#bts reactions


missing mint green hair yoongi

Reaction- You’re a fashion designer and need a live model to try on the outfit

Warning: none just pure FLUFF

A/N: thank you @literallycantchooseabias for this suggestion! I’m sorry it took forever I kept editing it and it’s not my best but I hope you enjoy it! I have three more to write and I’m also updating my au’s but request are open!! So please send them in!


You got the chance of the lifetime! You were asked to be apart of a big fashion show in Paris, they asked you if you could create an outfit for the show, you were nervous but excited. You had the outfit ready but wanted a model to try it on. You decided to call your boyfriend to your office so he can try it on…


“Of course I’ll try it on Jagi! Not only am I worldwide handsome I’m also a model sometimes.” Jin said smugly “I just need to make sure it’s going to look okay and surprisingly the model has the same measurements as you” you told him grabbing his hand and leading him towards the room. You pushed him in and handed him the outfit. 5 minutes you knock on the door “Jin are you done?” He replies “yes I’ve been done for the past 2 minutes.” You made a confused face “then come out…?” Jin opened the door and looked at you in amazement “Jagi, YOURE SO TALENTED!” He grabbed your hips and kissed you “I’m asking big hit to hire you as bangtans personal stylist! MY GIRLFRIEND IS AMAZING!” You giggles and wrapped your arms around his waist “thank you for being my biggest supporter baby.” You smiles looking up at him, he softly wrapped his hands around your waist. “Always, you’re really talented y/n, your outfit is going to the steal the show.” He bent down to kiss your forehead and pulled away “Now if you excuse me I’m going to send pictures to the boys and show them how talented MY girlfriend is!” You shook your head and giggles yelling after him, “PLEASE DONT MESS IT UP!”


“Pleaseeee Yoongi, all I need is for you to wear if for 5 seconds while I adjust a few things! And then I’ll leave you alone.” You begged the grumpy man “No, you’ve been locked away for weeks! I want cuddles and attention!” Yoongi pouted crossing his arms over his chest, “Funny how the tables have switched” you giggles and raised a brow at him, he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh “I’ll be your model if you promise after the adjustments you’ll spend time with me.” He looked at you seriously, you smiled at him and nodded “I promise, now please go put on that suit I made!” You asked again and he walked towards your office. Yoongi walks out 2 minutes later and immediately stands on the platform you set up and attaches his arms out “You look good in my clothing yoong!” You say checking him out and sending him a wink “Only because you made it.” He said blushing a bit, you began to fix a few parts and adjust what you felt needed. After 30 minutes you were finally done “Okay you can take it off and then meet me in the bedroom. How do you feel about have take out tonight?” You asked while putting away your things, “Sounds amazing, I can’t wait to finally have my girlfriend back tonight.” He went and put the suit back up neatly on the rack and like met you in the room for a long night of cuddling and watching movies.


“WAHHH Y/N! YOU HAVE MAGIC FINGERS!” Hobi said as he was standing on the little crate you had in your studio looking at his reflection in the mirror. “I’m pretty decent at what I do huh?” You replied smiling while making a few alterations to the hem of the sleeves. “Decent?! You’re amazing jagi, and I’m not just saying that. I mean it.” He looked down at you softly, if anyone saw they would think he was looking at the universe. But he was, you’re his universe and he can’t imagine his life without you in it. You blushed at his complement and tried to focus on what you’re doing as you felt his gaze on you. “You mean it Hobi?” You stopped and looked up to meet his eyes, he stepped down and wrapped his arms softly around your waste and pulled you close “I one hundred percent mean it, you’re talented and not only am i going to know that but the whole world is! Your outfit is going to steal the show and I’m going to be proud to know that everyone is amazed by my girlfriends creation just like I am.” He spoke softly to you, there was passion in the way he was speaking about you and your hard work. He meant every word he said and he was going to make sure you knew how proud he is of you. “Thank you Hobi, I don’t know what I would do without you here. I don’t care what other people think of my work, I only care about what you think! Your opinion means the world to me.” You looked up at him with so much love in the world, he smiled down at you and kissed you softly. “I love you y/n y/l/n” “I love you so much Hobi.”

(don’t touch me I’m sobbing!)


“Joonie! Can you please come here for a minute?” You called to your boyfriend, you needed him to try on the suit you made to see if you need to make any alterations to it or not. “Yes baby doll, you needed me?” He came into your shared bedroom walking behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist,placing a kiss to the top of your head. You melted into his embrace wishing you could stay like this forever but sadly you needed him to try on the outfit. “Could you please try on this suit I made? I just need to see if there’s any alterations that need to be made before i can say it’s complete.” You asked turning around in his arms and leaning in to press a soft kiss to his plush lips, he gladly kissed you back and hummed “Sure baby, this suit looks amazing! I might need you to make me one for MAMA this year.” He said smiling letting you go so he could put it on. “Thank you darling, I would be honored to make you a suit for the award show.” You giggles waiting for him to be done getting dressed, once he was done he stood if front of you posing, sending you into a fit of laughter “Whoah there buddy, wouldn’t want the girls swooning over you more than they do already!” You joked positioning him the way you needed him. “They can swoon all they want, I only got eyes for you sweetheart.” He gave you his signature dimples smile and you could help yourself but kiss him again, “Okay joonie, I’m going to need you to stop distracting me so I can hurry and we can go cuddle.” He perked up at the thought of cuddling you and enjoying each other’s embrace “Yes ma’am!” He replied stay as still as he possibly could, you smiled and began working on the suit.


Jimin is the one who offers to be your model so you can make alterations easily, luckily for you the actual model was jimins height and had the same measurements as him. “Thank you Jimin for offering to help me.” You said sweetly working on the collar of the jacket “No problem jagi! I loving helping you and I love seeing how amazing your work comes out! And plus I get to spend more time with you.” He blushed shyly looking away, Jimin is always flirting with you but he gets so shy when he gets super affectionate. You smiled trying to hurry through the alters so you can shower your baby with love and affection. You worked as fast as you could and eventually finished the whole suit, you sighed happily and took a step back to get a better view, “I think this is my best work yet! And it’s all thanks to my lovely model.” You smiled at him and he gave you his cute eye smile coving his face with his hand, “ahhh stop jagi, you’re making me blush!” He laughed and grabbed your hand pulling you towards him, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “It really is thanks to you chim, you didn’t have to stand here for as long as you did just to help me.” You wrapped your arms around him and held him close, “I know I didn’t have too but I wanted too, I love being with you and I love seeing how passionate you are when you’re doing you love. You look so cute when you’re focused! I had to hold myself back from cooing and trying to kiss your cute face!” He gushed at you cupping you’re face in his hands, you smiled up at him “Well you don’t have to hold back anymore.” You told him and he laughed holding you face in his hands, he leaned down and began prepping kisses all over your face while you giggled and enjoyed it.


“Hey jagi, what are you up too?” Taehyung called you, you were in the middle of making alterations to an outfit that needed to be ready before tomorrow night so you were in a hurry to finish, “hi baby, I’m kinda busy at the moment do you think I can call you back when I’m done?” You asked him feeling bad cause you wanted to talk to him but you really needed to finish this suit. “Why are you so busy?” There was a pause before he spoke again “OH! The fashion show tomorrow! That’s why you’re so busy! How’s the outfit coming along?” He asked “I think alright, I’m trying to make a few alterations but it’s kinda hard since I don’t have a model wearing it.” You said sighing frustratedly while working on the pant legs for the fifth time, there was a long pause as you continued working forgetting that Taehyung was on the phone with you. “Can I come over?” He suddenly asked “I can help you! I could wear the outfit so you can make the alterations!” You stopped and hesitantly asked “Are you sure? You don’t have too. I don’t want to be a burden on you Tae.” You told him feeling bad for putting your problems on him. “I don’t mind at all, I want to help you so you won’t be stressed. Please let me help you y/n.” He softly begged you, knowing you’ll keep telling him no if he didn’t beg you. “Okay you can help. Thank you so much tae, I’m so grateful for you. I don’t deserve you sometimes.” He let out a tsk “y/n I love you to the moon and beyond. It makes me so happy knowing I can help you when you need it. If anyone deserves me it’s definitely you. Now I’ll be there in 10 minutes and I expect a big hug and kiss as soon as you open the door, okay princess?” He said and you let out a giggle nodding to yourself “okay my prince, I’ll be waiting. And thank you again.” You told him “you’re welcome princess. See you soon.”


“Jagi are you almost done? My feet hurt” Jungkook pouted as you made one last alteration to the suit he was modeling for you “Yes baby I’m almost done, I just have to finish this and the you’re free to go.” You giggled at your big baby. He pouted the rest of time counting the minutes down until you were done “I know I offered to help and I like helping you, but I didn’t realize how long I would actually be standing for..” he spoke looking at you “Hey it’s not that bad, look I’m done!” You moved away from him and he let out a sigh of relief, he turned around and looked in the mirror that was behind him and smiled “y/n you know you always seem to amaze me everytime you do something. But right now I’m blown away! This looks amazing!” He smiled turing his body back and forth to get a good look all around. “Thank you kookie, that means a lot to me coming from you.” You sincerely told him wrapping your arms around his waste giving him a back hug, pressing a small kiss against his back. He turned in your arms and smiled down at you wrapping his own arms around you “why are you so cute jagi?!” He gushed squeezing you tightly and pressing kisses to the top of your head. You giggled and pulled away from him slightly to look up at him “You know I love you right kook?” He looked down at you “of course, and you know I love you right y/n?” He asked back, you smile and nodded “I love you so much kookie.” “I love you so much more y/n.” He leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to your lips, he gently pulled away and hugged you close “Now let’s me change out of this suit and let’s order take out and watch a movie.” He told you and you smiled “sounds good to me, I’ll order the food and be waiting for you in the living room.” You told him slowly walking away “be out soon baby.”

Translation: I saw RM once. When I was working as a part time at the noodle restaurant, he came with Suga and Manager. He kept eating with a wrong side of chopsticks, so I changed it twice for him. In the end, the manager apologized and pat RM’s shoulder.

Imagine waking up and realizing you aren’t in your bed, then you remember you stayed with the man you love the night before. You turn around to face him only to see that he’s already awake looking at you with love in his eyes.

this is my daily reminder to never forget in the soop taehyung<33 gone but never forgotten

(more) fun facts about the longterm couples girls.

here’s some more fun facts about each of the girls in the longterm couples universe (in addition to these fun facts from ages ago). If any contradict past fun facts or things I’ve said in the past- ignore it xo. These are super random but I hope you enjoy reading! <3


  • Kind of a math nerd?! Like this gal was taking calculus in high school and was confused when everyone was struggling to grasp the concepts and equations
  • When Jin is cooking and he needs to double something, he has a human calculator who can add up the amounts of ingredients needed in her head. In other words, good at doing math in her head
  • Sends pictures to Jin of every piece of bts merch/bts themed item she happens upon. She’s at a bubble tea place and they have cups with bts on them? She’ll snap a photo and send it to Jin with a message that says “stop following me!”
  • On top of that, she also turns to the people around her and points out Jin on the merch and goes “isn’t he handsome? Wow”
  • Randomly sleeps in different environments just to mix it up. Like she’ll sleep on the couch just for fun or make a bed on the floor. Sometimes she’d even want to sleep with her head at the bottom of the bed or she’ll make a fort over the bed for a change in scenery
  • Refuses to use straws. She saw a video about sea turtles getting straws stuck up their noses and she simply will not be contributing to that. When Jin gave her reusable straws to keep in her bag she nearly cried at the thoughtfulness
  • The friend who is always reminding everyone to drink water
  • The most optimistic person when it comes to others and her outlook on the world but she doubts herself so fucking much
  • Really wants a dog but since she doesn’t have one she just invites herself over to the other couples’ places sometimes to play with their dogs- and the dogs would adore her
  • I think she would pick up a dog walking job if she had extra time but it would be bittersweet bc she’d fall in love with every pup and nearly cry when she had to take them back home Jin get Poopsie a dog!


  • ½ of the girls who has a playlist for every mood. She uses music to process her feelings or a certain situation
  • Retells stories. Like everyone she’s close to has heard every story at least three times
  • Somehow both a people pleaser and a “take me as I am or leave” person
  • Queen of compliments. The girl is handing out compliments to strangers on the daily, and if you’re her friend? Prepare to get an ego boost multiple times a day
  • Hyperfixates on pieces of media. Like she watched stranger things in one day and then found every single think piece, hot take, and funny video on tiktok and sent them all to yoongi like “LOOK!” and “I thought the same thing”
  • Always comments on Holly’s tiktoks praising her, hyping her up, or flirting with her
  • But then in person she’ll clown Holly for the same tiktoks (lovingly, of course)
  • Every gift she gives someone is so expertly wrapped it looks professionally done
  • Is literally so content sitting in bed all day watching tv shows- but then will get a burst of energy and NEEDS to go outside and do something
  • Often buys flowers on her way over to people’s places just to give them a little present


  • Actually really loves cooking and baking
  • Like the type to watch cooking and baking shows and go “I could do that” and then takes over the entire kitchen
  • Definitely once picked lilacs off a tree to make lilac jelly bc she read somewhere that you can do that
  • And also picked enough to tuck some flowers behind Hobi’s ear
  • You know how she does pottery? Well all of her dishes are stuff she’s made (with pieces that Hobi has made)
  • I just have a feeling she skateboarded as a kid and she would pull out this random skill in front of Hobi and he’d be like ?!?! but very much in awe of her (basically she can do everything)
  • Keeps an old plushie from her childhood on her bedside table
  • I’ve said this before but she loves the moon. Would definitely wake up in the middle of the night and just go look at the moon for a bit
  • Has a green thumb
  • I feel like she would have a little garden of herbs to use for when she cooks


  • Massive sweet tooth. If there’s a dessert around, good luck keeping her away from it
  • Despite being super logical, she would have a really spiritual side. Like doesn’t take manifestation seriously but also yes she does and she absolutely writes out mantras and meditates
  • Probably wants to learn a million languages and probably knows like three almost completely fluently
  • Why do I feel like she watches HGTV and fawns over cool houses/renovations
  • Collects bts photocards- has a little photo album for them all
  • Documents everything when on outings, like she is the friend who is on top of taking all the photos… now we know who takes all those photos of Joon when he’s out and about
  • Loves Christmas movies. Like the really cheesy ones
  • Love romance movies/shows in general. The cheesier the better honestly
  • Unlike Kid, this girl will get so bored if she watches tv for too long- loves going out and doing things. Just like literally anything, just wants to go
  • Can be kinda moody but it’s fine, she’s allowed. WHO’S GONNA TELL HER TO STOP BEING MOODY?! NOT ME! (also kind of love the idea of Joon being with a girl with an attitude xo)


  • Quizzes Jimin on history facts nearly every day. She finds a list of “what happened on this day” facts in the mornings and reads through them for Jimin going “Jimin, what happened on this day in *insert year here*?” (He never knows any of them but when he does they get so excited)
  • Loves RuPaul’s Drag Race
  • Probably wants to join a community theater or something
  • Also would love to drop in on Jimin while he’s in the dance studio, partly to see him, but also bc she wants to use the space to dance herself
  • Wants to learn a bunch of languages but can’t find the time to dedicate to it
  • Cannot get rid of her old stuffed animals. Maybe Toy Story had too much of an influence but this girl has never discarded a single stuffed animal
  • When Peaches makes playlists for her, Dear will type out detailed reactions and send it back as a thank you
  • Probably has scrapbooks where she prints out photos and creates cute little pages for them all. Jimin would eventually get her a scrapbooking station where she can do her thing in her own space
  • Along those same lines, she’s always taking photos of everyone and gets the best candids
  • Claims she’s a bad cook but when she cooks that meal is always amazing


  • 2/2 of the girls who has a playlist for every mood. Enjoys putting songs together that reflect the feelings she’s been having
  • Cleans when stressed/angry/frustrated. Like she’s not a very big cleaner, she does what’s necessary, but when she’s upset the girl is on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors
  • Hates being told what to do
  • Like she might be on her way to do something but then someone will be like “hey, can you do that thing?” and she’ll stop and not go do the thing she was going to do simply bc someone told her to
  • So in other words (and this was in the other fun facts list but it’s major for her): she’s stubborn
  • Complains about people saying she comes across as mysterious and aloof but then also gets annoyed when people tell her she’s not mysterious and aloof
  • Really wants to be one of those people who goes to sleep early but even if she gets into bed early she’ll be up on her phone for hours
  • Gets distracted really easily. She simply cannot stay focused my dudes
  • Claims she’s a good cook but really only knows a handful of recipes really well
  • This is probably not a surprise with how people have always just kind of been drawn to her but she’s very sensual. I don’t think she even fully realizes it


  • Collects mugs. Her cupboards are full of mugs and I think it would simultaneously annoy JK and endear him. Like he’d complain about how she has too many mugs but then he’d buy her mugs whenever he sees a cute one that he can picture her drinking coffee out of in the morning
  • Leaves little drawings on Jungkook’s things bc she’s cute
  • Puts off starting new tv series’ bc she knows they’ll take over her life
  • And she has this thing where she feels like she always has to be productive in some way. Struggles to just relax
  • You know that friend who always has snacks? It’s Holly. She’s that friend
  • Carries a polaroid camera with her often and always forgets to use it
  • I bet she has a well-followed tiktok account where she’d mostly post her artwork but sometimes would do silly trends and everyone would lose their mind over how cool and cute she is
  • Anytime she lifts something heavy, or takes the trash out, etc. and Jungkook tries to help she goes, “I don’t need a man” and struggles through the task just to prove a point
  • Kind of feel like she’s the type of person who never unties her tennis shoes so every time she puts them on it’s a struggle to pull them over her heel and JK one hundred percent makes fun of her
  • He would have a stash of videos of her struggling to put her shoes on where he’s just giggling in the background and in the majority of them she turns and flips him off

Author’s Note: Thank you so much for the request! Sorry it’s so late!!! I hope you like it!!! @teacupdreams


        Seokjin, honestly, would treat it very normally. I mean, he already thinks he’s a king, which is true, so why not have a genuine royal person to match him? In fact, when he saw you walking down the aisle, he was genuinely stunned to silence by your beauty. He’d just stare at you the entire time until he’d say…

        “I do….”



        Yoongi would actually be a bit anxious. You’re literally royalty, not even like a pretend one…. On your wedding day, he was just thrilled that his best friends were standing next to him, which helped calm him. As soon as you began walking down the aisle, however, all his worries would completely wash away.

        “You look beautiful….”



        Hoseok would feel butterflies at the thought of marrying you. For once in your life, you found someone who doesn’t want to just marry you for the money and fame, but just for you…. Hoseok saw past the royal title in front of your name and, frankly, just wanted you either way. When you walk down the aisle, he’d cover his mouth, a full smile on his face.

        “Oh, honey, you look… perfect.”



        Namjoon wouldn’t have much thought, however, he’d be a bit worried about the online aspect. A lot of his fans would definitely be attacking you, but he also knew your people would attack him as well, especially if they thought he wasn’t good enough for you. You’d notice his nervousness while the Priest began the ceremony, leaning over and telling him how perfect he was for you….

        “Thank you…. I love you so much….”



        Jimin would be incredibly nervous when the wedding day came, but not for what you may think. He was nervous about you possibly changing your mind, or worse, running away. He’d stand up the aisle, shifting from foot to foot, Jungkook placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him. When he saw you walk down, his nerves disappeared completely.

        “I don’t know why I was ever worried….”



        Taehyung would just be a ball of excitement, from the moment you said yes. He’d gush about it to anyone and everyone, even the potential kings and queens that could’ve taken your hand if you’d chosen them, much to their anger. He’d practically be jumping at your wedding, watching you walk with a huge smile on his face.

        “God, how did I get so lucky?”



        Jungkook would be a mixture of emotions, honestly. Nervous, excited, even a bit sad. He knew the massive consequences that both of you would have, him with his fame and you with marrying someone who isn’t royal. The night before the wedding, he’d sneak into your room and just lay with you, even if it wasn’t allowed.

        “I’m just… nervous about the consequences…. Are you sure you’re okay with this?”


Author’s Note: Thank you so much for the request! Sorry it’s so late!!! This is totally Teen Wolf vibes, I love it. I hope you like it!!! @vincent-j-clint-renoir


         Seokjin would sort of try to push his feelings down. He couldn’t like you, you threatened not only him, but his family, but the more he kind of talked to you, the more he became infatuated with you…. He was shocked when you told him that you already knew what he was, and you wanted to change your ways.

        “You’d give everything up for… me?”



       Yoongi would be a bit hateful to you honestly. His tactic would be to push you as far from him as possible, and show you what he was from the very beginning. You, however, are the first to change, trying desperately to explain that you gave up hunting, that you wanted to be with him, to help him…. This was surprising to him, honestly.

       “Wait, what? You aren’t scared of me???”



       Hoseok would be excited honestly. He loves the idea of star crossed lovers, born to hate each other but destined to be together. He’d constantly talk to you about it, even in the middle of trying to kill him…. Finally, when you gave you the hunt, you’d consider it. He was cute after all….

       “So, you’re considering it, right?”



       Namjoon would be relatively calm about the situation. He wouldn’t really put much thought into it until you two were in the middle of a fight, your arrows barely missing him. Honestly, your braveness and strength are very attractive to him, but he wouldn’t know how to handle the whole situation.

       “How about you put the bow down and we’ll talk?”



       Jimin would be very shy, and very nervous. He’d desperately try to push his feelings for you down, but you just looked so strong and powerful, it was very attractive to him. One night, in the middle of a fight, he decided to do something risky. He decided to come out with his hands up, showing that he wasn’t a threat. When he saw you hesitate, he used this to his advantage.

       “I’m not here to hurt you…. Could we maybe talk…?”



       Taehyung would literally be like a puppy dog. He’d try to follow you everywhere, no matter the consequences. The first time you had seen him, you had tried to kill him, but his eyes and mannerisms were just too cute for you to kill…. It broke your heart, the thought of killing him, so instead, you changed everything about yourself so that you could always be with me.

       “Hi, Y/n! I’m so glad you’re here again! Would you like to meet my pack?!”



       Jungkook has sort of a challenge accepted attitude about it. He wants to change your mind, he needs to. It starts off as just that, a teasing that you could never get him caught, but as time went on, he saw who you truly were and vice versa. He’d smirk down at you when you two finally start talking face to face.

       “Told you I’d get you to change your mind….”
