#bungo stray dogs fic


A Human Experience | H.P. Lovecraft x Reader

Request:Heyoo :”) Can you do a fluff BSD Lovecraft x female reader where the reader is like,, trying so hard to show some affection to Lovecraft but always ended up being a blushing mess?? And he’s trying so hard to figure it out what I’m trying to say or do or something (idk if this makes sense lmao) Basically wholesome stuff going on except the reader is always flustered lmfao, ;w; or probably like if he’s tryna give the reader a present or something and all that blushing thing happened AJASJSHSJ IDK IF THIS REALLY MAKES SENSE LMAO

Pairing: H.P. Lovecraft x Reader

Summary:Somehow you managed to rope yourself up with what you’ve decided to call a God. Lovecraft has been with you for long while and he continues to fascinate you everyday. Slowly but surely, you’ve become rather affectionate of him as you help him slowly become more and more human.

His own emotions will leave you breathless.


A/N: This one was actually quite cute to write! I hope you enjoy it and I’ve done the request some justice. :)



Lovecraft has a very peculiar gaze.

He is neither bored nor entertained. He observes quietly but remains oblivious. One cannot tell if he is listening or not. Perhaps he simply doesn’t care.

However, if you watch him long enough, you’ll know him a little better. His shifts in expression are small and rare. He does in fact, feel amusement from your jokes and his soft unyielding gaze will often travel beside you.

Lovecraft does not leave your side often but when he is beside you, one may notice that his peculiar gaze will reveal a little more than before. The shine in his eyes is unmistakable. And if someone is very lucky, they may even spot the rare smile he reveals.

You walk beside Lovecraft even now as he watches the path ahead of the both of you. He towers above everyone as they move aside for him. He reaches out a hand and gently grasps your elbow, tugging you closer towards him allowing the sea of people to give you more leeway to walk without bumping into every second person. You blush slightly at the feel of his long fingers against your skin. Cool and comforting as always. Today, your godly companion has asked you to take him somewhere that you like. You believe he said something about trying to find a human experience.

You cough gently to get his attention and his eyes snap towards you.

“You certainly attract a lot of attention. Perhaps it’s because you’re beautiful”

He cocks his head towards you and leans down even more, his long hair cascades over his shoulder and gently brushes against your cheeks. He moves even closer. He didn’t hear you.

You blush and quickly stutter out, “The store is only a road away. We make a left here.”

He nods once but sends you a confused look and leads you around the corner where the crowd thins out considerably. He releases his grip on your arm. You suddenly feel very exposed.

“Thank you.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t want you getting lost.”

Your face heats up as you clear your throat awkwardly. You send a silent prayer that he doesn’t notice how much you’ve been blushing today. may the Gods have mercy. You wave your hand in the direction of the book store up ahead. A sign sits above the door. Novel Bound is deeply etched into the wood, the timber appears to be splintering in some places but the sign still stands strong. It’s one of the oldest book stores you know and by far your favourite.

Lovecraft’s eyes slide over the sign before he steps into the store. You follow suit and take a deep breath. The smell of strong coffee and old books washes over you. The door closes behind you and the rest of the world drowns out. The store has a quiet that would almost be deafening if it weren’t for the occasional light footsteps and the classical music that breathes into the air. The most magical part of the store would be it’s towering bookcases that cover floor to ceiling. Pillars of dark oak teeming with knowledge.

Lovecraft walks through the store taking in all the details. He reaches out a hand and runs it along the wood. He caresses the grooves. His eyes pass over a selection of American fiction novels, halting for a second on a novel titled The Shadow of time, before he walks away moving from bookshelf to bookshelf. He moves like a ghost, a whisper between the shelves.

You catch his eye as he passes you. Despite his usually expressionless gaze, you can read the curiosity in his eyes. His usually enigmatic gaze reveals his excitement to you. You didn’t think an old bookstore would excite him so much. But perhaps, even he would not be immune to the feeling the timeless bookstore bestows upon its customers.

You leave Lovecraft to his own devices and begin to search the store for a book that catches your attention.


Crime and Punishment sits firmly in your grasp as you search for Lovecraft. When you find him, you find yourself simply unable to breathe.

Sunlight cascades through an open window. Golden hues fall across his pale complexion as he sits on a chair, flipping through a novel. The light accentuates the sharp plains of his face and adds a flush of colour to his lips. His hair falls like a river of ink around his face. His gaze studies the book carefully, a slight furrow between his brows. The world simply doesn’t breathe as he cocks his head thoughtfully.

You hold your breath. Even if you didn’t already know, it would be at this point where you would believe he is a God.

You hesitate, not wanting to shatter his moment of peace but also not willing to disturb the sight of him. Like a ripple in a pond, you would hate to break the moment of absolute stillness. You wish you could capture this exact moment on a painting for a picture could never contain such beauty. But perhaps a painting could aptly express how endearing the sight is. Unfortunately, he glances up and watches you coolly. You move towards him and on impulse, you reach out a hand and brush it across his hair. You retract your hand quickly. You instantly redden. How bold.

“You’re very… Um.. is that the book you would like?”, you choke out. Handsome, you wanted to say handsome but his eyes swallowed you too quickly and too deeply. You’re surprised you were even able to get so much out.

He rises to his feet and nods but the crease between his eyes persists. You lead him to the till and pay for both books. Leaving the store is never pleasant but Lovecraft walks beside you with a sure stride and you begin to head home. But, the sun is beginning to droop in the sky, and you change course suddenly and speed up a little. The store is close to the ocean and you drag Lovecraft behind you, steps never faltering, as you bring him to a sight you know will simply take his breath away.

The sun drops to the horizon line, casting vivid colours across the sky. Hues of pink and deep oranges leap across the sky. Lovecraft rests beside you and watches the sun disappearing intently. He is silent. His gaze is sharp. He drinks in every little detail, every soft change of light.

“Pretty”, you say, and he nods. But your eyes are no longer watching the sky nor the ocean.

He turns to look at you with his deep grey eyes. A gaze that buries into you. It erupts butterflies in your stomach and burns down every coherent thought you can possibly attempt to muster.

“Very Pretty”

He quirk an eyebrow at you, possibly the most human expression you’ve ever seen him make. You flush.

“Wait here”, he says before turning and disappearing into the crowd. How he managed to simply disappear while being so tall surprises you. He must be moving very quickly

He reappears a second later and places a bottle of water into your hands. Water?

You shoot him a puzzled look but before any words can come out he places the palm of his hand flat onto your forehead. He places his other hand on his own and everything clicks. He’s checking your temperature.

“Are you feeling okay? You seem a little warm.”

“I-I’m fine. Why would you think I’m ill?”

“You’ve been strange. You’ve been coughing a lot today”, he points at your face. “And you’ve been very red the whole day.”

The gods betrayed you.

For a second you genuinely don’t know if he’s mocking you but you recall his words from this morning and realize that he’s dead serious.

“I’m not sick.”

Lovecraft shakes his head, “Is your throat sore? The book says that if your throat is sore you could have the flu.”

“What book?” you ask.

He shakes his head and opens the water and pushes it into your hands again. “I found a book earlier. You’re still red, drink some more water. Humans need a lot of water.”

He places a hand on your cheek and for a moment, he looks genuinely worried. The furrow between his brows deepens even more as he takes in your current state. “You’re warmer.”

Of course I’m warmer, you keep getting closer and closer. You’re not sure how to explain the difference between the flu and having a crush, to a God. But he leans over you in a way that blocks everyone off and your head keeps spinning. Perhaps, having a flu and having a crush feel the same. You take a sip of your water. You turn towards him. He’s leaning over you so closely that his hair creates a curtain that blocks out the world.

“You’re very close”, you whisper. He makes a move to step away but you grab onto his jacket and hold him to you. Perhaps you are feeling too bold. But he says nothing and wraps his arms around you.

“Are you sure you are okay?” He asks. You fall into him, allowing his earthy scent to swallow you whole. Perhaps, it’s the lapping of ocean waves, or the buzz of the emerging nightlife or even just his presence alone but you feel quite at peace. Drowsy even.

“I don’t know why this upsets me so much.”

You smile, “perhaps you are beginning to care about a human.”

Of Course, shouldn’t Gods care about humans.

Lovecraft has a way of surprising you every step of the way. Ever since you first ran into him.

Even now, as he leans down and brushes his lips across your forehead. He surprises you. You still beneath him. His hand reaches for your chin and his long slender fingers angle your face towards his.

His gaze is sharp and intense but soft all the same. You feel like glass beneath his touch and for the first time. You can see a million conflicting emotions in his gaze.

He leans down once again but his destination has changed as soft lips brush against your own.



Lilac Eyes| Poe x Fem!Reader

Request:Poe x female reader, Soulmate au, Fluff to smut, Sub reader and Dom Poe

Pairing:Edgar Allan Poe x Fem!Reader

Summary: (Soulmate Au) You are working for the local police form when your superior asks you to investigate a man that may or may not be tied to the most recent events concerning The Guild. However, as soon as Edgar Allan Poe steps through the door, you are no longer concerned about your investigation.

Warnings:NSFW, Fluff to Smut. Semi-Public sex,
Dom!Poe x Sub!Fem!Reader. Begging. Unsafe Sex (Do not do this). Self Degradation.

Word Count: 2730

A/N: Poe is so pretty that it was so hard to pick a picture to use. Thank You for the request >-<
Also I may have gotten a little carried away with the smut. Enjoy :)

18+ ONLY



“His name is Edgar Allan Poe”, Chief Tanaka says as he drops a file on your desk.

You glance at the yellow file over your mug of steaming coffee before extending a hand to lazily flip through it. The file contains very little. Most of the usual stuff, but nothing out of the ordinary. Although, despite having combed through his background, not many photos are listed. In fact it seems as though the most recent photo is six years old. How strange.

“He’s a detective from America, not exactly from a sinister background. The only thing odd would be the rest of his file. Where’s the last six years?”

“That is everything we know”

You quirk an eyebrow at your superior, not being able to hide your surprise. Surely not.

“It appears he went into seclusion six years ago, from there I believe he joined the guild.”

“The group that tried to destroy Yokohama? How come that isn’t represented here?”

The guild. An all American group that had travelled to Japan and almost destroyed Yokohama by dropping a giant airship on it. You’re not quite sure what their end goal was, only that they disbanded shortly after and most remaining members are on the run.

“The Armed Detective Agency has denied his involvement with The Guild. This is simply a hunch of mine that I’d like to investigate privately. I’d like you to track him and verify this. He often frequents a traditional restaurant in Oribu square. The owner contacted me this morning to let me know that he has a reservation at seven this evening.”

The agency has always been incredibly reliable. They’ve always solved cases with ease. Although, many of their members do seem rather strange. In any case, if the Agency says he’s unaffiliated with the guild then chances are, he’s unaffiliated with the guild. It would be a waste of resources to track him now. To continue the case would be to insinuate that the Agency is withholding information. You open your mouth to voice your thoughts but are met with a look of warning. This isn’t a matter up for discussion. Instead you cough awkwardly before shoving the papers back into the file.

“Of Course, Sir. I’ll leave in a moment. The matter will be resolved with haste.”


Two hours later you’re sitting in your car combing through the file again. At the end of the day, the most suspicious thing about him is his sudden disappearance for six years and his sudden move to Japan. And while the timing does line up a little too perfectly, it’s not quite enough to incriminate him. Where Chief Tanaka even found him is a mystery in itself.

Your eyes roam over the photo. It’s old. It’s also probably not very useful. His features are difficult to make out and his eyes are covered by his hair. Perhaps his face is handsome but the image makes it hard to tell. On top of that, it’s not as though he has lovely light purple hair. That would just make him stick out like a sore thumb to you. The only colour you can see is that of your soulmate’s eye colour but who on this planet would have light purple eyes. Perhaps the universe is playing a cruel joke on you. The colour is very pretty but too strange. How can it possibly belong to a person?

You shake the thought from your mind. Now is not the time.

You throw the file under the seat and slip out of your car. It’s about time you meet this mysterious man for yourself.


The restaurant is very fancy. Traditional Japanese styled and decorated with what appears to be priceless artworks. You dress up nicely to fit in, donning a short strapless dress that hugs your figure well. You only hope that the colours work together. You walk in and meet with the owner who informs you that Poe has yet to arrive. He leads you to the private room that was set aside, you enter but leave the door open. For a brief moment, you wonder if he really is affiliated at all or if you’re just chasing after a defenseless man. You glance at the private room. A defenceless man with a lot of money.

Out of the corner of your eye you see a flash of purple. The light lilac colour slashes across an interesting looking painting. Various shades of grey streak over the painting. You wonder what it really looks like. You make a mental note that one day you will visit this place to see this painting. It’s one more thing you can’t wait to see in colour.

Suddenly, footsteps sound behind you and you whirl around to meet the person who’s managed to come this close without making a sound.

“Oh, sorry, I must have the wrong room.”

Before you, is a tall man dressed in peculiar clothing. He has long thick hair that drapes over his eyes making him hard to see and it is this that confirms who he is. Edgar Allan Poe.

You plaster a bashful smile onto your face as you attempt to appear embarrassed. “Oh no, that’s okay, in fact it’s me that’s in the wrong place. I came in to admire this beautiful painting,” you say as you turn to gesture at the artwork, when suddenly all your words die in your throat.

Instead of the dashing streak of purple standing out amongst 50 shades of grey that you are expecting, you see bright vibrant colours covering the entire canvas. You’re not even entirely sure which colour is which but you’ve heard before that blues are cool and cold while reds are hot and passionate. You stare at the painting now and try to pick out which is which. Could that long curve of colour be the yellow you’ve always heard of.

“Wow”, the man whispers from behind you. You turn, expecting him to be immersed in the painting along with you but instead his attention is entirely focused on you. He looks up at you now, and beneath his bangs you can see soft grey eyes peeking up at you.

“I did not think I would ever find you. You’re stunning.”

You’re in a room surrounded by colours you’ve never seen before and yet this man has your full attention with one simple sentence. You take more notice of him now. He’s tall and slender, his clothes are strange but fit him nicely somehow. He quietly steps into the room and shuts the door behind him.

“My name is Edgar Poe”, he says. His voice wavers slightly and you can tell he’s nervous but his eyes are once again covered by cascading black hair making it difficult to read him.

“Edgar”, you say, the foreign name rolls off your tongue comfortably, “I’m, Y/N L/N.”

He steps forward and reaches for your hand. He raises it to his lips and places a soft kiss against your knuckles. His thumb gently brushes over your fingers. You shiver and a blush rises to your cheeks. He’s surprisingly charming.

You reach your other hand out and gently brush aside his bangs to reveal bright grey eyes. They shimmer like a cat’s. He cocks his head and appears flushed as he attempts to hide his eyes once again. Despite his charming demeanour, he is quite shy. He’s cute.

You chuckle and say, “Your eyes are beautiful.”

“I can say the same”, he responds, “I did not think I would meet you in this life. Yet you are as lovely as a moonflower. To think that I would meet you all the way here, in Japan.”

“The universe simply works in mysterious ways.”

He stares down at you and once again you can see his eyes. They feel hot as he gazes at you. You suddenly feel conscious of your outfit. The short dress has too little fabric between you two and you watch as his eyes roam downwards as he takes you in fully. You can’t help but feel heated beneath his scorching gaze.

“The universe has truly blessed me this time”, he says, “I’m going to kiss you now.”

His hands come up to cup your cheeks and he leans in close. You feel his light breath against your lips but he pauses. It takes a second for you to realize that this is his way of asking permission. You lean upwards and press your lips against his. Your arms wrap around him and you tug him closer. He’s warm. His lips are tentative and shy but he kisses you passionately. Despite how unpracticed he is, this kiss feels better than all the other ones. He simply makes you dizzy.

His hands that were previously gently cradling your face snakes downward and grabs your legs. With little warning he picks you up and deposits you onto the table. You squeak in surprise. He lets out a laugh before nuzzling your neck.

“That was such a cute sound”

You flush. “Next time give me a warning.”

He looks up at you and pouts, “But then I won’t get to hear it again.”

Any form of retort dies in your throat as you are greeted with a full view of his face. His bangs fall to the side of his face allowing you to fully take in his enchanting eyes. Upon closer inspection his eyes are in fact tinted with purple as they flash brilliantly at you. His face is made up of hard defined lines that accentuate his overall features. He’s so handsome he simply steals your breath away.

“My God, you’re beautiful”, you both say at the same time. Both of you flush red.

He chuckles awkwardly before leaning down and connecting your lips once again. He’s even bolder now as his hand slips beneath your dress and proceeds to run his long slender fingers up your inner thigh. You shiver.

“You’re getting quite bold now”, you say as you come up for air.

He says nothing as he begins to place kisses on your jaw. His teeth graze over your skin as his hand snakes even higher. Your skirt is practically at your waist when his hand brushes up against your most sensitive part. You blush as you realize how wet you are. He smirks against your neck.

“You seem to like how bold I’ve become.”

He applies more pressure as he finds your clit and begins to rub it in small circles. You gasp. With his other hand, he grabs your hip roughly and tugs you forward so that they rest at the edge of the table. Then, he leans over you even more and forces you to lie on your back. You remember that you’re in a restaurant but before you can say anything, his finger slips under your panties and he inserts one of his long fingers into you. Your words are quick to die in your throat as he curls his finger. After inserting it, he begins to move it around as he prepares you.

“Edgar”, you gasp.

He hastily connects your lips for a quick kiss before drawing back and smiling at you. His smile is almost sinister as he says, “Not so loud. Be a good girl and be quiet for me.”

You nod as he continues his movements before adding a second finger. His other hand reaches up and he instructs you to lift your back off the table. In a singular swift movement he pulls your zipper down. Without straps holding anything up he is given easy access to your chest. He licks his lips slowly as his eyes meet yours. They’ve darkened considerably and he leans down and begins to suckle your breasts without breaking eye contact. You moan and bury your hands into his hair. His long dark hair feels like silk in your hands as he continues to treat you like gold.

He pauses and sends you a warning look, his eyes are filled with mischief.

“I can’t help it, it’s too mu-”, your words are cut off but another moan. As he fingers you, his thumb has moved back to rubbing circles on your clit. You shiver as your back arches off the table. Fuck. You can feel yourself approaching your release. You can’t remember the last time you’ve felt so good. He chuckles before pausing all of his movements. He leans in and whispers, “You are so sensitive for me.”

God you didn’t need the reminder but his hot breath against your ear only proves to further turn you on. You buck your hips against his fingers, aching for attention but he pulls them out. Bastard. He removes yo

“Don’t stop, you gasp out”, you whine.

The sound of his zipper sends another shiver down your spine. But he pauses and says, “I don’t have protection.”

“It’s fine, just put it in.”

“Are you sure?”, he says before placing a kiss on your forehead, “We don’t have to go all the way.”

Like fuck we don’t. You’re burning beneath him. “Edgar please, please put it in. Just fuck me already.”

He stills above you before his head drops onto your chest. “Fuck, you’re so hot when you beg.” He lifts his eyes to meet yours, “Beg me some more.”

“God you’re frustrating- Ah!” He sinks his teeth into your skin. He looks at you playfully before whispering out, “Beg”

“Edgar, please fuck me. Please sink your cock into me. Please, your cock was made for me. I want to feel you ploughing into me on this fucking table.”

Surprise flashes on his face briefly as he blushes. You feel his leaking cock at your entrance.

“Keep going”

You whimper pathetically, “Edgar, I’ll do anything. I’ll be your good little girl. Fuck, I’ll be your good little slut. Just, just sink your cock into me, just fuck me alrea- ah!”

He thrusts his hips forward and tip slides in. You’re so wet that he’s met with barely any resistance. He just slides in little by little, constantly thrusting before he’s fully sheathed inside you. You whimper beneath. You gasp and moan. Your fingers reach up and dig into his back. He’s so big. He feels so good.

“Cum inside me”, you gasp out.

He doesn’t pause but his hips snap forward even harder. He hits a spot inside you that has you completely fall apart in his arms. Your back arches completely off the table as he slams into.

“I’m cumming”, you shout. He pulls out as you both climax together. He finishes all over your thighs while you shiver and shake on the table. Squirting like a whore.

He leans forward and proceeds to collapse on top of you. Gently he kisses your cheek. You thread your fingers into his hair.

“I think we got a bit carried away”, he whispers as he nuzzles your neck.

“You don’t say”, you reply before your heart falls through the floor, “God! This is a restaurant.”

He chuckles before responding, “Don’t worry, these private rooms are soundproof since they’re often used for confidential meetings. No one was going to bother us today.”

You relax at that and gently whisper, “We should probably clean up and leave.”

“Of Course my Angel, I can’t wait for you to tell me every little thing about you.”



“So you’re a cop?”, Poe says later on as you’re both seated in your car.

You send him a look of surprise. How did he figure that out??

He smiles sheepishly and says, “I’m a detective, although I suppose you already know that.”

You smile apologetically, “I’m sorry, I was investigating you. My boss thinks that you used work with The Guild.”

He pauses and considers you carefully then he shrugs and says nonchalantly, “Indeed, I’m their former master architect.”

“I- uh- excuse me?”

“Yes, I travelled to Japan with them to confront an old foe.”

“You’re actually with the Guild? But the Agency said you were clean?”

“Is that so?”, he responds before smiling, “Then I guess Ranpo must’ve left that information out. I was the one who supplied them with The Guild’s weaknesses after all. I guess I still have time to challenge him again.”

“Poe, can you do me a favour?”

“Yes, my Angel, what would you like?”

You smile sheepishly.

“Let’s not mention that to anyone, ever.”




Don’t be Reckless | Dazai x Reader|

Pairing: Osamu Dazai x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Summary:You have been paired up with Osamu Dazai to smoke out drug dealers but things quickly take a turn for the worst and Dazai is injured.

Warnings:FLUFF, so nothing hectic but it does get a little steamy in the end. Mild Swearing.

Word Count: 2931

A/N:This took long to write and it is a lot longer than my usual work but it is cute and I feel very alone now. Also to those who write Dazai, how do you do it??



A drug bust. A simple drug bust.

A group of thugs were illegally selling the stuff to some of the local gangs and it is being redistributed to some of the high school and college kids around the area.

Find them. Find the Stash. Arrest them. Confiscate the stash. No more drugs circulating around schools.

It’s honestly a small request for the agency which often deals in much larger cases so you were nominated to investigate it. You’re relatively new and the experience would be really good for you.

Thus, you were paired with Osamu Dazai. According to Kunikida, he could use the fresh air.

You spare a glance out the window and take note of the setting sun. The light casts deep dancing shadows across the walls. The air feels cold and wet as you take careful steps across the damp bricks. You and Dazai had left the Agency in the early morning and it’s already rapidly approaching evening. Ranpo said we’d be finished by lunch.

A simple Drug Bust. What a joke.

You pad lightly down the dingy hallway. Each deliberate step is cushioned by the moss that appears to have rooted itself on the bricks. The stench is suffocating at best. Dazai had gone off on his own as soon as you stepped inside the dilapidated building. He didn’t explain much, just said that he was going left and you should go right, and that you needed to wait by the east wing. Then he sauntered off leaving you alone.


You come across a fork and debate if you should turn left or right. Two pairs of footsteps sound off at the end of the hall on the left. Two people. One pair sounds heavy and reverberates against the walls while the second almost scuffles along with the first. You reach for the gun at your belt. The weight of it resting against your hand gives you a feeling of comfort.

Two men step out from the end of the hallway. You slink back further and cover yourself in shadows. You hope they are enough to cover you completely. A man with a crew cut has his hand wrapped around the other’s arm as he appears to half lead half drag the man across the floor. You’re too far to make out his expression but the stark white of his face lets you know that he’s absolutely terrified. On closer inspection you can see that his other hand is bent at an odd angle. Perhaps, you and Dazai were not the only ones investigating the place. Assuming that Dazai is actually investigating and not lounging around somewhere while you did all the work.

The man opens a side door and yanks the smaller man into the room before following suit. The world has become deathly still once again. Not a sound to be heard. They’re the first two people you’ve seen since entering this damned place. After a minute of silence you emerge from your corner and creep down the hallway. Dazai’s instructions pop back into your head and you hesitate.

They may kill the cop.

Pushing Dazai’s words to the side, you stride forward and give chase.


You slip into the room and crouch behind a broken conveyor belt. You slip the gun off your belt and into your hands. Show time.

“Boss, I found this idiot sneaking ‘round back”, the bigger man says. A man steps out of the shadows dressed in a white lab coat and cocky grin. The ringleader walks forward with an air of arrogance, each step sounds deliberate and confident. He has dark eyes and long shoulder length hair. You can’t help but think he has very handsome foreign features.

“Is he a cop?” the leader asks. The large man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a badge and presents it.

“That’s the second one today”, he frowns as he carefully inspects the badge. His long hair falls in gentle waves around his face as he peers down. He then waves a dismissive hand, a frown gracing his handsome features, “The other one is being pursued as we speak. Once he’s been handled we’ll leave. Gather your men and tell them to inspect the surrounding area.”, he turns his attention to the man kneeling on the ground, “Asahi, was it? Tell me, who did you come with?”

Asahi pauses. “No one”

The leader smirks and waves his hand towards his subordinate who swiftly grab Asahi. Taking his remaining good arm in his hands, he twists it. Asahi cries out. The leader simply smiles coldly before he adjusts his glasses for dramatic effect.

“Who did you come with?”

Your mouth goes dry. Where’s Dazai when you need him? Is he the other cop being pursued? Step in now or wait?

The man in the lab coat begins to circle around Asahi who has said nothing but whimpers in pain instead. The leader steps in front of your hiding place with his back turned towards you, still facing the cop. You make a decision. Dazai isn’t here to help you or hold your hand. You grab onto your gun more firmly, you begin to rise, ready to step out.

The doors at the other end of the room fly open. The swing against the walls with a loud bang and you immediately duck back down. Heart in your throat. Who the fuck? Two men step forward both escorting the same man across the floor. He puts up no fight and simply allows himself to be dragged into the room. Hands tied behind his back. They force him into a kneeling position. However, he remains unbothered as a lazy smile graces his features.


This fucking idiot.

Four men. Two hostages. And You are only equipped with a gun.

“Found the other cop.”

Dazai grins, “I’m not a cop.”

Like they care

The man in the lab coat steps forward, ignoring Asahi who’s still kneeling in the other man’s hold and instead approaches Dazai. Dazai’s posture is calm as he lazily scans his environment. His eyes briefly roam over your position.

He says, “I believe I’ve arrived just in time.”

You clutch your gun tighter. Dazai never discussed anything beforehand and you can only think that surely none of this is going right.

An explosion sounds off in the distance and the building shakes. Dazai makes a face of confusion but the glint in his eyes speaks of mischief, “That is exceedingly unusual.”

A smile curls over your lips. Guess he wasn’t lazing around after all. The man in the coat finally drops his cocky grin. All traces of arrogance vanishes. He turns to his subordinates. “Go! Move! Find whatever worms have stumbled across our hideout. Kill anyone you don’t recognize. Take whatever leftover stock you can find and leave”, he shouts.

He spins towards the man still holding the cop, who’s gone completely white from fright. “Not you. You’re going to get me out of here safely. You can dispose of the two cops.”

The man nods and reaches into his jacket. Absolutely not. Somehow having Dazai in the room fuels you with confidence. You waste no time before you spring out of your hiding place. You charge towards the larger man who pauses in surprise as you suddenly rush in front of him. Before he can equip his gun you slam yours into his temple. He stumbles backwards but gathers himself quickly. He charges forward but every painstaking lesson with Fukuzawa flashes before your eyes. Before anyone can react the man has already landed heavily on his back, hands cuffed together.

“Now who the fuck are you?”

You turn towards the man in the lab coat. The boss no longer looks as in control as he did a few minutes ago. He pulls out a gun and points it towards Dazai who narrows his eyes at him before he flashes you a look of warning.

“How many of you are there?!” He demands.

You look around you and pull a face of mock concentration. “I believe there’s three of us here.”

“FUCK YOU!” He takes a step towards Dazai and jams the gun into the back of Dazai’s head. The gun in your own hands feels heavier.

“How many are you?”, he says, voice like steel.

“Drop your gun and I’ll tell you.”

“Only if you drop yours first. Or would you like to see who has the faster trigger finger.?”

You, would in fact, not like to find out. Your earlier confidence begins to fade away. You drop your gun on the floor. He doesn’t budge and simply glares at you and then the gun. You understand and kick the gun forward, far enough so that it’s out of your reach. The man smiles in a way that makes you feel as though he is unhinged. Perhaps, he is.

He steps away from Dazai and towards your gun. He kicks it away so that it clatters against one of the pieces of old equipment. Suddenly, Dazai who has been complacent this whole time stands up and rushes towards him. The ropes around his wrist seem to have disappeared. He leaps forward and the man spins around and fires off gunshots, maybe eight? Panic seizes you and you let out a cry of panic as you spring forward. The leader turns to you with wild eyes but only empty clicks sound from his gun. You immediately grab him and force him to the ground. You hastily cuff him before looking up for Dazai.

“Dazai!” you shout. You leave the man on the ground and run towards him. Dazai stands casually with a smile on his face but his right hand touches his shoulder.

“That was close”, he comments drily as he moves his hand away and inspects the blood. “Just a scratch.”

He grins at you and then walks towards the cop on the floor. “I imagine you arrived alone. Not a very smart move on your part.”

Asahi nods, “Thank You, I’ll call back up and arrest them.”

Dazai turns away from him and heads for the door, “No need. I’ve already called in my own back up. Y/n, Kunikida arrived on scene roughly five minutes ago with Tanizaki and Atsushi.”

You nod silently. He’s acting so calm. And true to his word, the others had shown up with the police in tow. The situation was neatly resolved and you handed over your findings to them. By the time the whole situation was completely resolved, night had descended onto Yokohama and the breeze was chilling.


“Dazai, what was that?” you ask.

Both of you had left earlier than the others and had met up at the agency. The clock steadily ticks towards 10pm. Your movements feel sluggish but you are wide awake. The events flash behind your eyes on loop. The repetitive gunshots firing in your ears. Dazai looks over at you with a confused look. “A drug bust?”

“Not that, why did you run at him? He had a gun in his hand, he could’ve killed you. Heck, you already got injured. Why would you suddenly rush him like that?”

Dazai simply shrugged. “I knew he wasn’t going to actually hit anything fatal. He could barely hold the gun properly. He wouldn’t have killed me even if I was standing right in front of him with a target between my eyes”

“Don’t be reckless, Dazai.”

“Speaking of “reckless”, why were you there?” I told you to head to the east side of the building and yet you were prancing about the headquarters right into his hands. Romanoff is a dangerous man, he would’ve killed you immediately. Also, I do believe you charged a villain with a gun today.”

Romanoff? Where was this information earlier?

“Nothing even happened on the east side, no one was there, why does it even matter. And don’t you dare compare what you did to what I did. The difference, Dazai, is that that man didn’t have his gun in his hand yet and I did. The difference is also that Yosano can heal whatever injury I walk out with while her gift will never work on you.”

“She can’t fix a corpse”, he seethes at you. You pause. Your face has gone completely red and you can’t believe you’re even arguing with this intolerable man. He’s already been hurt, how much more does he want?

“I wasn’t going to-”, you suddenly pause. Something isn’t adding up.

“Suddenly at a loss of words”, he taunts.

“No”, you eye him carefully. This man is a genius. Out of all your joking and sniping at him, you’ve seen him work. You’ve seen him come up with incredible plans and predict the enemies movement as if they were all nothing but pawns on his chessboard. So why?

“Why did you want me on the east side of the building?” you ask. “When the police were inspecting, there was nothing there. No one was there.”

Dazai says nothing. For a second the only thing that can be heard are your shallow breaths.

“Why did you send me away? Were you going to handle it by yourself?”

Dazai lets out a dry huff of laughter. “You think too much. I thought the ringleader would try and escape that way and then you would’ve been able to catch them off guard.”

You step towards him “But all of the vehicles were on the right, that’s what you blew up.”

“Most leaders will have a second escape route if they’re smart.”

“No one was there, Dazai.”

You walk towards him and he doesn’t move, but only continues to smile with eyes that hide a million little secrets. Perhaps if you stare at them long enough, you will finally unlock hissecrets.

Finally you stand in front of him and reach a hand to grasp the corner of his jacket as he moves back. The material is surprisingly soft in your hands. You stare up at him and his warm eyes meet yours, for once it feels as though a layer of his armour has been stripped away.

“Don’t run away.” you whisper, he’s so close that you fear a harsher sound may break him. That he may recoil once again back into his shell and shut you off again.

He glances away from you and chuckles.

“I’m not made from drywall", you joke lightly, “I can support you, you don’t have to hide me in a corner.”

He doesn’t face you when he responds, “I’m well aware, Little miss detective.”

“I don’t think you are”, you chuckle. You release his coat and reach up to cup his face in your hands. You force him to look at you. Your light smile disappears when you meet his eyes. They are burning. His eyes darken as he watches you, the next layer of armour stripping away when he says, “That was really dangerous, what you did today.”

“Not as dangerous as what you did, I hear they were chasing you all over the place.”

He frowns, “It’s different when I do it.”

“I don’t think so.”

He huffs and leans forward. His ice cold hands reach for you as he cradles your face in his hands. Oddly enough, the cold feels good against your burning cheeks. He brings you closer to him as he leans down towards you.

“You are so frustrating.”

You narrow your eyes at him and playfully frown. “Me? What about you and your vague ass instructions, you know, maybe if you-”

Soft lips press against your own. He steals your breath away along with every last one of your words. His hand that was cradling your face so gently has slipped around your waist as he pushes you flush against him. He’s cold. He’s so cold and you wrap your arms around him. He doesn’t always have to be cold. He doesn’t always have to be alone.

You finally pull away and gasp for air. His eyes burn with intense emotions and he immediately begins kissing your jaw. He nips at your neck before sucking the skin aggressively. His tongue rolls out his mouth as he laps at the area before he moves on to the next. You burn. A shiver runs down your spine and you want him closer. You want to dissolve and drown in him. It’s been so long since you’ve felt like this. His teasing smirks and dry comments have annoyed you to no end and yet he’s here with you against the wall with his long slender finger digging into your hips in the most intoxicating way. You wish for nothing more than for this man to devour you whole. Your hands have tangled into his hair as you tug gently. He groans against your neck and his hand moves further down to grab your thigh rubbing small circles.

“Don’t tease me”, he whispers as his teeth graze your ear.

“I’m still mad at you.”

“Then let me apologize, Belladonna.”

