#bucky x goddess




Title: Aromatherapy

Ship: Bucky Barnes / Reader

Rating: Mature (18+)

Word Count: ~700

Tags: Wakanda, 1960s AU, adopted family, weed farmer Bucky

Summary: You start spending more time with Bucky.

A/N: Got a hippie!Bucky headcanon you’d like to see? Shoot me an ask!

*Previous Part*


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Title: Aromatherapy

Ship: Bucky Barnes / Reader

Rating: Mature (18+)

Word Count: ~700

Tags: Wakanda, 1960s AU, adopted family, weed farmer Bucky

Summary: You start spending more time with Bucky.

A/N: Got a hippie!Bucky headcanon you’d like to see? Shoot me an ask!

*Previous Part*


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Title: Aromatherapy

Ship: Bucky Barnes / Reader

Rating: Mature (18+)

Word Count: ~700

Tags: Wakanda, 1960s AU, adopted family, weed farmer Bucky

Summary: You start spending more time with Bucky.

A/N: Got a hippie!Bucky headcanon you’d like to see? Shoot me an ask!

*Previous Part*


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Title: Aromatherapy

Ship: Bucky Barnes / Reader

Rating: Mature (18+)

Word Count: ~700

Tags: Wakanda, 1960s AU, adopted family, weed farmer Bucky

Summary: You start spending more time with Bucky.

A/N: Got a hippie!Bucky headcanon you’d like to see? Shoot me an ask!

*Previous Part*


The next time you visited the royal grounds was about a week after the dinner, and this time it was during the day, and you were dropped off at a completely different part of the grounds than last time. The structure was made from repurposed shipping containers, the front one housing a high end lobby that smelled like incense– patchouli, in particular. Bucky greeted you with a kiss on the cheek several moments after you entered the building. “James,” you said coyly. 

“Goddess,” he replied smoothly. “It’s been far too long.”

“We’ve both been far too busy,” you countered. “But I’m here now. Ready for discussion.”

He held his arm out and said, “Then allow me to show you to my office.”

“I hope it smells as good in there as it does out here,” you teased, taking his arm and walking with him. 

“Oh, it’s even better,” he said, taking notice of your dress. “Did you wear green just for me, goddess?” 

“Maybe… Anywho, what did you want to discuss?” 

“Can I be honest with you?” Bucky asked as you reached his office and went inside. It wasn’t your standard office with a desk and binders, but rather a meditation room with pillows all over the ground and a jar of fragrance sticks in every corner of the room, making it smell like a citrusy-floral escape. 

“Of course,” you replied with a furrowed brow as you looked around at the adornments on the walls, wondering why he would ask such a thing.

“I wanted to discuss your aversion to weed. I know you had a bad experience with it in the past, but I think you should give it another chance,” he told you, making you sigh. 

“I think I’m okay, thanks,” you insisted, plopping down in the center of the room. 

He happily sat next to you despite your rejection of his proposal. “Oh, come on, goddess. What’s holding you back from being my ganjagoddess?”

It made you giggle, but you were still certain. “I just don’t like how it makes me feel. I could do without that,” you told him. “But I don’t have anything against you for liking it.”

“Oh, well, that just warms my heart, Gigi,” he teased.

“Gigi, huh?” you questioned. 

“Just because you don’t want to smoke my pot doesn’t mean you can’t be my Ganja Goddess,” he said playfully. “G.G.”

You rolled your eyes and inhaled the scent of the room, dominated by orange, rose, jasmine, and ylang ylang– relaxing yet energizing. “Alright, James,” you relented to his antics. “What can I do for you as far as my responsibilities go?”

He smiled smugly. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. Only now you know a little bit more about it,” he told you. 

“I thought you invited me here for a meeting,” you chastised. 

“I did, and now we’re meeting,” he replied smugly. 

“Okay, now I know why they call you Bucky,” you teased. “You’re so stubborn.”

“You’re not?”

“You won’t stop flirting with me,” you defended. “And I didn’t come here for romance, I came here to work.”

“Why can’t you have both?” he murmured before taking your face in his hands and bringing you in for another kiss, this one more intense than the last. He was making sure you knew he meant it this time. 

But he was right. You were stubborn. “I don’t want to get distracted…” you whispered after pulling away. 

“Then don’t let me distract you,” he replied, as if it was simple. 

“Stop purposely distracting me.” That was exactly what he had done by calling you in for this pointless meeting.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he murmured, kissing you again. And you were so intoxicated by the aromas swirling around you that you let him. He pressed his body closer to yours and you arched into him, loving how warm and soft he was. But he didn’t want to push you too far. “Tell me if you want me to stop,” he breathed against your lips. 

“I already told you I do,” you snarked back, “But you won’t listen.” You initiated the next kiss, rolling so that you were partially on top of him. 

“Probably because my persistence seems to be working…” he said into your lips. 

“I’m blaming it on the aromatherapy.”

“Blame whatever you want, Gigi. Just keep kissin’ me.”


*Next Part*


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