#bts members



Happy birthday to hobi! Lmao still don’t know why I say things when I know damn well he’s never going to see it but..that’s okay. To the amazingly talented and beautiful man Jung Hoseok..happy birthday !!!





Damn, why yo breath smell like that?



“Y/n we’ve talked about this love. Brush your teeth 3 times before you want to kiss me.” He dodges your kiss, taking a step back.

You frown at him, and you hold up your hand to smell your own breath.

You almost got taken the fuck out.

“See Y/N? I saw how you almost just dropped from that ass breath. Just think about how much I have to deal with that. Please.”


He doesn’t say anything but every time you talk to him, he covers his nose hoping and praying that you can take an hint.


“Damn.” Was all he said before passing out on the bed.

After about 5 minutes he comes to, and sees you hovering over him asking him if he was okay.

He wasn’t.

“Y/n please for the love of all holy get your breath away from me. Do you not realize that your monster breath made me pass out?”


You guys were having a serious conversation and hoseok was trying to pay attention, but every few minutes your breath would hit him like a train.


“Here you go.” He hands you some mints, gum, toothpaste, mouth wash, and some soap wrapped up in a little care package.

“What’s all this?” You say grabbing it from his hand, observing the items.

He takes a shaky breath before answering. “Y/N, your breath hits me like an mma fighter and I’m tired of trying to fight. I’m just trying to make peace.”


“My dogs breath smells better than yours. Do better.”


“I’ll come back when your breath smells like toothpaste.”

You look at him in confusion. “What? I just brushed my teeth and I ate a mint.”

He looks at you, trying to see if you were lying but he could tell that you were telling the truth. “So why your breath smell like horse manure?”

You look at him confused. “My breath don’t smell like horse shit..?.”

He pulls you into a brief hug. “You’re so oblivious.”




To the ppl that think this is “terribly corny” I’m just going to say move along. The shit I write is not for most people and I get that. I do. But it makes me happy.

(Not edited)


Rain ☔️


The rain was hitting heavily against the window and you were hesitant to leave Namjoons apartment.

You turn to look at him, and in his hand held a kid sized umbrella. “Uhm namjoon? How is this going to protect me from the rain?”

He shrugs. “It won’t, but I don’t want to give you my umbrella because I’m leaving you, and it would be really awkward for me to go to your rat house to get it back.”

“You’re leaving me?!”

“You should’ve known this y/n. Your dogs bark up my whole house and I don’t need to deal with that kind of negativity no more.” He hands you the kid sized umbrella and waves. “Bye bye.”



He lets you stay, but for every hour you’re still at his house, he charges you $100 secretly.



“A little rain won’t hurt the soul.” He says, pushing you out his apartment door.

“But it’s thundering!” You shout, your car was a little ways from his building.

He stares at you for a second before shutting the door on you and locking it. “Yeah, no one yells at me like that.”



“You can stay for another hour but after that you gotta go. Some friends of mine are coming over and I don’t need them to see you.” He says, smiling at you.

“Why? Are you embarrassed of me?”

“That’s an understatement.”



“Sure you can stay a little longer!” He cheerfully answers, grabbing his wallet keys and a umbrella.

“Where are you going?”

He looks at you, his smile disappearing. “To my happy place.”

“And where’s that?”

“Anywhere that doesn’t have you in the mix.”



He takes your hand and leads you out of his apartment. “Bye Y/n.”

You look at him like he was crazy. “What? I can’t leave now, it’s raining cats and dogs!”

“I would love for you to stay but my apartment smells like actual ass and I know I showered 30 minutes ago.”

You laugh at him, slapping him on the forearm. “Oh silly, I could just take a bath.”

“Last time I let you near my tub, it was so scared that it wouldn’t turn on. I had to convince it that I’ll never do that to them again.” He chuckles at you, and shuts the door.

For a second he could hear his tub yell in excitement.



“It’s raining jungkook, I can’t just leave yet.”

He grabs a towel off the floor and hands it to you. “Here, put this on your head and you’ll be fine.”

You grab it, and you feel how damp it is. “Did you just use this?”

“Yup, that’s why I’m letting you use it for a makeshift umbrella. Duh.” He ushers you out the apartment, not before telling you good luck.


It’s currently 5:23 a.m. and I don’t know why I’m still awake. I was supposed to be sleep like 2 hours ago. What the fuck‍♀️

Oh this was inspired by some rain I always turn on to help me fall asleep. (Apparently it’s not working right now.)

Gifs or no gifs? Eh no gifs. Maybe next time.

Rain by BTS is a pleasant song

(Oh, right not edited)
