#bts packs



Alpha/Beta/Omega AU

CHAPTER 15 (6.5k words)

For more information about this story, find it here

Namjoon’s POV

I step out of my bedroom once dressed for the day and turn my gaze to Y/N’s closed door, mind filled with what she said last night in the bathroom.

I don’t know if she realized that while talking to my wolf, she was also talking to me, but the reality of her words broke my heart once more.

Her adoptive parents really made her pitiful, didn’t they? They wanted so much to be given what they wanted that her comfort and health was completely pushed aside for their own merit, and in the end, what did it serve?

Nothing, if not for years that Y/N will look back to with a frown.

“Hyung, are you okay?” I suddenly hear and when I turn my head the other way, it’s to see Jimin peeking in from the end of the corridor, my scent giving away my displeasure, I sigh as I make my way to him so we can eat breakfast before leaving for work.

I head straight for the coffee machine while he remains near me, waiting for me to speak up patiently. “Just remembering what Y/N said last night. She opened up a little to my wolf, it makes me sad, and mostly angry, what she had to go through”.

“Yeah… did you get any news from the hospital concerning her case with her adoptive parents? They said they would sue, right? If they don’t do anything, we might as well get someone ourselves, we can’t leave this be” he asks, fingers clenched as he stares at my back, but before I can answer, Jin does, his feet silently taking him over to drape himself over the younger alpha.

“They called to inform me that they’ve started the process. Every information concerning her health was given to their lawyer and with what I told them about the way she had to live, for what we know, well it’s going to increase the punishment for her parents, they’re not going to be happy about it, a huge sum of money might be transferred to her bank account and they won’t have a single word to say about it”.

“I don’t care about how much she gets from them, I can give her twice that amounts without even blinking an eye, what I want to know is how bad are they going to get it. They’re not simply going to have to give an amount of money, right? They almost killed her, they have to get something worse than that” Jimin insists, body tensed until Jin scents him gently to help him calm down.

“They will be sent to prison, Jiminie, for a few years surely. When the wolves learn of what they did to her… well let’s say that they might not make it out in one piece. Or make it out at all. No one stops angry wolves in a prison, not if they want to remain unscathed at the end of the day, her parents will regret it dearly”.

I hum, pleased with what I’m hearing. If someone else is going to kill them, then I can rest easy.

“How long until we make it to that point?” I ask Jin who shrugs lightly, unsure of the answer, he must not have been told that much yet. “They didn’t say, only that they would call again when there’s progress, or if they need additional information”.

I tsk my tongue, but nonetheless nod before grabbing a cup to pour the steaming coffee into, it’s not like there’s much we can do in the meantime.

“Let’s wait a little and see how things go, and let’s not tell Y/N about it just yet, she already has a lot on her mind right now and I don’t want her to have to worry about them on top of everything else. Who’s going to stay with her today? Tae and Hobi?”.

Jimin eyes me hesitantly at that. “Erm… no, she’s actually going to work with Yoongi and Jungkook today, she asked them if she could go with them because she didn’t want to stay here and do nothing all day”.

I still, cup about to reach my lips as I process what he just said.

My sweet baby omega, about to head outside after she had a drop yesterday?

“I encouraged it, if she has a nest at the parlour, she can rest whenever she needs it and she’s going to have two alphas with her, we figured it would be good for her, she can get used to other wolves and their scents without being overwhelmed, and if she does get overwhelmed, she goes straight back home” Jimin explains, a little nervous when I have yet to say anything.

I close the distance between the cup and my lips and drink a little of the burning liquid before settling it on the counter, a little harshly, the sound echoes in the silent room.

“I want one of the two betas with them, we’re all starting to know her pretty well, if she sees that the alphas are busy with customers, she won’t let them know that she’s not feeling well, I’m not having her self-soothe when we’re trying to show her that she can depend on us for anything she might need” I demand, a tick in my jaw when I imagine how she might hide all alone when what she would need is a hug, I wouldn’t put it above her to do something like that.

“I think both are free today, they can come with us if they want. It would be nice to have them over anyway, it’s been a while and I’m sure Y/N would love having them with us all day, she adores the two betas” Yoongi states as he joins us, a nod sent my way, he understands fully where I’m coming from with my worry.

“What are you saying? She adores all of us, it’s clear as day on her face when she observes us, her eyes round and sparkling, she’s the cutest when you meet her gaze and she ducks her head slightly” Jin muses, head lulling sideways when he remembers his time with her in the nest, he’s already thinking of the next time, it was perfect, absolutely perfect.

“And she was so brave with my wolf last night, the way she cuddled to us and fell asleep in seconds…” I get chills just thinking about it, heart swelling with love and adoration, a deep purr battling to leave my chest, she was so small, so beautiful…

“She what?! Your- she saw your wolf?!” Jungkook exclaims as he runs over, his mouth agape in shock, he wanted to be the first! It was all planned in his mind! No!

I smirk at him and bring the cup back to my lips, a taunting quirk to my brow. “She hugged us and called my wolf a pretty boy, she was very cute, it was a lovely first meeting, my wolf is still preening with how well it went” I tease him, watch as he pouts, like he just got his favorite treasure stolen from him, except that his baby powder is thriving, he can’t help but be happy about it, happy for us, for my wolf and I.

“What spurred you on? You don’t normally shift in the middle of the night for no reason” Yoongi asks, curious, and the memory of her words has my chest rumbling with strength, eyes creasing with pride, she’d said that like it was the most obvious thing too, our little omega, how full of surprises she is.

“We talked about her joining our pack when she’d fully heal from the poison, that then she would be ours, I didn’t want to go too far in my claiming her but then she went ahead and corrected me herself, said that she’s already ours, my wolf forced its way out at hearing that” I explain, laugh when the room fills with growls, the sounds ecstatic, warm rumbles of pride, they didn’t expect that one.

“Did she really?” Jimin asks, overexcited, he would definitely start jumping with Jungkook if Jin wasn’t still wrapped around his shoulders for support and comfort.

I nod my head, watch as they all melt on the spot, feet itching to take them to her but they resist it, they know that she stayed up late, she needs as much sleep as she can get.

“I hate that I have to leave before she wakes up, damn it!” the alpha whines and we all chuckle, knowing how he’s feeling, although I did sleep all night with her, I’m soothed on that one, I heard it from her in person after all.

“That reminds me” I let out as I turn back to Yoongi and Jungkook, they calm down at seeing my seriousness. “After work, I want the four of you to bring her to get new clothes. What she owns right now, it goes right in the trash, get everything she needs, from a to z, and then a little more”.

Jungkook excitedly claps his hands and nods eagerly. “I was waiting for that one! Of course we’ll go, right hyung?”.

Yoongi sighs and nods his head, feigning disinterest when really, we can all see the small excited smile on his lips. “We’ll go, we can make it fun at the same time and maybe go to the cinema, and then eat something at a restaurant? Just the five of us, you know, it could make her happy?”.

I chuckle at his words, because for someone who’s trying to pretend like it’s going to be a lot of work, he just made this longer for himself if the way Jungkook’s eyes sparkle with dreams and hopes is anything to go by.

“Yes!!! We have to do all of that! Two alphas, two betas and one baby omega, it’s going to be so fun!” he screams before dashing off to his room, he’s going to need to impress the lady because he intends to be the favorite today.

Jimin, Jin and I smile, not saddened that we’re not included in the group in the least, it’s always good to bond in smaller pairs, the three of us can have our time together without distractions, something that can be hard to attain at times when you have six mates to take care of, now seven with Y/N.

“You pups have fun, but please be careful, bring a blanket from the pack nest along with clothes from the shelves, ones that was scented by all of us, just in case. What else… noise cancelling headphones can be good if her senses start getting overwhelmed… you know what, I’ll make a bag myself, I can think of a few things that she might find helpful, let me go take care of it now” Jin mumbles before giving Jimin a quick kiss to the cheek, after which he leaves us to head back to the corridor.

I’m glad we have him to think of all those things, I hadn’t even thought about her hearing getting too sensitive if they go where there are a lot of people, although if she does start reaching that point, the drop would be easy from there, they’d have to build her an emergency nest quickly before we get a repeat of yesterday.

I turn to Yoongi, notice how he’s already staring at me, expecting for me to say something, our sensitive alpha, he really notices everything.

“If anything happens, and I mean anything at all, you call us, okay? I’ll be back home early tonight, Jimin too, Jin might be a little later but he won’t have any patients so we’ll be available to come and get you if you need us, no playing brave, alright? This has nothing to do with proving that you can be a good alpha, it’s about her comfort.

If she does start dropping and you see that nothing is helping her, it’s not your fault, am I clear? It’s not anyone’s fault, her wolf might simply find it hard to relax outside of home, just make sure to keep an eye on her, keep the others from pushing too much, can you do that for me, hyung?”.

He nods his head, his eyes reassuring me, he’s not going to play games today, not when it concerns her and he’ll make sure the others are careful.

I’m sure Hoseok will be on high alert too, his mistake from yesterday will take time to leave his mind, it does bring an advantage today, he’ll notice her discomfort probably before the others do, his every senses focused on her and her well-being, he won’t make the same mistake twice.

“Of course, pack alpha, I understand”.

We share a small smile, a little tense with the day to come, but we’ll need to see how it goes, one day at a time, we don’t have any other choices for now.

Your POV

“Yoongi, Jungkook, it’s come to my attention that I still haven’t seen your tattoos and that needs to change now” I blurt out as soon as the thought crosses my mind.

Hoseok grins from the steering wheel and Jungkook giggles from besides me, Taehyung on my other side while Yoongi shakes his head from the passenger seat. “It’s too late, we left the house”.

I gape at him, the rumbling of the moving car growling to express my shock, Hoseok looks proud of himself when he sees my eyes light up, the timing was perfect, but I force my expression back to a shocked and disappointed one when I find Yoongi’s eyes on me, amusement obvious in his orbs.

“We’re still in the car” I state, to which he nods.

“We are, but we’re not home anymore”.

I huff and cross my arms over my chest, not about to give up now, I can’t believe he’s saying such a weak excuse to me, his poor omega, the only one who has no idea what their tattoos look like, what is this injustice?

“Well, Yoongi, I say that this doesn’t make sense at all. You don’t want your customers to see the tattoos, I understand that, but do you see any of them nearby right now?” I ask him with a wave of the hand to show the inside of the vehicle.

“I can’t see anyone, but as far as I know, the car is not our house, so the deal cannot be applied right now” the alpha mocks me, not about to lose this fight either when he taunts me with a lopsided smirk.

I can’t believe him! “Not even a little one? A little peek? I’ll peek so quickly that no one else will be able to see anything?” I try again, face turning pouty when Yoongi simply shrugs before looking back to the front, a pleased grunt leaving him when Hoseok moves a hand to link his fingers with the alpha’s.

Jungkook nudges my side and smiles at me. “Hyung is a little shy to show his tattoos, give him some time, he’ll probably give you a surprise peek later. I don’t have that problem so I’ll show you mine when we’re at the parlour, it’s going to be easier if I remove my shirt and it’s hard to do in here, be patient for a little more, okay?”.

I try to not focus on the removal of his shirt part and more on the tattoos being shown, but I can’t stop the light pink that takes place on my cheeks and he can’t help himself when he coos, both hands going to cup my cheeks to press a kiss to my nose, his true mate is too cute for his heart.

“You’re right to blush, little rose, Jungkook here likes to work out from time to time, he’s ripped, you’ll see” Taehyung muses proudly, as if he’s the one with said body, but it only causes my cheeks to turn a shade darker, what have I subjected myself to?

“Maybe we can wait until we’re back home? I think Yoongi has a point, it would be better there, we should keep your workplace for work, yeah?” I change my mind quickly now that I know what awaits me but every wolves in the car grin in amusement, they can see through my embarrassment like it’s made of glass.

“You’ve never seen a shirtless man, sweets?” Jungkook hums with a teasing tone, head tilting at me and chest pushed out, does he get to be the first masculine skin I see in all of its splendor? He would love for this to be true.

I bashfully shake my head. “No, you know, there are always shirtless men in the tv shows… I’ve seen plenty of them, I don’t mind, they don’t affect me” I let out, eyes blinking unnaturally fast because this is far from the truth, on TV and in person, close enough that I can touch? It’s not the same at all, I hope my heart doesn’t fail me.

“Is that so? You’ll have no problem with me showing you at the parlour then, it’s decided” the young alpha chirps, eyes seeing through me too easily and I purse my lips, hands turning slightly sweaty the closer we get to work, this is bad, really bad.

The rest of the drive to Pristine Moonlight happens too quickly and I silently blame Hoseok for that, I’m sure he did it on purpose, the car parked behind the building not giving me much options to flee, I shouldn’t have talked about the tattoos so easily, now I’m going to see Jungkook without a shirt, what if I drool? Can I keep my cool, my pride?

I think that’s asking a little bit too much from me, I might just have to hide once I’ve seen it all because there will be no facing him anymore if I behave like a stupid dog in love.

“You coming with us, honey?” Yoongi calls out to me and I look around me to find that everyone is gone and in the building.

I am incredibly tempted with running away right now while I still can, none of them could catch me, not before a minute or two when I’m completely out of breath a few streets away, but is it worth it?

The wolf snorts. “You do realize you just said that aloud, don’t you? If you want to run away, I don’t mind, honey, but you’ll have the four of us running after you and that might be a little scary”.

I huff at him, not liking how he’s currently saying that such a thing would scare me, I’m not a little pup they can scare just because they run after me, I should be the one scaring them because I’m running too fast for them!

Show true mates to not underestimate us, we fast fast fast!

I look at my phone to see that we’re incredibly early, for the unique purpose of building me the perfect nest, they wanted extra time to cuddle before work, all of us together so… customers are not meant to get here for a little while.

We run? I say we run, blame omega wolf for that later, just have fun now!

Oh, I love my wolf.

I turn one foot away from Yoongi and his eyes narrow at me, his lips moving to say something but I don’t hear him because I’m already running away with a giggle, the streets around here ones I know well from going through them often to try and get a job, but my current goal is the green park nearby, the one where I met Yoongi for the first time.

Can I make it there without them catching me? I would be very proud if I make it in one piece!

It’s exhilarating, the feeling of the wind caressing my skin as it blows in my ears, feet hitting the ground loudly with every steps I take, the blue sky over my head clear and devoid of clouds, like it’s encouraging me to keep going, to be strong, it’s an amazing feeling that fills all of my being.

Not hearing anything yet except for the chirping of the birds and the passing cars, I look behind me quickly, wondering if maybe they decided to stay at the shop after all but when my eyes settle on four bodies running after me, my heart skips a beat in fear, because holy shit, Yoongi was right, this is terrifying!

And why are they so fast?!

Go faster, faster!

I’m trying, damn it!

“You guys can’t catch me now! You can’t!” I scream, my voice startling many passersby who quickly get out of the way when I approach but I have no time to apologize when I hear Jungkook’s devilish laughter behind me, way too close, shit!

“You can’t ask alphas to not catch their omega, sweets! It goes against every fundamental wolf instincts!” he muses happily and another look behind me shows him definitely too close for comfort, a huge smile on his face, he’s loving this, but the sight only spurs me to run faster, I can’t let them catch me so soon, I just got started!

I turn back to the front only to shriek when I find Yoongi in front of me, how the hell-

“You really think you can outrun us, honey?” he drawls but before he can say anything else, I make a sharp turn to my right and cross the street as quickly as is safe, no cars within sight, thank goodness!

“I can and I will!” I shout without looking back, throat and chest now burning, because fuck, I’m not used to running that much, but the day I give up is the day I die, so I keep running, the sight of the park getting closer filling me with hope, I’m almost there!

“She’s so fast! You guys are all too fast!” I barely hear Hoseok over all the panting going on right now, but his words make me laugh, soul bursting with joy and pride, this feels so good, to be chased by my true mates, it’s scary but in a good way and I never thought I could feel that way one day.

Jungkook and Yoongi maneuver their new tactic to try and corner me but again, I manage to flee their outstretched arms before they catch me and Taehyung barks out a laugh. “What’s that, our alphas can’t catch our baby omega now? You two are rusty, Jimin would be disappointed!”.

That has the both of them grumbling, every single one of their instincts and senses working to figure out how to get their omega and after sharing one look and a nod, they try again just as I step foot on the grass, arms rising in the air because I made it!

Filled with giggles at my own personal victory, I keep running simply for the thrill it brings me before letting out a gasp when a hand grazes my arm, Jungkook just there, right behind me.

“You quick little wolf, wait until I catch you!” he warns with a smirk, he’s so close I can see the way his pupils are fully dilated, he’s in hunting mode and I’m the prey, there’s no doubt about that, I started something and now I’m also the only one who can finish it.

I see the way his eyes flash with satisfaction, something that makes me frown and when I turn back to the front to see what caught his attention, it’s too late when I run straight into Yoongi who closes his arms around me tightly, the impact sending us both to the ground with a surprised scream because he hadn’t expected that one, although he should’ve.

We roll on the grass until we come to a halt, the both of us facing each other with myself encased in his hold, chest rising with loud breathing as we laugh together, my face going to snuggle in his neck as I try to catch my breath, goodness!

Jungkook drops down behind me and hugs me over Yoongi’s arms, his laughter echoing in the air around us, this was a nice surprise he did not expect, the eldest’s shout that Y/N was running away while giggling something he didn’t know he needed.

None of them had ran like that for a long time, especially not with the goal of catching an omega of their own, Jin would smack them for even mentioning such an activity, it fills them with a deep and pleased rumbling purr, an instinct they didn’t realize was there soothed for the first time in all of their life.

“There you are!” Taehyung’s voice eventually reaches our ears and the three of us look up to see him and Hoseok joining us with an amused shake of the head before taking a break on the grass at our feet, their exhausted grunts making me grin, I can already tell that I will do this again in the near future.

I wonder how Jimin and Namjoon would react? I need to try one day.

“I was not ready for such a run this morning” Yoongi eventually blurts out before peeking down at me, his dark chocolate bursting, rich and creamy and so delicious almost the only thing I can breathe with how close my nose is to his throat, their honey merging in the air and making me swoon, I can’t help the proud smile I give him when our eyes meet.

“My wolf told me to run, said that I could blame it for this later and to just have fun for now” I chirp, nowhere feeling guilty because this was a lot of fun, he leans down to rub his nose against my own, chest rumbling against mine, he can’t even find words to complain, he loved the hunt.

“Your wolf told you to defy your alpha? Such a playful little pup it is” the man hums before dipping his head to my neck, a pleased sigh leaving him when all that meets his nose is light, sunshine and rainbow rain, it’s warm and gentle.

“So it wasn’t to run away from my exposed chest?” Jungkook murmurs from behind me and I blush before shaking my head, not at all! Of course not! This was all for fun, just for fun!

They all chuckle, but ultimately, Hoseok and Taehyung sit up with a groan at the effort it takes them, they’re the ones getting rusty, they need to change that, working in the kitchen between days of staying at home making them softer than they thought they were, they’ll think about following Jungkook to work out more often.

“We should start heading back to the parlour now so we can get working on that nest before it’s time to work, it wouldn’t do to have it incomplete when you would need it” Hoseok states to my intention and I purse my lips, knowing that he’s right, after which Yoongi makes us sit up with Jungkook’s help, breaths still uneven but much lighter than earlier.

All four of them smile at me. “Come on now, let’s get that cuddling station ready for our sweet omega”.

“Sweets, come over here”.

I turn around at the sound of Jungkook’s voice, one that comes from the office room that will now also serve as a nest area for me.

With only Yoongi to keep me company as we’d look over the agenda to bring me up to date with the day coming up, the other three decided to work together on my nest, only coming by once in a while to spend some time with us before going back to continue with their task.

I had wanted to go with them a few times to have a look but more importantly, I needed to make sure I would be able to work well today so I did my best to focus on what Yoongi would say, until now.

The soft alpha nudges my side with a smile and sends me off to see what Jungkook might need, to which I nod before going with a happy jump to my step, curious to see what the room looks like now, I’ve been thinking about it for the past forty minutes.

I don’t think much of it when Taehyung and Hoseok walk out of the room with a smile sent my way before heading for the small kitchen where they make themselves glasses of water, and so, I completely miss when their faces turn amused, ears ready to listen in on my reaction when I would enter the room.

I reach the slightly parted door and push it open only to freeze in place when instead of seeing a nest, I come face to face with an exposed bad, very defined shoulders, the skin stretched over muscles that make me gulp, saliva not spilling free but instead leaving me like a dry ocean, eyes wide over the golden skin in front of me, one that is decorated by multiple lines of ink that form letters and forms of all kinds.

“Holy shit and fairy godmother” I blurt out, because while I expected muscles, I didn’t expect that, but it makes sense, it makes a lot of sense if I think back to whenever Jungkook would hold me, or the hugs, I should’ve expected that much.

My eyes take in the whole expense of the back gracing my eyes, lines that don’t really form any shapes but that connect everything together sending my orbs on a journey as I follow them like they’re a puzzle to be solved.

Starting from above the hairline at his nape, a black line along with a golden one twirl together down half of his spine before going to his side where I can see names beautifully written along his waist, names I recognize very well, it’s his pack members and mates, every single one of them, except for his own name.

Then around it, the universe spreads over his skin, from above the names until it reaches up his right shoulder where his arm then shows off multiple doodles and writings that I don’t really understand, it looks like English, he filled in some space with black, but white and gold also dot his skin to form elegant curves and lines, it’s… beautiful.

If I forgot how to breathe with his back, then when he does turn around to face me, my lungs dissolve completely, my heart implodes on itself, my brain melts into a puddle, eyes almost bulging out of my head when I take in the new sight, his abs almost threatening me with how prominent they look, are they trying to kill me? His belly button looks like it’s fighting for its life!

“My belly button is doing just fine, don’t worry, it’s got strong defenses all around it” Jungkook chirps proudly, and my attempt to look up to his eyes fails when he makes his chest muscles move, I gape at the sight before a snort leaves me, because there, on his pecs stand a cute little smiling face, just two dots and a curved line for a mouth.

That’s all! He only has a smiling face!

I burst into laughter as I come to that realization, his back so impressive with all those details while his front is only decorated with three little lines, I find that adorable, as much as is possible with the threat of his muscles still ongoing, but right now, I can only see that little face as it stares at me, eternally happy, I could almost believe it winking at me!

“So? Do you like it? It’s cute right? It makes my intimidating body that much more inviting now” the man muses with a giggle at my expression, I quickly nod while trying to calm down my laughter, it does take the focus away from all his hard-work, that’s for sure.

“And now for the other grand reveal” he states excitedly before pulling me in by the hand to reveal the nest and it automatically brings an end to my amusement, eyes widening once more in shock.

The corner they made for me is absolutely lovely, they used the furnitures that were besides the couch after pushing it towards the door slightly and put them on each sides of the nest instead, a blanket over them to create a roof, and although the front is wide open, it still looks beautiful, the many cushions and blankets looking warm and fluffy and incredibly welcoming.

I have no idea how much could fit in that bag of theirs but by the look of it, the answer is too much, it could probably hide a body easily, something that keeps fueling my suspicions, they’re not very good at hiding from me so far.

Everything smells like pack and it’s divine, it reminds me of the pack nest at the house, but in smaller, and in less intense. The smells are probably going to fade at some point, it’s going to be important to bring the materials back from time to time to wash them and have them scented properly again.

At the sight of this new nest, it takes everything in me to not go in right away and Jungkook smiles at the sight before encouraging me to get in for a little bit while he puts on his shirt again before customers start coming in.

He knows his smiley face is cute but the rest can be overwhelming, he’s simply glad that my scent didn’t spike in uncertainty but instead in amazement, although he wasn’t really worried, I’m not the kind to be intimidated by a lot of ink.

And he has to say, he’s even less worried about Yoongi, the man has a few tattoos of cats because he keeps saying that if he hadn’t been a wolf, he probably would’ve been a feline and so, a complete sleeve of detailed cats is what he has, the same sleeve on which Jungkook tried to draw the animal to add to his collection only to fail miserably because it looks like it died from an unknown sickness.

But Yoongi says he loves it even though it makes him laugh whenever he stares at it and to Jungkook, well that’s enough to not hate it, although he wishes he’d done a better job, he really feels bad about it.

I tentatively make my way to the nest at his approval and as soon as I crouch before sinking into the blankets, the walls around me making the space feel safe, the coffee table nearby an additional protection from the door, I hum, yeah, this is perfect.

“So?” this time it’s Hoseok who speaks up and when I look out of the nest, it’s to see him along with Taehyung and Yoongi in the doorway, all of them expectant in the way they wait for me to give my verdict, is it satisfying enough for my instincts? Should they do better? They can surely do better, they’d just have to start over-

“It’s perfect, I love it” I let them know, content to just stay here, maybe I can be mental support instead when I come here? Inviting arms waiting for them to greet when they need a break, I don’t think I can leave this nest anytime soon, I need to stay here and make sure it’s all warm first.

The four of them heave out a breath of relief and smile at me before coming over, minds all wondering whether they can all fit inside because they know how it is for an omega with a new nest like this one, Jin warned them that it’s possible I might be unable to leave before an hour or two, that it would be easier if they remained with me for a little bit.

I look around me and head further in at the back before motioning for them to come in. “If we all stay close, we can fit”.

Jungkook doesn’t wait for me to ask again when he all but plunges inside head first, a dolphin is what he looked like, it makes me snicker as he comes to cuddle up next to me, face looking all proud of himself and arms pulling me over him to take less space, and when the betas follow in next, Yoongi observes for a moment before hesitating, I can tell that he’s not sure he can fit inside with us, it’s making his eyes droop sadly and my heart with it.

“Yoongi, don’t worry, you can fit, just climb over Taehyung” I let out and the beta snaps his head my way, an indignant look on his face but Yoongi beams before he does so, and when he indeed climbs over Taehyung, multiple grunts fill the small space because “You’re so heavy, hyung, what the heck!”.

“Hush, I’m not that bad, at least I don’t eat cake every single day, and then more because of work, I’m sure not having you on top of me”.

“W-what? I- I mean I do eat a lot, but I don’t gain weight, it’s fine!”.

“You’re still heavy, even Namjoon struggles lifting you up”.

“That’s a lie-” “No, he’s right on that one, hyung, even I find you heavy”.

“Rose! You can’t let them talk to me like that!”.

“Don’t bring her in this, don’t make her lie for your sake, you’re heavier than I am, deal with it”.

I purse my lips into an awkward smile, unsure of what to say to this, except for one solution that will displease them. “You know what? You guys get out, Hoseok can stay”.

The beta tries to hide his smile, very badly must I say while the others start complaining, and where Yoongi first hesitated to come in, now he completely refuses to leave, his body splayed all over Taehyung and Hoseok to block the way out, his lips tight in defiance.

“We’ll be nice, it’s okay, we’ll stop whining, okay? Take that request back, I’m not leaving”.

I stare at him and cross my arms, aware of Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi’s eyes on me, waiting while Hoseok remains completely relaxed, the chosen one, he’s doing just fine.

“You really won’t leave?” I ask, and when they all shake their head, I shrug before pulling Hoseok over to climb his lap, his soul buzzing with joy when his arms close around me while the others observe in silence, orbs filled with desire, they want to hold me like this too, it’s unfair!

“Then you can stay, but I’ll cuddle Hobi only because he’s the only one who doesn’t insult his mates” I muse, words that have the beta purring while said others start whining again, a cute pile of huge men having a tantrum, it makes me laugh, they’re so funny.

“It’s not fair! I was holding you first!” Jungkook exclaims, to which Hoseok shrugs as I rest my cheek on his shoulder.

“That’s too bad, now you’re last”.


(AUTHOR) This chapter will be the last one for the week, I’m sorry I couldn’t update more but I hope you enjoyed the few ones nonetheless!
For the next two weeks, I will be working on Loving hybrids, a story that is not available on tumblr yet, it’s only on wattpad, so I highly invite you to follow me there if you want to have access to my stories more easily



Alpha/Beta/Omega AU

CHAPTER 14 (7.9k words)

For more information about this story, find it here

“Are you sure you don’t want to try going to sleep, doll?” Hoseok asks me as everyone starts heading to the bathrooms to do their nightly routines.

Everyone minus Namjoon and Taehyung, the two wolves still not back home, much to my disappointment. The pack alpha needed to stay at the university for a few more hours due to a situation, he didn’t know when he’d be back and Taehyung must be finishing up at the restaurant, it’s already so late.

I nod my head, not sleepy in the least, I napped too much today that’s for sure.

“You guys made her sleep in the pack nest nearly all day, how could she be able to sleep after that?” Yoongi chides, words that have Jin, Jimin and the beta smiling sheepishly, they did do that, didn’t they?

“Well… you have your new phone now so… maybe get used to it then?” Hoseok offers with a scratch to his hair, he didn’t mean to keep me from having a normal night, but then again, their instincts were a mess today, they don’t think it could’ve happened any differently.

I lift it up so he can see it, a smile on my lips. “I’m already downloading a few games Jungkook chose for me, I’ll familiarize myself slowly, maybe I’ll read more articles like this morn-”

“No, don’t you dare” Hoseok stops me there, eyes warning and confusing the others, it makes me giggle because I know exactly why he would prefer I don’t, some of the stuff in there were plain weird, but they were also entertaining.

“Why not? You added everyone’s numbers in here right? I can text you every new facts I find funny, then when you wake up, surprise!” I chirp, too much energy for the current late hour, it’s tiring some of the wolves who simply shake their head before leaving us while Hoseok stands still, eyes narrowing at me.

“You wouldn’t do that, would you, doll?” he asks, his voice a low drawl, he’s clearly warning me but I just don’t feel like shutting up right now, body all giddy with liveliness and amusement.

“You’ll just have to wait until morning to find out” I giggle before hiding out of sight behind the couch’s back cushions, and when I hear his feet bring him closer, I expectantly look up to see his face appear from behind the furniture, his eyes sparkling at my mischief.

“What a teasing little omega we have tonight, hm?” he murmurs as he bends closer to kiss my nose, one that scrunches up at the contact, heart melting for him, it’s like my adoration for them keeps increasing the more I stare at them, and for that, I’m pretty sure my wolf is the cause, not that I mind.

As expected, my purr quickly builds up in my chest and Hoseok smiles tenderly at me, lips pursing as he seems to be debating if he should go to sleep and leave me alone or if he should stay up after all, but his droopy eyes show how tired he is, the emotions of the day finally getting to him, he wouldn’t last five minutes awake.

“Give me two little minutes, my soft bun, I’ll bring you something to snuggle into from the pack nest, okay?” he offers and at my eager nod, he ruffles my hair before walking out of sight, a yawn following him as he heads back to the corridor where I can hear the sound of teeth being brushed and faces being washed.

In the meantime, I take a look at my phone to see that everything has been fully downloaded and I grin, excited to try all of them.

The first one is a game that looks absolutely adorable, it’s a tap-tap game in which you build an aquarium, there’s also another one with a garden and one with kittens, my reaction from earlier spurred Jungkook to get a few of these with a proud grin, something about how they’re relaxing, meant to be soothing, that they’d be perfect for me when I’m nervous.

Then there’s also one that he called an… airpigie? Anyway it’s got these little characters that you can collect to use in fights, the game looked pretty and fun so he made me get it too.

Curious about the last one, one that fits my current mood more than the others do, I press on it quickly, all excited to see the screen change, small videos playing and captivating me right away, why does everything look so good? And it’s so smooth too! I’ve never had anything like this before, my old phone was really bad and would lag all the time, I hated using it but this one is actually pretty nice!

But then again, with how expensive it was, I would give it back to Hoseok and tell him to get a refund if it was bad, you can’t pay that much and receive junk just because it’s all pink and glitters!

A sudden softness draping over my body has me looking up to find Hoseok smiling tiredly as he wraps me into a fluffy blanket, one that I have scented earlier, it has my scent along with everyone else’s and I melt into it instantly, much to the beta’s delight.

“You keep this one with you, okay? If you fall asleep, Namjoon will bring you to bed so don’t worry too much” he muses softly and when I nod, he hums, one last kiss to my nose before he walks away to the bathroom he shares with the others to get ready for bed too.

It doesn’t take too long after that before Jungkook, Jimin, Jin and Yoongi come by one after the other to wish me a good relaxing time, that they’re not far if I need anything, to not worry about spending the night here because Namjoon or Taehyung will take care of bringing me to bed if they see me asleep, and they especially don’t forget to tell me how cute I am like this before leaving me, proud with the blushing they brought to life on my face.

And then, when all doors close, lights switched off and an overwhelming silence looming over my head, I bring my gaze back to my phone after turning to my side, a cushion under my head and another one against my chest to support my arm as I start playing the game.

And the more I play, the story a captivating one, the graphics and plays of colours amazing to my inexperienced eyes, I suddenly understand why everyone used to play these during breaks between classes, students proudly showing off their team while I would drown in study books, oh the things I have missed.

And so, unbeknownst to me, minutes quickly go by until one hour has gone by, then another, levels climbing, my characters getting stronger and a fatigue that still wants nothing to do with me.

At this pace, I might not sleep at all, and tomorrow will see me drinking a few coffees to keep track of the hours until I go to sleep early, but it’s doable, it wouldn’t be a first time for me and so, I keep focusing on the game, the sounds it makes the only thing heard in the room, light flashing from the couch, it’s enough to alert anyone of my presence here.

So when the front door finally opens, I don’t worry too much about making myself known, ears and nose instead focusing on the body that gets closer, and when lavender tea makes it to my nose, I smile before I see the owner’s face peek over to see me laying on the couch all alone.

Namjoon quirks a surprised eyebrow at seeing me still awake in the darkness, a phone device in my hands with the visual of a character who keeps throwing fireballs to a poor tree, he blinks in silence for a moment before registering my state, his pack’s scents drowning me and making me look all cozy.

“Sweet baby, what are you doing all alone here so late?” he asks softly as he makes his way around the furniture after dropping his bag on the floor, body sitting down in front of my stomach and torso twisting so he can gaze at me.

I hum and lock the phone, after which my eyes quickly adjust to the renewed darkness, his body easily visible to my night sight, it’s really cool, I wonder if I’ll ever take it for granted one day.

“Jimin and Hoseok made me sleep in the pack nest before lunch, then after that I went there on my own and fell asleep, then Jin joined me, we fell asleep together again, so when Yoongi and Jungkook came to wake me up before dinner, well… it was already too late, I slept too much”.

Namjoon stares at me with a slightly amused face as I speak and when I’m done, he hums deep in his throat, the sound husky and enough to melt my insides, even more so when he brings a hand to my cheek to get the hair away from covering it before remaining there, gentle as his thumb grazes the skin slowly.

“In other words, you’re not sleeping tonight” he summarizes and I nod, head tilting into his touch, his hand is so warm and comforting, but my mind is very much awake, there’s no avoiding it.

“Yoongi tried to make me sleepy by giving me warm milk, and even a tea an hour later, but nothing worked”.

He chuckles, eyes still gazing at me, drinking me in, it seems that he’s finally allowing himself to relax after being nervous all day, I soften at that realization, he must have been just like Jin and the others, needing to see me to register that I’m not in danger anymore.

“How was work today, Namjoon? I didn’t make it too hard for you, did I?” I ask him, to which he sighs softly before shaking his head slowly.

“It was okay, focusing was a little hard, but Jimin kept me up to date with your state so I wouldn’t feel like fleeing from work to get to you before I could, it’s a big exam period this week so I can’t really afford to take much time off these days”.

I hum at his explanation, feeling bad that this all happened in such a busy period, he doesn’t need that additional stress, nor do any of them really, but then again, it wasn’t anyone’s fault, we were unprepared and my wolf took my emotions and built a sinking ship with it, that wasn’t something we expected.

“You must be sleepy then, you’re working hard and I wouldn’t want to keep you from having a good night rest, you’ll be leaving early tomorrow again, right? I’ll go to sleep later when I’m tired so don’t worry about me, you can go” I let him know, I don’t want to keep him from sleeping but he shakes his head again, a small chuckle leaving him.

“I had a coffee before coming over so I’m not really sleepy, and I was actually thinking about continuing with work in my office here so…” he shrugs lightly, but my eyes widen at hearing that he wasn’t even going to take a break after working until this late.

“You can’t be serious, Namjoon!” I exclaim quietly, eyes round and staring up at him in disbelief before I shake my head, hands gripping onto his own still on my cheek with strength, like I’m going to let him overwork himself!

He grins at the sight gracing his eyes and I frown at him, lips pursing unhappily. “You can’t work so late, I’m against it”.

“Oh, you’re against it? Well I guess I don’t really have a choice then, I can’t possibly work and upset you, can I?” he muses, endeared when I quickly nod my head with bright eyes, proud that it worked so easily, omega needs to protect alpha, omega’s job, pack alpha needs break, let’s keep him near.

“So what should I do then?” he asks as he looks around us, the space very limited with how I currently am positioned, I do have one solution that comes to mind, but would he want to go along? Does the pack alpha like to cuddle just like everyone else?

“How about I lie down behind you and you keep playing that game of yours, I could watch you play” he offers as if he had free access to my mind, it has my eyes widening, heart beating happily, I swear if I had a tail, it would wag behind me without end.

Lavender tea, warm and soothing, honey poured into it gets closer as Namjoon climbs the couch to slip in behind me with a contented sigh, the proximity doing wonders to his instincts, his wolf finally getting the relief it was seeking all day but couldn’t get.

Being away from his pack is always hard to begin with, so being away from his true mate during a day of hardships? He would’ve crawled all the way back here if it would’ve allowed him to see me sooner, he would’ve done it without hesitation.

I resist an excited giggle at feeling myself get wrapped up in his embrace, one of his arms over the blanket covering my hip while my hands peek out from the extremity in front of me to get a hold of my phone, and after he makes himself comfortable, myself pushed into his broad and strong chest to make sure I don’t fall off the couch, he breathes in deeply.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day, it feels even better than I imagined” he says softly, a tentative drag of his nose against the exposed side of my neck, he relaxes when he feels me melting into his touch, nothing like our first experience after my running out of the hospital.

“I hope today’s misadventure won’t keep you from trying to go out again, or from depending on us. Monetarily I mean. I know it’s a big change, it’s a lot to take in and Hoseok should’ve thought about it before exposing you to such a thing as a black card first, but… it’s become normal for us, we don’t really think much anymore before using it so I hope you can get used to it too, someday”.

I pause a little at his words before opening the same game from earlier again.

“Well… it really shocked me, you know? Back at the shop, I was already slightly on edge at knowing that I was in such an expensive place, so when I saw him pull it out like it was no big deal… yeah, it did hit me pretty hard that you guys are… like there” I raise my arm to show him how high they are in my eyes “while I’m… here” I then bring it a lot lower.

Namjoon’s about to say something, his lavender turning strong but I smile and speak before he can.

“I was sensitive and my wolf brought that out of proportions, so I didn’t really handle that thought the way I should’ve, but it’s fine now. I mean, will I get used to it right away? No, but I’m aware that it’s among the first things I need to accept in this current reality, you guys are not poor and I’m aware that while I stay with you, my old way of living won’t have a place here either. It’s just a lot, but I’ll… I’ll get used to it”.

His scent softens and he squeezes me tighter in his hold, his strength grounding, he feels like a barrier against the whole world, it’s calming.

“So you are open to staying with us? You’re not going to try and leave?” he asks softly and I chuckle before shaking my head. “Why would I go away from my seven true mates? I feel like you guys would keep calling me and ask me to come over if I did, it would only waste everyone’s time and resources”.

His chest rumbles in contentment as he rests his head behind mine, nose rubbing into my hair. “True, we’d be so needy that you would probably grow annoyed of us and our heats would be insufferable with you somewhere else than here”.

Just imagining it has me wincing. I’d probably end up with one of them breaking down my door just to make sure I’m safe like everyone else since I’d be living alone, no more alone time while peeing, that’s something I’ll need to expect with the seven of them, aren’t I?

“How much more intense does it get with a true mate compared to a chosen mate? For your heat” I ask him, needing to prepare myself, surely their heats are going to hit at some point soon, Namjoon hums, his eyes falling on the game that shows a little map of quests before answering.

“Well… it really depends on how well surrounded the true mate is. In your case, you have seven of us, which means you’re rarely going to be alone, that’s going to soothe one part of our instincts, but we’ll still need to have pretty much a constant sight on you because we need to keep you safe at all cost.

You want to cook? Don’t touch sharp knives, you want to play around, make sure you don’t fall and get hurt, when you’re hungry, you’ll get more food than you can eat, things like that. You’ll be drowning in our clothes, to a point that you might sweat from being too warm, but then we’ll give you a lot of water so you stay hydrated.

We’ll just be… constantly overthinking about what you might need, what might be wrong until it’s over, it’s going to be… a lot for you, especially the first time it happens but there’s not much we can do about that, that’s just how it is for alphas. Betas’ heats are much softer, they’re mainly there to make sure everyone remains healthy and happy, they’re not that affected by it and for yours, it’s going to be a little different too, the same goes for Jin as you’re both omegas.

Your wolves will want that very same attention that might have been overwhelming during ours. You’ll want to be kept safe, you might feel too needy, constantly seeking cuddles and hugs as well as nesting with us, but since all seven of us are your true mates, we’ll be able to keep a rotation going without you panicking at every instants.

It might sound scary said like that, you’ve never experienced one after all so it sounds like you’re going to become someone entirely different, not in control of yourself anymore, and that would be true in a way, because your wolf will be much closer to the surface than usual. A lot of omegas spend it shifted because it makes them feel better, but don’t worry, we’ll make sure you experience that before your first heat.

We should have Jin have a look at you to try and determine when your heat might hit, just to be sure, although I doubt it’ll be anytime soon, not with how unbalanced your system currently is, the poison did a lot of damage that will take time to heal so you shouldn’t concern yourself over that too much, okay?”.

Damn that was a lot of information. I blink a few times as I process what he just told me, that basically, everything that I’ve had to endure today, it’ll be even worse.

But then again, I did kind of adore the attention I got, so in a way, maybe I’ll be fine? My wolf and I are both starving for affection and physical touch, we might just end up purring from start to finish for every single one of them.

“But… you guys are seven… four alphas so… I might not have much of a break, considering how long heats normally last, it’s a few days right? Are yours all close to one another?” I ask and Namjoon tenses a little before shrugging sheepishly.

“Well… you know how human females end up getting their cycle at the same time when they spend a lot of time together?”.

Oh no.

I turn my head to see the way Namjoon purses his lips cutely, he can see the despair in my eyes.

“We have our heats all at the same time”.

I am going to die.

That’s why he kept saying we, they will literally be hovering around me to make sure I’m not dying all at the same time, and that will in turn kill me!

“It sounds worse than it is, really. We’re all mates so we all end up getting through it without much struggles, we just make sure to be stocked on food before it starts and we make sure to have a few days off work so we can stay at home. Pack nesting happens often and we just… enjoy that time.

We talk, we share how much we love each other, we laugh and cuddle and then life resumes” he tries to reassure me, and as sweet as he says it, all I can register at the moment is how I will have at least four wolves eager to burrito me into blankets with glasses of water besides me, hands ready to keep me away from any possible sources of pain, which might just be walking at this point.

“When is it due for?” I ask, a little nervous and at Namjoon’s silence, I purse my lips before exhaling deeply.

“It’s soon, isn’t it?”.

“It’s next week”.

Okay, it’s okay, don’t panic.

You have a few days left to prepare before being completely smothered, I have a feeling that Jin won’t want me to leave the pack nest not even one second then, just what kind of experience will that be?

In a way, I guess I should use that time to learn? Because Jin is an omega like me, so seeing how he handles it might show me how it’s going to be for me, right? And the way the others act with him will surely be how they’ll act with me?

Oh boy, this is making me so nervous now, how many scent highs will I be pushed into without being able to resist them?

Namjoon rubs my waist in comfort over the blanket. “Don’t worry, like I said, it sounds worse than it really is. Hoseok and Taehyung will be there to guide you through it when we can’t, Jin will want to cuddle and us alphas will be there to watch over you two, we’ll try to make it so you can still have some alone time if you really need it, although that might be hard for the younger ones, but we have betas for that purpose, they can be firm when we go over the top”.

I nod my head, that’s reassuring, makes me really glad that they’re not all alphas, I’m not sure I would survive otherwise.

“Okay… I’ll trust you on that one, Namjoon, I just don’t want to be forced to remain still, and I don’t want to be pushed into a scent-sleep again, no matter what happens, okay? I’m expecting scent highs to happen but that’s my limit, I want to keep as much of a clear mind as possible” I request and he nods quickly, eager to reassure me that he will listen.

“Of course, yes, I promise it won’t happen, the others know that too, we’ll do our best to not swarm into your space constantly, as long as we can see you, we should be fine, it’s just… you know how it is for wolves, heats are for possible mating so the most important is that you remain safe, our wolves would go crazy if you were unwell”.

We remain silent after that, the game completely forgotten because there’s so much information being processed, but it had to happen at some point, my transition from being a human to a wolf requiring more efforts because many things are new for me while others simply need more details.

“Can I ask you a question, Namjoon?” I eventually ask him and when he hums curiously, I let my mind trail back to what Yoongi and Jungkook had said when I woke up earlier, the little I can remember of their conversation.

“How does it work, to be made part of a pack? Yoongi said earlier that Jin was always meant to be pack omega, that with me, he could have his instincts soothed, that means he needs me in the pack right?”.

Namjoon’s arms squeeze me tightly, nose sliding against my ear, it brings goosebumps all over my skin, his musky scent, lavender and honey gaining in intensity, the good kind, I can even feel the way his chest starts rumbling in purrs, it’s sweet.

“Would you want to be part of my pack? To be officially mate with everyone, my sweet omega?”.

His voice has gone down in pitch, low and thick with want, how much he wants for this to happen, it curls around my heart like a vice, yet it doesn’t tighten, ready to pull back should I refuse, it brings life to thousands of butterflies in my stomach, soul tingling with the prospect of being theirs, entirely theirs, and my wolf preens at the thought too, my purrs starting to fill the silence, they spur his to raise to the surface too.

I shakily nod my head, breath short as I feel his lips start to go down my ear, to my neck and shoulder before going back up slightly, I startle a little when I feel his teeth nip the skin softly before he licks it over, a pleased grunt leaving him at the act.

“When you’ve completely healed from the poison, when there’s not a single trace of the damage it did to you, then I will make you mine, ours” he promises with a kiss over my skin, slow and tender, I melt in his hold, I should be disappointed that it’s not going to happen now, yet his promise I know to be sacred, and it’s not like I can’t be with them in the meantime.

Although there’s a little correction to be done in what he just said.

“Namjoon” I start, a little breathless with how his lips keep tickling the soft skin between my neck and shoulder, a sensitive spot that he keeps decorating with invisible kisses, he wants them colourful, but he can tolerate for now that they only hold his scent, it’s proof enough of what he’s allowed with me.

“What is it, ‘mega” he lulls me into answering with his raspy voice, the strong vibrations of his purring coursing through all of me, I barely feel my own leaving me as I close my eyes, the pack alpha’s pheromones so strong that I could almost feel them in the air if I so much as waved a hand through it.

I inhale deeply and smile before speaking, curious of what reaction this might pull out of him.

“I am already yours, aren’t I? All of yours”.

His breath hitches in his throat and when a growl rips out of him, it feels like it’s coming less from him and more from his wolf, his hold on me secured and unwilling to let go, he breathes in harshly before resting his face in my neck, like he’s fighting for control.

“Shifting, need to shift 'mega” he gasps out and my eyes widen when I process what he just said, his wolf wants to come to the surface and it’s apparently very intent on not giving Namjoon much of a choice.

I bring a hand over his arm that covers me, soft and soothing as I squeeze my fingers around his forearm.

“It’s okay, alpha, I don’t mind, omega doesn’t mind” I muse and it’s instantaneous, the way he stops struggling, one last kiss to my skin before he sits up and scoots away from me, the loss of his touch leaving me cold and buzzing with excitement.

Am I going to finally meet one of their wolves? The pack alpha wolf? It’s almost scary, it’s like meeting the CEO of a big and impressive company, his wolf is at the head, it’s at the top, it decides, it makes the rules, and when I hear clothes ripping apart, Namjoon not allowed much time to remove much of anything, the quality of air changes, the first warning I get that the human-like version of Namjoon is gone.

His musky scent, one that previously was in the background, behind his lavender tea now comes to the front and my skin tingles, soul both recoiling from the very strong presence now besides me and needing to get closer to it, the air drizzling with the intense dominance of a wolf, thick and filling every inches of it.

Overly aware of the silence now taking place around me, not a single sound made if not for the breathing that doesn’t sound like it’s coming from a human body, I slowly sit up, body tense with nerves, fingers slightly trembling and when I turn my head towards Namjoon, I see a gigantic wolf instead, the couch’s size now one I understand, it’s also made to fit these big creatures.

Are they all shaped like a titan or is it just his wolf in particular, I don’t know, but I feel like a kitten next to a… well next to a wolf, except that I’m in my human form and I feel like the difference in size still applies.

The wolf gracing my eyes is entirely grey, from head to toes, except that his coat is decorated with spots of brown here and there, the eyes a deep and beautiful brown and as they stare right back at me, I see no trace of Namjoon, this is his wolf, mind sharp and smart, I can see the understanding and affection it has for me, it’s… very special.

Unsure of what to do, of what to say, I remain still as a statue when it jumps off the couch with a loud thump of its paws on the floor before making its way towards me and once in front of me, it pushes my legs apart with its nose before coming to stand between them, and even then, it’s a head taller than me, it hovers over me, beautiful and strong.

“Pack alpha” I breathe out, unable to not marvel over what I’m seeing, over what I’m sensing, if Namjoon felt safe, his wolf is the definition itself of the word protection, there’s nothing, not a single thing that could get past its attention, not a single thing that could harm me, it is imposing and demands respect, and I’m only too willing to give it, soul fluttering when it leans down to touch my nose with its own.

Tentative at first because I don’t know how it might react to my touch, I lift a hand to its head, and when my fingers disappear into the fluffy fur, all warm and soft, it leans into the touch, eyes shutting slowly and head tilting into my palm, the purrs coming back and melting all that I am, this feels magical.

“What a big pretty boy you are” I muse, to which it chirps softly, it makes me giggle and then I can’t resist it, both arms circling around its neck before I find myself hugging the beast and holy muffins and all that is sugar, this calls to my nesting instincts like I didn’t know possible, I just want to snuggle in there and forget about the rest of the world.

I rub my face into its fur and it remains still, content to indulge its omega, I said it myself, that I am theirs, it couldn’t be more overjoyed, it had to come out and let me know how grateful it is, how pleased it is, my acceptance of them all they need, all they want.

“Well well well, what is this lovely sight I come back home to?” a new voice suddenly says and I startle, the wolf grunts before nudging my side with a paw, I am safe, and when I look back, it’s to see Taehyung smiling at us, endeared by our unconventional duo.

“Joonie hyung’s wolf couldn’t resist being the first one to show off, huh?” he teases the beast who grumbles, body sticking to me as if allowing air in between us would bring forward the end of the world, it makes me giggle when it chirps and whines lowly, is it trying to explain its reasoning?

“Ah, is that so? Well I understand then, my wolf probably wouldn’t have been able to resist too, you just had to let her know that you are hers too, is that it?”.

My eyes widen when the wolf nods with a pleased grunt before nosing at my cheek and Taehyung smiles proudly at the eyes that fall on him in disbelief.

“With the pack mark, it’s easier to understand each other’s wolves” he explains before making his way to us and I hum, that I didn’t know, it’s pretty nice.

Taehyung sits next to me on the couch and wraps an arm around me with a kiss to my cheek. “My little rose, what are you doing up at this time? Namjoon didn’t keep you up by force, did he?”.

An indignant huff from the wolf and Taehyung chuckles while I shake my head, body leaning into his slightly while Namjoon’s alpha wolf remains as close to me as is possible.

“No, I actually slept too much today, it’s very hard to get away from the nest once you get started, Yoongi and Jungkook woke me up before dinner but I could already feel then that I would find it very hard to fall asleep tonight. Namjoon was keeping me company after coming back from work”.

“I see, so you’re still not sleepy right now?” he asks and I shrug lightly, fingers going back to the wolf’s fur because it’s that soft, it’s comforting, I might be able to sleep soon if I’m comfortable enough, but I don’t think I could if I remain alone, my bed barely smells like them, it feels bland, like it lacks flavors.

Taehyung’s apple pie sweetens as it goes around us in a light embrace, it makes both Namjoon’s wolf and I purr, even more so when I feel his lips to my throat for a soft scenting, my body drooping between the two of them.

“I think we should bring you to bed, baby rose, you would be surprised how easily you would doze off into sleep” the man muses, a deep hum as he registers all the scents sticking to me, I smell like pack, he loves this.

I yawn and nod my head, knowing that in the long run, me sleeping would be best if I want to go to work tomorrow with the two alphas, I don’t want them to leave without me again.

“I don’t mind, but… can you two stay with me? I don’t want to sleep alone” I ask in a plea, eyes raising to meet both of theirs sheepishly, Taehyung’s chest puffs out in delight while Namjoon’s wolf preens in contentment, of course they will, anything for their omega.

“It will be a pleasure, sweet rose, go brush your teeth, wash your face and change into a pyjama first, okay? You can get settled in with this big wolf here while I take a shower and I’ll join you two very soon” the beta requests and I nod, that I can do.

“You be fast, right? Don’t take too long in the shower” I ask him, to which he chuckles with a nod of the head. “Don’t worry, rose, I’ll be fast. Now go, let Joonie’s wolf guide you, he can keep you company while I grab my clothes”.

A grumble from said wolf gets my attention and when I turn my gaze to the beast, it’s to see its eyes set on me, tail wagging behind its huge body as it waits for me to stand up from the couch to head to the bathroom with it.

“Say, you’re not going to watch me change too, are you, big wolfie?” I ask it as I manage to make it to my feet, a little wobbly at first but my hands find purchase in its fur, fingers grabbing some of it to make sure I don’t fall like a stupid sleepy person.

It grunts a few times, but I can’t really tell if it’s a yes or a no, so I turn to Taehyung to make sure that I’m not going to have to fight with the pack alpha, but the beta is already walking away to respect my request of not taking too long, I sigh before turning back to the beast.

“If you just said that you are indeed going to do that, we’re going to have a problem, you and I” I let out as we start walking towards the corridor, the big wolf a little higher than my waist, it’s insane.

It grumbles unhappily, I can guess that it at least wants to be near and that I can tolerate. “As long as you don’t look while I’m changing, you can stay. But if you do look, I’m going to blindfold you, pack alpha or not, no one gets to look at my boobs without permission”.

A pleased huff and a hit of the tail against my butt, it makes me giggle in quiet, our presence near the bedrooms meaning we could easily wake them up if we’re too loud, none of us want that so from there, we don’t make any noise as we enter the bathroom I share with Taehyung to get ready for bed.

With me facing the sink and Namjoon’s wolf curling around my back to keep me steady, I brush my teeth with a fancy electric toothbrush that was neatly set aside for me, then wash my face with the same facial products that Taehyung uses, something he says he doesn’t mind in the slightest, my skin has been shining healthily ever since I started using it, it’s nothing like my cheap multi-purpose lotion I used before.

“You know, wolfie, if I don’t focus on the price behind every item I’m using, this isn’t so bad. I never really liked what I was using before, everything was managed so that I could eat at least a few meals a week, it wasn’t anything fancy even then, but sometimes I could afford myself some good old chicken and that made me happy, as if I wasn’t eating rice balls and ramyeon every other days” I tell the silent wolf as I pat my face dry with a soft towel before grabbing one of the creams.

“If I told mom that I didn’t have enough to buy shampoo or soap for the dishes, she’d just say that I was bad at managing the money her and dad gave me and to deal with it, but the thing is that I would limit myself for everything, I didn’t even buy myself new clothes when mine would break, I’d invest instead in a sewing kit because I couldn’t afford anything.

I wonder if they did that on purpose, maybe they really wanted to break me, make me lose my faith, they just wanted to see me crawl over and beg them to take me back” I continue with a shrug, it almost feels like another life, I’ve been allowed so much from my short stay here, the seven men have been so caring and gentle with me.

“And man were those winters cold, the walls were thin like paper, heating up the apartment would go through my whole budgeted money like it was fuel to fire, it felt useless to really heat at some point. You should’ve seen me sometimes, I looked like a yeti with all those blankets around me” I giggle at the memory, I’d get every single one of them and tie them with a belt, it was funny whenever I’d walk past a mirror.

The wolf’s head comes to rest against my stomach with a small whimper and I caress its head with a small smile.

“But you know, now the things I find funny don’t come from my misery anymore. Now I laugh because one of you do something weird, or when you guys tease each other, and all of you are so warm and you always make sure I’m okay, it’s… it’s really nice. I never thought I would experience such kindness one day, I’m really thankful that Yoongi talked to me that day”.

We stay like that for a moment, Taehyung’s scent nearby, he must be leaning against the wall besides the bathroom’s door, my words making it to him without barrier, I wonder how he must be feeling right now, his scent seems sad, sugar slightly burning, I guess my words made him upset.

“Do you think I can give you back as much as you’ve given me one day? I know I’m not financially independent just yet and I know none of you would accept anything I would buy for you without scolding me for not keeping it for myself instead, but at least in taking care of you, and showing you that you’re all very important to me, could I one day give back the whole extent of your kindness and love?”.

Taehyung opens the door and hurries to wrap me in his embrace, tight and strong, his scent wavering between his apple pie and burnt sugar, like he doesn’t know how to feel. “You’re already doing enough, sweet rose, just by being in our life and by allowing us to hold you, you’re doing more than enough”.

I smile, my insides melting and tingling. “Yeah, this is what I’m talking about, you’re all too kind” I muse, arms meeting at his back, Namjoon’s wolf stable around the both of us, it stays like a grounding presence, tall and safe.

I yawn, fatigue starting to make itself known with a light weight over my head and both wolves take that as sigh enough that it’s time I head to bed.

Taehyung pulls back slightly and cups my cheeks as he gazes softly at me, thumbs gentle over my cheeks and under my eyes as his scent softens back to his honey apple sweetness. “Will you be a good omega for me and get in bed? I will join you very soon, okay? Don’t think anymore about the past, let Joonie’s wolf keep you warm and cozy until you fall asleep, hm?”.

I tilt my head into his warmth and nod slowly, a tiny smile appearing on my lips, if that makes me a good omega… “I will, wolfie’s fur is perfect for nesting into, it’s all warm and smells good, and it’s going to be even better with you” I hum before yawning again, my limit attained for the night.

A kiss to my forehead before he nudges me softly towards the door, the wolf close on my heels. “It sounds like you’ve already planned how to make most of our situation, go get settled then, my cute little rose, don’t forget to change into a pyjama, I put a new one on your bed”.

Say no more!

Excited at the prospect of yet another new pyjama, I hurry out of the bathroom and to my room, the wolf letting out a surprised chirp at my sudden dashing off before it runs after me and Taehyung chuckles before closing the door behind him so he can finally get that shower and get off all the sweat of working in a hot kitchen.

Indeed, as soon as I enter my bedroom, I find on my bed a cute pyjama, and as soon as I touch it, I wonder once more just how Taehyung could find such a marvel, no doubt some of his unicorn blood was traded for it, there’s no possible price for this.

Eager to put it on and feel it on my skin, I get ready to remove my shirt but then remember the presence in the room, one look over my shoulder showing the wolf who looks away instantly, caught staring, it sure was.

“Pack alpha” I warn, and it grunts before closing the door, face then towards the corner of the two walls, it won’t look.

“You don’t look or you lose your sight, you choose” I tell the wolf just in case it would cross its mind to try again and when it grumbles as if saying a very long explanation of why it should or shouldn’t have a look, not that I would know, I shake my head before removing my clothes quickly to jump into the pyjama, my nerves keeping me from taking my time because… how trustworthy is a wolf when its true mate is nearby and naked?

I adjust the fabric over my body and once sure that I’m proper, I call out to the creature and turn around on myself to show off the cute night outfit, its chirp of approval putting a smile on my face before I point at the nest.

“Now it’s cuddle time, I wonder how it feels like with a real wolf, go on big wolf” I muse, it doesn’t let me ask twice when it rushes past me and on the bed with a pleased rumble, body turning and turning and turning and turning and- “I think it’s fine now” I let out when it has yet to settle, body going for another circle with a non-threatening growl before it finally lies down with a small exhale.

“You good now?” I ask, just to be sure that once I’m in, it won’t step all over me, but at a nod of its head, I turn off the light and climb in, the heat that radiates from its body enough to pull me in like a moth to a flame and when I let myself fall against its side, it’s to find myself pushed straight into a new world of fluffiness.

It’s instantaneous, the way my purr leaves me at the new comfort that shouldn’t exist, face nuzzling into its coat, the musk that sticks to me getting that scent of rain, it’s so nice, it fills the room quickly and without much resistance, my nest is going to smell so good tomorrow.

I feel Namjoon’s wolf’s wet nose brush against my temple before it tentatively licks my cheek and when I purr more in response, it huffs a small warm breath, head going to rest on a nearby pillow, tail over my waist, satisfied because omega is purring for alpha, the wolf couldn’t ask for more.

Already, in this position and surrounded by such comfort, I can feel myself slipping away into sleep and I cuddle deeper into its body, no doubt I’m almost disappearing into the fur at this point.

“Good night, alpha” I murmur, a goodnight wet kiss to my nose the last thing I register before I finally lose the fight for the day.



Alpha/Beta/Omega AU

CHAPTER 13 (6.6k words)

For more information about this story, find it here

(AUTHOR) I apologize for not having updated at all this week! I was really busy and couldn’t write at all! I hope you guys can forgive me and enjoy this sweet chapter!

“Was that enough? Do you want more? I can make you something else if you’d prefer more filling food? I’m not as skilled as Taehyung for baking but I can surely manage some sweetness” Hoseok offers from the other side of the table, eyes meeting mine in silent expectation after seeing me empty my bowl of soup in a time record.

I sheepishly gaze back at him, embarrassed that I was caught digging in like it was my last meal on earth, but the reality is that I was starving, it felt like I was eating for ten and today’s events probably had something to do with that.

“Didn’t Taehyung leave some leftover chocolate bites in the freezer?” Jimin speaks up from the kitchen as he gets himself a glass of water, eyes gazing at my expression long enough to see the interest flash through, it has Hoseok jumping to his feet to have a look himself.

Chocolate would cheer her up for sure, he tells himself, soul eager to be forgiven after the failed outing.

My perking up at seeing him hurry to the freezer doesn’t go unnoticed and when the beta opens the door with a swing that threatens to destroy the poor thing, Jimin can’t resist peeking over his shoulder, an additional pair of eyes working to find the sweet treat for their soft omega.

“So? Did he leave anything? Maybe behind the containers? Or behind the dumplings?” Jimin asks, lips bitten nervously when Hoseok doesn’t answer, fingers pushing everything aside and making a mess of his hard work organizing it all because he just wants to find at least one piece of dessert.

I observe in silence, get increasingly worried because I can smell their scents turning nervous, they’re taking this too seriously now, it’s just dessert, right? I can survive without any, really!

“Guys, it’s okay, I’m not really hungry anymore anyway, that soup was more than enough” I try to assure them but they both shake their head, now on a mission to find something sweet, chocolate, candies, it doesn’t matter, they’ll give me something, their wolves have found purpose and they will accomplish it.

Wolves want true mate happy, let them work.

My eyes widen at the clear voice that resonates in my head, a purring that doesn’t feel like it’s mine at the back of my mind, it’s such a weird feeling, but there’s no doubt about this, my wolf just spoke to me.

Jimin stares at me and pauses his searching as he registers the shock on my face. “Love, are you okay?”.

Hoseok peeks out from behind the freezer’s door and at seeing my face, he closes it before both men make their way to me, noses smelling my windy rain, not quite a bad one, it’s more like it’s out of surprise, they still can’t help but be worried when I have yet to answer.

“Doll? Is something wrong?” the beta asks as he crouches in front of me at the table, Jimin behind him and it takes me a moment to admit it aloud, it’s not like it’s the first time this happens but… will I ever get used to it?

“I just… I heard my wolf talk to me” I mumble and the two of them relax instantly, eyes warming up in understanding, this is all so new for me after all.

“What did it say?” Jimin inquires and I blush a little, my scent turning all soft rain, cinnamon almonds and honey making me want to smell more of it, as if the cuddle session from earlier wasn’t enough. Steal blankets and nest with true mates?

My blush deepens and I hide my face, too embarrassed to say it aloud, how dare it say exactly what’s on my mind back to me!

“Could it be that it liked how we were trying to make you happy?” Jimin tries with a sultry voice, it’s teasing and gentle, and the small peek between my fingers to briefly stare at him answers his question, it makes both men preen in pride.

“I’ll bake something, okay? We’ll get that sweetness done” Hoseok decides with a firm nod of the head and before I can even try to hint at my other plan which consists of cuddling more because it just felt so good earlier to be that close to them, it pleased every single cells of my body, he goes off running to the pantry to get everything he believes necessary.

I pout a little, plan ruined, you can still steal blanket, blanket doesn’t betray, and yes, it’s right, blanket doesn’t betray.

Under Jimin’s curious eyes, I stand up from my seat at the table and walk past him to head back to the pack nest, the blankets there smell like everyone, if I bring one to the living room, it’ll feel like they’re all home.

And then when they get back home, we can all cuddle together?

I nod, that sounds perfect.

It’s like something has changed in me after conversing in the pack nest earlier, to accept the instincts that flood through me, to not resist them, isn’t this normal?

I’m an omega, I’m allowed to steal nest materials, this is my right, especially if my wolf’s the one asking for them, that’s what Jimin said, right?

I enter the room, unaware of the alpha following me discreetly, his eyes creasing with pride at seeing me enter the pack nest from a distance, this is what he wanted, for me to walk around freely without fear, and now he wonders if I’ll walk out again or if they lost me to the magical nest.

I reach the bed, lungs filling with the seven different scents, scents that feel like home, when did this start happening? It feels like everything is moving too fast, yet not fast enough at the same time.

To have had my instincts caged for so long, they must be eager to finally have a freedom, to be soothed just like they should’ve been a long time ago, it feels good to not have to resist anymore, things I used to find weird before now finding a right to exist to their full extent.

I part the curtains of the beautiful nest and then grab the fluffiest blanket, face rubbing into it the best thing in the world, everything is so soft in here, it makes me want to get in and just… scent everything.

Do it.

I look behind me, at the parted door, and after one moment of hesitation, decide to give up on walking out of here. This is where I will spend the rest of my life from now on.

Feeling a strange yet comfortable haze settle over my mind when I close the curtains behind me to really get that cocoon effect, fairy lights giving off a pretty orange glow to the area, a purr starts building in the back of my throat at being in such a cozy space, one that smells like my seven true mates, perfection, this is perfection.

I lie down in the middle of the nest and rub my face into the pillows, a satisfied purr leaving me when my own scent starts being added to the lot, it makes me want to do it more, I want them to smell me as soon as they come here, I want to be part of this.

Just one more surface.

I turn around and pull a blanket closer, rub my face into it, bring it to my neck, unconscious of how it has me falling into a trance of bliss, every scents sticking to me, it’s like paradise, but it’s not enough yet, their scents are so strong, I need to add more.


Jin’s POV

Finally back home, my first urge is to find my poor omega, how is she feeling now? Is she feeling better? Is she still shocked because of what happened outside? Did they make up? What about Hobi? How is he? Did he cry?

So many things I want to make sure of, it has my wolf and I feeling restless, we couldn’t take a single break today, there were just so many patients in need of my help and I couldn’t nest for even two minutes, it’s making me cranky and sadly, most of it fell on Hoseok, which makes me feel terrible.

To know that she couldn’t nest when she was in such a big need of it when I myself was in the same situation? It all hit too close to home, I didn’t want her to feel the way I did and at reading his messages, it made me really angry, I shouldn’t have let my instincts take over that way, I need to apologize to Hoseok.

As soon as I step foot inside the house, I’m met with the sweet smell of baked goods… is that chocolate croissants? Is Taehyung already back? I thought he would be home late today.

I head to the kitchen when I have yet to find anyone, body tense as I try to resist the urge to run to the pack nest, I just need to see everyone first, after I can go and get that itch out from under my skin.

There, to my surprise, I find Hoseok and Jimin, the two of them working together on decorating little cakes, warm croissants cooling down besides them, cheeks and noses covered with vanilla cream, happy glows to their eyes, they sure had their fun, it warms my heart, rids the image of a crying Hobi I had stuck in my mind.

They both turn to me when they smell me and smiles appear, joyous almonds and cinnamon, it makes me tear up, heart filling with guilt for the way I had talked upon learning of what happened to Y/N, I really didn’t mean to be so angry at him, he didn’t deserve any of it, he didn’t know.

The beta drops everything he’s holding at the sight of my growing tears, scent turning sharp and he comes running to hug me tightly after washing his face with a towel, his scent pushing out pheromones to calm me, his shushing voice soothing, I melt in his embrace, tears running down my cheeks as I hug him back, I’m so glad he’s fine.

“Is our omega feeling bad?” Jimin muses softly as he comes to join us, his hand rubbing up and down my back and when I nod, Hoseok hugs me with even more strength, his almonds sweet, so sweet.

“It’s okay, hyung, you were right, all of you. I really messed up, I’ll make sure it never happens again, I promise. Jimin was very grounding ever since he got here, he took care of everything, it’s all good now, both with me and with Y/N” the beta explains with a gentle voice, it has me heaving out a sigh of relief, thank goodness.

I take my time to scent him properly, it’s not the same as scenting an alpha, but he’s a mate all the same and it helps, my boiling emotions getting the slightest respite, he doesn’t hate me.

“I’m so sorry, Hobi, I really didn’t want to be like that, you were already panicking and instead of helping you, I made it so much worse, I’m sorry” I tell him, a pressure over my heart lifting when he coos and kisses my forehead, he already forgave me, of course he did.

We keep hugging each other for a beat longer until my wolf growls, that nesting urge still not gone, I’m truly getting at my limit, senses in disarray, it’s very uncomfortable.

“You need to nest, don’t you? You should go now, hyung, there might be a surprise waiting for you, a terribly adorable omega completely blissed out and passed out right in the middle of the blankets and pillows. She pushed herself into a scent coma” Jimin informs me with a giggle and I pull back to stare at him in surprise, did she really?

“In the pack nest?” I ask, hope in my voice, did she really go there all by herself?

When they both nod, a small nudge towards the corridor to spur me on, I break into a run, needing to see for myself, just how much of her scent was added into the pack nest, and to have the possibility to nest with another omega?

It’s a dream come true, it really is.

Being the only omega in a pack isn’t always very fun, the others don’t have the same nesting urges as I do, and it’s not their fault, they don’t need it the way I do, but with her… things can be different.

As soon as I reach the door, I become aware of the sound of heavy purring on top of her scent flooding the room, the sweetest version of it, it has my own purr rumbling out of me before I even step a foot inside because this, this is heaven on earth.

I never knew that a scent was missing in our pack until we met Y/N, her rainy roses everything we need, all of us.

I open the shut door and enter inside, soul and heart giddy to find out how sweet and soft she currently is and I’m not disappointed, far from it when I part the curtains to find her under a pile of blankets, her arms rubbing the fluffy duvet unconsciously, her adorable purrs filling the silence, lips parted, yet the corners unmistakably curl into a smile, a treasure for my heart, I’m in love.

I carefully climb the nest and close the curtains behind me before making my way to my true mate, my cute little omega, lie down besides her before pulling her towards me with one arm under the blankets and over her waist, she’s so warm, it’s soothing me instantly, every struggles and worries I had today disappearing thanks to her.

It’s like her rain is washing away every impurities that were swarming me, she’s purifying my soul and filling it with rose water, an aroma that makes me breathe in deeply, I could never get tired of her scent, one that depicts her as mine.

With the both of us purring like madmen, it settles a deep instinctive need to care for her that I had dragged behind me all day long upon learning of her situation, her wolf wouldn’t be this content if she wasn’t feeling better now so I can allow myself to truly enjoy this moment, my wolf in ecstasy in front of such bliss.

I nuzzle my face into her neck as I slide under the blankets covering her to be part of that warm and delicious cocoon, her body brought even closer to mine, the way she fits into me like the missing piece of a puzzle sending happy waves of delight from my ears to my toes.

“My sweet omega” I murmur before mouthing at her throat, it causes her scent to spike up, rose water on my tongue, but there’s also a hint of every other scents in the nest, she rubbed the nesting materials all over her skin, it makes me proud because that means she’s starting to claim us as hers, she’s trying to accept instincts she might not understand, she allowed her wolf some control.

Whatever it is that Jimin did and said today, it made things move and I’m so thankful.

It was a worry I had, that she would resist the instincts because they would clash with her human mind, with what she grew up learning, the things that her adoptive parents might have forced her to go along with, or the things they would have stopped her from doing.

Living the way a human does is not made for wolves, as similar as we are, we are also incredibly different.

A small whine reaches my ears when I lick her throat and I find myself grinning slightly, tongue lapping over her scent gland, possessiveness crawling around my heart at the sound of her sweet voice, my beautiful omega, so small under me.


Yes, ours.

Thick and fat rain that drizzles over my head, roses bursting like someone keeps throwing petals all over the place, I can’t keep my mint from wrapping around her, the way I keep adding more to her skin, it oozes in the air, it gives a coldness to the rain, but it’s not uncomfortable, it’s nice, minty roses, I don’t hate the mix, it’s like a very original garden.

“Is a certain lovely girl waking up?” I coo when I hear her breath hitch in her throat, I can feel it under my lips, it’s fascinating, addicting.

“J-Jin?” she manages out, voice nearly giving up on her with how strong of a daze she finds herself in, remains from the scent-coma she pushed herself into, but also from being scented by me that way, it’s not something she’s used to, not yet.

I don’t want to stop giving love to her delicious skin, but I also want to see her shining eyes and so, I pull back and adjust myself until I hover right above her, upper body propped on hands that rest on either side of her head while the rest of my body cuddles her side, I take in the flushed cheeks, the dreamy orbs, oh how beautiful she is like this.

Moving down to one elbow, I get even closer to her, my breath fanning over her lips, it has her pink turning into a red as I bring my now free hand to cup her face, thumb sliding over her chin and lips, how soft and plump they are, I can’t wait to have a taste of these one day.

My purring resonates directly against her chest, she can feel how strong it is, to a point that it overrides her own and I can see the way her eyes nearly roll backwards because of it, because purrs are known to be soothing, healing, there’s no way even the smallest worry could pierce through our wonderland right now.

“My pretty girl, how are you feeling?” I ask her, preen with the way she has to try very hard to focus on my words, her brain melted, enchanted, she has to rebuild some of it to be able to process and answer, it’s absolutely endearing to see.

“I… feel good, very good” she eventually murmurs, eyes blinking lovingly at me and I hum, the urge to kiss her so strong, but it wouldn’t be fair for her, not when she’s in that state, when everything is so new, so I instead settle for her cheeks, nose, forehead, everywhere but her lips, but I will have them one day.

Her soft giggles echo around me as she starts recovering a little bit more, it takes everything I have in me to not return to her scent gland and push her back in that daze, my wolf needing nothing more than to keep her close to me at all time, under my protection, today hurt her and I don’t want it to happen again.

“Did Jimin take good care of you today? Did Hobi apologize, my sweet muffin?” I ask her instead, eyes gazing into hers, enough strength back into her orbs to be able to comprehend more of my words, she nods after a moment, a smile forming on her lips.

“They both took good care of me, and Hobi apologized more than necessary so I made sure to let him know that it was okay and we… talked a lot, Jimin explained things to me and made me promise to be good to myself and to my wolf, I said I would try”.

I hum at her words, incredibly pleased by what I’m hearing.

“That makes me happy, sweetheart, very happy, you deserve to be good to yourself, you deserve everything good in this world” I tell her with another peck to her nose that has her smiling shyly to me.

Her eyes dart to my neck and I observe in wonder as she bites on her bottom lip, a little unsure of herself before she decides to wrap her arms around my torso to snuggle into me and a happy rumble leaves my chest at the act, all of my soul content with this private moment I’m finally spending with her.

I let myself fall to my side to give her more access to my throat, both arms circling around her waist to keep her close and when I feel her nose graze against my scent gland, I close my eyes to enjoy this with her, the soft tickles sending tingles to my heart and soul, my scent pushes out of me, eager to flood the air and please her instincts.

A cuddly little omega. It seems that while today was tough on her, it also opened her mind a little bit more to her reality, and by the same occasion, to us as well.

“I thought you would’ve been back later” she says after a moment and I shift a little to lie on my back, arms pulling her on top of me to cradle her close, I like having weight over me and she doesn’t complain, instead naturally curving her body to fit the new angle she finds herself in, cheek resting against my shoulder, her fingers running along my other softly in a distracted manner.

“I was supposed to, but I couldn’t handle being away from you anymore and most patients I had to see were mostly betas and alphas at this point so I asked another doctor who was free to take them for me. Called in sick for the rest of the day” I explain, words that have her pausing her fingers for a moment before resuming.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry everyone today” she murmurs, her purrs weaker, it alerts my mind, because nesting is not over, I don’t want her unhappy in the nest I spent so long building, this is a safe space, happy space, need true mate happy.

I hug her tighter and shake my head, pheromones oozing out to cheer up her mood, because as weak as mine are, they still act well on her since my pack rank is above hers.

Even though her being in our pack is not yet official, her wolf knows, it reacts instantly, soothed as her body melts into mine.

“It’s alright, omega, we just want to take care of you, not being able to leave work when Hoseok told us what happened made us tense but we knew that Jimin would be able to take care of you well, the others will just want to cuddle with you to reassure their wolves when they’re back too, lots of cuddles for our sweet girl” I assure her and she nods lightly, the thought of more cuddles causing her purrs to get stronger again.

“I love cuddles, I didn’t know I would love it that much but I would cuddle forever if I could, it’s so warm and cozy, and you guys smell so good” she admits with a tiny voice, embarrassed about it but the fact that she voices it out anyway sends happy tingles across my soul because that sounds like a request, doesn’t it?

She wants us to know that she enjoys them and that we can seek them out with her, she will want them just as much.

“I’ll be sure to let the others know” I croon, purrs seeping out of me with much more strength than I have ever known myself to be able to produce, it makes her giggle, her shyness turning into amusement at the feeling that spreads through her body and I chuckle, unable to stop them, I’m just so happy.

“Let’s stay here until the others get back home, okay?” I ask her and immediately, she nods, the idea obviously pleasing her as she noses at my scent gland softly, her purring merging with mine.

“Let’s do that”.

Your POV

“Look how adorable they are”.

“I know! And I’ve never heard Jin hyung purr that loudly before, look at his face, he’s in heaven, Y/N’s heaven, it makes me jealous, he’s never purred like that with us”.

“Right, his omega wolf must be jubilant. Jin wasn’t meant to be the lowest rank in the pack, so when we do formalize her being with us, him being the pack omega is going to make him much more comfortable, he’ll have someone to take care of, someone who will look up to him, look up to his wolf, it’s what he’s always needed”.

I listen to the ongoing conversation with a distracted mind, only a few words registering but senses mostly focused on Jin and on the mattress dipping to one side, baby powder and dark chocolate filling the space, it’s Jungkook and Yoongi. Did they come back from work?

A gentle hand that cups my cheek and my eyes flutter open to find Jungkook smiling at me, his eyes warm as he gazes at me. “Are you back with us, sweets?”.

I giggle lightly and nod my head, the older omega’s arms still around me and holding me tight keeping me feeling so cozy and safe.

“I think so… today was filled with cuddles and naps, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight” I admit and Yoongi sighs with a smile and a shake of his head in fake reprimand at my words.

“Those wolves could only think of spending time with you that they’re going to ruin your whole sleep schedule… well, we can see what we do about that when we get there, how about you come with us for now? It wouldn’t do to have you go back to napping, dinner is already in the oven and it should be ready in maybe one hour, I took over for Hoseok tonight”.

I purse my lips at the prospect of leaving Jin’s embrace, I love the feeling of his purring as it travels through my whole body, it’s so soothing, like it’s melting all the stress out of me, but at Jungkook and Yoongi’s expectant eyes, I eventually nod my head and let the youngest alpha help me get off of Jin without waking him up.

It’s not easy, my body so soft and relaxed that my muscles have all but given up on me, and he seems to notice too because the next thing I know, my eyes end up facing loose blue hair, baby powder strong in my nose as he cradles me in his hold, arms holding me up carefully into his chest before he gets us out of the nest, Yoongi close behind with a pleased smile.

“Is everyone else back now?” I ask them as we exit the room, door slightly shut to give the other omega some more napping time before it’s time to wake up and Yoongi shakes his head as they resume walking.

“No, but Namjoon is on the way, as for Taehyung, he’ll be back later, he won’t eat dinner with us because he has to cater to a few people tonight at the restaurant”.

I hum, a little bummed that Taehyung won’t be here anytime soon, but knowing that I can see him later, that I will be here to greet him when he comes back, it makes me feel better about it, so I continue on to the next subject on my mind.

“Could I come with you to work tomorrow? I think I’d be fine going now, plus you two are going to be there so things can’t really go wrong, what do you think?” I ask, eager to do my job, I barely worked a full day with them, it’s ridiculous.

The two of them share a look at my words, unsure of what to say, am I really ready to go after what happened today, after my reaction to a lack of nesting?

“Wouldn’t it be better to wait a little, honey? You just had a long day” Yoongi tries, worried but I pout and give him my puppy eyes, I can’t stay here forever, can I?

“I’ll bring a blanket from the nest? If I ever need a time out, I’ll burrito myself and call for one of you?”.

Jungkook huffs softly and nods his head, much to Yoongi’s disagreement, he rather wouldn’t risk it just yet, but I do make a good point, that’s what I was missing yesterday so if I have a nest at my disposal, things wouldn’t turn that bad again.

“I guess we could make you a nest in our office, we only go there when we need to draw on a project, you could have it as your own space if you need a break” the older alpha mumbles as we enter the living room where Jimin and Hoseok are now sitting calmly, the TV turned on on some news channel, they both turn to us when they hear his words.

“Are you leaving to work with them tomorrow, doll?” the latter asks, a little worried, but when I nod my head excitedly, Jimin hums, pleased.

“That’s a good idea, it’s going to be good for her to accommodate to her wolf there, she’s going to get the perfect balance of calm and customers, she can get used to new scents without being overwhelmed since you guys have a good ventilation system, I’m all for it”.

The merman has spoken, he’s on my side, my hero, all hail good merman Jimin!

Said man’s cheeks blush prettily, a wide smile stretching his lips and he bows slightly. “This merman is at your service, my love, anything for you”.

I blink as a blush creeps up my cheeks too and both him and Jungkook giggle while the other two let out a soft sigh, knowing that there’s no going back now if I have two alphas on my side already.

Namjoon’s the only one who could get in the way if he thought that it would be a bad idea, but they already know he won’t, he knows her in capable hands with them both, he trusts them like no other pack alpha could ever trust their members.

Yoongi shrugs lightly before going to the couch to cuddle between Hoseok and Jimin, soft scenting happening under my eyes and marveling my senses as I smell dark chocolate, almonds and cinnamon merge together to create a new dessert that I would love having a taste of.

“Well I guess there’s no point in avoiding this, Jimin does make sense, and we’ll be there anyway, two alphas can surely handle a breakdown if one ever occurs” the eldest eventually concludes and Jungkook and I both cheer at his approval before the youngest alpha starts spinning us in circle happily.

“We’ll get to be together all day again!” he chirps and I nod my head quickly, arms holding onto him tightly to avoid slipping away and flying through the air, I’m not a bird after all, it has both alphas and the beta tensed as they keep an eye on me until Jungkook starts slowing down the spinning, his head turning a little dizzy, it makes him giggle.

“Let’s not forget that it won’t be to play, but to work, right?” Yoongi reiterates to make sure and when we both nod assuredly his way, he lets slip a small grin, his heart unable to resist such a cute sight.

“Alright, come join us, let’s watch a little something while we wait for the lasagna to be ready”.

I gasp at his words.

“Lasagna?! Yes!!!” I scream as Jungkook walks around the couch to join them and they all chuckle at my clear excitement, Yoongi a proud wolf because he’s the one who came up with the idea, he even made the pastas himself with Hoseok’s directives, he really wanted to please his true mate, so to hear that it’s working, he’s indeed a preening wolf.

We end up all squished on the couch, myself still on Jungkook because there’s otherwise not a single chance for me to make it in between them and we all giggle like children at the way legs have to raise over knees to make it work, it’s a mess of tangled limbs but it feels good, it feels right.

“So… lasagna, explain your reaction, doll, you like it that much?” Hoseok asks once he’s comfortable, interested to learn more about my taste, he can already think of different variations of the meal and he wonders if I would love them as much as the classic tomato one.

I shuffle on top of Jungkook to have a good view of the cook who looks ready to take notes for future references, it makes me grin, he looks so cute like that, his curious eyes on my own, hearty lips curled upwards, he’s beautiful.

“You’re probably expecting a very meaningful explanation, but in all honesty, I just love that dish with all of my being because it’s the best, most delicious food in the whole world and pastas rule and added with cheese and whatever sauce and garnishes you want to add, you’ve got world domination in your hands, that is all” I let out seriously, and when silence greets my words, I nod to myself, satisfied.

There’s the simpler explanation of… I just really like that dish, but then…. where would be the fun in that? What I said is much better.

“Well that is not what I was expecting to hear at all, but I can’t say I’m disappointed” Hoseok blurts out, eyes round as he stares back at me before breaking into laughter, Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi not far behind now that it’s fully processed in their mind.

“I guess Yoongi hyung really had a wonderful idea tonight, must be why he insisted for it despite it being a lot of work” Jungkook muses happily, arms embracing me from behind as he snuggles into Jimin’s side to seek more comfort, one I am also allowed when the latter’s hands come to find mine sweetly.

I look down as his fingers weave through mine to interlock tightly and I smile at the alpha when our eyes meet, his cinnamon melting and seeping into the air and around each of us, it easily expresses his delight and love.

“It makes me happy, but now I’m also starting to be nervous about it, I hope it’ll be good” Yoongi mumbles, his nerves slightly spiking up until Hoseok nuzzles his side softly. “It will be good, hyung, I was there to help you, you did every steps very well, it’s going to be delicious”.

I turn around to stare at the worried alpha. “Honestly, Yoongi, you can’t do worse than my first and last attempt at making lasagna for myself, that one was a mistake, good for trash, even the wild animals wanted nothing to do with it, I might have made a new type of poison that day”.

A few huffs of disbelief echo at my words and heads shake. “Impossible, I would’ve eaten it, those animals are just inconsiderate” Jungkook states and I shift to stare at him.

“Jungkook” I start, take in his unwavering eyes, he truly believes what he just said.

“It was black and a knife couldn’t make it through the bricks of pastas, I had to put the whole glass container in the trash” I say, notice how his gaze wavers, doubt filling in his doe eyes, would he still try to eat something that could break his teeth?

Jimin snorts. “How did you even do that, love?”.

I shrug as I rest my head on Jungkook’s shoulder, back against his chest. “I fell asleep and woke up to black smoke all over the place. My lasagna was in fire”.

The four men tense up immediately, eyes widening and wolves grumbling in panic, true mate cannot cook EVER again.

“Oh honey… you know falling asleep while food is in the oven is very dangerous” Yoongi murmurs, his voice chiding and I know that very well, but I was just so exhausted that I couldn’t keep my eyes open a second longer, I thought my alarm would’ve gotten me up but I slept through it too many times.

“I know” I pout, fingers playing with Jimin’s to keep myself from meeting their staring eyes. “I never tried to make big food since then though, the deception was huge”.

Huge like a tsunami, all this wasted cheese and pasta… that was a sad day indeed, the poor cheese…

Jungkook nuzzles his face into the side of my neck with a sigh. “Whatever are we going to do with you, our cute little omega? If you ever want to cook something again, you can ask one of us here and we’ll help you, it could be a nice activity to do together”.

Well that certainly would be fun.

“Good, we’ll do that next time then” he chirps before sighing with satisfaction as he grabs the controller for the TV from next to Jimin. “Now let’s watch something else than these recurring news, we can watch those funny videos of people failing stuff instead”.

“Do you think I could’ve been part of those videos too with my failed attempt at lasagna?” I ask as the channel changes to the right show and Hoseok hums, although it sounds slightly judging.

“Sweet bun, I rather think yours would’ve ended up in a show of examples of things to avoid doing” he claims and I scrunch my nose in displeasure. “One that only eighty years old people watch? Now that’s no fun”.

Yoongi huffs. “Almost dying because of a lasagna in fire is not meant to be fun, sweet thing”.

I grumble under my breath and decide to fully focus on Jimin’s cute fingers and the show on the TV, not having anything to retort to that, because he’s right.

“At least it sounds better than dying from adoptive parents poisoning the child under their responsibility” I eventually let out with a pout and the air stills at the bad memory, angry growls rising to fill the silence.

“Right, still need to deal with these guys” Jimin murmurs under his breath, fingers clenching around my own and I smile awkwardly to myself, that sounded highly ominous, didn’t it?

“You guys are not going to do anything to them, right?” I ask, unsure if I even want to hear the answer and when indeed silence greets my words, nope nope nope.

“You know what, let’s just watch this show, yeah? Then we can eat good lasagna” I hurry to blurt out, because I’m not taking part in something illegal, oh no!

If I have mafia mates, I’m not digging into that just yet! Give me some time to adjust, damn it!



Alpha/Beta/Omega AU

CHAPTER 12 (7.5k words)

For more information about this story, find it here

Jimin’s POV

“Where is she?” I ask as soon as I enter the house, the group chat running wild after Hoseok’s description of what happened on their walk outside, when he took Y/N to get a phone as well as getting some fresh air.

He shared all about the way she got upset about something that she wouldn’t open up about, when she got mad when he tried to help her before running off and how she needed to be scruffed to calm down again, her emotions out of control, he explained everything in details.

He didn’t understand why that happened and he wanted help, guidance, but instead of it, he got swarmed by anger and disappointment from our mates.

Hobi, you didn’t bring any emergency nesting materials?!
She’s still way too sensitive to be confronted to anything relatively stressful yet!!!
Her wolf doesn’t understand anything, team that up with upsetting emotions and concerns and you’ve got a storm to clean up!!

He’s right hyung…
She’s in a very vulnerable state right now, there’s a lot of change going on around her, not just with her presenting as an omega, but also with her living conditions
Going from alone to being with seven wolves who she learns are her true mates, as well as being overly aware that we’re… well… rich, it’s a lot to take in
You should’ve asked her to wait outside after making her choose the phone, seeing your black card when she’s been living in such awful conditions for so long?
I can’t even begin to imagine what must have gone through her mind

Hobi… you should’ve told us about your plan before going
It would’ve been better if one of us alphas came along, just in case
This could’ve been avoided

Even without seeing any members of the pack, it was easy to see that everyone was mad, and poor Hobi was right in the middle of it even though he hadn’t meant for things to turn that way.

It just didn’t cross his mind because she’s fine when she’s at home, such an unstable omega isn’t something we’re used to dealing with, how was he supposed to know that it would turn that way? He just wanted to make her smile, he wanted to spoil her, any of us would’ve done the same in his place.

“She’s in her room, she hasn’t come out since we’ve been back” I hear him answer weakly from the floor besides her door as I enter the corridor and the sight breaks my heart, his eyes red and puffy, clearly he’s been crying upon learning that her tantrum was because he hadn’t prepared enough for the eventuality of her becoming overwhelmed, just a scented hoodie or a fluffy scarf would’ve helped.

I make my way to him and kneel in front of his curled up body, hands cupping his cheeks to make him look at me, his sour oranges bathing in their own juice, like he’s just on the verge of melting into a puddle on the ground to hide before the others get here.

“You didn’t do it on purpose, hyung, okay? We all know that, the others are just on edge because they can’t get to her now, they know that you didn’t mean things to turn out that way, they’re not in their right state of mind so don’t take it too much to heart, hm?” I assure him, needing him to understand that.

When it concerns the well-being of your true mate and you can’t even do anything to help, it’s enough to make your wolf grow enraged. Biting off the finger that touched her hair for a millisecond becomes instinctive, they can’t help it, even if Hoseok is our mate, as well as being her true mate too, their wolf doesn’t care in the heat of the moment.

Hoseok knows that, he knows, but the beta can be so sensitive, it’s easy to forget and indeed, at my words, his eyes fill with water again, his chin wobbling under my fingers and I whine at the sight, Hoseok crying such a rare thing, I hate seeing him in this state so much.

I push down my own burned papers and try to get my cinnamon out instead to soothe him, lips brushing against his closed eyelids to remind him that despite everything, we still love him very much, things will be fixed, we just need to learn how to take care of our new omega, all of us.

It’s a learning process for everyone, none of us are perfect, we just need to take the time and share what we doknow so that the whole pack can be on the same level of knowledge. A lack of information leads exactly to what happened today, Hoseok is not to blame for it.

“Do you want to go and make some soup, hyung? You two haven’t eaten anything yet, right? It’ll keep you busy while I take care of her, while I see if I can get her out of the nest” I suggest, wanting nothing more than to distract him with a task that he enjoys doing.

That’s what I want, but at the mention of her empty stomach, he blinks quickly before letting out a quiet sob, hands reaching out to cover his face, shoulders shaking and making me hover over him, instincts just on the verge of making me pin him on the floor for an urgent scenting.

“I’m such a bad true mate, Jiminie, I completely forgot about lunch” he whimpers out and I wrap him in my arms, his head settled in the nook of my neck while I kiss the top of his head, my hold on him strong, the others really have been too harsh on him.

“You’re not a bad true mate, hyung, not at all. We’re all learning here, it’s just not easy to do because Y/N herself doesn’t know what she needs, what she wants, she doesn’t know her limits either. We’re not magicians, there’s bound to be errors at some point, the important is that we learn from them, okay?”.

He sniffles and nods his head lightly, rubs his nose into my skin to get more of my cinnamon, I let him get what he needs, his oranges not quite back to almonds yet, but at least with my own scent, his doesn’t seem so bad anymore, it helps.

“Now, how about you get something done in the kitchen, hm? We’ll be there soon, can you do that for me, sweet beta?” I ask him, the slightest hint of alpha voice used, and when he hums in approval before standing up to his feet with my help, I smile, pull him in to kiss his nose until he lets out a soft giggle before I let him go.

And when he’s out of range, I sigh and turn my attention to the closed door, knowing that she’s on the other side in… I don’t know what state.

She must be upset because of the way she behaved earlier, she must believe that it was her overreacting or something of the kind, I hope she’ll be willing to listen to me.

I just want her to know that just like Hoseok, it wasn’t her fault, it’s simply her wolf being overwhelmed as much as she is. It’s not helping either of them, but they can’t control that side of their bond yet, it’s too new, they have so much to learn, our pretty little pups.

Hopefully the nest made her calm enough to let me in at least a little, I wish she would let me know what made her upset in the first place, Hoseok did write in the group chat that she admitted to having worries that she doesn’t want to share, she doesn’t want to be looked down upon.

I can understand the feeling, the need to keep a brave facade in front of others, to look like everything is fine when in fact, we’re breaking from the inside. It’s painful, yet so hard to stop, I don’t want her to do the same as me, I don’t want her to hurt in silence.

I open the door leading to her bedroom, expect to find her in the bed, I honestly imagined one big mountain of blankets with her right at the bottom, but when I find it intact, nest just as she’d left it and empty, I freeze, eyes looking around the room to find that there’s no sign of her, none at all.

Not visually anyway.

Her scent though… it seems to be coming from the closet, the door shut on her.

Did she make herself a nest in there? She must have needed an additional feeling of safety, it wouldn’t be unusual, but the nest hasn’t been touched, she couldn’t possibly have gone to get some stuff from the pack nest or our rooms, so what-

I shake my head in skepticism, unable to believe that she would do such a thing, she hasn’t been hiding in there on the cold floor without anything to keep her warm, there’s a limit to how mean you can be to yourself, if she’s been denying herself her nesting instincts…

Anxious to find out, I open the closet’s door and what I see has my guts churning, heart dropping to my feet, my wolf growling in despair and my blood boiling in my veins as I take in the sight in front of me.

Oh my poor omega… why do that to yourself?

To see her rolled like a cinnamon bun in the corner of the larger than small space with a pillow cover over her shoulders… it makes me want to cry, mind unable to process what I’m seeing, because why did she choose to be there instead of the nest we made for her?

Heck, it feels like anywhere would’ve been better than the spot she chose, this… cold, empty space.

There’s no clothes in here, nothing to bring even the slightest sense of warmth, it makes me mad, fingers clenching in shock as my soul tries to process, to understand and failing right away because no matter the cause, this is wrong.

Her scent is stuck in a permanent storm even as she sleeps, arms hugging her shivering form, it has me reacting instantly, feet taking me to her before I scoop her up into my arms and gosh, her skin is freezing, this isn’t okay, no matter what took place in her mind to convince herself that she deserved this, it will never be okay.

With a grumbling growl constantly echoing off of me, I ignore her nest as I make my way out of the closet to head to the pack nest instead where our mates’ scents are strong and overwhelming in the best way possible, unable to think about anything other than the fact that I’ll have to make her understand that from now on, ignoring your instincts in such a painful manner is a big no.

We even have a rule for that damn it! You do not forbid your wolf to seek comfort, no matter what happened prior to that need!

If Jin had been the one finding her miserable form in the closet, she would’ve gotten a huge earful until she would’ve started crying before he would even consider slowing down, because as a doctor for omegas, he stressesthe fact that nesting is vital, an omega needs to nest often, no matter how weak it makes them look and feel.

You do not avoid nesting to look tough, or to punish yourself, there are plenty other ways to do that, but hurting yourself? Not one of them.

I reach the gigantic bed in the middle of the nesting room, one that was specifically made to fit seven grown men, blankets hung from the ceiling and draping around the handmade shelving unit surrounding the bed to create this cozy space with just enough fairy lights and candles to give it a romantic touch.

Each shelves were decorated carefully by us, pictures that we love, little figurines that we found cute as well as spare pillows, blankets and scented clothes, the pack nest is always ready to bring comfort.

And since Jin likes to do things with just a bit more impact than others normally do, he chose blankets with his face all over them, the Jin Kingdom, where your worries disappear, because how dare you be sad in heaven?

Gosh I love him.

Storm clouds bring me back to the matter at hand and after moving her to one arm so I can part the curtain of fabric to gain access to the bed with the other, a paradise of fluffy pillows and blankets, our clothes hidden somewhere in there, I doubt we’re ever finding some of them to be honest, our omega was not taking any chances with us getting them back, they’re here to stay, I settle her in the middle, grab the warmest thing I find to cover her freezing body with before turning my head towards the door.

“Beta, pack nest, now!”.

Body itching to join her to take care of her properly, I get in the bed to spoon her, arms pulling her into my chest just as I hear feet hurrying over, Hoseok’s nervous scent filling the space before he peeks into the nest to see her trembling in my arms.

“She was in the closet on the cold floor with a stupid pillow cover over her, get in and help me warm her up” I demand, take in the way his eyes widen in shock before he climbs in bed to lie down in front of her, his arms meeting mine over her body, his nerves registering her freezing skin and not liking it one bit.

“Why… why did she choose the floor when she has a nest? I don’t understand, I really don’t understand anything today” he mumbles, eyes meeting mine in confusion and pain, I can see his thought process clear as day.

If only she could be easier to read, the years that we’ve accumulated between us offering us a comfortable ease, we’d all forgotten what it meant to not know someone that well.

The process of learning every little quirk and habits to someone new, it’s not an easy one and we can both see that we’re going to struggle more than we’d like to admit, the journey with her won’t be a simple one.

As long as Y/N doesn’t want to open up to any of us, we’re going to have to do this the tougher way - through trials and errors.

Gosh, she reminds me of how I was in the beginning. I swear, Namjoon had enough of my behavior more times than I can count, Jin even had to take me aside and scold me for over two hours once because I’d waited until getting really sick before even daring to open up about my pain.

That’s one thing I regret, because it took from me what I loved the most at the time - dancing. Ends up that trying to ignore a constant pain in your ankle for too long can damage it severely.

I can’t put my weight on it anymore, which means that I can’t dance like I used to and it took me a long time to accept that new reality, and it’s sadly what it took me to finally understand how important it is to not keep everything to yourself.

Sometimes it only results in more loss and pain than necessary.

What would she have to lose to understand that herself?

“She’s going to tell us exactly why she did that when she wakes up, which shouldn’t take too long now, not when she’s surrounded by so many strong scents, I want her to explain to me her day, all of it in details” I answer Hoseok’s question, eyes falling to the little I can see of her face, eyes already starting to move under her lids, they should open soon.

He purses his lips at my tone and decides to keep his mouth shut, because he knows to not risk it.

I can tolerate many things, but Y/N has breached many of these limits, all while sleeping, which I honestly didn’t know was possible.

Yoongi did say that she seems to be the kind to lock her emotions away when she doesn’t know how to handle them, that’s something that makes me incredibly nervous since I know how it is, what it does to the mind.

On one hand, I won’t shy away from being blunt if that’s what she needs, and if she tries to counter my points without trying to understand, she won’t find me funny, not today.

But on the other hand, if I do things right, there might very well be a chance that she opens up to tell us the exact same things she hadn’t wanted to say to Hoseok earlier, it’s all about pushing her in the right direction while being careful so that it doesn’t turn back on us.

I won’t insist, if she really doesn’t want to open up, I will stop, but if the door is the slightest bit opened, I will fit as many inches through the gap as I can until we get to the bottom of this matter.

We’ll just have to wait and see how it goes.

Your POV

When Hoseok and I had finally made it back to the pack’s house, a taxi called to bring us back faster because my body had lost all of its strength, I’d gone straight to my room, the guilt of what I’d done growing with every passing minutes, I couldn’t believe how I had behaved with Hoseok.

I could only see the pain on his face when I’d pushed him away, his confused orbs and parted lips playing on a loop in my mind. I had put that look on his face.

Why? Because I felt bad about being poor? Because I don’t have an impressive job like them, or own a shop, a restaurant? Because he has a black card while I barely have anything left in my bank account?

When I ended up all by myself, it all suddenly seemed so superficial in my mind.

Hoseok just wanted to be nice to me, he wanted to give me a fun day, he wanted to show me that you can enjoy yourself without having to worry about every single thing, that the changes occurring to me didn’t have to keep me from the things I like doing, and so, the walk previous to the store was sweet and filled with his voice, it felt good.

But then I’d taken a look at the soft looking nest that was made for me, and that guilt that was increasing in my soul had flared up, my heart screaming that I did not deserve such kindness when I had treated the beta in such a bad manner.

I didn’t deserve the nest, but I still needed something relatively close to one and the closet was the only thing that could provide me that, no matter how uncomfortable it had looked, the pillow cover I had found on the floor completely useless as it covered my shoulders, but it was better than nothing.

That was what I deserved.

That’s what I remember as my consciousness comes back to me, yet right now, what surrounds me is not cold and hard, limbs painful because of the harsh conditions I had forced upon myself.

It takes me a moment to process the scents surrounding me, all so familiar, the comfortable mattress under me, the softness of blankets around my body, and a heavy weight over my waist.

This is not the closet.

Unsure of where I am then, because my bedroom does not smell like that, I open my eyes to find myself face to face with Hoseok, his worried eyes already locked on mine, lips pursed tightly and his scent sour oranges, a whole bag of them, they’ve been dipping in the rain for days on end and now they’re decomposing on the ground, a stack of burned papers not far from here, wet and in pieces.

The upsetting scents along with mine stick to most surfaces surrounding us, yet the room’s scents are naturally so strong that they cover nearly every traces of distress, a mess of different perfumes all emptied at the same time to make sure they remain vivid and plentiful.

I shouldn’t love the disharmony they create, almost none of them made to fit together in such high density, yet I do, they manage to keep me from falling deeper into a dark hole, like a safety net keeping my emotions from spilling into the ocean, it’s warm, inviting and loving, because each of them represent the seven wolves, those gentle men who have rooted themselves into my life with soothing smiles.

I want to enjoy this perfect environment, I feel like I could just roll around and absorb everything that this room has to offer, yet at seeing Hoseok’s sad face in front of me, that contentment immediately fades away, my body frozen in place as I stare back at him, mind lost between wanting to leave because I’m obviously making him sad while also needing to comfort him, for the exact same reason.

I blink quickly, lips curling downwards as my heart fills with nerves, knots forming all around it because I have no idea what is the right thing to do right now, am I even deserving of being here? This room must be the pack nest, why am I here?

“Are you awake now, omega?” a voice speaks up, and it’s not Hoseok, his lips immobile, it makes me grow aware of the weight of two arms over my waist, as well as the warmth behind me, how could I not notice? Someone’s hugging me from behind, that sounded like Jimin.

I nod slowly, the two wolves’ scents not brightening up, they remain in their most upsetting state and it’s making me become fidgety, senses on high alert as I try to understand why they’re in that mood in the first place, is it because of what happened outside? Because I went on a tantrum?

“Do you remember what happened today?” Jimin asks next, I can’t see him, I can only feel him and hear him and the way his voice echoes all around me, dry and cold, it gives life to chills that spread throughout all of my soul, not the good kind, it makes me scared, that he might be mad at me.

I nod my head again, eyes moving away from Hoseok’s before I curl in on myself as much as possible, a hand going to grab the blanket over me to partially cover my head because this isn’t nice.

Everything about them makes me overly conscious that I’m about to get reprimanded, and I sure earned it, Hoseok didn’t do anything to deserve me treating him the way I did, it’s only natural that they scold me.

“Words, omega, do you remember what happened today?” Jimin repeats, stricter and I hold back a whimper, fingers shaking as I part my lips to get a sound out, anything, but I’m just so nervous that my throat has locked up on me and I start becoming increasingly anxious, because Jimin asked something of me and I can’t respond, will it make him more angry? I don’t want that.

“Jimin… she’s terrified” Hoseok murmurs, oranges dimming to become comforting almonds, soft and sweet, but he makes no move to physically reassure me, it seems Jimin holds control over this situation right now and he hasn’t deemed me worthy of their comfort yet.

The alpha breathes in deeply behind me, forces his burned papers to give place to cinnamon, spicy and strong, like too much was poured over the almonds, the rain making everything soapy, but it still gets rid of the edge his scent was pushing over me.

“Take your time, omega. I want you to explain to me in details, what happened from the moment you left the house with Hoseok earlier, to waking up now, but know that you are safe, pack nest is safe, alpha and beta are safe” Jimin tries again, his vocabulary turning overly simple in the end, but a part of my soul jumps at those words, safechanted in my mind by a voice that does not come from me, alpha and beta safe, no danger.

It’s… oddly comforting.

I breathe in the scents surrounding me, try to find strength in them to open my mouth again, Jimin’s assurance that I can take my time letting me know that he’s not… filled with anger, or not that much anyway.

I still can’t really determine an exact emotion by just hearing him and I have a feeling that seeing his face would only deepen that confusion for me, so I decide to keep my gaze locked on Hoseok’s t-shirt, the little logo of a sun on his chest pocket the only thing I can dare look at right now.

From the moment we left the house, he said, right?

I think back to when we’d walked out the front door, Hoseok and I, after he’d massaged the sunscreen into my skin… we were both in a good mood, I felt good then, so it’s with that in mind that I start talking.

Here goes nothing…

“When we left the house… it was fun, Hoseok made me pay attention to the nice scents, told me to focus on them if I ever become overwhelmed and none of you guys are around, the trees, the flowers… the sound of birds, the breeze in the leaves… I could see everything so clearly even from a distance and it was amazing, that part of the walk, I really enjoyed it”.

I start slowly, words murmured into the blanket because it feels like an additional protection to my heart, my voice isn’t loud but they hear me well and Hoseok’s arm around me squeezes slightly, he’s relieved to hear that at least not everything was a complete failure.

Jimin though, he remains silent, still as a rock but body burning like an oven, I know he’s listening intently as I try to do what he asked of me as best as I can, because I want the alpha to be happy with me.

“Then… we made it to that rich shopping district and… I started freaking out a little because I was used to that run-down one on the other side of the city, so to see those expensive shops… I could tell that the cheapest phone they had was way over my budget and I started feeling like running off.

I mean I tried, but Hoseok stopped me before I could, he soothed me and reassured me, although I have to say that his method… well it sent my heart on a bungee jump, I won’t lie, he was pretty hot, it had my heart nearly bursting out of my chest” I blurt out and Hoseok blushes at that while Jimin hides a grin.

I shrug lightly before continuing, lips into an embarrassed pout. “And you know… him calling me a good pup… it strangely made me want to please him, it helped”.

I get a little shy over the admission but Jimin asked for details and that’s what I intend to give, and sure enough, it makes the beta perk up, his almonds getting a boost of baked, crunchy warmth while the alpha’s cinnamon turns softer.

“And then…” I bite on my bottom lip, eyes downcast because that’s where things started going downhill for me, didn’t they?

Hoseok must realize too because he bites on his lips, eyes falling to his free hand between us, fingers clenching while Jimin keeps observing us in silence, his cinnamon pushing out a boosting wave to reassure us that everything is okay, his pheromones calming us, it keeps us from falling too far into regrets, for now.

“Finding the phone for me went pretty fast, what I preferred though was helping Hoseok choose the other devices for you guys, I liked that part since it wasn’t for me, but then it was time to pay and… I mean I knew it would be expensive, but what really shocked me…” I sigh, now feeling bad, because looking back to that moment now that it’s over, it really feels like my reaction was too much.

“Go on, my love, you’re doing so good for us, our good omega. Everything is fine, no one is mad here” Jimin hums softly before nosing at the curve of my neck and I simply cannot resist the melt my body does at the act, the sound of his voice gone from that scary edge that was making me nervous.

It’s now silky velvet against my ear, his cinnamon turning aromatic, it makes me think of pancakes on the terrace while it rains outside, Hoseok’s almonds helping to make the air that much comforting, maybe an almond bread in the oven? And then a bottle of honey on the side to go along with both, sweet nectar in endless quantities.

Eager to keep that feeling of praise because it feels so much better than the previous emotions that were swarming me, I lean back against Jimin to get more of his warmth now that I know he’s not mad at me and he kisses my exposed shoulder before wrapping both arms under the blanket and around my waist, one sliding under me to rest against my belly until I end up flat against his chest, it feels nice, the musky tone behind his natural scent enough to make me feel safer than ever.

I look up to meet Hoseok’s eyes, his orbs soft as he gazes at me, encouraging and when he scoots closer to grab my hands in his, I pull them closer to my face to hide behind his large palms, lips pressing onto his wrists to calm my nervous heart because of what I’m going to say next, the part that is more personal.

It has both wolves starting to purr, instincts pleased because it shows them that I’m starting to relax even though I’m currently spilling the truth without restraint, it’s just as Jimin had wished I would, and it amazes Hoseok, reminds him once more of how convincing the alpha can be without being obvious, he didn’t even use his alpha voice on me.

I clear my throat lightly, uncomfortable, but the seven different scents further soothe my soul and I decide to just go and rip the bandage off, Hoseok wasn’t wrong when he’d said that opening up to them would be better for me, that they were there for me, they deserve that much after all they’ve done for me already.

“When I saw the black card, it served to remind me that we’re not from the same world” I admit finally, and Hoseok frowns, mouth opening to say something but Jimin stops him with one look before closing his eyes, ears entirely focused on my voice.

“You two didn’t see my apartment but… it was pitiful, to be honest. Being sent there by my parents made me realize just how bad our relationship was to begin with, it’s not like they couldn’t afford better after all, I did grow up in an expensive house but… their money was never directed at me, never meant to be spent on me.

So I got used on living while spending as little as possible. Frozen food and ramyeon were what my usual meals consisted of and I didn’t allow myself any sort of luxury even while going to that prestigious University. Everyone around me would flaunt their wealth in everyone’s faces like they were the ones who earned it while I was there just trying to make it through the week with one good night sleep.

That was my life for so long that it became easy to forget that my adoptive parents were rich too, it just wasn’t part of my immediate environment anymore, that changes the way you view money in the first place, so to me, a black card? Goodness, that was the loudest way to tell me that you guys are successful, impressive and doing something grand while I struggled to get a job as soon as I graduated.

All I could think about was my diploma, to make use of it and do something I hate because then, I wouldn’t be so pitiful next to your pack, but… I didn’t want that, and that made me upset, and I didn’t want to be upset because I wanted to be happy for Hoseok, you guys like it when I smile, I wanted to be able to give him that, so I tried to bury my emotions and left outside to calm down.

I tried to do what he’d showed me, to focus on the good, and it helped, but I still felt so fragile and… when Hoseok asked me what was wrong, when he told me to share my concerns with him, I closed up instantly because I didn’t know what I wanted myself, whether to do something I hate to feel like I belong, or to keep feeling like an outsider to avoid doing what I hate.

It kept spiraling down from there, everything started annoying me, my hair, my skin, everything, and then I ran. I didn’t want to be like that, I didn’t understand but I just… I felt sick and everything became too much and I felt angry and lost and I just wanted someone to get mad at me to help me, and when Hoseok scruffed me… it felt liberating, like that pressure weighing on me just disappeared, and then I grew ashamed and…

When we made it back home… I could only think about the way I’d hurt him with my outburst, the way I’d ruined our day out, that guilt would keep growing and when I saw the nest in my room… it felt… too loving, I didn’t deserve to make use of something that was made with such good intentions when I had caused pain unnecessarily, so I went to the closet instead”.

Saying it aloud like that… it makes me realize just how ridiculous it all was, that all of this happened for such a stupid reason, but before I can even start regretting telling them so much, there was a reason why I didn’t want to in the first place, Hoseok hugs me tightly against Jimin, his face burying in my neck while the alpha kisses my head, his chest rumbling in approval and pride.

“Thank you for telling us everything, my sweet ‘mega, alpha is so proud of you” he hums against my hair and it’s like his voice holds magic because those simple words make my embarrassment turn into relief, it makes me feel sheepish, it’s getting ridiculous how easy to please I am.

“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to make you go through all those emotions when I took you out today, that really wasn’t my goal, far from it, but I messed up so bad” Hoseok eventually murmurs from my neck and I pause, that was the last thing I’d expected to hear, why is he even apologizing?

“Hoseok, no, you didn’t mess up anything, I-I did, it was just me and my stupid problems getting in the way, you didn’t do anything bad” I try to reassure him but he shakes his head before pulling back to gaze at me, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

“No, it was all my fault. The others got mad at me earlier, scolded me because I didn’t bring nesting materials in case your emotions would overwhelm you and that caused you to lose control, I wasn’t equipped to help you properly” he insists, his sad face enough to have my heart splitting in half.

What does not nesting have to do with me losing control? It can’t be that bad, can it? I got that way because I let my thoughts and worries get the best of me.

Jimin hums and shifts a little to be more comfortable, a hand going to free up my face from my hair so he can see me better as he props his upper body on one elbow and I finally get to see him for the first time since earlier, his gentle eyes gazing over me as his hair falls slightly over them.

“As much as I hate to admit it, Y/N, Hoseok hyung is right. Not many of us would’ve thought to bring anything, but it definitely would’ve helped you, just a scented piece of clothe and we might have avoided that burst of anger. You see, your wolf is new to everything, all it knows for now is you and your emotions, it’s so closely connected to you that it will feel all of them just as you do.

The problem, is that it doesn’t understand where those problems come from, or the source at all, so when it gets to experience them the same way you do, it doesn’t know how to process, and when you start feeling like you’re getting overwhelmed by every little details, it’s your wolf starting to panic.

So while the emotions might have been yours, the way they increased until they got out of hand, the way they got taken out of proportions, when you needed Hoseok to scruff you, you wolf also needed it, because it didn’t know how to calm down. You two have a lot to adjust to, and as an omega, nesting is already a natural need, so in your condition, it will raise to the surface more often.

Jin usually has an emergency nesting blanket when he leaves the house for the day, when he knows that where he’s going, he won’t have a nest nearby, he tries to encourage every omegas he meets at the clinic to do the same, so it’s not just you, let me assure you, it’s every omegas, it’s just that in your case, it’s even more important because it would assure safety to your wolf, it would give it time to process new information without getting scared

In that sense, let me assure you once more, what happened today, it wasn’t on you. The way you got mad, the way you felt, it’s not you being overly sensitive, it’s only your wolf needing a time out. From now on, whenever you feel like the emotions washing over you are stronger than they should, whenever you feel uncomfortable, easily stressed and jumpy, either come to one of us, or go to a nest, okay? It can be yours, it can be the pack nest, any is fine, as long as you allow your wolf what it needs”.

So… it’s just my wolf being a baby in an adult body, with adult problems but only able to process them with a baby mind? Because when I think about it, if it had to focus all its life on fighting the poison, in a state of semi-consciousness, it never really grew up, did it? It just survived.

It helps me understand better, the way I keep getting overwhelmed, that night at the hospital, it wasn’t just me, it was my wolf too discovering a world it knows nothing about, that’s why it brought me to that small, dark little space in the playground, it lowered the interactions to that world to a maximum.

“Then… when I slept in the closet earlier, because I felt like I didn’t deserve it…” I start, watch as Jimin’s eyes soften further, body relaxing before he nods.

“That was like telling your wolf that it not understanding your emotions was bad, and it does not need to feel that way, not at all. It’s doing its best to learn, it’s just hard to do in such a short amount of time. You see, my love, wolves are very sensitive creatures, they are driven by their instincts and in turn, since we’re so closely connected, we end up being driven by them, which is why finding a balance is so important.

If you always deny your wolf what it needs, be it scenting, nesting, playing around, shifting - we’ll go over that soon - all of those things are necessary for its well-being. What you need to understand about our kind, is that we are two entities in one body. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your wolf, and taking care of your wolf is taking care of yourself, it depends fully on you after all, you are the main control of your body.

That is why I’m going to ask you to please never do what you did ever again. If you feel like you need to nest, then you nest, no matter what happened before, it’s especially more important if you feel like you don’t deserve it. Don’t feed your guilt, don’t give it reasons to exist, don’t give it power over your worth, that would make us so very sad. If you feel like you really can’t nest, then come to us, we’ll help you, take care of you, okay? Can you promise that for me?”.

Hoseok’s arms hold me tighter, body tensed as he waits for my answer and so does Jimin’s, it makes me conscious of how important this is, that more than a promise for them, it’s also a promise to myself, a promise from me to me, to give me the love I deserve, even when I feel like I don’t deserve it.

Can I really do that? All my life, I’ve had to deny myself the things I desired, the things I wanted, I had to live with the disappointment of having them taken from me, a lonely soul against the world, but…

Things have changed now, haven’t they?

I kept thinking that I don’t have an impressive job like them, but Jungkook and Yoongi, they both recruited me because they liked me, because they believed in me, they need my help, isn’t that much more important than any prestige?

I kept focusing on money, because money is an item used in a mean to survive, I never used it for my personal enjoyment, but I don’t have to just… survive anymore, because I have seven men who want to provide for me, seven wolves who want to help me and take care of me.

I was alone, but now I have seven true mates, wolves who smell of honey, honey that constantly drips over my heart like a warm embrace, it’s starting to layer, coat over coat until it forms a barrier against the pain that used to swarm me in the past.

Feelings of not being wanted, of being abandoned by my own family, of disappointing them when all I wanted was their approval, for them to accept me as I am, these men are giving me exactly what I needed, so… why am I still so scared?

Why is the idea of allowing myself what I need so hard to accept? Maybe it’s just the changes occurring being too abrupt, too drastic, but does that mean I should hurt myself in the process of getting used to my new circumstances just because I can?

Said like that, it sure sounds stupid. I did not choose for my life to go the way it did, and if now I’m allowed to be comfortable, why reject it so adamantly?

I might not be able to change my mindset in a single day, but seeing as they all must own that darned black card, I should at least start with that part of my new reality, these men are filthy rich and there’s no getting rid of that.

It’s just that they don’t flaunt it like everyone else, they don’t take pride in havingthe money, they take pride in usingit for their loved ones.

I turn my gaze back to Jimin, his own patiently trained on me, I wonder how much he could guess from my thoughts, how much he could see in my orbs, because he looks proud, like he knows exactly what conclusion I’m ending at.

They all want me and nothing will take that from them, not even me.

I smile at him, tilt my head into his touch when he brings a warm hand to my cheek, Hoseok’s breath against my skin, the absent wolves’ scents around us, hugging us with their memories, ghosts of smiles all adding to each other and warming my soul and…

“I promise I’ll do my best to learn… how to be good to myself, I’ll try that”.

