

A Beautiful, Terrible Thing 11

A/N:I just want you all to know and you might be mad but I need a little bit of break from writing this series so that I can get it back to an actual plot sort of but I reassure you it’s not going to be on hold or anything it’s going to be a break for me form writing this because I need a break from writing about the same quote on quote characters if that makes any sense basicity what I’m saying is every story or other wise I wright each person differently and with this one I need a break from these characters and i’m sorry,asalwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Angst, sort-ofnon con,Smut, dark themes, death and I don’t know sadness, theres a lot if I missed any thing tell me

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Please read the A/n

Y/n laid in a soft bed for the first time in months, she crawled out from under the blanket he feet passed where the moon light shone on her bare feet as she passed the window her heart pounded in her ears as she wrote the last letter, she’d ever  send to James, shame and weakness washed over her body as she did so.


I write this last letter to you in pain and shame, I must tell you that our child has been killed with in the one place they should have been the most safe in all of their short-lived life, next I must tell you that I have surrendered myself to Hydrana I cannot explain the horrors they had inflicted upon me I know I am weak and should be ashamed and I am, therefore I am giving up my place as your queen, find someone else to rule beside you someone stronger, someone who can protect her children, I cannot say this, but I will, I love you more than almost anything James you’ve been more family to me than my own parents, and I am sorry.


Tear drops stained the paper, before James read it and then more stained it he threw the desk in his chambers across the room papers including the letter littered the room, he let his anger and sadness take over his body and he destroyed the chamber, there was a knock at the door then it pushed open without even getting a response from the man inside. “I found an modern accurate map of Hydra-.” Wanda then looked up. “What did you do?” She looked around horrified.

“Go I do not wish to see anyone I want to be alone.” His voice was deeper than normal.

She looked up at him. “You once told me that Sop-”
“Don’t say her name.” His teeth clenched so tight it was like metal was making them stay together.

“Y/n, needed her friend in a moment like this I will not just sit and let you push-” Wanda was cut off by James pushing her rough against a wall, his hand against her throat. “Don’t do this.” Her voice was strained.

The door then was pushed open and Steve rushed in he pulled James off of the girl. “Go!” The captain yelled, he shoved James onto the bed. “What The Hell Are You Doing!” The captain yelled in the king's face. “This looks like a temper tantrum of a child who doesn’t get there way we need a king not a child, Y/n needs a king not a child.”

“You want to tell me that I have done something wrong look at the letter.” James told the other man.

The blond man picked up the paper that his king pointed to and read through it. “She was with child?” Steve asked the king nodded a solum look on his face. Then the door opened again, and Aron walked in he looked around his fetchers showing pure fear he ran out of the room know it was not the time.

“She wants me to forget about her as if she was nothing Steve.” James cried.

Steve looked to the ground never in his years of knowing Bucky did he cry. “Tony needs to see this.” Bucky sat on the edge of the bed staring at nothing, then the door opened again.

“Aron told me something is wrong.” Tony said then he looked around the room. “What happened?” Steve handed him the Paper.

Y/n was dressed by her new lady she was older than Yelena, she had lighter blond hair and mole above the right part of her lip. She pulled on the large red dress on the woman’s body then she added black earrings and a black chokerherhair was done in an intricate style the door opened Brock walked it he practically shooed the lady away Y/n’s eyes settled to the ground the man smirked. “Good your learning, are you ready to be a real queen?”

“Yes.” Her words were quiet.

“Good.” He held his elbow out to her, and she took it he led her out to a large balcony that sat pointing towards a large crowd of people, Y/n gasped seeing how shrivel they all looked they were malnourished and frail. “Shh.” He hushed.

“People of Hydrana.” The words Alexander spoke were empty without care. “I am stepping down as king and letting my son Prince Brock Rumlow Pierce and Princess Y/n Amara Stark-Pierce.” The Prince and Princess walked out onto the balcony as soon as the people saw Y/n, they started ‘booing’ collectively and shouting things she’d been called several times since being here. “Setal!” The king yelled, guards started pouting weapons at the people and it became silent once again. “Now, Prince Brock Rumlow Pierce of Hydrana do you swear to protect this kingdom with your whole being, to stand tall against enemies?”

“Yes, I do father.” The man kneeled; his father placed a crown on the bark brown a hair of the man beside Y/n.

“And do you Princess Y/n Amara Stark-Pierce of Hydrana, swear to mother, protect and listen to the people of Hydrana?” His words were lies every one of them, mother meat to nurture your husband protect meant to protect what hydrana stood for and listen meant listen to your husband no matter what he said, theas men did not care about the people.

“Yes, I do.” She nodded, then the man placed the crown meant for the queen on her head, she sat yet again at a table alone, but this time she hid her face from the crowd, tears fell down her cheeks as she thought about her real home, she heard a throat clear and she hurried to wipe the tears away, she looked up at Brock.

“Come celebrate with us.” He tells her she stands from where she sat moments ago, Brock led her to the dance floor, where the two of them shared a dance together. “I hear you at night, your cries, they help me sleep, now in front of me you seem compliant but when my eyes are closed or away you, you’re not, you’re a good actor but not good enough, so what is my choice as king, should I throw you in that pit again where the blood of your child is and teach you a few more lessons or are you this time actually going to listen and stop your crying.”

Y/n took a shaky breath. “Don’t but me back into that cage.”

“Okay so we came to an understanding good.” He whispered as the end of the song reached their ears.

“Why didn’t you tell me my sister was pregnant?” Tony asked James.

“Because I thought we’d have her back, and she’d want to tell you.” The king admitted.

Tony huffed. “Our captains are plotting but we still have no plan, I want my sister back from that beast who raped her to the point her child died.”

“How do you know that?” James asked.

“I assume that if I did not know about the child, she wouldn’t have told that man, and if he did know you would have gotten this letter a lot sooner.” Tony explained. “I want to march on a surprise attack tonight.”

“They’ll use Y/n against us, we cannot go into this blind.” James reasoned. “Tony you and I have got to be our voice of reason for each other, or else were going to end up dead, let’s make a plan.” Tony took a deep breath.

Y/n sat on the bed Brock looked at her, he put his knuckle under her chin, and made her look up at him, he pushed himself inch by inch into her she chose to show no pain in her fetchers. “Do you except your fate as queen of Hydrana?”

She held her breath for a moment not answering. “Why did you want me?” She asked.

“Because your beautiful and beast that needed to be tamed, we have a way to help you forget James you’ll never have to feel the pain you feel again you’ll be here and only here.” As he spoke, he pulled and pushed inside and out. “You wouldn’t have to feel as though you belonged to another.”
“I-I can’t right now.” She pushed him off her, she pulled her night dress down and walked out of the room, she walked for moments until she found her lady. “Can you tell me where the library is?”

The woman looked at her with furrowed brows then she started to laugh. “You think that women are allowed in the library.”

She walked past the woman who was still in hysterics, she when on walk around the castle, eventually returning to the door of the chambers, Brock looked at her, and there was a woman in the corner. “Who’s that?” Y/n asked.

“The one who will make all your pain go away.” Brock smiled.

Y/n shook her head. “No, I-I don’t want to do that.”

Brock held out his hands to her he grabbed the back of her forearm, he pulled her into him. “It’ll all be over soon.” He whispered holding her tightly to his chest. The woman put her pointer and middle fingers to Y/n’s temples, and she started saying something that the king nor queen understood.

“Oblivisci  dolor tuus rex tuusn Iacobus relinquere ab aquilone venire ad Heus dar me curarum oblivisca risaudite regem novum nam ut frater tuus, oblivisci  dolor tuus rex tuusn Iacobus relinquere ab aquilone venire ad Heus dar me curarum oblivisca risaudite regem novum nam ut frater tuus.”  She chanted a single tear fell down Y/n’s cheek. “Let her go.” The woman told the king he did as she said. “Your highness do you feel better?” Y/n nodded she didn’t no why a hollowness fell upon her chest every beath she took felt as though there were no meaning but she continued to take that in and out of her lungs.

Wanda came into the office with a map. “Here is a map that fits the current lay out of the castle, and here is one that fits the current lay out of Hydrana, there always changing it.”

“How do you change a land and its castle?” Tony asked.

“They have a sorceress with power that I can’t even succeed upon.” Wanda told them. “They keep her in a deep whole under the castle they feed her well and they keep her there with promises.”

“James you’ll take the door here, closest to their chamber, Tony you’ll take this one, you both will be able to meet here in this hallway where there is a secret passageway.” Yelena told the men. “Guard are positioned at theas posts.” She pointed. “I’ll take them out.”

“And how do you do that?” Tony asked.

“I have my spies and my ways.” She tells him. “Tomorrow night we march on the lands and we get your queen back.” She assured James.

Brock rocked in and out of her he sat atop of her, she had him rolled so that she’d be on top she road on top of him her moans rolled through the air as did his grunts, there skin met with rough slaps, she stilled on top of as she milked his seed into her cunt, and she came her juices rolled down his fat cock. “You’re getting better.”

“Thank you.” She said as she laid her head on a pillow, her eyes shut.

Brock looked over her bare body. “Do you love me?”

She opened her eyes and looked at her husband. “Yes.”

“Yes what?” He asked voice deep.

“Yes, I love you.” She answered, he kissed her forehead, and she went back and closed her eyes.

James and his men including Sam and Steve marched to the door that he was told to go to the day prior. He looked up and saw a guard fall to the ground and Yelena’s masked body behind where he fell and opened the gate for them, and she went to her next victim.

James and his men moved into the courtyard. There guards waited for them, and James and his men viciously killed them, on the other side the front gate similar chaos happened but of the south’s guards.

Eventually James and his men got into the castle and a made that Yelena knew let them into the castle, James’ men made it so he could get to Y/n, he broke the door down to the chamber both Brock and Y/n woke up immediately, James pointed his sword at the new king he looked to Y/n. “Get out run Y/n.”

“Don’t kill him.” Tears welled in her eyes; James looked at her, his mouth agape. “Please don’t kill him, don’t kill my husband.”

James kept his sword pointed at Brock and walked to the other side of the bed. “Y/n I’m your husband.”

“I’ve never meat you.” Her tears now fell her cheeks were wet.

James glared at the man. “What did you do?”

“I took away her pain.” Brock smirked.

James’ eyes softened, looking at Y/n, he pulled her from the bed. “Come on, you’re coming with me, and your brother.” When she was completely out of the blanket that laide upon her he un-clothed body was disclosed to the men. James huffed, as he looked around, he found a deep red robe slung over a chair, he tied it on to her body, and he led her out of the room and to the hall that he and Tony were supposed to meet at.

Tony stepped forward and hugged his sister. “Y/n, I’m glad to have you in my arms again.” He spoke. “But we must go.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you men I don’t know either of you.” Her voice was panicked.

“What?” Tony asked looking to James for answers.

“We have to go I’ll explain later.” He rushed out as he pulled Y/n along down the winding halls inside the castle walls. Once they were out, they were meat with half as many men as they had before.  James and Tony got on to their horses, they’d brought Y/n’s mare, Moon. “Get on.” James urged.

“I don’t know how to ride.” She shook her head; with every word his sister spoke there was a knife that cut through her heart.

“Get on Y/n, we’ll lead you.” Tony said with his eyes closed, Y/n mounted the horse, and they road off.

“They took your queen and your father, what do we have against them now?” Brocks captian of the guard, Jack, questioned.

“I have her heart.” Brock smirked. “Her memories everything, I need to tear those men form the inside out.”

A day later they got to the castle in the north James had Y/n settled into another room in the castle. “What did they do to my sister?”

“I don’t know, all that bastard told me was ‘I took away her pain’ I don’t know what that meant, but I know sure as hell they took her memories.”   James’ anger took his entire being.

“You didn’t kill him why?” Tony asked.

He looked to the floor. “She begged me not to she pleaded with me, and when I found her, she was completely bear with that beast next to her.”

Y/n laid in the unfamiliar bed; the door opened. “Wanda?” She asked.

“Y/n.” Wanda smiled and ran up to the bed to hug her friend. “It’s been so long.”

“Why did they take me? You’ll tell me the truth.” She spoke seeking truth.

Wanda sighed. “I don’t want to think I’m lying because you know I’d never do that, so promise me you’ll believe me.”

“Wanda, you know I trust you to only speak the truth so tell me.”

“You weren’t married to Brock at first, you married a king, one who made mistakes and you tried to forgive but you could not, but you did stay with him, you admitted in a letter that you loved him, and in those letters they were true those words you wrote never meant anything until written, your child was killed by Brock, and he did something to make you forget your brother and your true husband.” She told her friend. “And your brother he’s strong and loves you dearly.”

“I want to go speak with the men.” She spoke, Wanda nodded, then she led Y/n to the office.

The doors opened and both men looked up at the women. “Y/n.” They both said stanning up.

“If Wanda said was true, and I believe it is because I believe her, you’re my husband and brother, now why can’t I remember either of you?” She asked.

“We don’t know.” James answered. “Brock did something while you were there, and we don’t know, and if you could tell us anything it will be useful.”

“I know I didn’t choose to marry him, and I remember being surrounded by darkness for a while, and the pain, and I remember waking up with blood dripping down my thighs, then I was coronated, I cried at the feast and Brock told me I could go down in that pit again or I could comply and then I remember him telling me that he would make my pain go away and then things get fuzzy.”  She explained.

“The enchantress you spoke of must have done this.” Tony said to Wanda.

“If I can’t remember them, why do I still remember you?” Y/n asked the woman with the red hair.

“He must have though I wasn’t important he probably thought that you were protective of you lady or something I and he never officially met.” She told her.

“I want my memories back, and if anyone is to kill Brock it’s going to be me.” Y/n spoke with determination.

“Well Wanda looks like you’re going to have to have a change of plans no more looking for away to see Y/n’s dream your going to get her her memories back.” James told her.

A Beautiful, Terrible Thing 9

A/N:Ya’ll I’m getting back! as alwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Angst, forced marriage, non con,Smut, dark themes, also a-lot of referring to the reader as a whore but thats because Hydrana is a bitch and full of assholes, theres a lot if I missed any thing tell me

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James rode his horse back to the castle to have his men help him find Y/n, when he came upon the stable, he found the stable boy looking frightened. “What?” He asked with urgency.

“T-the queens horse came back without her.” The boy admitted, then James ran into the castle he found Steve.

“Send men out into the woods to find the queen, I’ll be there in a moment.” His voice was demanding and rough, he burst through the doors of the office that Wanda and Pietro, they both looked at him with furrowed brows. “You both want to prove why you should live come on, you’re going to show me where Hydranian’s took my wife, or at least try to find her.” His voice left no room for argument, he was rough and determined, and they knew what his words meant. Both twins followed the king out to the stables, Night and Snow followed behind.

The men had Y/ns hand tied together the leader pulled her along with them. “Hurry up you whore!”

She glared at him. “I can’t run as fast as a horse I know the words sound familiar, but they mean verry different things.” She said sarcastically.

“Oh, you think your funny?” He scoffed and then let out an animalistic growl then he huffed. “We’ve got to get a move on it.” He tells his men, then he glances at Y/n. “The bitch will ride with me.” He pulls Y/n by the ropes up onto the horse, she lets out a soft wiper as the rope tears though her soft skin. They rode off their horses going as fast as possible for an animal.

James and his men stood where the footprints stop, and horse prints start. James followed them going fast until he realized there’d be no point of following, they went too far, he rode back to the castle all the doors up until his desk slammed behind him, he urgently wrote his letter to Y/n’s brother, then he wrote another letter to the people in his king dome he respectively wrote for hours until he could make sure every person in the Kingdome knew what urgency the kingdom is in.

King Anthony

I write this letter in deep sorrow for your sister and my wife for today we were in the woods near our castle when Hydrana got to her and stole her away from me, she needs our help to find her. I’ve got Wanda and her here in the north both Hydranian’s and they promise to help find her with us. I know you’ll answer as soon as you get this letter.

- James

Dear loyal people of my kingdom

I write each and every word of each letter I send out to  every part of the land with meaning full sorrow to all of you but due to lots of things winter solstice is not happening for our beloved queen has been taken when we went out to the woods today, we’ve looked and we’re still looking, I can’t stop what you decide you do with your family’s but there will be not royal tree in the middle of town you were in your kings situation so I ask all of you to understand that I do not wish to punish you all but that I wish to have you all understand.

-Your King James

Days later Y/n stood in the dark and dreadful throne room of the king and prince of Hydrana they stood side by side, Brock glared down upon Y/n, while his father smirked, he stepped down the steps from where the thrones were held to show his power, she kept her head up and looked him in the eye she showed no emotion, no fear, no sadness, no anger. “My spy and son told me about the ‘strong’ and ‘fearless’ queen of the North, but all I see in front of me is a whore.”

“What are you going to do kill me, toucher me? I’ll take it, you just entered war with the North and the South, and their allies, just by taking me.” Y/n’s voice didn’t waver nor take any emotion, but the words she spoke were a warning.

The king, Alexander, slapped the queen her head wiped to the right, a malicious smirk grew on his face his teeth showing. “Your funny talking out of turn, look were not going to kill you…” The king turned and looked to his son. “You will marry my son.”

Y/n’s own smirk grew. “Ahh but you see I’m already married and until my husband is dead or chooses of his own will to undo our marring that cannot happen.”

Alexander laughed it was cocky. “Cannot happen? You think you’re in the South or the North still, you’re in Hydrana and what I say go’s angst your will or not, the ceremony will happen in a week’s time at sunset, take her away to her chambers.” He said passively a woman approached her and led Y/n away, only then did her demeaner change from rock to scared.

James was in his office when the doors opened, and King Anthony marched in. “I find it ironic that as soon as I receive your letter, I get this.” He slammed a later on the desk.

James’s brows furrowed then picked up the letter, more like invitation.

Anthony of the South I wish you to accept this invitation for in a week’s time your sister and my son will marry in my kingdom and recommend that you do not try to stop this and if the king of the north try’s anything I’ll kill her in front of both of you including the young prince. - King Alexander of Hydrana

James crumpled the paper the castle had started feeling the exact way Y/n had explained it as ‘the castle fills colder than this snow that covers the floor beneath you and I’.  “Why are you showing me this exactly? No matter what we do Y/n dies rather it be fast or little by little.”

“Because she is your wife, I think you should know she’s marrying another man a brutal and uncaring man.” The brother hissed.

“How do you know that I am not that?” James asked.

Tony looked the man up and down his beard was thicker and fuller than the last time he saw him, and his hair was longer, the king usually kept up with cutting his hair and shaving his beard he looked like a beast now. “I know you’re not that simply because you had my sister’s heart, at least for a little while, I also think you want to know because my sisters ‘wedding’ is tonight.”

“I don’t deserve her heart, but once we get her, she can go home with you, and our alliance will still stand simply because I love her.” James told the man.

Y/n stood looking out the small window of her chamber, here there was no snow, the sun felt hotter than in the south almost like fire and the walls of the castle felt cold, if it did snow here, it be ashes, and the cries of the people did not stop even at night. The lady they assigned to you walked in with the dress they called your wedding dress didn’t compare to your actual wedding dress in the North, the girl was covered in bruises, as she started to pull on the string of the corset. “What have they-”

“Don’t act as if you care about me.” The girl hissed at the woman.

Y/n looked sadden. “They abuse all of you all of the kingdom to the pout that you think royals don’t care about common people? I care about you and all of them, but I can’t help if I’m here.”  The girl slid the dress over Y/n’s head.

Then she started doing up the back of that. “I cannot help, or they will kill me.”

“Your practically dead don’t you see your almost bone and your bruised.” Y/n almost cried.

“This is what life is like here.” The girl admitted. Looking down. Minutes before Y/n was supposed to be married, she hung her head over a bucket as everything in her stomach came up and out of her throat then the girl came in. “Thats not a nerve’s, how long?”

“I don’t know.”

Like promised as the sun was setting as Alexander walked Y/n down the aisle leading her to her fate that he pushed upon her, she looked up hoping she’d see James, but that sight would never be bestowed upon her again. Alexander made sure her hand gripped his sons.

“We the royal family of Hydrana welcome you all here this day to watch my son Pince Brock and Princess Y/n be married, before we start would either of you like to read vows?” The king asked.

“Yes father.” Brock said first. “Princess Y/n, with my words today comes a promise to bring the king of the north to you and you will watch as I kill him, as revenge for taking you from me.”

Y/n’s nostrils flared. “I have some things to say too your highness.” Y/n looked to Alexander he nodded. “And I Prince Brock with my words today come with a promise to you too, that my first borne will be of north blood, and that I will bring you to James and I will tare you limb from limb and feed you to my wolf.” She gritted out.

The king had a knight cover her mouth as the rest of the ceremony, as it went on. “Do you my son Prince Brock Rumlow Pierce of the kingdom of Hydrana take Princess Y/n Amara Stark of…?” The king turned to Y/n. “Where are you from now? North South dose it really matter?” The crowd of people laughed. “Any ways do you take this whore? To be your lawfully wedded wife to have, teach, and lead?”

“I Brock Rumlow Pierce of the kingdom of Hydrana take Princess Y/n Amara Stark whore of the North.” A smirk grew upon the man’s lips. “To be my lawfully wedded wife to have, teach, and lead.”

Alexander turned to Y/n. “And do you Princess Y/n Amara Stark whore of the North…and South take Prince Brock Rumlow Pierce of the kingdom of Hydrana, to have, honor, and obey.” He slid a gold ring over her finger.

The knight uncovered Y/n’s mouth; Y/n stayed silent. “Am I the whore supposed to speak because last I checked whores don’t get to be under the light of god especially during a marriage so I will ask am I allowed to speak?” The knight pulled a knife from his sheaf, and he held it to her throat. “Fine, I Princess Y/n Amara Stark Queen of the north and princess of the south have been forced to take Prince Brock Rumlow Pierce bastard of the kingdom of Hydrana and I guess since I’ve been taken against my will to marry this beast I have to have and honor. You can put the knife away.” Y/n didn’t notice a hooded figure at the back of the room.

“Say obey then I will.” The Kight whispered.

Y/n bit her tongue, she refused to say obey, even at her actual wedding, she’d never agree to that but now she wasn’t the only person she had to think about anymore. “I will agree with not obey but agree.” The knife was pushed deeper into her skin, blood started trickling. “Fine, Fine I Obey!” She yelled; she was handed a golden ring that she hurried to slide on the prince’s finger.

“Now the celebration commence!” Alexander cheered.

Y/n sat at the table not talking to anyone nore interacting all the men here un-like her actual wedding showed women off like they were objects. She stood and walked away from the table, she headed to a door along the side and left the large room. The door shut again behind her, and Brock showed up at her side. “Ready to finish our ceremony I see.”

Y/n glanced at him with un-amusement in her fetchers, but amusement was all that showed on Brock's face, he led you to your freight of the night. Brock pulled the string of Y/n dress letting it fall to her feet, the same happened to her corset he pulled her roughly to him she looked him the eye she could feel the swell of his angry groin in his pants. “Go on.”  That was all he said to her, he led her hands to his belt, she slowly undid the thing then he had her pull down his pants her breaths slowed her vision blurred as he pushed her to her knees, as he forced himself down her throat, hot tears burned at the back of her eyes but she wouldn’t let them fall rough and fast is how he was taking her, then once he was done with his abuse on her mouth he took her cunt in the same manner.

James and Tony whet over attack after attack but all their ideas failed in the end, the door opened, and Steve walked in. “They forced her to say every word.”

“She didn’t.” Tony stood anger, filling him.

“Obey.” Steve nodded.

James looked at both. “Why is that word important?”

“In the south obey is a promise not just some word that you say, that’s why she didn’t say it at your wedding the moment a southerner say that word it’s us promising our life to do whatever they say.”  Tony explained to the man.

“No, she does not she does not need to do whatever those bastards tell her.” James argues.

“Bucky.” Steve said seriously. “This isn’t us playing a cruel joke this is us telling you the truth the southerners have cures bestowed upon them that when they agree to obey to their husbands they have to.”

“So, men are just so lucky in the south that they don’t have to what the hell did the past kings or queens do to have this curse?” Bucky’s anger pulsed with every word these men told him what he felt were lies about his wife.

“It was our great-great grandmother the day before her wedding.” Tony explained.

The young woman had road a ship across the fast-moving waters from the kingdom of Eastrose her hair was a golden brown when she met her husband, she did not want to marry the man who acted like a beast, so she ran to a small cottage that was in the bright sun it looked like it was made of twigs and dirt she walked in and found a sleeping woman who had light red hair and it was covered in dirt and light flowers in her un tamed hair her piercing green eyes opened. “Leave!”

“No, un-do my curse of marrying the beast that is the king of this land.” She hissed.

The woman with red hair scoffed. “No, princess, your family and mine will have an importance to each other your great-great granddaughter will protect mine from death and so will her father, and her husband, and in returner she will break the curse of your family.”

The princess pulled a knife out from under her dress and held it to the woman’s throat. “Make it happen.”

The woman’s eyes turned red as she started muttering something repetitively. “Parere bellum nuntiatum ad como canetis, parere bellum nuntiatum ad como canetis, parere bellum nuntiatum ad como canetis.” Then she turned to look at the child. “Drop the knife.” She demanded the girl drop it. “Forget about this and go back to the kingdom you belong in and stay and tomorrow at the alter you will say obey, and as for the rest of your family’s women will carry the same curse.”

“Your grad mother turned to a witch and now Y/n is paying the prince.” Bucky said.

“The only way to undo the curse is if we find her defendant but my mother tried, and she couldn’t.” Tony explained.

“Wanda’s a witch wat if we ask if she could break the curse.” Steve spoke up.

Y/n tossed and turned whimpering the fire grew all over the lands not just the room she and James shared that’s when she felt the sting on her cheek, and she woke up. “What the hell are you doing?” Brock asked his voice filled with sleep. “You’re keeping me awake.”

“I-I have horrible nightmares about the future.” She admitted.

The man beside her rolled his eyes. “Go back to sleep now and stop tossing and turning.” It sounded passive too passive. Once Y/n was sure he was asleep she got out of bed and found a piece of paper she wrote on it.

My Beloved James

I write this letter in secret and in fear that if they  find it I will be killed or worse here worse could mean so many different things I’m sure you  know by now that they have married me to the prince, I want you to know that I have found out that I’m with child and it is yours my lady here is helping me make an escape and I will be home to you soon my love.            -Y/n

James read the letter that a bird had somehow dropped on his window seal the tears burned in the back of his eyes knowing she was at least alive Snow lifted her head and looked at the king she walked up to the man wanting to sniff the letter when she did, she ran to the door. James pushed it open then the wolf ran up to Y/n’s office, but James didn’t understand the letter smelt nothing like his wife’s regular perfume James pushed the door open and the wolf started growling at Jasper like he’s a threat.

“This room has been made off limits.” James said his voice deep.

The other man scoffed. “So has the library, your chambers, the guardians, it seems that every room that Princess Y/n favorited is made off limits, gods get this thing.” He kicked Snow. “A way from me.”

“She was following the scent of something” James told him. “And it led us to you.”  Night came in and started growling. “Who are you.”

“I think we both know now.” Jasper smirked, James turned to the door, and opened it. “You’d turned your back to your enemy?”

The captain of the guard walked in. “No, I bring pain to my enemy’s.” James told the man the nodded for Steve to take him away Steve grabbed the man and took him to the dungeon James followed as did the wolfs.



Summary: Princess Y/N Stark is due to marry Prince James Buchanan Barnes to unite their kingdoms. He knows it is his royal duty, but ever since the war he holds a darkness inside him - something he is terrified of showing to his future wife. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and he wants to make this work. Things don’t exactly go to plan when he finds out the princess also holds darkness inside of her.

Pairings:Dark!Royal!Bucky Barnes x Dark!Royal!Reader

Warnings: 18+, language, masturbation, slight dom/sub dynamics, non con, manipulation



The one with the royal tits

The one with the midnight knocks

Just wanted to say I love your writing!!! I’ve read several of your fics and I’ve loved every one! Keep it up can’t wait to see where this one goes

Aw thank you so much! This one is dark and I love it


They just keep getting darker and darker…

Other chapters can be found in my masterlist.

B x

Summary: Princess Y/N Stark is due to marry Prince James Buchanan Barnes to unite their kingdoms. He knows it is his royal duty, but ever since the war he holds a darkness inside him - something he is terrified of showing to his future wife. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and he wants to make this work. Things don’t exactly go to plan when he finds out the princess also holds darkness inside of her.

Pairings: Dark!Royal!Bucky Barnes x Dark!Royal!Reader

Warnings: 18+, language, slight dom/sub dynamics, manipulation, Non con, masterbation

Word count: 810


*gif not mine*


After that night with Bucky you couldn’t stop touching yourself.

As soon as you retired to your chambers you would strip your clothes and lie there in all your glory, legs spread and pussy drenched.

There was a knock at the door every night since you exposed yourself to him, and it was alwayswhen you were knuckle deep.

That never put you off though. Of course it didn’t.

You would welcome the knock, knowing that he was standing outside hoping you would answer.

Keep reading


They just keep getting darker and darker…

Other chapters can be found in my masterlist.

B x

Summary: Princess Y/N Stark is due to marry Prince James Buchanan Barnes to unite their kingdoms. He knows it is his royal duty, but ever since the war he holds a darkness inside him - something he is terrified of showing to his future wife. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and he wants to make this work. Things don’t exactly go to plan when he finds out the princess also holds darkness inside of her.

Pairings: Dark!Royal!Bucky Barnes x Dark!Royal!Reader

Warnings: 18+, language, slight dom/sub dynamics, manipulation, Non con, masterbation

Word count: 810


*gif not mine*


After that night with Bucky you couldn’t stop touching yourself.

As soon as you retired to your chambers you would strip your clothes and lie there in all your glory, legs spread and pussy drenched.

There was a knock at the door every night since you exposed yourself to him, and it was alwayswhen you were knuckle deep.

That never put you off though. Of course it didn’t.

You would welcome the knock, knowing that he was standing outside hoping you would answer.

Keep reading


They just keep getting darker and darker…

Other chapters can be found in my masterlist.

B x

Summary: Princess Y/N Stark is due to marry Prince James Buchanan Barnes to unite their kingdoms. He knows it is his royal duty, but ever since the war he holds a darkness inside him - something he is terrified of showing to his future wife. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and he wants to make this work. Things don’t exactly go to plan when he finds out the princess also holds darkness inside of her.

Pairings: Dark!Royal!Bucky Barnes x Dark!Royal!Reader

Warnings: 18+, language, slight dom/sub dynamics, manipulation, Non con, masterbation

Word count: 810


*gif not mine*


After that night with Bucky you couldn’t stop touching yourself.

As soon as you retired to your chambers you would strip your clothes and lie there in all your glory, legs spread and pussy drenched.

There was a knock at the door every night since you exposed yourself to him, and it was alwayswhen you were knuckle deep.

That never put you off though. Of course it didn’t.

You would welcome the knock, knowing that he was standing outside hoping you would answer.

Keep reading


Summary: Princess Y/N Stark is due to marry Prince James Buchanan Barnes to unite their kingdoms. He knows it is his royal duty, but ever since the war he holds a darkness inside him - something he is terrified of showing to his future wife. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and he wants to make this work. Things don’t exactly go to plan when he finds out the princess also holds darkness inside of her.

Pairings:Dark!Royal!Bucky Barnes x Dark!Royal!Reader

Warnings: 18+, language, masturbation, slight dom/sub dynamics, non con, manipulation



The one with the royal tits

The one with the midnight knocks

Updated :D

They just keep getting darker and darker…

Other chapters can be found in my masterlist.

B x

Summary: Princess Y/N Stark is due to marry Prince James Buchanan Barnes to unite their kingdoms. He knows it is his royal duty, but ever since the war he holds a darkness inside him - something he is terrified of showing to his future wife. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and he wants to make this work. Things don’t exactly go to plan when he finds out the princess also holds darkness inside of her.

Pairings: Dark!Royal!Bucky Barnes x Dark!Royal!Reader

Warnings: 18+, language, slight dom/sub dynamics, manipulation, Non con, masterbation

Word count: 810


*gif not mine*


After that night with Bucky you couldn’t stop touching yourself.

As soon as you retired to your chambers you would strip your clothes and lie there in all your glory, legs spread and pussy drenched.

There was a knock at the door every night since you exposed yourself to him, and it was alwayswhen you were knuckle deep.

That never put you off though. Of course it didn’t.

You would welcome the knock, knowing that he was standing outside hoping you would answer.

You smirked as you fucked your fingers faster and faster, moans and whimpers leaving your mouth as you stared at the door.

You knew he could hear you.

This encouraged your filthy words and brought you closer to the edge.

“Oh Prince James…fucking my virgin pussy so good” you moaned breathlessly, trying not to giggle.

You really wanted him to cum in his pants.

It was your last night at the castle before you headed back home and your visit had been delightful.

All the other princes were boring…but Bucky was something else.

He understood you, you were the same, and if you had to choose a suitor? Your dark heart would choose him.

“Princess, please” you could hear Bucky beg through the door.

His desperation flung you over the edge. Your back arched as you spasmed around your fingers, riding wave after wave of ecstasy.

Coming down from your high you still felt the tingles.

You needed more.

You pulled on your thick crimson robe and padded over to the door.

“Prince James? It is not proper for you to visit my chambers at such a late hour” feigning innocence you tried not to giggle.

“Princess” Bucky growled through the door. You could tell his patience was wearing thin and you couldn’t blame him. You had been a positively awful tease.

You swung the door open so fast Bucky stumbled back, surprised you had answered.


“Hush, what is it you want Prince James? I was relaxing in the comfort of my bed when I heard your knock”

The smirk on his lips chipped away at your black heart, it made you melt.

Maybe, just maybe, you would be willing to melt completely for him.

He saw you, and he didn’t go running.

“I want you” he spoke just as a maid turned the corner with fresh linens.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw you both.

“I-I’m so sorry your highnesses, please forgive me, I wasn’t aware you would both be out of bed at such a late hour” She spoke with her head bowed to the floor.

She was terrified, and rightly so.

Just as she scurried away you called out for her.

“Wait” you spoke sternly to her but kept your gaze on Bucky.

You could see he was trying to figure out what you were planning.

You changed your demeanour so suddenly as you eventually looked at her.

“Are those fresh linens? I’m going to require some for this evening” you beamed a breath taking smile at her.

“O-of course your grace! I’ll change them right away” she kept her head bowed, poor lamb was obviously scared of Bucky as she moved around him and passed through your door.

Your slight head tilt into the room encouraged Bucky to enter, never taking his eyes off you, trying to suss you out.

Once he was inside you shut the door.

“Not just yet” You stopped the maid stripping your bed sheets.

“I-I’m sorry-”

“What is your name?” you asked

“My name? my name is Mary your grace” she spoke nervously, playing with her fingers.

“Mary, what a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman” you smiled as you pushed back a strand of hair that had gotten loose from her bun.

Without another word you walked back to Bucky and got up close to his ear.

“I want to corrupt her” you whispered seductively.

Bucky closed his eyes and moaned. You watched the tension visibly leave his body. It was like the other half of his soul had finally been returned to him after days of being apart from you.

You pressed your body ever so gently to his as you continued to encourage him.

“If you do this for me, I’ll choose you, I’ll be yours” you whispered as you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and stepped back.

Bucky looked at you with so much love, he would do anything you asked of him.

And that’s when you knew how this night was going to go.

Bucky looked over to the quivering maid, his eyes dark.

“Strip” he growled, leaving no room for discussion.

You watched as he stormed over to her, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face, too excited for the nights events.

. | .

: royal!younghoon x lady’s maid!fem reader

: angst but not really + fluff // enemies to friends

: younghoon’s a bit sassy/socially awkward but nth too extreme

: 1.5k

: happy (belated) birthday my beaby @chaoticdeobi, ily endlessly, i hope you like it! i hope you had a great day!

the hall was grand, to say the least. the walls painted in the finest mix of white tieandmatchstick; but to any common eye, the paint was just simply cream. portraits of the family’s ancestors hung perfectly on said walls, golden plaques engraved with their names and the years from birth to death, situated just below them.

you could say the hall was the largest part of the building but yet, younghoon was always found hiding away in the undercroft. his time well spent at the very end, paintbrush in hand as he delicately placed the brush onto the canvas, an elegant piece forming in its wake; finding comfort and solace in the peace that he got, a break from his reality, hence why his father had gifted him the space and the utensils for his twelfth birthday.

a slight sigh left younghoon’s slightly ajar lips of concentration, brows knitting together as he couldn’t quite get the right angle of his paintbrush, “it won’t work if you’re holding it so awkwardly.” it took the man by surprise, spilling his water pot over his fresh set of white trousers, nobody ever wandered into his space during the day as the staff working in the castle feared him and his intimidating gaze nor did they ever sneak up on him upon knowing of his tendency to become scared easily.

fury burning in his eyes as his fresh whites absorbed more and more of the tainted water as he sat there, whipping his head in the direction of the voice who stood behind him, arms folded and they leaned against the porcelain walls, legs crossed in a way that just screamed arrogance.

“excuse me, who the hell do you think you are sneaking up on a royal, did you not see the ‘do not disturb’ sign?” with a sigh, younghoon scurried to wipe off his trousers - not that it would do anything considering fabric isn’t waterproof and the damage was already done - huffing again, “oh, forget it. clean this up, i take it you’re a maid? now if you excuse me.”

it was dinner time now, and everybody knew that the king wanted the whole family to sit around the dining table together, occasionally discuss important business him and his wife had to deal with, or something they wanted younghoon to participate in against his will; but in his eyes, it was all apart of the family bonding.

“where’s mother?” younghoon asked as he adjusted his newly fixed hair, the constant puffing of breath out of his lips having messed it up. watching the kitchen staff busily prepare the table for their meal.

“one of the cleaning workers knocked over your mother’s glass of wine and it went all over her new gown. she’ll be down in a few- oh look, she’s coming here now.”

placing her palm upon her husband’s shoulder, younghoon’s mother took her seat at the dinner table, a familiar face following behind and standing to the side of the room with the other staff, you. you were his mother’s lady maid. if it were anybody else, he would’ve apologised for the tone he gave you earlier when he mistook you for part of the cleaning staff.. but what right did you of all people have spying on him in his private space?

“son? are you listening?” his father called to him, realisation hitting younghoon that he hadn’t stopped gaping at you since you walked in the room. adjusting his collar before prompting his father to continue speaking.

“as i was saying, your mother and i have to leave the country for a few days. you are in charge of taking care of your sister whilst we’re gone as well as the staff. we trust you with this son, don’t disappoint us,”

“oh and y/n, you will be staying here for the time being, your services aren’t necessary on this trip. you’ll be in charge of our daughter when younghoon is busy, understood?” whilst younghoon’s father was a kind and generous man, he definitely wasn’t the most respected man in the castle for no reason. his striking and powerful demeanour spread for miles, no one dared to disobey the king, not knowing exactly what he’s capable of but not wanting to find out either.

younghoon’s parents were gone for most of his childhood, along through his teenage years and then into his early adulthood. so it’s safe to say he grew up isolated and alone for most of his life. his only source of socialisation was when his sister was born seven years ago, when he was seventeen. they’re practically attached at the hip, wherever younghoon went, his sister followed and vice versa. his sister was mature for her age, much like younghoon himself, she had to learn how to take care of herself from an early age; that included knowing how to dress appropriately, know how to do her own hair and makeup for any special occasions the family hosted or attended to as well as the basics on how to behave as a royal should. the only difference between the siblings was that now, younghoon had responsibilities he had to take care of- preparing to be king once his father passes or if he steps down from the throne, maintaining a clean record as well as the constant fear of practically falling apart at the seams.

it wasn’t and still isn’t the ideal life for one to live, seeking his father’s approval and permission for pretty much everything he does. the burden weighing upon his shoulders just itching to make his knees buckle and collapse, making it hard for him to do pretty much anything “normal” like making friends or doing typical things you’d do in your twenties; it wasn’t that he liked people keeping their distance from him, nor the fact that everybody in the castle had their own misconceptions on him and his behaviour, all of which turn their topic of conversations onto him whenever he walks into the room.

it was a couple of days later when younghoon found himself sitting on the top of a hill just outside of the castle gates, observing the vast and majestic view that clouded the sky. the blue replaced by a faint red hue whilst the clouds floated aimlessly. the only sounds heard consisted of younghoon’s breathing, the small flow of water beside him and the odd bird that flew by every now and then. he can’t remember the last time he felt pure peace. everything being far too fast to keep up, like a black hole or a tornado, something you’re quickly swept up into until you completely disappear and break.

“they’re going absolutely mad looking for you in the castle, sir.”


without sparing you a glance, younghoon let out a sigh, his shoulders tensing slightly at the thought of going back to the place that causes far too much stress.

unpropping yourself from a nearby rock, settling a comfortable space from younghoon, staring out at the landscape that looked like it just came out of a painting.

“what’re you doing here?”

“i came to find you, duh. they’re going sick at the thought of you having fled the country or something.”

“no, seriously. what’re you doinghere?”

“contrary to belief, sir, but i actually want to be your friend. not your foe, regardless of how hard you try to push me away. don’t you ever get lonely in that big place?”

younghoon snickered at that, “you think you know me huh?”

“not at all. that’s why i’m saying i want to, i know what it’s like to have my childhood swept from between my feet, floating between self-doubt and uncertainty of what i’m going to do with my life and how i’m even going to do it on my own. i know far too well what it’s like to be alone my whole life, my parents either too busy preoccupied with work or too tired to spend time with me when they get home at the end of the night.”

for the first time, it felt like someone wasn’t pitying him, or mistaking his standoff-ish personality for something for malice and ill-intended. for the first time, he felt heard and understood.

“how about a restart?”


younghoon was turned towards you now, his hand extended to you, “hi. i’m younghoon. not prince younghoon, not sir, justyounghoon.”

“nice to meet you, just younghoon, im y/n. i hope we can be great friends.”
