#bullying is ok as long as it’s tim drake



Batkids on the way to the beach

Jason: [driving] “ah shit. We forgot to grab the food in the fridge”

Duke: “at least we’ve only been driving for 20 minutes”

Stephanie: “boo! You suck”

Dick: “you were in charge of the food! Jay, take this exit”

Jason: “yea yea, I know my way around Gotham”

Cass: “you suck at directions”

Jason: “shut up”

Damian: “don’t hit him while he’s driving. We’ll get him later”

Cass: [puts fist down]

At the manor

Jason: “ok here, everyone help pack the food—“

Tim: [jogs in the kitchen] “I found my towel! Sorry for taking so long guys. I’m surprised you waited for me without complaining“

Jason: [makes eye contact with Dick]

Dick: [shaking his head]

Duke: [frozen holding a sandwich] “… h-hey Tim! Of course we’d wait for you” [nervous laughter]

Stephanie: “Tim, since we waited for you can you go and get my phone charger upstairs?”

Tim: “you got it!” [runs off]

Everyone: [groups together]

Dick: “how the fuck did we forget Tim??”

Jason: “I legit didn’t even notice. I’m not thing to be funny right now”

Damian: “I also didn’t notice”

Duke: “oh shit shit, he’s gonna know. He’s a detective like the rest of us! He’ll figure it out”

Dick: [lays hand out] “no. He will never know, because we never left.”

Cass: “we’re horrible people”

Jason: “we take it to the grave”


Tim: [is a basic character]

Tim fans: [reading any comic ever] “why isn’t this about Tim?”

Bc anyone tries to start anything, yes this is a shit post, and yes I’m Tim trash too
