her eyes. When Maria backs away from the hug, she leads Natasha out of the bathroom and onto the bed.

When she sits on the bed, she lays Natasha’s head on her lap and continues to play with her hair. They sit in silence for a while until Maria decides to speak.

“I’m glad he didn’t kill you. You don’t deserve to die Natasha. Your heart is good and I know you don’t believe that yet but I can promise you that it’s there and it’s good. I see it in your eyes everyday. The way they soften when you look at the friendships others have formed and the way they share laughs. And the way they light up when you get simple things such as orange juice. You have a beautiful heart Natasha.” At Maria’s words, Natasha’s eyes well up with tears again. Never has she ever been told something like that. For the first 7 years of her life she never even knew what eye color she had due to the red rooms lack of mirrors. She didn’t really know what she looked like until then either.

“You know, everyday I can feel how much I’m changing. I’ve been changing since you got here. I know it was only a couple days ago, but there’s something about you.”

In response, Natasha’s warily reaches behind her and grabs the hand that isn’t running through her hair and holds it. They sit in that room till lunch time and eventually fall asleep.


Natasha wakes up two hours later and finds that they have moved in their sleep causing Natasha to be on top of a sleeping Maria. Her face heats up and she goes to move off of the brunette but is unable to because Maria subconsciously pulls her back into her. Natasha let’s out a sigh and burrows her face in Maria’s neck, falling back asleep.

“F.R.I.D.A.Y. Override lock.” Maria hears coming from outside. Fury comes into the room looking amused at the sight in front of him. “You know, she’s good for you M.”

“Shut up. We’ve only known each other for like 3 days.” She runs her fingers along Natasha’s back, feeling the girl let out a content sigh.

“All I’m saying is, hurt her and you’re out. I mean it Hill. There’s something about her.” Fury states, walking closer to them and sitting down on the bed. He takes Natasha’s wrapped hand into his, rubbing the back of them softly.

“I won’t hurt her. Never.” They both look at the way Natasha’s face looks as she sleeps. Her long hair a bit messy and her plump rosy lips slightly parted. There’s a light blush to her cheeks and subtle freckles that decorate them. She looks younger and at peace. Completely different than when she’s awake.

“Hey guys! Lunch is ready downst-” Clint is cut off by the looks Fury and Maria give him. They both look down and see that Natasha is half way asleep.

“Come on Nat, time to eat. You missed breakfast.” Fury pokes at her side, causing her to let out a shriek and jump roll away from him. Both Maria and him let out a chuckle and how the assassin is ticklish.

“Let’s go,” Maria gets up from the bed and drags Natasha with her. The red head follows with a groan. “How’s your hands?”

“Fine. I’ve had worse.” Natasha shrugs. Maria let’s out a sigh at the thought of Natasha having done that before.

“You’re not going to do it again right?” Again, Natasha responds with a shrug. “Come on Nat, if you ever need to let out some frustration, I’ll spar with you.”


Fury heads off to his office and leaves both girls at one of the tables. Clint follows a couple seconds later. He carries two trays for both of them and you guessed it, orange juice for Nat.

When Nat sees the orange juice, her eyes light up. Exactly how Maria described and she sits and watches it happen again.

“So, Natasha, How is day three?” Clint asks, taking a night out of his sandwich.

“Umm, it’s fine.” Natasha looks down and tries to forget the morning.

“I saw you and a little someone here getting pretty comfortable. How was it cuddling with badass Maria Hill?” The archer teases, wiggling his eyebrows at the women in front of him.

“What’s cuddling?” Natasha looks confused.

“Nothing, don’t listen to him. He’s being a jerk.” Maria steps in. I’m all honestly, both their hearts break at Natasha’s words. The poor girl didn’t even know what cuddling was.

Natasha shrugs her shoulders and eats another one of her chips.

“So, Natasha, it’s family movie night which means everyone watches a movie and eats snacks in the family room. Are you coming?” Clint asks.

Unsure, Natasha looks to Maria and received a nod of a head. Natasha looks back to Clint and nods her head in response.

“Cool. I’ll save us seats. Well, I’m done and gotta go fill out paper work. I’ll see you guys tonight.” He collects his stuff and leaves the table, leaving the two women alone.

“Can I be done?” Natasha asks, head faced down. Maria softly lifts Natasha’s head and says, “Remember when I said you don’t ever have to finish your food?” She eats a nod.

“I just don’t want to make anyone mad.” Natasha admits.

“No one will get mad for you not wanting to eat all of your food. However, we do need to set up a clinic meeting. We’re concerned that you aren’t at the proper weight level for your age. Wait, how old are you?” Natasha shrugs her shoulders.

“I don’t know. Twenty something. Probably 22 to 24. The red room doesn’t tell you how old you are and they mess with you by never letting you know what time of day it is or how many days pass. So, I’m not really sure.” The way Natasha speaks about it so nonchalantly makes Maria’s heart break for the millionth time that day.

“Well, we’ll find out when we go see the doctor.” She pats Natasha’s knee.

“How old are you?” Natasha asks, swinging her legs back and forth and resting her head on her hand that’s propped up on the table. Maria notices how care free she seems at the moment.

“I’m 25.”

“Do you like your job?”

“Most of the time. Sometimes it can be a little much. I know this isn’t really a job for you since you’re technically forced to be here, but how about you? Do you like it here so far?”

“I don’t like what I had to do to get here. I didn’t like killing those people. But I do like it in here. No one has hurt me yet and I don’t have to sleep with handcuffs connected to the headboard. I also didn’t have you or Clint or Fury so that’s nice. And I have orange juice here and not grey smoothies that tasted like cement. Overall, this place is better than anything I’ve ever known-” Maria cuts her off by embracing her in a hug. Natasha’s shocked at first but hugs back. “I also didn’t get these either.”

The Colliding Tides of You | Part 1

Pairings:[AVENGERS x Bi!READER ]

- WandaNat x Reader

- Stucky x Reader

- Tony Stark x Reader

Summary:You hadn’t known what happened. One moment, you were running for your life. The next moment, you were falling from the sky and your only hope was calling the one number you had to save you. You were in a universe where the Avengers existed and you had no idea what to do. You fight between doing what’s right and what feels right. Do you return to your own universe or do you stay with the people you love?[Set after AoU and canon divergence after.]


Series Masterlist

Note:Ahhh, I’m so excited for this! I’ve been lowkey obsessed with avengers x reader for a long time LOL hope you enjoy!



You’d never given much thought to how you’d die. Well, sure, it was a vague and distant thought. Everyone dies, after all. You’re aware that life could come crashing into you, and it could be a horrific accident, but you were hoping for the old age route. 

You were running.

You remember that much.

You had been terrified as you stumbled. You turned to look, and then everything turned white. 

And now, you were falling. 

The wind ripped through your hair, burning your eyes. You turned around to look up at the sky instead of the impending ground. 

God, you were so high up, and you had no fucking parachute. No gear. 

You felt around your body frantically, wanting to cry when you felt nothing until your hand grazed over a bump in your back pocket—a phone.

You took it out quickly but carefully. The last thing you needed was to accidentally drop the phone midair and have no way to get it. You fumbled to turn it on and noticed you only had 10% battery left and almost wanted to cry. 

You recognized your own phone. It had been at 10% when you had been running as well. 

Your thoughts were a mess. 

Who do you call when you’re falling 50,000ft in the air?


What could 911 do? Could they send a helicopter for someone to come get you with a parachute? 

Would they make it in time?

But when you opened up your contacts, there was only one number.


This couldn’t be. 

But the name and number stared back at you. 

It had to be a joke, right?

You didn’t recognize the number other than it being a New York area code.

Maybe it’s from being so high up in the air, the falling hindering how well you could breathe and get oxygen to your brain. 

That was the only explanation you could think of for thinking—but what if it wasn’t a joke? What if it was real?

It was probably a mistake to call this number instead of 911, but—but if it was real, you’re chancing of being saved would be higher.

You pressed dial on the contact and put it to your ear, shocked you were even picking up reception. 

Unless that meant you were getting closer to the ground. 

“Hello?” The caller picked up, sounding cautious and confused. “How did you get this number?”

“Is—” You choked. The air was so hard to breathe, and you wondered if your lungs were collapsing. It was so hard to hear on top of that too. Were you going deaf?

“Is this Tony Stark?” You barely managed to get out the words as you heaved for air that didn’t seem to be making it to your lungs. 

“Yes…who is this?" 

You could hear some noise in the background and wondered briefly what he was doing. 

"Please help me,” you choked. “I’m falling.”

There was snort on the other line. “That’s a horrible pick-up line and also really bad background noise. Listen, I don’t know if you’re some crazy stalker but—”

“No, seriously, Mr. Stark. I’m literally falling from 50,000ft in the air, and I don’t have a parachute, and I will become splattered brain matter if you don’t help me,” you started coughing violently as you finished your words.

There was silence on the other end of the line before you could hear—

“FRIDAY, scan the surrounding area and trace the closest cell tower to her phone.”

“Detected body 50 feet from you. Too far to scan vitals.”

“Maximize jet boots and repulsors. Hold on, kid. I’m coming for you.”

But you couldn’t hear anything at that point. The oxygen deprivation was getting to your head as you fought to stay awake. 

It feels like a million years but really, only seconds before you’re in someone’s arms.

“Easy there, I got you…alright, wow, you’re definitely not a kid.”

He’s flying down steadily for your sake. Slower but still quickly, so you don’t stay oxygen-deprived. As you descend, you suddenly feel something click over your head and a rush of oxygen floods in. You suck the air in greedily as you try to not hyperventilate.

Easy, easy. Breathe slowly.”

You tilted your head up and found an Iron Man Mask looking back at you and realized you’re wearing one yourself. He must’ve called for a spare helmet for you.

You try to do as he says and breathe slowly, and you begin to feel better even though the chill starts to set in. 

“Where…are….you…taking…me?” You speak slowly, your voice raw and weak. 

“Back to the Avengers’ Compound. We have a medi-bay there that’s way better than any other hospital in the state. Plus, I’ve got questions.”

You don’t have the energy to argue against it, and you’re unsure if you would. Even though Tony Stark didn’t know you, you knew him. He was the only thing you knew in this strange universe you’ve found yourself in. 

You look down at your hands and find they’re still yours, at least. You’re still you.


Maybe the You of this universe. 


You slowly woke up to a quiet beeping noise. The lights were somewhat bleary and blinded you. You had a massive headache, and when you looked down to find an IV hooked up to you, you felt your heart jump.

You could feel a nasal cannula on your face, and you tried to think about why you’d have one.


You had been falling.

You couldn’t breathe.

You were trying to fight the rising panic in your limbs and throat. Your heart was racing and thudding almost painfully in your chest.

“Whoa, easy there, tiger.”

You snapped your head to the side and found Tony Stark coming through the door with two cups. You could smell coffee.

“FRIDAY alerted me you had woken up. How are you feeling?”

You stared at him, tracing his movements carefully as he came to sit down beside you in the chair. He holds the water out to you, but you don’t take it, so he then pulls over a tray in front of you and places your cup there.

You peer down and see that yours was filled with water while his cup was coffee. 

You take the cup, sipping on the cool water, wincing lightly as it does down your dry throat.

“Okay…tired,” you eventually replied as you looked around.

“You’re at the Avenger’s Compound,” Tony said as he looked at your curious face, and you recalled that’s where he said when he was flying you to safety.

“You were really lucky I was out and about flying to get fresh air,” Tony said steadily, his eyes narrowed in suspicion at you. “How did you get my number? That’s my private and personal number. Only a few people have it. I’ve only just given it to Capsicle.”

You stare at him.

“Ugh, Captain America? America’s golden boy? Steve Rog—”

“I know,” you whisper, fidgeting with your cup.

“You know…” Tony repeated after you with a brow raised. “Do you know all of the Avengers?”

“Doesn’t everyone?” You reply with a half-hearted smile. 

Tony narrowed his eyes at you, filled with suspicion and clearly saying he didn’t appreciate you avoiding his question. You couldn’t blame him. If this was the Avengers’ Compound, you had some idea of where you were in the timeline.

You looked at Tony’s face and how weary and tired he looked. The facilities looked new, so you could only guess this was right after the battle of Sokovia. 

The thought made you rather sad as you looked back down. This meant that things were leading up to the Civil War, and you weren’t sure how you felt about that.

You weren’t sure how you felt about anything. 

Your thoughts kept racing.

How did you get here?

How was this real?

Had you actually died?

How do you get back home?

Did you even want to go back home?

People were chasing you there. 

Were you safe?

You looked back at Tony.

You were safe, you decided. For now, at least.

“I…don’t belong here,” you say quietly but still loud enough for Tony to hear. 

“Don’t belong here…” Tony cocked his brow. “Here like this medical bay…or in New York or…”

“Here, like this universe,” you whispered, grimacing at how stupid it sounded, but you’re unsure why when someone like Dr. Strange existed. He would understand.

Tony actually laughed. 

“Wow, maybe this isn’t pumping enough oxygen to your brain still,” Tony looked ready to adjust your machine when you glared at him.

“Is that so hard to believe when you’ve fought aliens? You don’t even know—” you immediately snapped your mouth shut as you huffed.

You don’t know the laws of the universe and time travel. How good could it be to reveal what was coming to someone like Tony, who was experiencing PTSD, paranoia, and guilt?

“Are you an alien then?” Tony asked slowly, eyeing you up and down to access you. You looked so human, though.

“No,” you said, though it sounded very uncertain. “No,” you repeated this time with more confidence. You weren’t an alien. You were a human that experienced too much. 

Perhaps you and Tony weren’t too different. 

“Can I get your name now?” Tony asked, changing the subject, but not really. You knew he was asking to see if he could pull up anything on you.

But you tell him anyway. You were curious about yourself as well.

“I’m Tony, but I think you knew that,” Tony throws out there, but he’s not smiling.

“You mean the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist…?” You say and give a small smile when Tony’s lip twitches as he holds back a grin himself. But then he frowns as he wonders where you’ve heard him say that. 

Suddenly, something beeped, making you jump slightly, spilling some of the water. 

Tony just eyes you briefly before he checks his phone. 

“The rest of them are here.”

“The rest of them?" 

"The Avengers.”

You pale noticeably that it has Tony looking slightly alarmed.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, but you just shake your head.

You find it hard to swallow again, but people are bustling in to your room before you can even ask him to maybe save the introductions another day. 

The faces bombard you before you even have a chance to turn away. 

Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, and Clint. 

It’s Steve’s and Natasha’s faces that make you feel like you’re going to be sick.

You feel sick to your stomach because you know what happens.

And even if you had not experienced it personally, it didn’t mean you hadn’t come to love these characters—people in your own way. 

You had loved them from a distance.

You had been immersed in their universe when you were on your own and even when you were surrounded by people. 

So, to know what happens and see them, you were going to be sick. 

You were still adjusting to Tony, and just barely. 

It was too much. 

It was too real. 

The only thing you could think of was how painful and disappointing it had been to know what happened by just reading and watching. If it had been that painful, how would it be to actually experience it personally?

You gripped your blanket, trying to control your breathing as you looked away from them.

“Uh, Tony, is she okay?” Steve asked as he assessed you, but you wouldn’t turn to look his way.

Your heart monitor was spiking, and it was suddenly hard to breathe again.

Was this a panic attack? You thought about it distantly, trying to think about something else to calm yourself.

“Hey, hey,” Tony stood up as he looked at your monitor before you. “What’s wrong? What's—” Tony tried to put his hand on your shoulder, but you flinched.

“Get out,” you breathed, your chest rising and falling.

“What?” Tony said, but you couldn’t even look at him.

“GET OUT!” You screamed. 

Natasha’s the one who pulls everyone out of the room and shuts the door as you close your eyes and try to think about something else and slow your breathing.

You have 10 fingers and 10 toes.

You can smell the coffee that Tony left behind. 

You could see the little squiggly lines behind your eyelids.

You could taste your own mouth, which was gross, but it was better after the water.

You could feel the soft sheets under your fingers and wondered if it was because this was practically Tony’s private medi-bay that it was so luxurious. 

Slowly, you began to calm down, the oxygen from the nasal cannula helped greatly, and you pressed your palm to your eye. 

That was so embarrassing. 

You were losing your shit over fictional people.

Except, they weren’t.

Not anymore, not in this universe. 

You were feeling too much at once.




Cautiously elated. 

But mostly just anxious.

One step at a time, you told yourself. Figure out the situation now, and then think about what you will do after understanding what’s happening now. 

You take a few more moments to collect yourself, preparing to see everyone again. 

They were strangers.

They didn’t know you, and you didn’t know them. No amount of comics and movies could ever change the fact they were real people and have their own nuances you didn’t know about.

You press the help button at the side of your bed and wait patiently. 

Tony is the one to stick his head back in first, cautiously. 

You nodded at him, and he came through slowly, and you feel bad. 

“I’m sorry,” you apologize, but Tony just shrugs, and you know he gets it. 

“I can just tell everyone to go back if you just want to rest today. I’m afraid you can’t leave here until things are settled though,” Tony says, and you can tell he’s trying to be sympathetic about keeping you here, but you can tell he’s not. 

You don’t mind. 

Mostly because you have nowhere to go.

Or maybe you did but just didn’t know where it was?

“No, it’s fine,” you shook your head. “I’d rather get it over with now.”

“Are you sure about that?” Tony narrowed his eyes at you. 

You nodded, and he relented. 

“Alright,” he hummed. “ Meet the Avengers.”

Part 2

The Colliding Tides of You - Masterlist

Pairings: [AVENGERS x Bi!READER ]

- WandaNat x Reader

- Stucky x Reader

- Tony Stark x Reader

Summary:You hadn’t known what happened. One moment, you were running for your life. The next moment, you were falling from the sky and your only hope was calling the one number you had to save you. You were in a universe where the Avengers existed and you had no idea what to do. You fight between doing what’s right and what feels right. Do you return to your own universe or do you stay with the people you love?

[Set after AoU and canon divergence after.]

Warnings:18+. polyamorous relationships. F/M, F/F, F/F/F, F/M/M. Eventual smut. Explicit Sexual Content. Canon-level violence. sugaring relationship. Angst. Explore themes of domestic violence and family issues. Domestic fluff. Slow Burn.

Note:Yeah, I said reader gets with everyone. What about it? LOL This is my self-indulgent fic. Therefore, sporadic updates but we’re here for the fun! Chapters with sexual content will be marked with a *. There are no set amount of chapters, so I will add as I go :)

Main Masterlist|Library Blog

Chapter 1: Falling Into the MCU

Chapter 2: Meet the Avengers

Chapter 3: The First Outing

Chapter 4: The Nightmares

Chapter 5: The Dilemma

Chapter 6: The Attack

Chapter 7: Comforting Wanda

Chapter 8: Finding Bucky

Chapter 9: Forgiving Steve

Chapter 10: Growing Feelings


The Colliding Tides of You | Part 2

Pairings:[AVENGERS x Bi!READER ]

- WandaNat x Reader

- Stucky x Reader

- Tony Stark x Reader

Summary:You hadn’t known what happened. One moment, you were running for your life. The next moment, you were falling from the sky and your only hope was calling the one number you had to save you. You were in a universe where the Avengers existed and you had no idea what to do. You fight between doing what’s right and what feels right. Do you return to your own universe or do you stay with the people you love?[Set after AoU and canon divergence after.]


Series Masterlist

Note:I’m praying this post makes it into the tags LOL



“Are you okay?” Steve asked politely with a touch of concern, but his eyes narrowed in mild suspicion.

“Yeah,” you replied stiffly, but you didn’t look at him. “It’s just…stuffy in here, is all.”

The room could fit at least fifteen more people comfortably, but none of them commented on it.

You briefly look up and catch Wanda’s eyes. Your cheeks grow hot before you look away quickly. You wonder if she or Vision could read your mind right now. A flash of annoyance passes through you at the thought, but it passes quickly because there was nothing you could do about it.

“I had FRIDAY run your name, prints, and a facial scan. There was one match,” Tony said, and you felt a wave of relief that the variant of you here existed. You felt bad that you may have taken over her body, but it at least meant you had your own resources. You looked expectantly to keep going when the silence stretched too long. But Tony just stared at you, a frown marring his face. 

“She’s dead.”

It was like the air in the room was sucked out, and you’d been punched in the gut.

All that relief came crashing into dread.

You felt stunned, but Tony just scowled at you.

“She died last week—hit by a car. So, explain how it is that you’re here. Did you actually survive? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“No. I don’t know. I—” You started but stopped abruptly. What were you supposed to say? You didn’t know how to explain this situation either. 

“I told you, I don’t belong here,” you whispered. 

“Right…” Tony drawled. “Another universe, that’s what you said.”

“Another universe?” Steve spoke up, and you could picture his brows were furrowed. You wouldn’t know. You were still pointedly looking away from his face. 

“Is that even possible?” Natasha mused, but she didn’t sound like she’d written your truth off. You thought about turning your head to look at her, but you couldn’t.

“Why not?” Wanda jumped in. Her accent was thick and heavy, and there was a tiredness to her. “There are whole planets, galaxies, and universes out there we don’t know about. Maybe she’s jumped into ours.”

“Why would she?” Tony asked but then looked at you. “Why would you?”

“I can't—” You frowned. “I don’t know how I did it. I didn’t even know I could.”

“Start from the beginning,” Natasha said gently, but you still didn’t look her way. 

“I was…running.”

“Running?” Steve caught onto your pause. “Running like a morning jog or running like…”

“I wasn’t in a great situation before coming here,” you say curtly. “I worked at a nightclub to pay off some debt. I got along with my coworkers and boss fine, but it’s a shady place. I didn’t have much of a choice if I wanted to pay the bills. One night, I was walking home after my shift, and something felt wrong. I heard footsteps behind me, but no one was there when I turned to look.”

You were pinching the blanket while everything listened intently. “I was starting to get freaked out. I started to walk faster, and then I heard footsteps again, but this time when I turned around, people werechasing after me. They were shouting at me to stop, but I wouldn’t because who the fuck would in that situation? And then I heard the gunshots and thought this was some kind of mugging. I threw my bag on the ground, but that didn’t stop them.”

You didn’t dare to look up. What if no one believed you right now?

“I was running and running, but then everything turned white, and when I could see again, I was falling from the sky. My body was still mine; the clothes I had been wearing were mine. I even had my phone, but the only thing in it was Tony’s number.” You turned to see if you found your phone, but Tony interrupted.

“I have it, and I did a complete scan and breakdown of it.” Tony tried to see if you were offended by the massive privacy violation, but you didn’t react. It was like you understood his actions.

You stared at him. “So, did you find anything?”

Tony stared back at you for a long moment before he shook his head. 

“Nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact that my number had been programmed into your phone for a long time.” He said the last part so slowly as if he was trying to get used to the idea that you might be telling the truth. 

You only nodded because you had no idea what to say to that. 

Tony eventually sighs, rubbing his face. “Well, obviously we’re not going to find the answer tonight. Let’s just call it a night and let you get some rest. You should be all better tomorrow morning. FRIDAY will monitor your vitals to make sure everything is okay.”

You nodded. People murmured an awkward goodnight to you, but you only looked in their general direction with a small thanks.

Tony stayed until everyone left, and you relaxed your shoulders a bit. 

“Getting comfortable, are we?” Tony snorted as if it were a joke, but you merely stared at him until he looked back at you.

“You saved me,” you murmured. “Even though you had no idea who was calling you or who I was, you came.”

“Just hero things,” Tony shrugged but looked hateful at the words. “If it had been anyone else, they’d do the same.”

“Perhaps,” you nodded. “But it was you. And Steve and Natasha can’t fly. You’ve brought me here to get medical care as well. But I’m going to be honest and tell you I can’t afford the medical bills. I have no money to speak of.”

Tony actually cracked a smile at that and shook his head. “On the house. Billionaire things.”

You smiled back at him. “Thank you, Mr. Stark.”

“Call me Tony.”


“Tony,” he mocks glares at you.

“Tony,” you nodded. 

You were tired, but you didn’t want to fall asleep just yet, and Tony was just gazing at you curiously. 

You were staring at the ceiling, thinking of idle things that just add to your worry.

“What are you thinking about?” Tony asked, and you looked back to him before looking back up.

“I can’t afford shampoo.”

You hear a guffaw and look back to see Tony looking incredulous. 

“Seriously, after everything that’s happened to you and the situation you’re in now, that’s what you’re thinking about?”

You nodded. “A girl needs a quality shampoo and conditioner…okay, honestly a girl needs a lot of things. But I’m thinking I want to shower tomorrow morning and I can’t even go out to buy shampoo.”

You sighed, bringing your hand up to your face to rub at it tiredly.

“I have no citizenship docs, no ID, no cards, no bank, no money…how does one get that from a dead girl?”

“Relax, once we get this situation figured out, I can get those things for you no problem,” Tony said nonchalantly but he couldn’t stop thinking about how off this was. For someone who was just an average girl in another universe, you were strangely calm about the situation you had found yourself in.

Tony didn’t bring it up, though. He didn’t feel or trust that you’d tell him the truth.

You gave him a half-quirked smile. “Thanks. I’ll pay you back somehow.” You go back to mulling over the things you’ll need to do. “I need a job…a place…New York is so expensive…”

“You’re just going to leave?” Tony exclaimed in shock.

You shrugged. “I don’t want to burden everyone, and I don’t want to be a science project either. I can figure it out…probably.”

“No, no, no, no,” Tony shook his head. “You can’t leave here. There’s no one else in this place you know, right? You’re just gonna be out there alone? Do you not know how dangerous this universe is? Just tomorrow there could be another alien invasion or a robot attack or whatever’s next in line to break our shit.”

You looked mildly uncomfortable about being alone, but you’re more worried about the accords coming up and being caught by the government as some kind of freak to study.

“Listen, I can protect you while you’re here. I’m the richest man alive with a lot of power. If you don’t want to become a science project, I get it. But Banner and I are your best bet on helping you figure this all out.”

You pondered it over. You were reluctant to stay because staying meant inevitably changing what was supposed to happen and what if there were consequences to that? Something worse than what’s already supposed to happen?

“I…I need money still.”

“If you want to work because you like working, then we can find you a decent job. If you don’t want to work, don’t worry about money,” Tony shrugged as if it were no big deal. But you just feel embarrassed about his insinuation.

You tried to joke it off instead. “What, am I going to be your sugar baby?” You laugh nervously. 

Tony looked shocked at your words, and he was about to deny it, but then he began to think.

Pepper had just left him. He was tired, and honestly? He was a little lonely too. You were pretty and funny. You had a sharp tongue, which Tony liked, but you knew how to be soft too. And most importantly, you knew him. Tony doesn’t know how you know, which does miff him, but the point is that you do. 

It was a solution that would benefit everyone. He could keep a closer eye on you too.

“Yes,” Tony finally said as he came to his conclusion. “Be my sugar baby.”


Tony made his way back up to the Avengers’ kitchen, where he knew the rest of them would be. 

“Hey, fellow social pariahs,” Tony greeted everyone as he went to grab an apple. 

“How is she?” Natasha asked.

“She’ll be fine,” Tony waved it off. “The oxygen deprivation was probably the worst. She’ll be a little sore but she’ll walk it off tomorrow.”

“This is so bizarre,” Clint shook his head. “We just beat a homicidal robot and now we’re dealing with someone from another universe? We seriously can’t catch a break. Laura’s going to kill me.”

“Relax bald eagle,” Tony rolled his eyes. “She’s not our enemy. She’s just a scared and lost lady. Granted, I am a little suspicious but she clearly isn’t a homicidal woman bent on our destruction.”

“Wanda, what did you think of her? Vision, you too,” Steve asked as he turned to the two. 

Wanda shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t pick up much. Just static thoughts here and there. She was weirdly concerned about being unable to buy things like shampoo or a brush.”

Tony snorted but waved it off when people looked at him. 

“I didn’t either,” Vision frowned. “Perhaps because she’s a being from another universe, we can’t pick up much. Or whatever that liquid that she allegedly said spilled on her has affected her biology. It would explain why she was able to jump universes. The question is obviously what was the liquid and can she jump universes again.”

“I think if she could, she would’ve by now. But then again, it might be too dangerous for her to return right now based on her story. We need to find out who that VIP client was she was talking about and if they have something similar here. We need to keep her safe.”

“You seem awfully sure of her,” Steve slightly narrowed his eyes at Tony. 

“Well, I am the person who has spent the most time with her thus far. Also, I have to defend my sugar baby.”

“Your what?” Steve’s brow furrowed, but Natasha sighed.

“Tony, you didn’t,” the redhead looked angry with him.

“I did,” Tony rebutted. “And she agreed to it, albeit a little reluctantly but she did.”

“Tony, you know nothing about her,” Natasha shook her head. “I know you’re taking the breakup with Pepper rough, but is this really a good idea? Even if she’s not someone just trying to use you, she’s vulnerable right now.”

“A-bub-bub!” Tony held out his finger, clearly not wanting to hear more about it from Natasha. “I’m fine, and she’s fine with it too. She’s a grown woman and she’s also the one who set the boundaries, so it’s not what you’re all thinking, alright?”

He tried to not smile as he recalled your look of shock and immediate refusal. 

There had been a talk about boundaries because you said you weren’t going to sleep with him—which honestly did offend him a little, but Tony assured you that you didn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to. 

“What? Am I that ugly?” Tony quirked his brow at you.

“It’s not that,” you shook your head. “You’re objectively good-looking—”

“That somehow feels like an insult—”

“And you’re funny even if sometimes unbearable and I know you can take care of me financially but I’m not just going to sleep with you. I don’t even know you.”

Tony was going to argue that you did, on some level, you did. 

“Listen, you need to relax. Who said I wanted to sleep with you, anyway? Maybe I just want your company. I’m alone too, you know.”

“Pepper will come back,” you muttered, and it only affirmed to Tony that you did know so much more. 

“Even if she does, I want your company right now. It doesn’t have to be sexual,” Tony crossed his arms over his chest. “You can work if you want to but just know that I’m not making your documents to make you some kind of stellar genius ready to be VP of any company. The best job you can get is probably retail or a barista—although these places are strangely asking for a lot of qualifications for minimum wage.”

You grimaced at that, and Tony almost felt bad for pigeonholing you into agreeing to stay, but all he could think of was that you’d disappear. And Tony can’t let anything else in his life disappear right now.

You sighed. Honestly, you can’t even imagine working some grueling job right now with everything going on. But this was weird for you.

“If I want to work, you can’t stop me,” you warned him, and he nodded. He really didn’t care if you worked as long as you stayed. 

“I also don’t care about luxurious gifts or whatever it is. I just want to be able to get what I need.”

Tony snorted. “You’ll have your own card. I don’t care what you spent it on. I might ask if you spend more than 10 grand a day but I’m not going to stop you.”

You balked at the thought of spending 10 grand a day.

“I wouldn’t even know how,” you shook your head. “I just wouldn’t.”

Tony shrugged. 

“I want my own room.”

“There’s plenty in the compound or you can stay at my place, which also has a lot of rooms.”

You didn’t answer where you wanted to stay, mostly because you didn’t know. 

“There are things I don't—can’t talk about.”

“Same here,” Tony looked bored.

You sighed one more time before nodding.


“Okay?” Tony smiled. 

“Okay,” you emphasized, feeling embarrassed. “Shut up. I’m not calling you daddy either.”

“Bummer. I’m kind of into pet names.”

Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/Reader/Wanda Maximoff

Summary: Y/n gets caught in a lie and leaves her caught between her former lover and current one.

Content: smut (18+ only, MINORS DNI),slight dubcon, rough sex, degradation, slight humiliation, pet names (’princess’, ‘baby’), name calling (’slut’, ‘bitch’), pet play (use of the word ‘puppy’ and ‘puppycunt’), fingering, oral, strap-on sex, use of a cumming strap-on.

Masterlist||Saturday Sleepover Masterlist

Natasha is quick to deny that she was ever a jealous person. Y/n liked to tease her about, not letting up on her until her girlfriend was shutting her up.

She would describe herself more as a “possessive” person because she doesn’t get upset when people flirt with Y/n. She knows how her girlfriend looks — she knows there will be lingering eyes and people attempting to get with her. Y/n is quick to let them know she is taken which makes Natasha feel proud. Although Y/n is usually diligent about telling people off, she wasn’t telling one particular person to leave her alone.

They got invited to some birthday party, and the only reason why Natasha agreed to go was because so many of her and Y/n’s mutual friends were going to be there. They didn’t really know the guy whose birthday it was, but they showed up with gifts and were welcomed in. Natasha had left Y/n out of her sight for one moment to grab a beer. That one moment turned into ten minutes when she was stopped and distracted by Steve and Sam.

“No one thought you would come,” Steve was less shocked than his words let on. It’s a running joke in their friend group that Natasha doesn’t leave the house unless Y/n is dragging her out the door.

“I wasn’t, but Y/n convinced me.”

Steve’s eyes flashed to Sam’s before he looked back at his friend in front of him. Natasha narrowed her eyes at that. Steve doesn’t necessarily have the best poker face and he can never keep his mouth shut. So him being oddly silent is very noticeable. No matter how much Sam tries to fill the dead air with random babble, Natasha is still stuck on Steve looking…nervous? She can’t quite place her finger on what his face is trying to convey, but she knows it’s not good.

“Where is Y/n? Why isn’t she with you?”

“I was only meaning to grab a beer before you too stopped me…why?”

“Just wonderin’”

Now Natasha was really confused. Steve, nor Sam, didn’t follow up about wanting to see her and say hello after a few weeks of them not hanging out. There was no way Steve was just curious. Natasha didn’t like how out of character Steve was acting, but she decided to shake it off. She’s at some random guy’s birthday party and it would be pointless to try to get to the bottom of why Steve is acting like this. She shrugs it off and waves them goodbye, telling the two men that she’ll probably come talk to them again, this time with Y/n in tow.

There were quite a few people here. Some faces were familiar while others weren’t. Natasha is unsure how she never met the birthday boy before if they have this many mutual friends. It took a while for her to find Y/n, but when she did spot her, she was in the living room. However, she wasn’t alone. She was talking to someone Natasha has never seen before. And, they looked like they were morethan just talking; they were outright flirting with each other. Natasha was slightly ticked that Y/n seemed to be enjoying the situation, leaning in and giggling like a schoolgirl with someone who Natasha thinks is a stranger. She parses through the crowd, not caring if she was slightly bumping into other guests, to get to her girlfriend.

“Hey. Am I interrupting something?” Natasha’s stark voice ended the conversation between the two women. Y/n looks up and her face completely falls. She looks up at her girlfriend with a sheepish look as if she’s been caught.

She truly wasn’t doing anything wrong, but Y/n really didn’t want these two to meet. She just got caught up in conversation that she forgot what her initial plan was when they came. The look on Natasha’s face is intimidating, but only Y/n seems to be affected by it.

“Hi, I’m Wanda.” She sticks her hand out for Natasha to shake it, like any polite person would, but Natasha instead folds her arms. Wanda brings her hand back into her lap in defeat. ‘She must be a jealous one’ she thinks to herself as she looks over at Y/n. There is tension in the air but she maintains a smile on her face. Everything feels so electric yet they’re the only three people in the room who feel it.

Y/n clears her throat before saying, “this is my friend Wanda.”

Y/n has plenty of friends, and Natasha has met all of them. This is the first time she’s hearing about anyone named 'Wanda’. If they’re close enough for Y/n to practically all over her then Natasha should know about her. Natasha knows that Y/n is not telling her the full story because she read it all over her face that she’s been caught.

“Nice to meet you,” Natasha forces out. Her jealousy was palpable, making Y/n so uncomfortable that she feels like she’s drowning in it.

Someone had bumped into Natasha followed by profusely apologizing. It worked to snap her out of her annoyance at Y/n and this situation for a moment which gave Wanda a chance to escape.

“I should probably go catch up with one of my other friends. It was nice seeing you again, and it was so nice to meet you Natasha.”

Wanda ducked out before anything else could be said. Natasha watched her slink away from them before turning to look at Y/n. She wasn’t going to say anything about what happened just yet, but Y/n already knows Natasha has a million and one questions for her.

“Who was that?”

Y/n lets out a weak sigh before responding with, “an old friend.” There is no reason to be nervous if she’s telling the truth, right?

“How come I’ve never met her before?”

“She doesn’t live in the city. I don’t know — it’s just never crossed my mind for the two to meet. I haven’t seen her in a long time.”

“Were you too close?”

“Sort of.”

That was a lie.

Y/n was lying straight to Natasha’s face just to save herself from having to explain a long story.

Wanda wasn’t just an old friend and they weren’t “sort of” close; they had dated for two years. Things between them were well, and Wanda would even say it was the best relationship she had at the time. Which is why she was blindsided when Y/n said she wanted to end things. She said that she hasn’t felt in love with her for some time, but Wanda couldn’t believe that. It wasn’t even necessarily true either. Y/n only broke things off because she felt herself having feelings for Natasha. She loved Wanda and as hard as it was to make her suffer through a break-up that came out of the blue, it would have been much more painful if Y/n had cheated on her.

By some miracle Natasha and Wanda never crossed paths until now despite having mutual friends. None of their closest friends brought her up. Now Natasha is recalling back to Steve being odd earlier and she wonders if it has to do with this Wanda person being here at the same party with them. She doesn’t know the full story, but she knows there is more than her girlfriend is letting on. She’s only scratched the surface.

Everyone around her was in such a jovial mood, even her girlfriend who was pretending like everything was alright, but Natasha’s mind was stuck on Wanda. Once the jealousy had subsided she became intrigued. She finds herself wanting to know more about this person her girlfriend is oh so comfortable with, but didn’t tell Natasha a thing about. She excused herself from Y/n who seemed to be relieved that Natasha didn’t seem so mad at her anymore.

Her eyes scanned over every single person as she roamed around the apartment until she spotted exactly who she was looking for outside on the balcony.

Wanda nearly jumped at the sound of the glass door sliding open. She had been out here for a good 30 minutes without interruption. She was shocked to see that it was Natasha, the woman she assumes is Y/n’s girlfriend. All the years and she didn’t think to lurk on Y/n’s social media accounts to see if she was seeing someone. A part of her was still hurt and confused by Y/n’s sudden change in feelings for her. She didn’t want to be reminded of what happened by being nosy and checking out her facebook.

“Hey,” Natasha says weakly. She’s not as fiery as she was earlier.


They shared the same feeling of wanting to know more about each other. Wanda can tell Natasha isn’t the type of person to fold so easily so it was something that she had presumably come to look for her. But, she wasn’t going to be the one to initiate things. Wanda on the other hand had no shame in asking.

“Are you seeing Y/n?”

“We’re dating…have been for nearly three years now.”

Wanda thinks about the timeline in her head. She doesn’t have enough evidence to believe that Y/n cheated on her, but they broke up near the end of the year. Her and Natasha would have had to start dating in October or November for them to be reaching a three month anniversary. There was just no way Y/n broke up with her and then suddenly found someone new to date within a few weeks or a month of their relationship ending.

“She didn’t tell you about me, did she?”


Natasha walks over to Wanda and joins her near the railing of the balcony. The apartment has a nice view of the city, it almost distracts her from what’s heavy on her mind.

“You two dated, I assume.”

“We did. For two years. We even lived together.

Natasha felt lied to. Y/n truly wasn’t obligated to talk about her past relationships, but she had kept so much from her and lied that she can’t help but feel some sort of resentment towards her girlfriend.

"That’s not what she told me.”

“What did she say?”

“That she hadn’t been in a relationship in a long time. She said she wasn’t seeing anyone at all when I asked her out. I don’t think she cheated on you with me, but I could be biased. However she was at my place an awful lot when we first began dating, so unless you never saw her at the end of your relationship…”

There is some overlap of Y/n being in her relationship with Wanda and meeting Natasha. She knew from the moment she saw her that she liked Natasha, but she didn’t act on her advances. Wanda feels a sense of relief knowing she wasn’t cheated on because the last days of their relationship was spent at their home together. She remembers those days so vividly; the two would barely talk to each other despite being in such a small apartment.

Wanda puts it all together and realizes she wasn’t cheated on, she was dumped for something new.

“You’re the person she left me for…”

Natasha tried not to feel guilty because she truly didn’t do anything wrong, however it seeps into her chest and it feels heavy. She felt like a bitch for being rude earlier for no real reason besides jealousy when it should be Wanda who feels some sort of way.

“I’m sorry,” Natasha says weakly. It’s hard for her to say sorry to anyone, but Wanda deserves it.

“Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault,” her voice is sweet yet she sounds so defeated at the same time. “I’m not mad at Y/n either. She’s always been sort of a free spirit, I was surprised that she even wanted to be in a long term relationship with me.”

“Don’t give her any passes. She lied to the both of us,” Natasha was thinking about how selfish her girlfriend was. She couldn’t help but wonder if Y/n would do the same to her if she got bored with their relationship. Natasha is sure her and Wanda could have worked it out (although the incredibly selfish part is glad they didn’t. Y/n has been nothing but faithful and dedicated to her, so she didn’t want to believe Y/n could dump her just to enter a new relationship).

“No, Natasha, it’s fine. I’m not upset about it like I used to be. I just thought that she had cheated on me which she didn’t. I’m happy that she’s happy. Plus I’ve been dating so it’s not like I’m losing any sleep over my past relationship.”

Natasha thought Wanda was too nice. If this had happened to her, as petty as it sounds, she would be dead set on revenge.

“Do you still think about her sometimes? In a romantic way? I don’t mean to pry, but I’m just so curious.”

“It’s hard not to, especially since dating can be so tough. I think about when things were simpler and we were together. But, I wouldn’t do anything to intrude upon your relationship. Like I said, she’s happy. She’s veryhappy with you and I don’t want you to be mad at her over this. I don’t think Y/n is the type to make what she did to me a habit. She just knows what she wants in life and that’s fine.”

Wanda’s optimism was oddly reassuring for Natasha. Her anger at Y/n was beginning to subside, but she still didn’t want to let her off the hook. Even if she just shook her up for a little bit she would be satisfied with that. She was always a vengeful person, something her friends and girlfriend reminded her of often, but revenge can just be so sweet and fun.


Y/n couldn’t find Natasha when it was time to sing happy birthday to the guest of honor tonight. She gave up looking after the crowd began to sing the second line of 'happy birthday to you!’. She didn’t spot her until ten minutes later. Her cheeks were pink, something that happens when she’s outside in the cold for a while.

“Hey, where were you?”

“Oh, I was just talking with someone,” she wrapped her arm around Y/n’s waist and pressed a kiss to her temple, “we got carried away talking about life. Did I miss the cake cutting?”

“You did, but there are still a lot of slices left.”

“That’s fine. I just feel bad that I missed singing happy birthday with all of you…guilty even.”

“I’m sure he won’t mind,” Y/n says, as oblivious as ever.

“Let’s go home now.”

“You sure? It’s still pretty early,” she checks the time on her phone. “It’s only close to 8:30.”

“I’m sure. Someone’s coming with us.”


She wondered who it was. It wasn’t uncommon for Steve or another one of their friends to come to their place after a party to wind down.

“They’ll meet us there.”

Y/n was confused, but she received no clear answer from Natasha; not even during the car ride back home. Natasha being so tight-lipped about it made her suspicious. Nothing seemed to be wrong, but Y/n can’t help but be a bit weirded out by her girlfriend’s behavior. Natasha is not the type to hold back or keep quiet, so it must be something she wants to keep from Y/n. Or, it just might now be a big deal. Y/n weighs the probability of her making this into something larger than what it really may be. She calms herself and just enjoys the rest of the ride.

She feels a bit of anticipation dancing inside of her the elevator ride up to their apartment. She didn’t know who to expect to be there waiting for the two, but the last person she would have ever thought to be standing outside of their apartment is there.

“Wanda? W-What are you doing here?”

Y/n visibly tenses up. Natasha almost laughs at her reaction and the stupid look on her face. She can’t believe Y/n is so shocked by this. She should have seen it coming, but maybe her girlfriend was just so concerned for herself that she didn’t consider this happening at all.

“She’s just here to have a chat. Let’s go on in,” Natasha gestures towards the front door. Y/n holds the key in her shaky hands. Natasha’s voice is smooth and soft, which should be reassuring, but it only makes Y/n feel more nervous. She struggles to get the front door open, but when she does, she’s being pushed into their dark apartment.

“You have a lot of explaining to do, Y/n,” Natasha coos in a taunting voice.

There is a little bit of light as the city lights peak through the sheer curtains. Y/n felt two hands on her shoulder, guiding her forward until she was walking down the dark hallway.

“Open the door,” Natasha commands.

Y/n feels for the door knob of their bedroom door before she accidentally bangs her hand against it. There is so much adrenaline pumping through her veins that the pain doesn’t even register. She opens the door in a hurry and feels herself being pushed towards the bed. She allows herself to fall onto, just to have a moment where she’s not in her body.

“W-What’s going on?”

“Don’t you think you’ve asked enough questions already? I don’t want to have to shut that precious mouth of yours up,” Natasha begins to caress Y/n’s face, “we want to hear you moan.”

Y/n was too shocked to speak. Her mouth was agape and left Natasha with the opportunity to slide two fingers into her mouth.


Y/n obeys, too afraid to not do anything Natasha asks of her.

Wanda closes the door behind her and she comes to stand by Natasha. There is more light in their bedroom, but the light casts a menacing shadow over the two women towering over her.

“Submissive, just like I remember. Glad to see nothing has changed,” she begins to pet Y/n’s hair while she continues to suck on Natasha’s fingers.

Y/n’s eyes go from Natasha to Wanda and back and forth. She feels like she’s stepped into the twilight zone, but everything is so real as evidenced by their touch leaving a burning mark on her skin.

“She is. And she’s going to move higher up on the bed and spread her legs for us, isn’t that right?”

Y/n nods her head, lips wrapped snugly around Natasha’s fingers before they’re being pulled out with an audible pop. She doesn’t hesitate to follow the instructions Natasha gave her. She moves herself to the middle of their bed and spreads her legs. She curses herself for wearing that skirt to the party. Natasha told her it was too cold to be wearing it, but she didn’t listen to her. She hopes they can’t see her panties in the low light, that they can’t see the wet spot that formed on them in the last few minutes.

The bed dips as Wanda comes behind Y/n. She pulls her back into her embrace before her hands are flying to her tits to grope them. Y/n gasps at how rough her touch is. Wanda, although dominant over her, never was this rough with her when they were together. She’s reeling as everything moves so quickly and Natasha is pulling her panties off.

“She’s fucking dripping,” Natasha smirks. “Should’ve known my slut girlfriend was going to be turned on by this.”

Natasha’s fingers slide into Y/n’s pussy. She nearly groans at the feeling of her warm walls around her finger; so hot, sticky, and wet.

Y/n lets out a pathetic whimper. It feels so good even though she doesn’t want it to. Wanda’s hands are only making her feel better. She begins to unbutton her blouse so she can get to her tits without the barrier of fabric being in her way. She pulls the cups of Y/n’s bra down to expose her tits.

“Her nipples are so hard too. I’ve never felt them this hard.”

They were both laughing, laughing at her.

Their voices tangled together as they spoke at the same time; Y/n’s head was spinning. She had two fingers inside of her and two toying with her nipples. Her watery eyes made it hard for her to see Natasha between her legs.

Natasha moves her fingers in and out of Y/n’s pussy agonizingly slow. She doesn’t want to get her off just yet, she only wants to tease her and get her warmed up. The three of them can hear the sound of Y/n’s pussy squelching around Natasha’s fingers and she’s so embarrassed. There was no way she was going to be able to hide how wet she was once she got into a room with them. So many questions plague her mind, but they’re forced out every time Natasha pushes her fingers in deep. She hits a particular spot that makes Y/n moan loudly.

“You like that don’t you baby?” Wanda asks, her mouth dangerously close to her ear. Y/n was taken back by the pet name. She waited for a reaction from Natasha, any sign of jealousy that would lead to Y/n being out of this embarrassing situation, but she didn’t seem to care.

“I should make her cum for us already, shouldn’t I?”

“I think so.”

Y/n whines until her mouth is being covered by Wanda’s hand. Her muffled cries still fill the room as Natasha picks up the pace of her fingers in her pussy. Wanda attaches her lips to her neck and sucks at her ticklish skin. Y/n closes her eyes as she drowns in overwhelming pleasure. It doesn’t seem like the two are going to stop after this, but she’s already so tired and has yet to cum.

Natasha curls her fingers inside of Y/n and that’s what sends her girlfriend over the edge. She cries into Wanda’s hand as she cum around the fingers invading her. Natasha hums in approval at the feeling of Y/n’s slick coating her fingers. She pulls her fingers out and wipes the excess juices on Y/n’s inner thigh.

“Such a perfect pussy,” she fawns. She leans down to give a kiss to Y/n’s inner thigh which makes her shiver. “What did she use to call her, Wanda? Was it puppy?” Y/n’s eyes fly open and she meets Natasha’s heavy gaze. Her girlfriend has a smug smile on her face. She seems to know how much weight that little pet name holds and what it does to her. Y/n was already embarrassed, but it was even more mortifying that hearing that name that made her even wetter. The only way her girlfriend would know about what she did with her ex-girlfriend is if she and Wanda discussed it together. Her brain finally plays catch up and she realizes that Natasha was with Wanda the entire time she was missing at the party.

“Mhm. My cute little puppy,” Wanda kisses her cheek, “she was always so good for me too. Always whiny for me to play with her puppycunt and make her cum. She was so lucky that I was always gentle with her, even when I was mad at her.”

They talked about Y/n as if she wasn’t in the room. She flinched hearing Wanda refer to her pussy as a 'puppycunt’ just like she used to years ago. It was so degrading, yet she finds herself like the mix of Natasha and Wanda’s dominance. They’re so different yet she feels an equal amount of pressure coming from both of them.

“Show her how sloppy your puppycunt is.”

Natasha forces her legs wider apart and Wanda slides from behind her so she can join Natasha at her level.

“She still gets so wet when she gets spoiled. We didn’t even touch her poor clit and yet she’s still so damn wet.”

Just as she finishes speaking, Wanda brings her hand down on Y/n’s clit with a light tap. It’s not even that harsh, but it makes Y/n’s body jerk and a whine falls from her lips. She’s just so sensitive that anything they do to her makes her squirm.

“Wet enough to get her pussy filled.”

Natasha stands up and walks over their nightstand. The bottom drawer has all the toys Natasha needs whenever she wants to have her fun with Y/n in bed. Y/n thought it was silly to keep them so close, but Natasha likes to be prepared at all times.

Wanda undresses herself while Natasha is looking for whatever she’s looking for. Y/n is on the bed, still looking dumbfounded about everything happening. The last time Wanda saw her like this, they were deep in their relationship; years ago, but it feels just like yesterday. Wanda spots the strap-on in Natasha’s hand before Y/n does.

“Get on all fours,” she instructs.

Y/n knows what’s coming next, but she looks to Natasha for permission. Natasha gives her an approving look and Y/n gets on all four. Her skirt is bunched around her waist, but her blouse had been pulled off by Wanda who was greedy to touch her pretty tits.

With her face resting against the bed and her ass in the air, Y/n was completely exposed. She gave up trying to resist what was happening because every moment brought her nothing but pleasure. She doesn’t like to be humiliated but for some reason it was turning her.

“Good little puppy,” Natasha pats her ass as she stands behind her. The strap-on is fastened and ready for use. She holds the shaft and aims the head at Y/n’s slit. “Good pets get a nice, big treat.”

Natasha’s words are followed by her pushing into Y/n’s pussy. Y/n rocks forward and gasps at the feeling of the girth stretching her out. She cried as loud as needed to, as loud as her body would allow her. Natasha rests a reassuring palm on her lower back. She wants to have fun, but she also wants to make sure Y/n is good. The small motion of her hips moving back lets her know that Y/n is hungry for more.

Wanda watches them for just a little bit. She feels like she’s peeking in on an intimate moment, or a porn video, but she remembers whyshe’s here. She lays on the bed, sliding herself in front of Y/n. Natasha notices that she’s there and grabs a handful of Y/n’s hair to pull her head off the bed.

“C'mon…show me how you use to go down on her since you use to do it a lot.”

Y/n was obedient, diving into Wanda’s pussy after being commanded to do so. She wraps around Wanda’s thighs and eats her out like she’s starved, proving Natasha’s comment to be right. Wanda tastes just like she remembers. Y/n licked a wide trail from the bottom of Wanda’s pussy to her clit. Her ex-girlfriend throws her head back at the sensation of her sweet tongue on her pussy. It’s been a while since someone has gone down on her and she’s missed it so much. But, she believes, at least in the moment, that no one would be able to compare to Y/n. She knows her so well because she always paid so much attention to what made her tick. Y/n knows exactly what spots make Wanda cry and beg for more. Her moans would make it seem like Wanda was the submissive one in the situation.

As Natasha pumps into Y/n’s pretty pussy harder and faster, it makes her moan against Wanda’s sex. She can’t believe that Natasha is letting this happen. Her grip on her ass is so tight that Y/n knows that there is still some jealousy that bites at Natasha as she watches Y/n between another woman’s leg. Her anger at Y/n must run deep for her to let this go on.

“Is she doing a good job?”

“Yea…yea…so good,” Wanda moans dreamily. Her voice makes Y/n lick harder, work harder for her approval. Wanda pulls her head back up and looks at her ex-girlfriend between her legs, lapping at her like she’s missedher or something. Pleasure swims in Y/n’s eyes, but she keeps her mouth firmly planted on Wanda’s wet pussy. Her tongue slides over every inch before pushing against her slit. She pushes her tongue as deep in as it can go, but it doesn’t fill Wanda up like the way Natasha is filling her pussy up.

Y/n feels like she’s in heaven sandwiched in between two people that she really cares about. Natasha’s pace is brutal, she’s really taking her frustration out on Y/n’s poor pussy. She grabs her hair and pulls her head back once again, but this time she’s much harsher.

“Say your sorry,” her voice was so forceful, so mean that Y/n whines.

“I’m sorry!” Y/n cries out. Small moans slip between the cracks of her words as Natasha keeps her steady pace of fucking her nice and hard.

Natasha lets go of her and Y/n scrambles to get her mouth back on Wanda’s cunt.

“Needy little puppy. Such a sweet little mouth,” Wanda coos. She feels nostalgic for the time this was a common occurrence. She misses them being together, but she knows Y/n is happy with Natasha. She indulges in this feeling of being spoiled by Y/n and that pretty mouth off for what will probably be the last time. “You’re going to make me cum.”

Wanda pats Y/n’s head and lightly grinds her pussy against Y/n’s mouth. Tears well in both of their eyes as they together get closer to their highs. The cock inside of her hits Y/n’s sweet spot and she moans loudly into Wanda’s pussy. It feels so good that her mind is stuck on stupid. She’s enjoying being both Natasha and Wanda’s bitch even if it’s just for the night.

“Make her cum, or else I’ll pull out and not let you cum all night.”

Y/n starts to panic. It wasn’t like she didn’t plan on making Wanda cum, but the threat had made her become even more eager. Natasha pushes her face deeper into Wanda’s cunt as she gives Y/n long, hard strokes. The angle she’s in makes it easier for her to reach in deeper. Their skin slaps together loudly with every harsh stroke. She’s doing a number on Y/n’s poor pussy, but she deserves it.

Y/n wraps her lips around Wanda’s clit and sucks on it. Wanda doesn’t stand a chance against the mouth she loves so much and she starts gushing against her face. Y/n moans at the feeling of cum coating face. She’s drunk off the taste of Wanda’s pussy and doesn’t want to stop, but she has to once Wanda pushes her head away. There is a dazed look in her eyes when Wanda makes eye contact with her.

“Good girl, good puppy,” Natasha coos. She delivers three more thrust to Y/n’s pussy and the slut beneath her is cumming. Y/n grabs onto Wanda’s hands and squeezes them to relieve all the pressure built up in her body as she cums.

“That’s it baby, cum for us,” Wanda says as both her and Natasha begin to praise Y/n for being such a good girl. She feels all giddy inside yet lazy at the same time.

Natasha pulls out of her, leaving her feeling empty.

“C'mon princess.” She grabs Y/n’s arms and pulls her up. Y/n is easy to move around, like she’s a rag doll. Natasha grabs ahold of her face and Y/n comes to her senses for just a quick moment.

“You gonna let Wanda use your pretty pussy?” Y/n nods absentmindedly, a stupid smile on her face, “of course you are. Such a stupid little puppy for us,” Natasha presses a kiss to her forehead before letting her go.

Y/n whimpers as she falls onto the bed again. She’s staring up at the dark ceiling as she waits for whatever they want to give her. She feels her hips being grabbed and her lower-half being adjusted. She feels the head of the strap-on being pushed into her again. She looks up and sees that it’s Wanda’s pushing into her. Y/n’s pussy is so sensitive but it feels so good that she doesn’t complain.

“That pussy of yours can never be satisfied, can it? You always had a greedy little puppycunt.”

Wanda was thrusting into her with a steady pace. She was not as brutal as Natasha’s but to Y/n’s overstimulated pussy it made no difference. She was whining about how good it felt.

Natasha was comforting her while Wanda fucked her. She had taken her frustration out on her pussy, but now she was feeling slightly remorse. Although she shouldn’t feel so bad because it’s so rewarding seeing the stupid, fucked out look on Y/n’s face.

“She’s going to fill you up, okay?”

Y/n was lost in the throes, but Natasha’s words registered within seconds. She must’ve given Wanda the strap-on that cums. Y/n never knew they made such a thing until she got with Natasha.


“No waiting honey.”

There was a wicked smile on Natasha’s face. This was her and Wanda’s time for enjoyment. They let Y/n have her fun, but now it’s time to remind her that she needs to be put in her place.

“I’m gonna cum inside of you puppy,” Wanda’s tone is so sweet and comforting.

“She needs her pretty pussy filled up. She loves feeling it ooze out of her pussy.”

“I bet she does. Eager little slut.”

“Such a pretty puppy.”

“Cum for us sweetheart, cum puppy.”

Y/n is so overwhelmed by their words. They reduce her to nothing but a pussy for their enjoyment and it makes her cum. She lets out a pathetic whine as she cums for the third time tonight. The tears in her eyes finally slid down her cheek. She has no more energy left in her as her body becomes so lazy. 

“Awe, don’t give up on this now.” She nudged her girlfriend, but she didn’t budge. Natasha recognizes that they’ve pushed her to her limit. She was already overwhelmed and it would probably do more harm than good to push her even deeper into subspace. “It’s okay baby,” she coos over her as she wipes the sweat off of her forehead.

She’s been fucked into exhaustion a handful of times, and this is one of them. The last thing she remembers is hearing Natasha and Wanda talking about her while only a few feet away. She’ll deal with the consequences of having lied to her girlfriend about her ex-girlfriend and for how she ended her relationship with Wanda. That day may be tomorrow, or it may be one of the following days to come. But, for right now they decide to leave her alone.

“I hope we didn’t go too hard on her.” Wanda was always concerned about pushing Y/n which is why she was never too rough with her when they were together. However, she seemed to be used to and enjoy the treatment she received from Natasha.

“We didn’t. She’ll be fine. It’s not like she didn’t enjoy it either.”

The two were now fully dressed and Natasha was seeing Wanda out. There was a comfortable silence between them as they walked to the front door. It feels good to have no animosity towards each other. Natasha got all her frustration out when she was fucking Y/n. She still wants to talk about it, but it won’t be a conversation fueled by lust.

“See you around?” Wanda asks as she stands partially outside of Natasha and Y/n’s apartment.

“Yea, I’ll see you around.”



.・゜-: ✧ :- ゜~.・゜-: ✧ :- ゜~.・゜-: ✧ :- ゜~

Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader

Warnings: none, this is pure fluff~

Word count: 1,028

Summary: You wanted to surprise your girlfriends with breakfast but accidentally drop a pan.

A/N: I haven’t posted a fic in a hot minute but I am back with some WandaNat fluff we are just going to ignore the fact that I’m procrastinating finishing the first part of my dark!wanda series. Okay I was trying to do my mechanics assignment and failed so I started writing instead. Btw most of this was written while sitting on the ground in a very crowded train, I thought you should know that. Also “asscrack of dawn” was brought to you by the wonderful @charturnus so go and say thank you to her. I hope you enjoy reading this, let me know what you think~

.・゜-: ✧ :- ゜~.・゜-: ✧ :- ゜~.・゜-: ✧ :- ゜~

*GIF is not mine*

„SHIT“ you whispered as the pan hit the floor. It was 7 in the morning and you had tried to be quiet. You wanted to surprise your girlfriends with breakfast and therefore got up extra early so you would be done as soon as Natasha came home from her morning jog. She always left before the asscrack of dawn, but never had breakfast before exercising anyways, so being ready when she returns would be fine.

Keep reading

This was so PRECIOUS


Don’t Wake it Up

Summary:You just wanted to drink away your midterms, instead you catch the eyes of some of the most prominent people in the country.

Pairing: Kate Bishop x Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader (alludes to)

Genre: Dark intro fic

Word Count:5.8k

Warnings: Murder, Blood, kidnapping, Magic Use, Weapon Use

*Let me know if I missed anything*

A/N: This is going to be a *DARK* fic. It won’t always be blunt with the dark themes, different scenes will be written in a lighter tone even if it has to do with dark themes. There isn’t actual smut, but there are allusions to sexual themes.. BUT there will be plenty of smut down the line (;

This defintely got longer than anticipated BUT had to give the sarcastic, sassy, and hilarious Wipsy (reader insertnickname) a good start (: Hopefully you guys like it!!

Gentle Sin Master List

**MINORS DNI** **18+**

Keep reading

..Installment 2 is coming…

The Chronicles of a Sweet Toy

ATraining Grounds Mini Series

Summary: The sweetest Toy is finally home.

Warnings: Ageplay (Think that’s it, let me know if I missed anything)

A/N: This is the last of the Chronicles! Thank you guys for sticking around, and if you haven’t gotten the chance to read them all then the other 6 volumes are linked below.

Hopefully you all fell in love with the sweetest little toy like I have

***Minors DNI***No Smut rn but this is an 18+ Universe***

|Vol. i |Vol. ii |Vol. iii|Vol. iv|Vol. v|Vol. vi|Vol. vii|

You were so happy that midterms were over, and that you were finally back with your favorite people. The three of them sent random videos and updates throughout the week but it wasn’t the same. Spending the week with Peter was so much fun though and you absolutely loved how smart he was, and how much he didn’t care about the ban on junk food. 

Wanda had decided that the four of you should take a weekend trip to celebrate so you were in the back with Kate as Natasha drove you all towards a small house outside the city. “We’re almost there gi-” As the witch turns around to look at you two she notices that you’re sleeping, her eyes flash scarlet as she quickly takes a peek at your dreams. Filled with dinosaurs and puppies she shares a nervous look with the ginger as she pulls into the driveway. 

The widow walks around the car, watching as Kate is directed by Wanda to help carry the bags, before slowly opening your door. Kneeling down she pushes the hair out of your face, rubbing your cheek softly. “Cmon little detka, we’re here.” Watching you with a smile as you start waking up, rubbing your face against the palm of her hand. 

A whine tears through your lips, muffled, as you try to hide from the setting sun. “Sleepy Daddy.” 

Natasha sighs, slipping her arms under you as she lifts you up. You curl up in her arms, burying your face, whimpering with each rustling step. The ginger shushes you as she steps through the threshold of the house, chuckling as she watches Kate run around excitedly. Letting you slip down her body, you plop down as the door closes. 

You watch with a pathetic look on your face as the other three start figuring out what to have for dinner. It’s the archer’s excessive pouting for delivery pizza that gets interrupted by a computerized voice, “Welcome home Rushman and Red Mist. I have scanned and I recognize Little Hawk is here; along with what seems to be the mini form of the Forbidden Trinket. Sending delivery to your undisclosed location, using your Stark credit card now. Accessing pizza preference, would it be your usual?” 

Before either Wanda or Natasha can say anything, Kate screams yes and happily dances as the AI confirms their order and delivery time. “Not that I’m not grumpy that you guys are using Stark technology, when you know I own an entire security company that has superior security and AIs. No offense..” The brunette’s sentence trails off as the AI replies with, J.O.C.A.S.T.A. “…okay. You have a long name. I’m going to call you J. Not that J isn’t cool, but mine are cooler. But like.. Where are we and what kind of security is this? Your door isn’t even locked.” 

Wanda sighs as she hears the widow start bickering with Kate, walking over to where you’re staring out the window with your thumb in your mouth. “Did you miss it here Little One?” A gentle kiss on your forehead makes you wiggle in your spot, a cheeky grin clumsily spreading across your face around your thumb. 

Natasha slumps into the chair next to you, grumpy as she listens to all the security issues of the house. “It’s OUR house Mutt. Mine and Wanda’s. The security is just FINE. Do you not feel safe with us? You know we can protect both of you.” You curiously watch as the two fight, trying to figure out how serious it is. 

Kate rolls her eyes at the redhead, walking over to you. She smiles gently, her ocean eyes clearing momentarily as she winks at you. You watch as her face morphs back into a pout as she looks at the Russian. “I do, and you know that. Not that I need either of you to protect me, just saying, Either way though, I could protect your house so much better with my technology. I’m not disagreeing that Tony has amazing tech, but he doesn’t deal with normal residential security as we do.” Your archer glances at you as you chew at your thumb, sighing as she stalks over to her backpack. “Our focus is bringing that big amazing security that only companies and governments usually get to the homes of our people, and clients and governments.” She’s pulling your thumb out of your mouth as she continues to try and give her side of security speech, shushing you as you whine. You glare up at her, grumpy and completely put out. “Don’t give me that look, baby Sweets.” The pout is short lived as she pops your paci into your mouth, booping the purple dinosaur on the shield.

“All I’m saying is I get that Tony found you this house, but I would love to be able to give you guys better security and we could even give you a special AI. I have mine, and I ended up putting Sweets’ in their apartment.” At the mention of your name you swing your head around, giggling as the loose paci clip thumps against Kate’s thigh. She smiles down at you, ruffling your hair as she makes quick work of clipping the arrow patterned clip to your shirt. 

The entire interaction no one is paying attention to Wanda, who’s just staring at the archer and you with her jaw hanging open. “Not that this little quarrel isn’t entertaining, but are we just going to ignore the stray and her purple pacifier?” At the mention of your beloved paci, you clamber into your Mommy’s lap. Babbling around the paci in your mouth as you try to look down at it, describing different parts of it to her. The witch is quick to tug gently at the ring hanging from your mouth, teasing you as you try to glare at her. 

Natasha sits up straight now, watching you curiously as you tug relentlessly at the clip attached to you. ‘Yeah, mutt, we knew you knew about our little toy but you apparently really knew.” The ginger’s eyes follow as Kate walks over to her bag again, pulling out a floppy golden dog. The archer’s body language is a little tense now, slowed down, and the awkwardness is almost seeping from her. 

She sighs as she makes the dog’s paw wack you gently in the head, eliciting a squeal from you. Rubbing your face in its fur, you stumble to crawl into your Daddy’s lap. Shoving Prince Pizza into her face as you show her your friend. The smile you receive as you mumble makes you wiggle in her lap, happy to be around all three of your favorite people. 

“Ms. Natalia, the pizza delivery boy is approaching. The total will be 47.79$, the suggested tip would be at least 20$ taking in the amount of driving he just had to do.” J.O.C.A.S.T.A.’s voice interrupts Kate’s train of thought as she automatically just grabs a few hundred dollar bills out of her wallet, chuckling as you start talking to the AI. The CEO quickly answers the door, smiling and telling the kid to keep the change. 

By the time she comes back you are dragging the older two Avengers to the table, the moment she sets the food on the table you’re looking through the boxes for your food. “I mean we didn’t do it often, or well I guess she didn’t slip often. But yes I did get her a couple things. Mostly just the paci and Prince Pizza. The thumb thing is gross.” The archer rolls her eyes at you as she watches you take toppings off of each pizza as you struggle to find your own food. She slides the small box towards you, watching you wiggle in happiness when you see your favorite box. A personal pepperoni pizza, a couple cheesy bread slices, a few boneless wings, and mini cinnamon sticks all in a cute little lunch tray style box. 

The older women don’t answer, nodding silently as everyone settles down to eat dinner. Easy conversation happens as you babble about cartoons and everything you know about your favorites before Kate easily gets you to talk about every dinosaur you know. The routine is surprisingly easy for the four of you, despite this being the first time being in this situation all together. Wanda put all the leftovers away and got the couch set up, Natasha got you changed into comfy pajamas, and Kate picked a movie with snacks. 

You waddled in with your paci in your mouth while dragging Sir Spikes behind you, and clutching King Wiggles in your arm. Daddy was behind you trying to juggle the blanket, pillow, hoodie, and Prince that you demanded you needed downstairs. Wanda and Kate were sitting on the couch, where the lights were dimmed and blankets with fairy lights hovered above them, creating a dome. Crawling onto the couch, you stumble and land awkwardly in between the two brunettes. You watch with careful eyes as the ginger trudges in behind you, dumping everything but Prince Pizza onto the couch.

Mommy swipes the floppy pup, making him fly around above you; relishing in the giggles the actions receive. Kate settles back into the ginger’s arms, the two watching as you try to catch the floating stuffed animal. Natasha is mumbling against the archer’s shoulder, quietly as to not disturb the cuteness but loud enough so the younger girl can hear her. Apologies and promises to talk about changing security, the widow softly smiling as the CEO starts talking about what kind of equipment she can bring into the house. 

Rise of the Guardians is playing in the background, a movie that Kate had introduced you to and you were obsessed with now. You were poking at her, trying to get her attention but she was entirely too focused on the quiet conversation she was having with Daddy. You plop back down on your butt, glaring at her. Mommy is snacking on popcorn slowly, snickering at your put out expression. 

The grunt as you kick your feet some is muffled by the paci still in your mouth, and your glare gets as scary as possible. Your pokes at Kate’s thigh are getting more aggressive, but she just shushes you with a teasing smile before going back to the conversation at hand. 

You just catch the gaze of Daddy, who just smirks at you with a teasing wink. Finally you pathetically flop down to bury your face into the archer’s tummy, ignoring the yelp of pain she lets out when your pacifier digs into the soft skin there. She’s helping you look up at her now, giggling a little at the glare on your face. Waiting patiently for you to speak, your anger leaves your body as she runs her fingers gently through your hair. Leaning into her touch a mumbled “Puppy” leaves your paci filled mouth, and you close your eyes to soak up the archer’s warmth. 

What you miss are the tears filling her eyes as she stares down at you in awe, and the soft looks gracing Wanda and Natasha’s faces. Kate tries to collect herself, but a few tears leak from her eyes. The witch kisses the archer’s temple, letting praising thoughts leak into her mind. The widow smirks happily, bumping her forehead against the younger girl’s shoulder. A proud wink sent her way as she leaves soft kisses along the back of her neck.

The three fall into a comfortable silence, watching the movie, as you cuddle sleepily into Kate. Your legs are in Mommy’s lap and you’re gripping at Daddy’s pants. Even if it’s a little uncomfortable, there isn’t anywhere you would rather be. 

Tag list: @simplysimping999@8bitscarlet@simpfornatasharomanoff@yourtaletotell@s1ut4nat@simpforflorencepugh1@theperfectlovestory@katebishop-ladyarrow@widowbitessting@uraveragequeer@didujustcallmedumb@inluvwithfictionalwomen@ali-lie

Schedule of fanfic updates :)

  • the heiress- hopefully tomorrow
  • bride of the witch and the widow- friday
  • burden of proof- saturday
  • steak time- friday too

work has been kicking my ass, i need a break

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) and Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) [WandaNat] Masterlist

Marvel Masterlist|Main Masterlist|Join my taglists
DR — Daughter!Reader
As a reminder, I write Wanda Maximoff as Jewish and Romani like in the comics.


Battle of the Fever [DR] — Natasha and Wanda return from a mission to find their daughter sick.
