#bsd the guild


A Human Experience | H.P. Lovecraft x Reader

Request:Heyoo :”) Can you do a fluff BSD Lovecraft x female reader where the reader is like,, trying so hard to show some affection to Lovecraft but always ended up being a blushing mess?? And he’s trying so hard to figure it out what I’m trying to say or do or something (idk if this makes sense lmao) Basically wholesome stuff going on except the reader is always flustered lmfao, ;w; or probably like if he’s tryna give the reader a present or something and all that blushing thing happened AJASJSHSJ IDK IF THIS REALLY MAKES SENSE LMAO

Pairing: H.P. Lovecraft x Reader

Summary:Somehow you managed to rope yourself up with what you’ve decided to call a God. Lovecraft has been with you for long while and he continues to fascinate you everyday. Slowly but surely, you’ve become rather affectionate of him as you help him slowly become more and more human.

His own emotions will leave you breathless.


A/N: This one was actually quite cute to write! I hope you enjoy it and I’ve done the request some justice. :)



Lovecraft has a very peculiar gaze.

He is neither bored nor entertained. He observes quietly but remains oblivious. One cannot tell if he is listening or not. Perhaps he simply doesn’t care.

However, if you watch him long enough, you’ll know him a little better. His shifts in expression are small and rare. He does in fact, feel amusement from your jokes and his soft unyielding gaze will often travel beside you.

Lovecraft does not leave your side often but when he is beside you, one may notice that his peculiar gaze will reveal a little more than before. The shine in his eyes is unmistakable. And if someone is very lucky, they may even spot the rare smile he reveals.

You walk beside Lovecraft even now as he watches the path ahead of the both of you. He towers above everyone as they move aside for him. He reaches out a hand and gently grasps your elbow, tugging you closer towards him allowing the sea of people to give you more leeway to walk without bumping into every second person. You blush slightly at the feel of his long fingers against your skin. Cool and comforting as always. Today, your godly companion has asked you to take him somewhere that you like. You believe he said something about trying to find a human experience.

You cough gently to get his attention and his eyes snap towards you.

“You certainly attract a lot of attention. Perhaps it’s because you’re beautiful”

He cocks his head towards you and leans down even more, his long hair cascades over his shoulder and gently brushes against your cheeks. He moves even closer. He didn’t hear you.

You blush and quickly stutter out, “The store is only a road away. We make a left here.”

He nods once but sends you a confused look and leads you around the corner where the crowd thins out considerably. He releases his grip on your arm. You suddenly feel very exposed.

“Thank you.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t want you getting lost.”

Your face heats up as you clear your throat awkwardly. You send a silent prayer that he doesn’t notice how much you’ve been blushing today. may the Gods have mercy. You wave your hand in the direction of the book store up ahead. A sign sits above the door. Novel Bound is deeply etched into the wood, the timber appears to be splintering in some places but the sign still stands strong. It’s one of the oldest book stores you know and by far your favourite.

Lovecraft’s eyes slide over the sign before he steps into the store. You follow suit and take a deep breath. The smell of strong coffee and old books washes over you. The door closes behind you and the rest of the world drowns out. The store has a quiet that would almost be deafening if it weren’t for the occasional light footsteps and the classical music that breathes into the air. The most magical part of the store would be it’s towering bookcases that cover floor to ceiling. Pillars of dark oak teeming with knowledge.

Lovecraft walks through the store taking in all the details. He reaches out a hand and runs it along the wood. He caresses the grooves. His eyes pass over a selection of American fiction novels, halting for a second on a novel titled The Shadow of time, before he walks away moving from bookshelf to bookshelf. He moves like a ghost, a whisper between the shelves.

You catch his eye as he passes you. Despite his usually expressionless gaze, you can read the curiosity in his eyes. His usually enigmatic gaze reveals his excitement to you. You didn’t think an old bookstore would excite him so much. But perhaps, even he would not be immune to the feeling the timeless bookstore bestows upon its customers.

You leave Lovecraft to his own devices and begin to search the store for a book that catches your attention.


Crime and Punishment sits firmly in your grasp as you search for Lovecraft. When you find him, you find yourself simply unable to breathe.

Sunlight cascades through an open window. Golden hues fall across his pale complexion as he sits on a chair, flipping through a novel. The light accentuates the sharp plains of his face and adds a flush of colour to his lips. His hair falls like a river of ink around his face. His gaze studies the book carefully, a slight furrow between his brows. The world simply doesn’t breathe as he cocks his head thoughtfully.

You hold your breath. Even if you didn’t already know, it would be at this point where you would believe he is a God.

You hesitate, not wanting to shatter his moment of peace but also not willing to disturb the sight of him. Like a ripple in a pond, you would hate to break the moment of absolute stillness. You wish you could capture this exact moment on a painting for a picture could never contain such beauty. But perhaps a painting could aptly express how endearing the sight is. Unfortunately, he glances up and watches you coolly. You move towards him and on impulse, you reach out a hand and brush it across his hair. You retract your hand quickly. You instantly redden. How bold.

“You’re very… Um.. is that the book you would like?”, you choke out. Handsome, you wanted to say handsome but his eyes swallowed you too quickly and too deeply. You’re surprised you were even able to get so much out.

He rises to his feet and nods but the crease between his eyes persists. You lead him to the till and pay for both books. Leaving the store is never pleasant but Lovecraft walks beside you with a sure stride and you begin to head home. But, the sun is beginning to droop in the sky, and you change course suddenly and speed up a little. The store is close to the ocean and you drag Lovecraft behind you, steps never faltering, as you bring him to a sight you know will simply take his breath away.

The sun drops to the horizon line, casting vivid colours across the sky. Hues of pink and deep oranges leap across the sky. Lovecraft rests beside you and watches the sun disappearing intently. He is silent. His gaze is sharp. He drinks in every little detail, every soft change of light.

“Pretty”, you say, and he nods. But your eyes are no longer watching the sky nor the ocean.

He turns to look at you with his deep grey eyes. A gaze that buries into you. It erupts butterflies in your stomach and burns down every coherent thought you can possibly attempt to muster.

“Very Pretty”

He quirk an eyebrow at you, possibly the most human expression you’ve ever seen him make. You flush.

“Wait here”, he says before turning and disappearing into the crowd. How he managed to simply disappear while being so tall surprises you. He must be moving very quickly

He reappears a second later and places a bottle of water into your hands. Water?

You shoot him a puzzled look but before any words can come out he places the palm of his hand flat onto your forehead. He places his other hand on his own and everything clicks. He’s checking your temperature.

“Are you feeling okay? You seem a little warm.”

“I-I’m fine. Why would you think I’m ill?”

“You’ve been strange. You’ve been coughing a lot today”, he points at your face. “And you’ve been very red the whole day.”

The gods betrayed you.

For a second you genuinely don’t know if he’s mocking you but you recall his words from this morning and realize that he’s dead serious.

“I’m not sick.”

Lovecraft shakes his head, “Is your throat sore? The book says that if your throat is sore you could have the flu.”

“What book?” you ask.

He shakes his head and opens the water and pushes it into your hands again. “I found a book earlier. You’re still red, drink some more water. Humans need a lot of water.”

He places a hand on your cheek and for a moment, he looks genuinely worried. The furrow between his brows deepens even more as he takes in your current state. “You’re warmer.”

Of course I’m warmer, you keep getting closer and closer. You’re not sure how to explain the difference between the flu and having a crush, to a God. But he leans over you in a way that blocks everyone off and your head keeps spinning. Perhaps, having a flu and having a crush feel the same. You take a sip of your water. You turn towards him. He’s leaning over you so closely that his hair creates a curtain that blocks out the world.

“You’re very close”, you whisper. He makes a move to step away but you grab onto his jacket and hold him to you. Perhaps you are feeling too bold. But he says nothing and wraps his arms around you.

“Are you sure you are okay?” He asks. You fall into him, allowing his earthy scent to swallow you whole. Perhaps, it’s the lapping of ocean waves, or the buzz of the emerging nightlife or even just his presence alone but you feel quite at peace. Drowsy even.

“I don’t know why this upsets me so much.”

You smile, “perhaps you are beginning to care about a human.”

Of Course, shouldn’t Gods care about humans.

Lovecraft has a way of surprising you every step of the way. Ever since you first ran into him.

Even now, as he leans down and brushes his lips across your forehead. He surprises you. You still beneath him. His hand reaches for your chin and his long slender fingers angle your face towards his.

His gaze is sharp and intense but soft all the same. You feel like glass beneath his touch and for the first time. You can see a million conflicting emotions in his gaze.

He leans down once again but his destination has changed as soft lips brush against your own.



Because It’s You (Part 2) | H.P. Lovecraft x Reader

Request:A Part 2 of their future together.

Pairing: H.P. Lovecraft x Fem!Reader

Summary:(Soulmate AU), From birth you’re soulmate has always been a mystery even his mark was hard to decipher but as he stands before you, you realize that there is far more to the man they call Lovecraft.

A continuation of the first part told in a collection of short drabbles.




Lovecraft certainly had a few secrets and many talents hidden up his sleeve. Literally.

Roughly three years have passed since you first laid eyes on him. You absently thumb over the mark as you think back on all the moments that you two have shared. It’s been a peaceful three years, despite his initial reluctance. The Guild hasn’t bothered you once, nor the Agency.

You lean forward, lighter in hand as you press it against the wick of the tall white candle. You go down the row and light up each one as you pass. The candle’s warm glow illuminates the room and casts shadows across the walls as you fidget around the table.

Two plates of food sit on the table, both steaming with a meal that you have prepared to the best of your abilities. You turn and fetch the ice bucket from the fridge and a bottle of fine red wine which you place onto a separate smaller table nearby along with a neatly wrapped gift.

The sound of a key turning in the lock alerts you. Lovecraft has finally arrived. You quickly duck behind the corner of the wall, allowing the deep shadows to hide your presence as you watch him step into the room. The soft thudding of his footsteps pause.

“Love?” He asks while stepping into the light. The light highlights the sharp angles of his face creating deep shadows. His eyes however are warm.

You step out from behind the corner, a smile on your face, you say, “Happy three year anniversary.”

You shyly lick your lips as he walks towards you. He reaches out his arms and encases you into a warm hug. His cool lips brush across your forehead.

“Happy three year anniversary”, he murmurs.

“Do you like it?

He chuckles and nods his head, “I love it.”

You reach for the present you got him and hold it out. A ghost of a smile lines his lips as he tears away at the paper. You brought him a pair of soft gloves with his initials sewn into it seeing as all of his other ones have been destroyed. He holds them up to the light and gives them an appreciative nod.

“Hmm, I like them.”, he says. Truly a man of few words but you’ve known him long enough to know that he truly likes them.

You take the wrapping paper and turn away from him to cast it into a bin you placed nearby when a loud thump has you whipping your head back to him.

For a moment, you think he has fallen but instead he kneels before you with anxiety flitting across us eyes. He reaches into the pocket of his midnight cloak and pulls out a small box. He holds it up to the warm glowing light and pops open the velvety lid.

“Will you marry me?”

His question has the world crashing around you. Every memory shared together comes to mind and for a moment you are thrown back in time to the image of a man who wants almost nothing to do with you. A man who frowns constantly and has a presence that could make the world go still around him. Whose face was carved from unyielding stone that reveals nothing. You compare him to the love of your life who kneels before you. His anxious and warm eyes stare up at you.

And you nod. You reach for the ring as tears prick at the corner of your eyes. He immediately stands up and goes to cradle your face. Tears are now falling freely. He rubs his thumb soothingly over your cheeks.

“I’m sorry”, he says, “I don’t want to see you cry.”

You shake your head and finally choke out the words that need to be said, “Of Course I’ll marry you. I Love you.”

“Shh, don’t cry.”

“You let out a laugh, people cry when they are happy too. I’m just so unbelievably happy. Thank You, Howard. Thank you for giving us a chance.”

He smiles faintly as his thumb brushes your lip. “Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for loving me back. If you are happy, then I will be too. If you are sad, then I will be here to comfort you and if you are angry, I will break down the world with you.”

You chuckle. You know he’s serious.

Finally, he slips the ring onto your finger. The light catches it beautifully and you simply wish to stay in this moment forever. But then you would miss the future and every moment you will spend alongside him.

“I Love you”, you murmur. The words seem to slip freely of their own accord. “I will always be here for you.”

He murmurs it back. Sweet promises and words of infinite love surround you as his lips press against your own.


“Why is Mommy so fat?”

Howard spits out his tea and coughs loudly. He reaches for the jug of water and pours himself a glass before taking slow slips.

“Now, I wouldn’t say she’s getting fat.”

The little boy, Oliver, looks up at his father with his brilliant violet eyes. They reflect his clear disagreement as he says, “She’s super big, Daddy. She wasn’t this big last year.”

“That’s very smart of you to notice”, says Howard. Oliver gives him a ‘No duh’ look and Lovecraft quickly tries to think of a way to explain it, or make up an excuse. Perhaps, explaining pregnancy to a six year old isn’t the best idea.

“Well, uh, you see…”, Crap. How did Y/N explain it? “She’s going to continue getting very big and then one day… Um.. the belly will go away and then you’ll have a little brother or sister.”

“What does any of that have to do with having a brother?”

Crap. Are six year old’s supposed to be this perceptive?

“Ask your mother.”

“Ask me what?”, you say as you walk into the dining room. You walk up to your darling little Angel and kiss him on the cheek before walking over to your husband and pecking him on the lips. You pour yourself a glass of water before holding the glass to your lips.

“Mommy, why are you fat?”

You spit out the water. Oliver throws you both a look of horror.

“Oliver, it’s not very nice to ask people that.”

Maybe Howard should’ve said that too and avoided the conversation. But you can’t randomly bring a baby home without telling him. Oliver stays quiet before he pipes up, “Dad says that when the stomach goes away, I’m going to have a brother or a sister.”

You think for a second before ruffling your son’s hair, “Would you like a brother or sister?”

He thinks for a second before slowly nodding. You smile and kiss him on the forehead.

“I know you’ll be the best of friends.”

Howard nods in agreement. He reaches out his hand and grasps your fingers in his own and begins to rub soothing circles onto your hand. A habit he picked up years ago. For Howard, it’s almost like his own way of telling you that he approves. Well done, you’ve done a good job. You turn your hand around and slip your fingers together. You rub circles onto his hand. You send him a wink. Yeah,wehave.


“Well, are you going to be okay on your own?”, you ask.

Howard drops the last box on the floor of the cramped dorm room. He looks over it once and gives a disapproving scowl.

“Maybe it would be better to rent an apartment”

You can’t help but nod in agreement. Olivia immediately shoots up and cries out a NO.

“The dorm is perfect, it’s a good way to make friends in the first year.” Olivia’s long dark hair falls over her eyes as she looks up defiantly. Well, it’s her college experience after all. She may do as she pleases.

After helping your 18 year old daughter move into her new dorm, you and Howard disappear. You walk towards the car hand in hand. His thumb rubs over yours.

“We’ve done well”, he says. His eyes shine with bright intent.

“That’s the final bird.”

“I wouldn’t say the nest is empty though.”, he squeezes your hand. “We still have each other, we always have.”

You smile up at him. Although age was withered away at the both of you, he still looks gorgeous. His sharp features are still prominent even as his skin begins to sag. You admire him.

Over the years, his soft hidden smiles have become full on grins and you watch as smile simply graces the world with its presence. True Beauty

You take a strand of hair behind your ear as you look away. The rest of your lives. Somehow, that doesn’t seem like enough time. You wish to never leave his side. You squeeze his hand tightly and he squeezes back. He pulls you into his side as you walk away from the University. The nest only has two birds left. A new chapter is beginning.


“How long have you been here?”

You do not have to move your eyes to know Oliver is standing a few feet away. His violet watches you as he approaches the bench. He sits himself beside you. Flowers in hand.

You mull over the question, “I think I got here around ten this morning.”

He checks his watch and swears under his breath, “Mom, it’s one in the afternoon.”

You smile, “Don’t get cheeky with your mother.”

You finally turn away and look at him. He’s grown into a fine man and a spitting image of his father. “I’ve been here for a while, yes, but these days, I don’t have much to do.”

“You really miss him”, he says, not so much as a question but rather as a statement.

You stand up and kneel before the tombstone, running your hands along the letters:

Howard Philip Lovecraft.

“Of Course I do, the things that I would do just to hear him laugh again.”

“Dad didn’t really laugh”, Oliver says.

“He would, on occasion. It was a beautiful sound.”

Oliver nodded before setting down the flowers and lighting an incense. You stand beside your son, who’s long grown up. You think of his little sister. Well, she’s not so little anymore.

“Your sister?”

“She’s at home. She’s preparing the food.”

You nod again. These days, you don’t say as much as you used to. Age is slowly catching up. You break out into a fit of coughs. Oliver leaps from his chair and comes to support you. You feel frail next to him but fear does not grip you. Not now. You will not be panicked. You rest a hand on Oliver’s arm, “Do not fret so much over me.”

“I only do it because you do not fret enough.”

“Hmmph, We all have our time, mine isn’t this soon.”

“Geez Mom, don’t say that”, Oliver stays silent for a beat before adding, “Aren’t you afraid?”

“Of death? Why would I be when I know he is waiting for me?”.

You smile as you turn away from the sun. Smiling down at your son who swears that between the shadows he’s watching his mother become young again. A young Y/N who would breeze through the streets of Yokohama dodging danger and somehow ending up with a wanted criminal. Who was daring and bold and yet so deeply in love with a strange traveler.

And the young maiden and the strange traveler were never truly apart after meeting. Fate truly has a fascinating way of entangling lives.

But the shadows fade away and you are walking away. Walking onto the next step. Tying up the rest of your ends and enjoying the rest of your life. Howard will always be there. He will always wait. You know he wants you to finish first and then, you will move on together.


