#bucky barnes x reader royal au


A Beautiful, Terrible Thing 9

A/N:Ya’ll I’m getting back! as alwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Angst, forced marriage, non con,Smut, dark themes, also a-lot of referring to the reader as a whore but thats because Hydrana is a bitch and full of assholes, theres a lot if I missed any thing tell me

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James rode his horse back to the castle to have his men help him find Y/n, when he came upon the stable, he found the stable boy looking frightened. “What?” He asked with urgency.

“T-the queens horse came back without her.” The boy admitted, then James ran into the castle he found Steve.

“Send men out into the woods to find the queen, I’ll be there in a moment.” His voice was demanding and rough, he burst through the doors of the office that Wanda and Pietro, they both looked at him with furrowed brows. “You both want to prove why you should live come on, you’re going to show me where Hydranian’s took my wife, or at least try to find her.” His voice left no room for argument, he was rough and determined, and they knew what his words meant. Both twins followed the king out to the stables, Night and Snow followed behind.

The men had Y/ns hand tied together the leader pulled her along with them. “Hurry up you whore!”

She glared at him. “I can’t run as fast as a horse I know the words sound familiar, but they mean verry different things.” She said sarcastically.

“Oh, you think your funny?” He scoffed and then let out an animalistic growl then he huffed. “We’ve got to get a move on it.” He tells his men, then he glances at Y/n. “The bitch will ride with me.” He pulls Y/n by the ropes up onto the horse, she lets out a soft wiper as the rope tears though her soft skin. They rode off their horses going as fast as possible for an animal.

James and his men stood where the footprints stop, and horse prints start. James followed them going fast until he realized there’d be no point of following, they went too far, he rode back to the castle all the doors up until his desk slammed behind him, he urgently wrote his letter to Y/n’s brother, then he wrote another letter to the people in his king dome he respectively wrote for hours until he could make sure every person in the Kingdome knew what urgency the kingdom is in.

King Anthony

I write this letter in deep sorrow for your sister and my wife for today we were in the woods near our castle when Hydrana got to her and stole her away from me, she needs our help to find her. I’ve got Wanda and her here in the north both Hydranian’s and they promise to help find her with us. I know you’ll answer as soon as you get this letter.

- James

Dear loyal people of my kingdom

I write each and every word of each letter I send out to  every part of the land with meaning full sorrow to all of you but due to lots of things winter solstice is not happening for our beloved queen has been taken when we went out to the woods today, we’ve looked and we’re still looking, I can’t stop what you decide you do with your family’s but there will be not royal tree in the middle of town you were in your kings situation so I ask all of you to understand that I do not wish to punish you all but that I wish to have you all understand.

-Your King James

Days later Y/n stood in the dark and dreadful throne room of the king and prince of Hydrana they stood side by side, Brock glared down upon Y/n, while his father smirked, he stepped down the steps from where the thrones were held to show his power, she kept her head up and looked him in the eye she showed no emotion, no fear, no sadness, no anger. “My spy and son told me about the ‘strong’ and ‘fearless’ queen of the North, but all I see in front of me is a whore.”

“What are you going to do kill me, toucher me? I’ll take it, you just entered war with the North and the South, and their allies, just by taking me.” Y/n’s voice didn’t waver nor take any emotion, but the words she spoke were a warning.

The king, Alexander, slapped the queen her head wiped to the right, a malicious smirk grew on his face his teeth showing. “Your funny talking out of turn, look were not going to kill you…” The king turned and looked to his son. “You will marry my son.”

Y/n’s own smirk grew. “Ahh but you see I’m already married and until my husband is dead or chooses of his own will to undo our marring that cannot happen.”

Alexander laughed it was cocky. “Cannot happen? You think you’re in the South or the North still, you’re in Hydrana and what I say go’s angst your will or not, the ceremony will happen in a week’s time at sunset, take her away to her chambers.” He said passively a woman approached her and led Y/n away, only then did her demeaner change from rock to scared.

James was in his office when the doors opened, and King Anthony marched in. “I find it ironic that as soon as I receive your letter, I get this.” He slammed a later on the desk.

James’s brows furrowed then picked up the letter, more like invitation.

Anthony of the South I wish you to accept this invitation for in a week’s time your sister and my son will marry in my kingdom and recommend that you do not try to stop this and if the king of the north try’s anything I’ll kill her in front of both of you including the young prince. - King Alexander of Hydrana

James crumpled the paper the castle had started feeling the exact way Y/n had explained it as ‘the castle fills colder than this snow that covers the floor beneath you and I’.  “Why are you showing me this exactly? No matter what we do Y/n dies rather it be fast or little by little.”

“Because she is your wife, I think you should know she’s marrying another man a brutal and uncaring man.” The brother hissed.

“How do you know that I am not that?” James asked.

Tony looked the man up and down his beard was thicker and fuller than the last time he saw him, and his hair was longer, the king usually kept up with cutting his hair and shaving his beard he looked like a beast now. “I know you’re not that simply because you had my sister’s heart, at least for a little while, I also think you want to know because my sisters ‘wedding’ is tonight.”

“I don’t deserve her heart, but once we get her, she can go home with you, and our alliance will still stand simply because I love her.” James told the man.

Y/n stood looking out the small window of her chamber, here there was no snow, the sun felt hotter than in the south almost like fire and the walls of the castle felt cold, if it did snow here, it be ashes, and the cries of the people did not stop even at night. The lady they assigned to you walked in with the dress they called your wedding dress didn’t compare to your actual wedding dress in the North, the girl was covered in bruises, as she started to pull on the string of the corset. “What have they-”

“Don’t act as if you care about me.” The girl hissed at the woman.

Y/n looked sadden. “They abuse all of you all of the kingdom to the pout that you think royals don’t care about common people? I care about you and all of them, but I can’t help if I’m here.”  The girl slid the dress over Y/n’s head.

Then she started doing up the back of that. “I cannot help, or they will kill me.”

“Your practically dead don’t you see your almost bone and your bruised.” Y/n almost cried.

“This is what life is like here.” The girl admitted. Looking down. Minutes before Y/n was supposed to be married, she hung her head over a bucket as everything in her stomach came up and out of her throat then the girl came in. “Thats not a nerve’s, how long?”

“I don’t know.”

Like promised as the sun was setting as Alexander walked Y/n down the aisle leading her to her fate that he pushed upon her, she looked up hoping she’d see James, but that sight would never be bestowed upon her again. Alexander made sure her hand gripped his sons.

“We the royal family of Hydrana welcome you all here this day to watch my son Pince Brock and Princess Y/n be married, before we start would either of you like to read vows?” The king asked.

“Yes father.” Brock said first. “Princess Y/n, with my words today comes a promise to bring the king of the north to you and you will watch as I kill him, as revenge for taking you from me.”

Y/n’s nostrils flared. “I have some things to say too your highness.” Y/n looked to Alexander he nodded. “And I Prince Brock with my words today come with a promise to you too, that my first borne will be of north blood, and that I will bring you to James and I will tare you limb from limb and feed you to my wolf.” She gritted out.

The king had a knight cover her mouth as the rest of the ceremony, as it went on. “Do you my son Prince Brock Rumlow Pierce of the kingdom of Hydrana take Princess Y/n Amara Stark of…?” The king turned to Y/n. “Where are you from now? North South dose it really matter?” The crowd of people laughed. “Any ways do you take this whore? To be your lawfully wedded wife to have, teach, and lead?”

“I Brock Rumlow Pierce of the kingdom of Hydrana take Princess Y/n Amara Stark whore of the North.” A smirk grew upon the man’s lips. “To be my lawfully wedded wife to have, teach, and lead.”

Alexander turned to Y/n. “And do you Princess Y/n Amara Stark whore of the North…and South take Prince Brock Rumlow Pierce of the kingdom of Hydrana, to have, honor, and obey.” He slid a gold ring over her finger.

The knight uncovered Y/n’s mouth; Y/n stayed silent. “Am I the whore supposed to speak because last I checked whores don’t get to be under the light of god especially during a marriage so I will ask am I allowed to speak?” The knight pulled a knife from his sheaf, and he held it to her throat. “Fine, I Princess Y/n Amara Stark Queen of the north and princess of the south have been forced to take Prince Brock Rumlow Pierce bastard of the kingdom of Hydrana and I guess since I’ve been taken against my will to marry this beast I have to have and honor. You can put the knife away.” Y/n didn’t notice a hooded figure at the back of the room.

“Say obey then I will.” The Kight whispered.

Y/n bit her tongue, she refused to say obey, even at her actual wedding, she’d never agree to that but now she wasn’t the only person she had to think about anymore. “I will agree with not obey but agree.” The knife was pushed deeper into her skin, blood started trickling. “Fine, Fine I Obey!” She yelled; she was handed a golden ring that she hurried to slide on the prince’s finger.

“Now the celebration commence!” Alexander cheered.

Y/n sat at the table not talking to anyone nore interacting all the men here un-like her actual wedding showed women off like they were objects. She stood and walked away from the table, she headed to a door along the side and left the large room. The door shut again behind her, and Brock showed up at her side. “Ready to finish our ceremony I see.”

Y/n glanced at him with un-amusement in her fetchers, but amusement was all that showed on Brock's face, he led you to your freight of the night. Brock pulled the string of Y/n dress letting it fall to her feet, the same happened to her corset he pulled her roughly to him she looked him the eye she could feel the swell of his angry groin in his pants. “Go on.”  That was all he said to her, he led her hands to his belt, she slowly undid the thing then he had her pull down his pants her breaths slowed her vision blurred as he pushed her to her knees, as he forced himself down her throat, hot tears burned at the back of her eyes but she wouldn’t let them fall rough and fast is how he was taking her, then once he was done with his abuse on her mouth he took her cunt in the same manner.

James and Tony whet over attack after attack but all their ideas failed in the end, the door opened, and Steve walked in. “They forced her to say every word.”

“She didn’t.” Tony stood anger, filling him.

“Obey.” Steve nodded.

James looked at both. “Why is that word important?”

“In the south obey is a promise not just some word that you say, that’s why she didn’t say it at your wedding the moment a southerner say that word it’s us promising our life to do whatever they say.”  Tony explained to the man.

“No, she does not she does not need to do whatever those bastards tell her.” James argues.

“Bucky.” Steve said seriously. “This isn’t us playing a cruel joke this is us telling you the truth the southerners have cures bestowed upon them that when they agree to obey to their husbands they have to.”

“So, men are just so lucky in the south that they don’t have to what the hell did the past kings or queens do to have this curse?” Bucky’s anger pulsed with every word these men told him what he felt were lies about his wife.

“It was our great-great grandmother the day before her wedding.” Tony explained.

The young woman had road a ship across the fast-moving waters from the kingdom of Eastrose her hair was a golden brown when she met her husband, she did not want to marry the man who acted like a beast, so she ran to a small cottage that was in the bright sun it looked like it was made of twigs and dirt she walked in and found a sleeping woman who had light red hair and it was covered in dirt and light flowers in her un tamed hair her piercing green eyes opened. “Leave!”

“No, un-do my curse of marrying the beast that is the king of this land.” She hissed.

The woman with red hair scoffed. “No, princess, your family and mine will have an importance to each other your great-great granddaughter will protect mine from death and so will her father, and her husband, and in returner she will break the curse of your family.”

The princess pulled a knife out from under her dress and held it to the woman’s throat. “Make it happen.”

The woman’s eyes turned red as she started muttering something repetitively. “Parere bellum nuntiatum ad como canetis, parere bellum nuntiatum ad como canetis, parere bellum nuntiatum ad como canetis.” Then she turned to look at the child. “Drop the knife.” She demanded the girl drop it. “Forget about this and go back to the kingdom you belong in and stay and tomorrow at the alter you will say obey, and as for the rest of your family’s women will carry the same curse.”

“Your grad mother turned to a witch and now Y/n is paying the prince.” Bucky said.

“The only way to undo the curse is if we find her defendant but my mother tried, and she couldn’t.” Tony explained.

“Wanda’s a witch wat if we ask if she could break the curse.” Steve spoke up.

Y/n tossed and turned whimpering the fire grew all over the lands not just the room she and James shared that’s when she felt the sting on her cheek, and she woke up. “What the hell are you doing?” Brock asked his voice filled with sleep. “You’re keeping me awake.”

“I-I have horrible nightmares about the future.” She admitted.

The man beside her rolled his eyes. “Go back to sleep now and stop tossing and turning.” It sounded passive too passive. Once Y/n was sure he was asleep she got out of bed and found a piece of paper she wrote on it.

My Beloved James

I write this letter in secret and in fear that if they  find it I will be killed or worse here worse could mean so many different things I’m sure you  know by now that they have married me to the prince, I want you to know that I have found out that I’m with child and it is yours my lady here is helping me make an escape and I will be home to you soon my love.            -Y/n

James read the letter that a bird had somehow dropped on his window seal the tears burned in the back of his eyes knowing she was at least alive Snow lifted her head and looked at the king she walked up to the man wanting to sniff the letter when she did, she ran to the door. James pushed it open then the wolf ran up to Y/n’s office, but James didn’t understand the letter smelt nothing like his wife’s regular perfume James pushed the door open and the wolf started growling at Jasper like he’s a threat.

“This room has been made off limits.” James said his voice deep.

The other man scoffed. “So has the library, your chambers, the guardians, it seems that every room that Princess Y/n favorited is made off limits, gods get this thing.” He kicked Snow. “A way from me.”

“She was following the scent of something” James told him. “And it led us to you.”  Night came in and started growling. “Who are you.”

“I think we both know now.” Jasper smirked, James turned to the door, and opened it. “You’d turned your back to your enemy?”

The captain of the guard walked in. “No, I bring pain to my enemy’s.” James told the man the nodded for Steve to take him away Steve grabbed the man and took him to the dungeon James followed as did the wolfs.

A Beautiful, Terrible Thing 6

A/N:I know it’s late but I just finished today so forgive me, and as alwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Angst, Death, Guilt, Bucky have recollection

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“Follow me.” Y/n said her voice quietly, Wanda walked briskly as fast as Y/n was, they entered Y/n’s chambers.

Wanda turned to her friend. “What’s going on.”

“Were leaving I-I can’t James has chan-” She was cut off the door opened, James walked in, Y/n glared at him.

“Where do you plan to leave, I am king and I have eyes and ears everywhere, you think I won’t find you, my queen.” James spoke all of this was sent Y/n’s breath was shaky. “Wanda you can leave, unless you wish to watch me fuck her into submission.”
Y/n closes her eyes then looked to Wanda. “Go.” She could tell that Wanda wanted to speak up for her as Y/n had earlier that day but Y/n did not blame her nor was, she mad, she knew how Wanda was and she would not ask for her to change, Wanda practically ran from the room. James circled Y/n like he was a lion circling his prey. “James your drunk, don’t do this.” Y/n shook her head; James came close to her she could feel her husband’s breathing on her neck, his hand lift to tangle in her hair, she grabbed his wrist. “James, I know that the man I’ve grown to love is deep in there and he wouldn’t do anything that my mother would do.” That made the king back up away from her, he sat in one of the large winged back chairs near the fireplace. Y/n took that as that she could leave the room but as she did, she ran into prince Brock. “No leave this castle you are not welcome in the North any longer all you do is tear apart perfectly good things.”

“This will start a war Queen.” He hissed.

“I don’t care.” Her voice was as strong as she could make it, the prince stormed out of the castle, and for the first time in days she could breathe fresh air again. Her chest rose and fell as she let tear’s role down her cheeks.

“Your highness?” Steve ran up to the queen.

She wiped her tears away. “War is coming.” She told the captain; all he could do was nod, Y/n walked back into the chambers finding James in the same place he had been when she left. “I sent Brock back to Hydrana.”

“A war is going to start.” He said his voice shaky.

“Aye, but we’ll get through it.” She said honestly.

He huffed a laugh. “I’ve been an imbecilic the past few days I hurt you because my feelings got in the way of me thinking.”

“As much as I do want to accept your apology, James I’m going to need a little time before I go right in and am alright with this, we were both being harsh towards one another, but that doesn’t make it an excuse for you to do that.” She was blunt but as most things that is how she could be at times.

James looked at her and gave her a firm nod. “I understand.” He bowed his head to look at the ground.

Days went on with James and Y/n having distance put in between the both of them but with Brock gone it seemed to get better between both of them the mountains which once was between them shrunk into hills. James was still busy making sure that Hydrana did not attack the Kingdome. But one day a young messenger wearing the bright yellow and red of the south they were let in as he was let in James walked to the entrance. “What are you doing so far way form home?” James asked the young-looking boy.

“I have a letter I need to give directly to Queen Y/n.” The boy said to the king.

James’s brows furrowed. “Alright?” He led the boy to the library where the Queen had been spending most of her time, James opened the door Y/n laid out on the sofa reading a book. “Y/n, A messenger form the south has a letter for you.”

She sat up the boy came in and gave her the letter, she opened the envelope with the seal of her brother she looked at the letter.

To My Dear Sister

I regret to inform you that our mother and father were brutally killed in their sleep I know this will take a few days to get to you by the time you receive this I have been coronated King, there was a letter by their bed side we know the culprit, I want you to tell your husband this and that I am declaring war on the Kingdom of Hydrana, I’m going to need to help and I am starting with yours knowing that we are allies through marriage, I need you now more than ever, I want to reassure you that Aron is fine and well just sad, I want to come and see you soon, but I’m afraid this war will tear apart kingdoms and bring them together.


Tears burned at her eyes as she read the letter, James looked at her with concerned and he walked up to her putting a comforting arm around her, “What happened?” He whispered in her ear; she handed the letter to the king.

She straightened herself up and straitened up, and walked up to the boy, Peter. “Thank you, Peter for coming all this way.”

“Queen Y/n, I’m sorry for your loss, I wish I could help you.” He frowned.

“Peter, just tell my brother that he can come to the north any time.” She told him. He bowed then took his leave, James walked up behind her, she shook her head James could tell that she was sad, even though they were shitty parents they were still the people who brought her into this world. “I want to be a lone for a little while.”

James nodded respecting her wishes and left her to be alone, James walked through the halls once he passed Wanda, he stopped her. “You should go be with Y/n, she said she wanted to be alone but I think she needs her friend.” James told the young woman.

She nodded and walked into the library Y/n looked up at the young woman, Y/n’s e/c eyes were red from tears. “What happened?” Wandas voice was soft and comforting like a warm blanket wrapped around a cold child.

“My parents were murdered.” Y/n cried harder; Wanda sat down beside her holding her hands in comfort.

Y/n was depressed over the situation for days James was concerned for her at night he’d come into the room late at night, and he’d find Y/n awake, her eyes always puffy and red, he got into bed with her, late in the night Y/n woke up because of a night mare it was similar to the one she had the night before the wedding, she got out of bed and walked out to the balcony, and watched the snow blow past her, as she looked over at the village of the Kingdome below the cold air of the north made he fingers turned red she shivered. “You’re going to get frost bight.” James spoke from behind her, she turned.

“It’s my fault.” Her voice was raspy, James looked at her in confusion. “The war that’s going to happen and my parent’s death, because of a damn rejection.”

James shook his head. “Don’t but this all on you, Y/n, He was splitting us apart and were stronger side by side.” A single tear rolled down Y/n’s cheek, the moon shining in her eyes, the stars sat in the dark sky, James pulled her into his chest giving his wife comfort and support.

A Beautiful, Terrible Thing 4

A/N:I know it’s late but I just finished today so forgive me, and as alwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Angst, Brock, um Bucky and reader fighting, if I forgot anything please tell me.

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Y/n laid in bed for days after, James felt horrible about her pain that he would cause. “Y/n, King James has requested your presents for breakfast.” Natasha told Y/n.

“Not today.” Y/n said, yes, she had forgiven him, but she was into much pain to even stand on her own, and she did not want to look a fool walking around her new home. Natasha nodded leaving to tell the king.

James stood on the balcony of his office, looking out at his Kingdom, the doors opened, and instead of his wife it was the redhaired hand maiden, and he knew the answer to his request. “Thank you, Natasha.”

Y/n stayed where she had been when Natasha entered minutes ago, the doors opened at she assumes it was James, grabbing papers that he forgot or to check on her. “What are you doing?” Her mother. “A good wife would do as her husband pleases, James wanted to have breakfast with you, so you should as a good wife have breakfast with your husband as requested.”

“No, I-I cannot mother, I will look like fool.” Y/n denied her mother’s wishes.

Y/n could feel the other woman’s glare on her body. “No, you will show just how strong your husband is.” The older Queen gripped the younger Queens hair in her fist forcefully pulling her out of the bed. “Now if I have to, I will get you dressed myself.” Her mother pulled clothing out of the closet Y/n not paying any mind to what her mother was doing, she sat on the floor naked. Y/n groaned in pain as her mother had her stand up; the older woman placed her daughter’s hands on the bed post so that the girls back was facing her, the older queen put a corset on her, the older woman started to pull on the strings.

“You’re making it-”

Her mother cut her off. “Shut your wining Y/n honestly you’re now the Queen of a country.” After the corset was tightened to the older Queens approval, her mother pulled a golden long sleeve dress over her head, then pulled the strings on that. The older Queen brushed the girl’s hair letting it flow, then placed makeup on the womans face. “Go to your husbands office and tell him you be glad to have breakfast with him.”

Y/ns steps were slow and small, as she walked, every step filled with pain. Once she got to the doors of the office she knocked, she heard a muffled ‘come in’ form the other side, she pulled open one of the doors, James looked up. “James, I wanted to tell you that I’d be-”

He cut her off. “Y/n, you look as though you’re in saver pain, I won’t make you have breakfast with me if your hurt.” Tears gathered in the young woman’s eyes, James stood and rushed to hug her. “Come on let’s go to our cambers.” James led Y/n back to their rooms, James cut the ribbon that kept her dress on with a knife, then he did the same with the corset he found the night gown she had been wearing earlier he pulled it over her body, then he laid her on the bed. “Why would you do this?”

“You want the truth?” Y/n asked, the King nodded. “My mother heard about my refusal and came to talk to me.”

James’ jaw clenched. “I will have a word with her, she broke what I asked of her.” James combed his fingers through his wife’s hair in comfort for her.

She looked him in the eyes. “I want you to know I’m not mad at you, I don’t want to punish you, it’s just I’m in far too much pain to move I know you didn’t mean to hurt me.”

“Y/n, you don’t need to apologies to me.” He told her. “I’m going to leave you the guard posted at the door will know not to let anyone bother you, I want you to rest until you feel better.”

“Thank you.” Y/n then hesitated. “I love you.”

“I love you two my moon stars.” He kissed her head, before leaving.

He walked out, the turned to the guard. “I don’t want anyone other than her lady’s going in that room.”

“Yes sir.” The guard said.

James walked way, to his office, James turned to the guard positioned at the door. “Get me Queen Maria.” The knight nodded; the door opened munts later.

The Queen of the south glided in as if she were the queen of the North. “Your highness.” She bowed with regalness.

“I want you your husband and the prince’s to go home to the south I am sick to hear the disrespect you have given my wife; I don’t want to see your face here unless of emergency.” James told the Queen she looked at him as though it was unfair.

“Your wife is my daughter.” She spat at him.

James eyes blew wide at the audacity of the Queen. “You sure as hell didn’t treat her as so, now I want you all packed by the end of the day and all four of you on your marry way, now I have my wife who need’s tending too.” He stood and walked out of the office, and went to his chambers.

Y/n woke hours later to find James’ blue eyes staring down at her, his soft colored lips pressed in a grin, the soft morning light showed the princess had slept the past day away, the soft curtains blew in the wind as snow found its way sprinkling in, the soft fur of the blankets, keeping both of them warm from frostbite. The laid looking into each other’s eyes. Warmth in golfed both king and queen as their lips met in a soft and sweet kiss. Y/n pulled away and James looked at her in confusion. “Did I actually sleep for an entire day?”

“Aye you did my love, I do want you to know that I sent your family back to the South.” He told his queen. “Your mother was stressing us out.”

“Thank you, I feel a lot better now.” Y/n told him honestly. “I think that the day of sleep did help.”

“Do you want to go for a ride, to get fresh air?” James’s voice was hope full.

“Give me a little bit, I need to eat my sun and stars.” Y/n replied to him she cupped his cheek, going closer to him and kissing him.

“Taking my nick name now, are you?” He smirked after pulling away from her, she smirked and nodded. “I’ll go get breakfast.” He briskly walked out of the room. Y/n laughed to herself at how James could be at times, going from serious to a goof ball. She sat up her face squished up in pained, the door opened right after, Wanda came in and she saw Y/n.

“Are you alright?” Wanda rushed over to the Queen; Y/n just nodded, as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, and she stood up on wobbly legs she was about to fall Wanda caught her. James came waltzing back into the room, finding Wanda holding Y/n. “Y/n was about to fall, so I caught her.” Wanda explained in a panic.

James walked over to the both of them, he took Y/n into his arms and carried her to a chair. “Maybe no riding today?”

Y/n frowned at him. “Sorry, I really wanted to.” She apologized.

James looked down at her, he shook his head. “No, you don’t have to apologize to me.”

After a few more days of rest Y/n felt better, she and James walked around the castle gardens, the snow covered all the what would be flowers, as they walked a messenger boy came up to the king. “Your majesties.” The boy bowed too both of them. “There’s a letter here for you its urgent from the kingdom of Hydrana.”

Y/n looked at her husband, she heard of the kingdom it was horrible from what she could tell form the stories she heard in the past about, also the war ten years ago did not help she had barely remembered what it was like when her father and brother were sent to the front lines the boy handed the King the letter, James read it his calm donor deteriorated, as he read it. He let out a huff of air the cold hair showing his breath as he did so, Y/n looked at him. “The prince of Hydrana is going to come for a visit, next week.” Y/n looked at him with a sparkle of concern in her eyes. “Don’t worry I won’t let him do anything.”

“You should go write him back.” Y/n told him, knowing a courteous man would reply sooner than later. James kissed her, then he walked into the castle, Wanda met up with Y/n in the middle of the garden. The two of them continued to walk around, having small talk.

The week after came, and a large black carriage from the docks came up to the castle, Y/n and James stood Infront of the castle, as it pulled into the courtyard, guards wearing the symbol of their country, with a skull and octopus tentacles coming out from under it, a man with short dark hair and scruff, got out. “Prince Brock.” James greeted him.

“King James.” Brock bowed, then he looked at Y/n. “Princess Sop-”

James cut off the man. “Queen Y/n.” James corrected.

“Sorry, Queen Y/n, my apologies on missing the wedding.” Brock apologized.

James’ demeanor seemed different more on edge than normal. “Yes, no worries, I’ll have my captain of the guard escort you to your rooms while you visit.”

All of the royals walked back into the castle, Steve walked up and led the prince to the room that he would be sleeping in. James steps were face paced leaving Y/n behind, her lips pierced her husband had been distant since the letter. James had reached their chambers before she could, he stood looking impatient Y/n walked into the room James looked up from his head looking to the ground. “The fucking disrespect that bastard was showing in our home.”

Y/n walked up behind James. “Relax, I understand that you hate him, but we still have to be respectful to visitors in our home.” James glared at her; this is the first time he is ever looked at her in what she could describe as anger. “James were not going to let him, divide us.”  Y/n put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. James looked at her, he took a deep inhale of air, he was keeping to himself his thoughts loud and words were sealed. “What’s wrong?” She stood up and squeezed his hands, he quickly pulled them away and stormed out.

That night was the first night, since Y/n arrived, that James missed a meal with her there especially, Y/n and Brock sat across from each other. “I apologize that my husband couldn’t-”

Brock cut Y/n off with a scoff. “Didn’t they teach you anything in the south at least?” Y/n’s brows furrowed. “Not to speak unless spoken to?”
Y/n looked at him. “Is that what they taught you back in Hydrana? In the south yes, we are stricter than the Northen.” Y/n noted.

“In Hydrana we teach women that they shouldn’t speak unless spoken to.” Brock hissed.

“Well, you’re in the North.” Y/n said standing up, leaving the room.

Y/n headed to her chambers, hoping James would be in there once she arrived, he was not there the door opened behind hind her she turned around Wanda walked in. “Who are you looking for?”

“James.” Y/n told her friend.

“Well from what I know is he has been cooped up in his office cooped up all day.” Wanda said apologetically, as she started to loosen the string of the dress to get Y/n ready for bed.

Y/n huffed. “It’s almost like Hydrana sent Prince Brock to start a war, or something.”

Wandas brows furrowed. “What happened at dinner?”

“He was acting like my mother.” Y/n told her with an eyeroll.

Wanda nodded. “I’m going to assume you want to be alone now.” Y/n nodded.

James sat in his office across form Steve. “Why would Hydrana send Brock, while the peace treaty is already hanging on loose rope.” James asked.

Steve scratched the back of his blond hair. “I can’t tell you Buck, there just trying to put a wedged in between.”

James huffed. “Maybe he’s here, to drive I and Y/n apart, I mean he was a suitor for her and he seemed to be verry interested in her.” Steve nodded as to agree with him.

A Beautiful, Terrible Thing 3

A/N:Posting two times in a week, could never!, and as alwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Angst,Smut,Night mares, Bucky loving reader, and the event you have been waiting for…

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James woke up only once he felt Y/n’s hand slap his chest, he looked to her it looked as though she was crying. “Y/n.” He shook her to wake up. She shot up out of bed, her chest heaving up and down rapidly.

“James.” She leaned into his body, the first intimate touches she ever gave him, she leaned on him for strength and comfort in a moment of hurt. “E-everything was on fire, tone and burnt.” She cried.

“My moon and stars, I will never let anything like that happen to you nor our Kingdome.” He promised.

“It all seemed so real.” She still sobbed. James laid down, pulling her close to him, pulling the fur blankets over their bodies, calming her down, once he made sure she was a sleep was when he allowed himself sleep.

Y/n awoke fining James nowhere in sight, Wanda came in along with her other ladies in waiting, she had become close to one specifically form the North, Natalia, but she prefers to be called Natasha. “Today is the day.” Wanda said to the princess. It all felt hazy that morning, Wanda was concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“I had the worst night mare last night.” Was all the Princess said, Wanda asked if Y/n wanted to talk about it, but the princess replied with a short no. The women helped the Princess into her wedding dress, it was a ballgown shaped dress all white, and off the shoulders, like always it was accustomed in the northern lands to wear a cloak of fur for this day unlike others it was a white cloak, atiara was placed on her head, her hair done in curls with two braids and golden chains hanging.

“The coronation will take place before the wedding.” Natash informed the princess. “Thats how we do it in the North.”

Then a knock came at the doors, Wanda walked over to answer. “The Princess’ wolf, Snow, is here.” The wolf ran through the door up to Y/n Snow started to rub against her owner, sensing something wrong with its owner.

Y/n’s hand ran through the wolfs fur. “Are you ready, Princess?” Natasha asked, Y/n only nodded.

James waited at the end of the throne room; the music of the South started to play, Y/n ascended the stairs looking gorges as ever, Snow walked beside her, Y/n walked with a sense of confidence, but James could see the unease in her eyes, as she got closer the song melted into the one of the North Y/n approached the King, kneeling in front of him, head bowed. “I James Buchanan Barnes have invited you here today, to witness the coronation of my fiancé Y/n Amara Stark of the South, and for the joyous wedding, Y/n, do you take the Northen lands as your own promise to protect and defend them against all odds, even against your home lands if needed, do you promise to love the lands and their people.”

“I do.” She nodded.

“And do you except the crown of the North as your own, and agree to be my Queen as we marry?”

“I do.”

“Y/n Amara Stark now of the North, I take you as my Queen.” The priest removed her tiara she wore placing it on a pillow, then James placed the Queens crown on her head.

Y/n stood beside James; the crowd applauded. Once they silenced again, the priest spoke to both. “James Y/n, do you both as King and Queen agree to love each other more than anything in all of the universe.”

James looked down at the woman beside him. “Yes.”

Y/n looked at the priest, her face not showing emotions like always. “Yes.”

“James, do you vow to take this woman in sickness and in heath, to love and honor in all that you do?” The priest said again.

“I do.” James answers were all serious, as was Y/n’s.

The priest turned to Y/n. “Y/n, do you vow to take this man in sickness and in health, to love honor and obey in all that you do.”

Y/n looked to James. “I Promise to love and honor but I will not obey like some child.” James smirked.

The priest nodded seeing that the king was fine with what the princess said. “I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride.”

The ballroom was full with people, James, and Y/n, sat at a large table, gest brought gifts up to both Y/n, and James. Something caught, Y/n’s attention. “Who’s over there flirting a storm with Captain Steven.”

“Her names Peggy, she’s a lady of the old Kingdome, they always get together on occasions like this.” James noted to Y/n.

“Hmm, I like the two of them together, I’m glad he has someone to what is it?” Y/n asked not being able to think of the word.

“Woo?” James helped.

“Not exactly, but yes.” Y/n nodded.

James looked at Y/n. “You’ve seemed so sad since last night, are you sure you’re alright.”

Y/n sighed. “I don’t know, it felt real, like it was happening while we slept last night.”

Peggy walked up with a gift in her hands placing Infront of both Y/n and James. “King James Queen Y/n, I hope you except my gift.” She spoke.

“Aye we do.” Y/n said to her.

“And I’d like for you, both to except my request to stay in the North lands.” Peggy’s head was bowed.

“Lift your head.” Y/n spoke to her, Peggys brown eyes met Y/e/c ones. “Of course, we do.”

Peggy’s dark red lips smiled. “Thank you.”

“May I have a dance with my Queen?” James asked, Y/n stood, giving him a look as if to ask, what are you waiting for? James smirked standing alongside her, he led her to the dance floor. He pulled her into him, both he and she glided across the floors. It was a Northern dance; he was one for prosperity and growth. The night went on it was a night of Dancing laughing, and fun, until the end, when they knew it was time to consummate.

Sophai was talking with King Thor, from the Kingdome of Asgard, hidden in the mountains across the ocean, James walked up behind her. “Y/n.” The Queen jumped having not realize that the King would come behind her. “My Moon and Stars it is time we head to our chambers.” He wisped.

“You must excuse me for the night King Thor, though I would love to talk to you again.” Y/n smiled.

“As would I.” Thor said to the Queen.

James led her out of the ball room. “You and Thor seem to get along.”

Y/n nodded. “Aye we do, did you know he’s named after a God from the Noris mythology.”

“Yes, I did, and his king domes name comes from the same myths, some say he was chosen by their gods, I think that he’s just glorified.” James scoffed.

“What gods do you worship?” Y/n asked, her and him never having a conversation about religion before.

“I believe in the old seven gods, but I will not force my religiose beliefs on you.” His word truthful. “What do you believe?”

“I don’t know to be honest; I think that there could be something out there, or we’re alone and just living until we die.” Y/n spoke honestly.

“Hmm, that’s a new one.” James said. The doors were in front of them, Y/n took a hesitant breath. “I want to warn you, the North has a long-standing tradition we follow, I wish I could change it but I cannot, it was a law made forever ago because of a lie, but there is going to be a sheet.”

Y/n’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Lords of the court, two of them.” Was all he said, then he opened the door, and you saw two men from the royal court in the room, they both bowed. James led Y/n behind the curtain.

“Why do they have to be here what lie?” Y/n asked.

James sighed. “My ancestors lied about laying with each other on the wedding night, it wasn’t until they were older that they had a child.” James undid the back of her dress, letting it fall to the floor, he tore open her under clothes, the fell to the ground. James laide her onto the bed so that her stomach was on the soft furs of the bed, her breath hitched as he slid into her. “This might hurt but it won’t last long.” It was like when a sword was put back into its scabbard. She grunted as he bottomed out in her, he pulled out slowly this was a continues back and forth in and out, his skin slapped against her as he sped up, tears gathering in Y/n’s eyes, he had worn her about the pain, but it lasted it was not as he promised. She wined, James’ grip on her hips, was sturdy, as he continued, she bit down on the mattress, but then she was flipped around James looked at her in her Y/e/c eyes. The coil in her stomach tightened, then snapped, James’s seed filled her, they sounded like mulling animals, James pulled out from her, walking toward the men, Y/n sobbed in pain in the background.

“It is done you can leave now.” James hissed at the men.

“We will leave if you follow the rules after.” One spoke up.

James nodded. “Yes, now leave.” The door shut behind hind the old croons, James tore down the sheet, Y/n’s face was red and wet, from her tears, her sobs hurt his heart. “Fuck their rules.” James said to himself, he grabbed a wet rag to wipe her inner thigh the rag was stained in red afterward. “Y/n, I’m going to have to move you.” He warned her, he picked her up and laid her on two chairs, as a make shift bed, James walked to the door. “I need lady’s Natasha and Wanda.” He told the guard, one of them left their post, to get the women. “Tell them to walk in.” Then the king shut the door. He walked to a closet, pulling out a fur blanket for the Queen, to cover her body, James kneeled by her side. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t have known that it would be that bad.” James apologized, Y/n sniffled, nodded to excepted his apology. The door opened both women he asked for came in. “I need one of you to change the linens, and for Wanda preferably, I need you to help Y/n dress.” Both women got to their respective jobs. Wanda dressed the nowQueen in a night gown, the bedding was changed, and James moved Y/n to her side of the bed. 
“Your grace, I need a word with you.” Wanda whispered; James followed the woman out of the room. “What the bloody hell did you do to her.” Wanda shoved a hand at the door.

“I did what I had to; we didn’t have a choice.” James told Wanda.

Wanda looked at him in disgust. “What do you mean no choice you had, you raped her?”

“No, I did not, in the north there is a law royals have to follow to make sure the marriage is consummated.” James told her not going into detail. “Now if you excuse me, I have to get back to my wife.

A Beautiful, Terrible Thing 2

A/N:Here is the second part to this series, I hope you all like it, and as alwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Abusive parents, aslo distant parents and angst, Bucky trying to get close, and Reader being distant.

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Y/n had been living there for two weeks, and now she was being dressed for the day in riding clothes she had been confused as to why it looked like men’s riding clothes in a way but meant for a small built woman like herself, starting with leather pants and leather boots and a deep brown shirt a fur cloak was put over it, her hair was put into a braid she headed out to the stable.

Wanda walked in step with you. “So, it seems you and the King get along.”

“Surprisingly.” Y/n added. “I’m glad he let me keep you here with me.”

“Why did he send the others away?” Wana questioned, having never got an answer.

“Y/n looked her in the eyes. “He wanted me to lean the ways of the North.” She said truthfully. Wanda nodded understanding now why they were not here. “Wanda you can go now.” Y/n told her.

She approached the stables seeing James, Wanda turned away from her heading back into the castle, yes Y/n was thankful that the man to be her husband, sooner than later, let her keep her friend in the north yet she was still indifferent toward the man she shares a bed with. She walked up to him face like stone unchanging, he turned to her. “Why are you in your riding clothes?” He asked brows furrowed.

“Because all you said to my ladies was have her ready to go to the stables, and here I am ready for the stable.” Her irritation was clear.

“Oh well, seems that we can do this in riding clothes, come follow me.” He led her away. “We’re going to my other stable where we raise the wolfs, when your coronated queen your wolf will walk beside you as you go down the aisle.”

He led her to a grope of wolf pups, a pure white one ran up to you rubbing on your legs. “I think I’ve been claimed.” Y/n smirked.

“Aye, so it seems.” He bent down to pet her. “It’s time you meet mine, Night.” He called out; a large black wolf came out of a stall. “Usually wolfs sleep in the king and queens’ chambers, but since yours isn’t grown yet we will wait.”

Over the weeks as the wolf grew, Y/n and Snow, the wolf, grew closer to each other the wolf became a protector of the princess, and it followed her around the castle where ever she went, the wedding was days away, and guest started arriving.

James and Y/n stood out in the court yard, as the carriages from the south came to a stop foot away from them, Snow and Moon sat at their sides, her family got out of both, Tony walked up to the girl. “Y/n.” He smiled missing his sister.

“Tony.” She was still angry that she was hated and lied to all her life because of her parents’ mistakes.

Then little Aron ran up to his older sister hugging her at the waist she smiled down at him genuinely. James looked at his soon-to-be Queen with a bright smile never seeing hers before this day. “I’ve missed you; I wish you were still there to teach me archery, it’s not as fun without our banter.”

“I miss it too; I miss feeling the arow between my fingers and pulling ba-” She was cut off by her mother.

“Y/n don’t be silly you’ve never done such a thing.” The older woman hissed at her only daughter; Snow tensed by her side growling at the Queen.

“You’ve done archery?” James asked. “How come you’ve never told me this?”

“No, she has not King James.” Her mother rushed. “I thank thee for inviting us to your kingdom.”

“The pleasure is ours; I’ll see to it that you all will get to your chambers.” James told the family as all of them headed inside.

“King James.” Blue eyes meat green. “I would like to speak to my daughter alone in her chambers before I am shown to mine.”

James looked to you; you gave him a nod in agreement. “She’ll lead the way to our chambers.” The ‘our’ was emphasized, the Queen grunted, as her daughter led her away. To the room.

Once the doors were closed and the wolf was made sure to be with the King before the Queen would speak. “Have you ruined our family name, embarrass us Infront of a King like James.”

“Mother I am not stupid as you think.” Y/n stood up for herself. “At least I am not like you and whoring my way through a city until I get pregnant.”

“You Stupid Child!” She yelled, smacking her daughter on both cheeks, the young girls lip blead. “How do you even know about that?”

“I am not stupid, Aron doesn’t look like father, and Anthony looks nothing like you.” Y/n lied to save Tony’s arse.

Her mother's nostrils flared. “I am not a whore, you’re the whore you sleep with a man every night.” 
“A man I am marring it’s an accustom in the north.” Y/n spat at her mother.

“Your father will deal with you, you little rat.” Her mother said disgust lacing her words, then the older woman left, Y/n sat on the bed rubbing her cheek tears stung in her eyes, the door opened Y/n saw James in the corner of her eye.

“That went grea-” His good mood was cut short. “Y/n, are you alight?”

She cleared her through. “Yes.”

He looked at her to see her lip bleeding. “What happened?” He questioned whipping it away with his thumb.

“I promise it’s nothing.” She hurried out.

James gave her an unconvinced look. “Y/n you’re going to have to let me into your walls eventually.”

“You want to know what’d behind the walls of the southern lands castle, I’m the only child than is legitimate of the southern Kingdome.” Y/n admitted. “Yet I am the most hated by my parents, my mother hits and neglects me, my father soon will get his hands on me and always had ignored me.”

“I won’t let it happen again so long as you’re here with me, no one will hurt you.” He promised.

“Don’t you see I’ve already have been hurt in thetas lands.” Y/n told him.

James pulled her into him. “Thats because before I saw the light of what they’ve done.”

Dinner that night was tense, with Y/n and James siting at the head, though her father, looked angry, usually both Kings visiting or not would sit at the head of the table. James was tense and angry at the fact that her family could hurt and hate an innocent girl. “So what day are you planning the wedding to be on, I hope we didn’t come for nothing.” Y/n’s mother spoke.

“Yes, we have a date set for the end of the week, you thought that we would invite you for no reason?” James asked in defense.

“No King James, I am sorry for the miss understanding.” The Queen apologized.

Y/n cleared he throat, then lean into James. “Can I be excused?” Y/n asked him in a hushed whispered James nodded with a soft smile, Y/n stood up and walked to the doors of dining room and left.

Queen Maria stood up to follow, but James motioned for her to stay. “I actually want to talk to all of you, except for Prince Aron.” Aron stood and left the dining hall.

“Well King James why did you want to talk to the three of us?” The Future King of the South spoke first.

“I want to talk about Y/n.” James said to them.

The Queen of the south scoffed. “What has she done now?”

“Nothing, it’s what you’ve done, you struck her in our chambers also you’ve neglected her, and I think that it is unfair she from my understanding and what I’ve heard she has never had said anything bad to say about the South, she up until earlier today has kept me out of how she felt, thinks, and anything important that I should know as her soon to be husband.” He noted to them.

“What do you mean?” Tony the man who was younger than he.

“It concerns me when I hear that someone, I care about someone I care about has been hurt physically or mentally.” James told him. “I won’t tell any kingdom what I found out in our private chambers, but I don’t ever want her alone with either of you two.” He said to the parents.

“King James, that is-” The older King started.

“Lord Howard I won’t hear of it you ignored your daughter; we are done here.” James stood and left the dining hall.

Tony followed the king. “Can I have a word with my sister alone.”

“Y/n doesn’t want to be alone with any of your family besides maybe Aron.” James told the future king.

“You can talk to her with me there, I want to make sure she is as comfortable as possible in her new home I don’t want her to be uncomfortable.” James said as they approached the doors. 
“I just want to talk to her.” Tony sighed.

James pushed opened the doors to the chambers. “Your more than welcome to.”

Y/n looked to the door from her desk, she would usually say a welcome to him, but she stayed silent, at the sight of Tony. “You know you can’t ignore me forever.” Tony spoke to her, they both huffed. “Listen, I know your mad-”

“Mad, that’s an understatement, Ton, I’m furious, how could you all lie to me.” Y/n continued ranting to her brother. “And then there’s the fact that you never really defended m-”

“There’s not much I could do.” Tony’s voice became more aggressive.

James stood protectively Infront of her. “Tony, I think it would be best if you, leave.”

“She is not your wife yet, but she is my-”

James cut the man off. “No leave she will be queen of my kingdom and I won’t let you her brother disrespect her.” Tony huffed, walking out of the chambers, knowing that it was a fight that was not winnable. “Are you alright?”

Y/n nodded. “He thinks that it should be easy to get over finding out that your brothers aren’t rely your brothers.”

James rubbed a hand up and down your shoulders. “Tomorrow should go by smoothly, my siblings are coming.” Y/n looked at him in confusion never hearing anything about his siblings before. “Come on let’s get to bed.”

The next morning was like the last, she was dressed in North colors, a deep Blue dress a rose colored cloak, her hair had been put into and interact style. James met her at the doors of their chambers. He led her to the court yard. There were three carriages out there, James looked at you. “Don’t worry.” He whispered in her ear.

A woman got out of the first carriage, her eyes matched that of the king, an older woman got out behind her. “Announcing Princess Rebeccah and Duchess Ramona.”

The younger girl ran up to the king. “Bucky!” She cried out tears formed in her eyes, there arms wrapped around each other.

“Becca.” James smiled.

“And is this the Princess of the South, Bucky your lucky, I don’t know why her family would trade her off to your ugly mug.” Rebeccah laughed at the man.

“Y/n, Rebeccah, Rebeccah, Y/n.” James introduced.

“Now announcing Prince Thomas and his wife Lady Saraha.” A young man with light green eyes, and chestnut brown hair like his other two siblings came out he carried himself unlike James it felt light and airy in away his stance did, James was like a solider always waiting for a battle.

“Brother grate to see your face, I have been helping out in the Eastern king domes. As best as I can.” Thomas said speaking of his wife, the lady of the East who looked like young stuck up princess.

James rolled his eyes at his sister in-laws scoff. “It too cold here.” She whined.

“Lady Saraha I am from the south the warmest Kingdome of all, and I have not once in the weeks that I have been here complained about the cold.” Y/n argued with the Lady.

“You’re the Starks girl.” Saraha smirked. “Your brother came to our Kingdome, a few months ago.”

Y/n knew where she was going with what she was saying, her brother was quite the lover. “Announcing, Princess Ruthe.” A woman with auburn hair and blue eyes. “And Her husband Lord John.”

James despised his younger sister’s husband, he was a disrespectful man, that’s why James treated woman the way he did, she had been married to him since before their mother and father died. “Ruthe.” James smiled, going in to hug her.

“Brother.” Her smile was bright. “I must congratulate you for your marriage.” She turned to Y/n and smiled. “And your Y/n Stark princess of the South how great it is to meet you I must say I don’t understand how your brothers get more enlightened than you, for your clearly to any idiot or not the best looking of the three, no offence to little Aron.”

“Thank you Pri-”

The Woman cut Y/n off. “You’re the princess, soon to be Queen of my home land, you can call me lady.” She bowed to Y/n.

“Thank you but I insist it is still your la-.” Y/n was cut off again, but this time by the blond Lord.

“Aye it is still my wife’s lands, and she still is a princess.” The man almost snapped at Y/n; James glared at him.

“I invite you all for dinner tonight, Y/n’s family will be dining with us.” James told the all of them, Y/n could see the excitement behind the King’s eyes.
