#bungo stray dogs smut


Good evening Darlings!

Finally, after long, I am back on my stead (hopefully posting more from now on), but as Valentine’s Day is approaching, I’d like to open my ValentineEvent!Now, the event will be divided in two parts: first part will be a NSFW Match -Up that will have few rules and unfortunately not a lot of opportunities (so grab it while you can - I won’t be doing any request which arrives after the set deadline which you can find in the Rules); and the second one will be a special week-event like for White Day, following the ending of the match up consisting of randomly selected characters and prompts I’ll ask you to send in in the span of a week (more on this in the weeks to come).

#Rules for the NSFW MU ♡

To participate in the NSFW MATCH UP you have to be 18 or over.

The characters used will all be canonically adult males so keep that in mind (here the fandoms I wrote for).

• In the case your preferred pronouns are not she/her (afab reader) please specify the ones you use.

Send me an ask stating:

— your MBTI / Enneagram (either/and);

what is your love language (if you have one);

whether you like foreplay or not;

your favourite smut prompt;

your preferred fandom (if not specified, I’ll do it to my own discretion within the fandoms I write for).


whether you would like a nsfw visual;

— a kink / fantasy / wet dream - headcanon you have;

anything about yourself you are comfortable sharing!

And I will match you up with a man who would satisfy your most deep yearnings, not making you get a wink of sleep making one of your hidden fantasy reality instead.

I’ll be taking requests until the 9th of February (8th February 23:59:59 CET). Requests sent in after this date will not be fulfilled.

Thank you for each one of those who will decide to participate.

Because it’s You (Part 1) | H.P. Lovecraft x Reader

Request:BSD Lovecraft x female reader. What if the reader isn’t afraid of him and asks to see his true form and she thinks his true form looks cool? Soulmate au. Fluff to smut. Maybe he could use his ability in the smut part if that’s ok?

Pairing: H.P. Lovecraft x Fem!Reader

Summary:(Soulmate AU), From birth you’re soulmate has always been a mystery even his mark was hard to decipher but as he stands before you, you realize that there is far more to the man they call Lovecraft.

Warnings:NSFW, Fluff to Smut. The smut is right at the end so you are able to read until the warning. Dom!Lovecraft x Brat!Reader
18+ ONLY

Word Count: 3363

A/N: By Far my longest fic yet and one of the more interesting ones to write. Lovecraft strikes me as a character that cares deeply but says very little when speaking with his s/o. As Always, Enjoy :)

“Soulmate Au, where you have a mark on your wrist that represents your soulmate that becomes colour when you meet them”

From birth you’ve always had a rather strange mark. Your parents figured that perhaps when you were older the mark would look a bit different but instead it remained in the strange shape. The mark appears to be sludge? A flower? It’s a rather messy pile of something, topped with bat wings? You’ve sat and tried to decipher it for years up until today, you’re still unsure as to what it could represent.

You even took up art classes and tried to redraw the mark with different shapes and colours. At the end of the day, you’re not sure what it means. You only hope that it’s not a pile of drugs topped with wads of cash or something. You wouldn’t want your soulmate to be some sort of drug dealer. In any case, those art classes paid off and you’re currently in charge of your own studio.

You walk down the street and breathe in the damp Yokohama air. The air is musty but it’s to be expected as your current route for the day leads you past the port. The port is loud and chatty, people are gossiping everywhere about Yokohama’s most recent events. You pick up keywords here and there such as: “Port Mafia”, “Guild”, “detectives” and so on and so forth.

You spot a nearby Hawker selling newspapers and you decide to ask him about the commotion. The man holds out a newspaper with an incredulous look. “You don’t know? It’s about the whale that dropped out of the sky the other day. Some organization from overseas was behind it. They’re also linking it to a car crash in the mountains. Bah! But I know nothing. You’ll have to buy a paper to know more.”

You give him your own incredulous look before purchasing a paper. You skim it as you walk and learn about the hero Agency. As you flip over the page your eye catches onto the photo. A tall figure shrouded in black is standing next to a short ‘farm boy’. The photo is somewhat grainy but clear enough to see that the man has sharp features. He looks quite handsome.

You shake your head. No. He’s a criminal. You skim through the rest of the article but the photo is just so eye-catching. You run a finger over the image. He has long hair that blends into his coat. It’s hard to tell just how long his hair is. A mysterious aura surrounds such a person, perhaps if you are lucky, you could one day sketch the planes of his face.

Right, because you’re definitely going to chase down the mystery man just to draw him. You roughly bundle up the newspaper and shove it into your bag. You look up and realise that along your walk you’ve obviously gotten a bit lost and have wandered into a deserted part of the harbour. You spin around quickly, intending to retrace your steps when you slam into a wall and topple over.

A wall? But you’ve just come this way. You raise your eyes and meet another pair of sharp purple ones. They are oddly striking. The figure stands in front of you, as tall and immovable as a statue. An odd sensation flushes over you and you suddenly feel as if you know this person. Of course, this is the striking man from the paper. His mysterious aura seems to have followed him off of the page and into reality.

He cocks his head at you, allowing long strands of hair to fall. His hair is as dark as ink and much longer than you had assumed.

“Sorry”, he mutters and extends his right hand towards. The invitation warms your heart. You swallow down the feeling, you’ve only met the man.

You latch on to his hand as he lifts you up gently. His fingers are very long and slender. He has the hands of an artist. They are also freezing cold. He looks down and pauses and while not letting go of your hand, he turns your intertwined hands so his wrist faces upwards. A beautiful Iris adorns his wrist. The colours are breathtaking in your eyes. The Iris is a truly a beautiful flower and his specific mark has captured the varying hues of purple and blue perfectly. It is your favourite flower and the flower that gave its name to your studio and a collection of paintings you’ve created.

You want to run your fingers over it but before you can do that, he flips his wrist over so that your mark now faces upwards. The odd mark has now been graced with an assortment of light greens. With shading the mark has become both clearer and yet all the more confusing. He eyes your mark and then his before he finally raises his eyes to meet your own. He scans your face before he lets go of your hand.

He leans down to pick up your bag before placing it into your arms. And without a word, he spins on his heel and begins to walk away.

What? Where the fuck does he think he’s going?

You sling your bag over your shoulder and follow after him.
“Uh Hey, wait!”, you shout after him. “Can we talk?”

He doesn’t spare you a glance as you begin to jog to match his speed. You jog beside him but he seems intent on marching forward with his long legs. You’re sure he would walk through a wall at this rate.

“Please wait, can we just talk for two minutes? I’m not sure what I did but maybe if you tell me, I can fix it.”

Nothing. Talking really isn’t your strong suit but you absolutely have to speak to this man. His hard features barely flinch. You’re beginning to feel flustered and tears are welling up at the back of your eyes.

“Oi, Lovecraft, ‘been looking for you everywhere!”, a shout echoes.

The man, Lovecraft, finally stops in his tracks and looks back. A shorter man in overalls is sauntering down the pathway with a cocky smile on his face. Lovecraft looks him over once before turning his attention towards you.

“You should leave-”, he suddenly stops.

His eyes widen as he sees you. Your face has reddened and a few tears have slipped past. His face makes you want to cry harder and you bite your lower lip in frustration. He sighs before turning towards the other man and stepping in front of you.

“Go away, John.”

John throws him a confused look. He begins to circle you both but Lovecraft proceeds to shield you from the other’s sight.

“Now”,says Lovecraft.

John throws up his hands in surrender and says, “Alright. Alright. I’m leaving but you stay safe pal.”

He then turns and leaves but not without a few glances your way but Lovecraft doesn’t move until he’s out of sight.

Lovecraft turns and looks at you and you feel dwarfed by his size. He sighs, “Fine, two minutes.”


You weren’t sure what exactly you wanted to say nor are you sure how serious he is about the time limit. Not wanting to try and win over your soulmate near the harbour surrounded by the tangy smell of oil and fish, you offer to go elsewhere to talk. He agrees and he follows you in silence. You decide that the time spent on the way doesn’t count. You walk side by side and he attracts a few curious looks. The hawker who sold you the newspaper gawks at you as you walk past obviously noticing the resemblance to the picture. You speed up your pace and decide to loop back to your design studio.

You unlock the door and step inside while gesturing to him to follow but his eyes are glued to the sign above the door. More specifically the iris flower that was painted on. The Logo of your design studio.

You laugh awkwardly, “Uhh yeah, I like Iris flowers. I like most plants in general but I think the iris is the best. I made an art series dedicated to the flower and it became quite popular so when I opened the studio I decided to use it as my logo.”

“This is your studio?”

He steps in and scans the surroundings. The studio is messy and you feel embarrassed for not cleaning it up better. Your studio is situated in an old building with tall windows that allow light to filter through. It’s nothing more than a few rooms stuffed with equipment, tables and chairs but it’s your pride and joy. Nothing has pleased you more in the past year then being able to teach students how to paint.

“Yeah, it’s not much.”

“Can I see the paintings?”

You smile sheepishly, “Unfortunately, they’re not here at the moment. They’re at the Art gallery. I do have one piece though that I kept for myself.”

You walk out the room and he trailers after you as you step into your private studio. On the back wall is a canvas with a foreboding size. It looms over the room but the colours are bright and peaceful. It depicts a field of blue and purple Iris flowers, with the closest one being painted in excruciating detail. Lovecraft doesn’t move but simply studies his wrist instead as though comparing the two images.

“So I guess, that’s where the Mark comes from”, you look down at your own mark, a creature that seems indescribably horrifying, “may I ask what this means?”

Lovecraft narrows his eyes at your wrist, “A very good reason to stay away from me. I’m not human.”

You stare at him. His tone doesn’t sound teasing but surely it’s a joke? Have you misread the room?

“I should go”

“NO!” you lunge forward and grab onto the sleeve of his jacket. “I’m not scared or anything.”

Perhaps the situation is strange but you were willing to put in the effort. You lick your chapped lips, his eyes lock onto this particular movement.

“Can we please just try.”

He stares at you carefully before nodding his head.


Three months go by and you see him almost everyday. Sometimes he only visits you briefly between classes, sometimes he spends the day in the studio quietly sitting in the corner. He does very little but he constantly keeps watch. Generally though he is sleeping in the corner with his feet propped up while you hum a tune. He almost never bothers you. You also discovered that he has quite the liking for chocolate and ice cream. He often brings you sweet treats as a gift but eats them himself. You’ve decided to keep a few tubs of ice cream at the studio now.

While you two become closer you also took some initiative to look into the Guild which led you down a path of learning about Gifted. Eventually you convinced him to start going out with you. He seems unfamiliar with Japanese food and frankly, Japan as a whole.You are determined to show him what life is like in Yokohama. Today, you’ve convinced him to follow you to the beach.

“So the Guild is disbanded?”

He looks up at you surprised before he responds, “I never really worked for the Guild, I worked for Francis. We had a deal.”

“What was the deal?”

“Doesn’t matter now. The contract has been fulfilled,” he says. Lovecraft has a very strange way of talking. He speaks as little as possible and formally so. Sometimes it feels as though he is speaking in code though.

“Does this contract have to do with you not being human?”, you bite your lip as you throw the question out. This isn’t a subject you’ve touched on again.


“If you’re not human then what are you?”

“I’m not sure what humans would call me”, he pauses before standing up. The breeze catches onto his hair causing it to flutter around him. He faces you with his back to the sea and watches with a smoldering gaze, “Would you like to see.”

You nod. You do not wish to use words fearing that the nervousness you feel would reveal itself. It’s not exactly that you’re scared of him. If anything, you are more scared that your reaction may scare him. He has never been quite so vulnerable.

Slowly, his figure changes. His arms take on a green hue and begin to elongate. His neck straightens up and his eyes sink into his head. While he may have been tall before, nothing could quite prepare you for the creature he’s become. A mass of tentacles of an indescribable horror.

And you simply sit and stare. He does not remain like this for long though. Almost as though he is frightened that you may be scared, his figure shifts back to his original form.

You weren’t entirely sure what you were expecting. But his true matches the mark on your wrist exactly. You approach him but he seems wary. Perhaps, in the past his real form has frightened many people.

You stop and watch him instead. This is the same man who brings you chocolate ice cream every week and then eats it all. Will nap the entire day before waking up and going to dinner with you. Will sleep through an entire movie with his head in your lap while you slip your fingers through his hair. You don’t think you could ever be scared of him.

“Are you scared?”

You shake your head as you step in front of him. “I think you look cool.”

He gives you an incredulous look while holding up his arm which slips into his other form by the turn of his wrist. Your hand gravitates toward it and you run a finger over the length. It’s smooth.

“I really do”, you say and cup his cheeks into your hand. It’s a bit of a stretch up but his look of surprise is precious. “It’s amazing, because it’s you.”

______ (18+)

The Door slams open as Lovecraft drags you into your bedroom. He doesn’t bother to shut the door behind you as he lifts you up and drops you onto the bed. You land heavily and bounce a little. Lovecraft eyes you as he slips his tie and coat off. You feel like a rabbit caught in a trap.

He sheds his shirt off as well but before his hand reaches his belt, he stops.

“You do it.”

A man of little words but infinite power. You nod and slip your loose hair behind your ears. You crawl to the edge of the bed and slip your finger into one of his belt loops, tugging him forward. You lick your lips and decide to make a bold move. He watches you with curious eyes and a heated gaze as you tug him even closer. With one hand you swiftly unbutton his pants but lean forward and bite onto his zipper.

You glance upwards through your eyelashes as you slowly move downwards. The sound of the zipper feels impossibly loud in the silent room, Lovecraft feels impossibly still beneath you. With his black pants moved to the side you flatten your tongue against his clothed cock. Lovecraft moans in surprise and slips his fingers into your hair. He doesn’t tug, simply hovers and suddenly it occurs to you that perhaps this is new territory for him.

You slip his half hard cock out of his underwear and run your tongue over the shaft but he quickly pulls you away by your hair.

“You don’t have to do that.”

You lick your lips and send him a wink, before leaning forward again and slipping the head into your mouth and sucking.Your tongue swirls around his cockhead. He groans.

He twitches in your mouth but once again he pulls you back by your hair, leans down and kisses you roughly. His movements feel desperate as he devours you. He pushes you back onto the bed and begins to strip off your clothes.

His long fingers slide everything off and even snaps a few threads in your shirt. You’re left in nothing but your underwear.

One hand traces from your jawline, through the valley of your breasts and slips even lower to hook into your underwear before tearing it off with one swift tug.

“You are looking very pretty for me.”

“Who says it’s for you”, you shoot back.

He smirks. His deep purple eyes penetrate you and he pushes you onto your back. His arms cage you in as he hovers over you. You shrink back into the bed.

“Oh”, he says, his hair falling over his shoulder and brushing against your naked skin. You shiver at the touch but he dips his head down and grazes his teeth against your earlobe before whispering, “you don’t want to look pretty for me?”

“Perhaps I’m looking pretty for men.”

His eyes flash dangerously. “Oh, my sweet, let me show you why other boys cannot compare.”

Fuck, for someone whos diving into new territory, he certainly knows how to set you on fire.

He dives for your neck and licks a line from your collarbone to your jawline.


He nips at the skin of your neck before finally moving down to your breasts where he suckles each one into his mouth. His other hand slips between your thighs and he begins to rub your clit. He reaches further down and coats his hand in your slick. He chuckles before breathing against your ear, “You’re so wet.”

You gasp out as his finger slips into you, it’s so long and so cold that the sudden intrusion has you jerk your hips away. But he grabs your hips roughly with his other hand and pins you down onto the bed.

“Don’t tease me”, you whine.

He smiles, “I’m preparing you.”

He stretches you out nicely. All the while he alternates between giving you soft pecks and kisses and devouring your breasts. You keen and whine beneath him as he touches every part of you in the most exciting ways.

Suddenly he grasps his cock, dripping with precum, and gives it a few pumps while reaching into his back pocket for a condom packet. He brings it to his lips and rips open the packet with his teeth. His eyes do not leave yours as he slips the condom on. He lines himself up with your sloppy entrance. He doesn’t move further but instead leans over you more to cradle you into his arms. With a soft peck to your forehead he asks, “Are you ready?”

You kiss him flush on the lips in silent consent. He still doesn’t move so you pull away and whisper into his ear, “Fuck Me”

He chuckles before pushing his cock to your entrance. It’s big. It’s very big and you whine a little as the head pops in. He thrusts back and forth, rubbing you raw while he places little kisses on your collarbone. You mewl on the bed as your nails begin to dig into his back. It feels so good but he’s so big. You are so full.

Finally he bottoms out and groans. “Forgive me.”

He pushes back before slamming back into you. You cry out as he begins his brutal pace. Harsh slapping sounds fill the room as he groans into your ear over and over again. He bites down onto your shoulder as you both finish. He pulls out and throws the condom away. He’s barely drenched in sweat but his hair is plastered to his face. He brushes it away.

“Still thinking of other boys?” he muses with his deep husky voice.

“Like anyone can compare”, you say.

He hums in approval as he flips you on your stomach. You shoot him a confused look as he reaches for a pillow and slides it beneath your hips. Once again, his large build appears above you, another condom packet at his teeth.






Lilac Eyes| Poe x Fem!Reader

Request:Poe x female reader, Soulmate au, Fluff to smut, Sub reader and Dom Poe

Pairing:Edgar Allan Poe x Fem!Reader

Summary: (Soulmate Au) You are working for the local police form when your superior asks you to investigate a man that may or may not be tied to the most recent events concerning The Guild. However, as soon as Edgar Allan Poe steps through the door, you are no longer concerned about your investigation.

Warnings:NSFW, Fluff to Smut. Semi-Public sex,
Dom!Poe x Sub!Fem!Reader. Begging. Unsafe Sex (Do not do this). Self Degradation.

Word Count: 2730

A/N: Poe is so pretty that it was so hard to pick a picture to use. Thank You for the request >-<
Also I may have gotten a little carried away with the smut. Enjoy :)

18+ ONLY



“His name is Edgar Allan Poe”, Chief Tanaka says as he drops a file on your desk.

You glance at the yellow file over your mug of steaming coffee before extending a hand to lazily flip through it. The file contains very little. Most of the usual stuff, but nothing out of the ordinary. Although, despite having combed through his background, not many photos are listed. In fact it seems as though the most recent photo is six years old. How strange.

“He’s a detective from America, not exactly from a sinister background. The only thing odd would be the rest of his file. Where’s the last six years?”

“That is everything we know”

You quirk an eyebrow at your superior, not being able to hide your surprise. Surely not.

“It appears he went into seclusion six years ago, from there I believe he joined the guild.”

“The group that tried to destroy Yokohama? How come that isn’t represented here?”

The guild. An all American group that had travelled to Japan and almost destroyed Yokohama by dropping a giant airship on it. You’re not quite sure what their end goal was, only that they disbanded shortly after and most remaining members are on the run.

“The Armed Detective Agency has denied his involvement with The Guild. This is simply a hunch of mine that I’d like to investigate privately. I’d like you to track him and verify this. He often frequents a traditional restaurant in Oribu square. The owner contacted me this morning to let me know that he has a reservation at seven this evening.”

The agency has always been incredibly reliable. They’ve always solved cases with ease. Although, many of their members do seem rather strange. In any case, if the Agency says he’s unaffiliated with the guild then chances are, he’s unaffiliated with the guild. It would be a waste of resources to track him now. To continue the case would be to insinuate that the Agency is withholding information. You open your mouth to voice your thoughts but are met with a look of warning. This isn’t a matter up for discussion. Instead you cough awkwardly before shoving the papers back into the file.

“Of Course, Sir. I’ll leave in a moment. The matter will be resolved with haste.”


Two hours later you’re sitting in your car combing through the file again. At the end of the day, the most suspicious thing about him is his sudden disappearance for six years and his sudden move to Japan. And while the timing does line up a little too perfectly, it’s not quite enough to incriminate him. Where Chief Tanaka even found him is a mystery in itself.

Your eyes roam over the photo. It’s old. It’s also probably not very useful. His features are difficult to make out and his eyes are covered by his hair. Perhaps his face is handsome but the image makes it hard to tell. On top of that, it’s not as though he has lovely light purple hair. That would just make him stick out like a sore thumb to you. The only colour you can see is that of your soulmate’s eye colour but who on this planet would have light purple eyes. Perhaps the universe is playing a cruel joke on you. The colour is very pretty but too strange. How can it possibly belong to a person?

You shake the thought from your mind. Now is not the time.

You throw the file under the seat and slip out of your car. It’s about time you meet this mysterious man for yourself.


The restaurant is very fancy. Traditional Japanese styled and decorated with what appears to be priceless artworks. You dress up nicely to fit in, donning a short strapless dress that hugs your figure well. You only hope that the colours work together. You walk in and meet with the owner who informs you that Poe has yet to arrive. He leads you to the private room that was set aside, you enter but leave the door open. For a brief moment, you wonder if he really is affiliated at all or if you’re just chasing after a defenseless man. You glance at the private room. A defenceless man with a lot of money.

Out of the corner of your eye you see a flash of purple. The light lilac colour slashes across an interesting looking painting. Various shades of grey streak over the painting. You wonder what it really looks like. You make a mental note that one day you will visit this place to see this painting. It’s one more thing you can’t wait to see in colour.

Suddenly, footsteps sound behind you and you whirl around to meet the person who’s managed to come this close without making a sound.

“Oh, sorry, I must have the wrong room.”

Before you, is a tall man dressed in peculiar clothing. He has long thick hair that drapes over his eyes making him hard to see and it is this that confirms who he is. Edgar Allan Poe.

You plaster a bashful smile onto your face as you attempt to appear embarrassed. “Oh no, that’s okay, in fact it’s me that’s in the wrong place. I came in to admire this beautiful painting,” you say as you turn to gesture at the artwork, when suddenly all your words die in your throat.

Instead of the dashing streak of purple standing out amongst 50 shades of grey that you are expecting, you see bright vibrant colours covering the entire canvas. You’re not even entirely sure which colour is which but you’ve heard before that blues are cool and cold while reds are hot and passionate. You stare at the painting now and try to pick out which is which. Could that long curve of colour be the yellow you’ve always heard of.

“Wow”, the man whispers from behind you. You turn, expecting him to be immersed in the painting along with you but instead his attention is entirely focused on you. He looks up at you now, and beneath his bangs you can see soft grey eyes peeking up at you.

“I did not think I would ever find you. You’re stunning.”

You’re in a room surrounded by colours you’ve never seen before and yet this man has your full attention with one simple sentence. You take more notice of him now. He’s tall and slender, his clothes are strange but fit him nicely somehow. He quietly steps into the room and shuts the door behind him.

“My name is Edgar Poe”, he says. His voice wavers slightly and you can tell he’s nervous but his eyes are once again covered by cascading black hair making it difficult to read him.

“Edgar”, you say, the foreign name rolls off your tongue comfortably, “I’m, Y/N L/N.”

He steps forward and reaches for your hand. He raises it to his lips and places a soft kiss against your knuckles. His thumb gently brushes over your fingers. You shiver and a blush rises to your cheeks. He’s surprisingly charming.

You reach your other hand out and gently brush aside his bangs to reveal bright grey eyes. They shimmer like a cat’s. He cocks his head and appears flushed as he attempts to hide his eyes once again. Despite his charming demeanour, he is quite shy. He’s cute.

You chuckle and say, “Your eyes are beautiful.”

“I can say the same”, he responds, “I did not think I would meet you in this life. Yet you are as lovely as a moonflower. To think that I would meet you all the way here, in Japan.”

“The universe simply works in mysterious ways.”

He stares down at you and once again you can see his eyes. They feel hot as he gazes at you. You suddenly feel conscious of your outfit. The short dress has too little fabric between you two and you watch as his eyes roam downwards as he takes you in fully. You can’t help but feel heated beneath his scorching gaze.

“The universe has truly blessed me this time”, he says, “I’m going to kiss you now.”

His hands come up to cup your cheeks and he leans in close. You feel his light breath against your lips but he pauses. It takes a second for you to realize that this is his way of asking permission. You lean upwards and press your lips against his. Your arms wrap around him and you tug him closer. He’s warm. His lips are tentative and shy but he kisses you passionately. Despite how unpracticed he is, this kiss feels better than all the other ones. He simply makes you dizzy.

His hands that were previously gently cradling your face snakes downward and grabs your legs. With little warning he picks you up and deposits you onto the table. You squeak in surprise. He lets out a laugh before nuzzling your neck.

“That was such a cute sound”

You flush. “Next time give me a warning.”

He looks up at you and pouts, “But then I won’t get to hear it again.”

Any form of retort dies in your throat as you are greeted with a full view of his face. His bangs fall to the side of his face allowing you to fully take in his enchanting eyes. Upon closer inspection his eyes are in fact tinted with purple as they flash brilliantly at you. His face is made up of hard defined lines that accentuate his overall features. He’s so handsome he simply steals your breath away.

“My God, you’re beautiful”, you both say at the same time. Both of you flush red.

He chuckles awkwardly before leaning down and connecting your lips once again. He’s even bolder now as his hand slips beneath your dress and proceeds to run his long slender fingers up your inner thigh. You shiver.

“You’re getting quite bold now”, you say as you come up for air.

He says nothing as he begins to place kisses on your jaw. His teeth graze over your skin as his hand snakes even higher. Your skirt is practically at your waist when his hand brushes up against your most sensitive part. You blush as you realize how wet you are. He smirks against your neck.

“You seem to like how bold I’ve become.”

He applies more pressure as he finds your clit and begins to rub it in small circles. You gasp. With his other hand, he grabs your hip roughly and tugs you forward so that they rest at the edge of the table. Then, he leans over you even more and forces you to lie on your back. You remember that you’re in a restaurant but before you can say anything, his finger slips under your panties and he inserts one of his long fingers into you. Your words are quick to die in your throat as he curls his finger. After inserting it, he begins to move it around as he prepares you.

“Edgar”, you gasp.

He hastily connects your lips for a quick kiss before drawing back and smiling at you. His smile is almost sinister as he says, “Not so loud. Be a good girl and be quiet for me.”

You nod as he continues his movements before adding a second finger. His other hand reaches up and he instructs you to lift your back off the table. In a singular swift movement he pulls your zipper down. Without straps holding anything up he is given easy access to your chest. He licks his lips slowly as his eyes meet yours. They’ve darkened considerably and he leans down and begins to suckle your breasts without breaking eye contact. You moan and bury your hands into his hair. His long dark hair feels like silk in your hands as he continues to treat you like gold.

He pauses and sends you a warning look, his eyes are filled with mischief.

“I can’t help it, it’s too mu-”, your words are cut off but another moan. As he fingers you, his thumb has moved back to rubbing circles on your clit. You shiver as your back arches off the table. Fuck. You can feel yourself approaching your release. You can’t remember the last time you’ve felt so good. He chuckles before pausing all of his movements. He leans in and whispers, “You are so sensitive for me.”

God you didn’t need the reminder but his hot breath against your ear only proves to further turn you on. You buck your hips against his fingers, aching for attention but he pulls them out. Bastard. He removes yo

“Don’t stop, you gasp out”, you whine.

The sound of his zipper sends another shiver down your spine. But he pauses and says, “I don’t have protection.”

“It’s fine, just put it in.”

“Are you sure?”, he says before placing a kiss on your forehead, “We don’t have to go all the way.”

Like fuck we don’t. You’re burning beneath him. “Edgar please, please put it in. Just fuck me already.”

He stills above you before his head drops onto your chest. “Fuck, you’re so hot when you beg.” He lifts his eyes to meet yours, “Beg me some more.”

“God you’re frustrating- Ah!” He sinks his teeth into your skin. He looks at you playfully before whispering out, “Beg”

“Edgar, please fuck me. Please sink your cock into me. Please, your cock was made for me. I want to feel you ploughing into me on this fucking table.”

Surprise flashes on his face briefly as he blushes. You feel his leaking cock at your entrance.

“Keep going”

You whimper pathetically, “Edgar, I’ll do anything. I’ll be your good little girl. Fuck, I’ll be your good little slut. Just, just sink your cock into me, just fuck me alrea- ah!”

He thrusts his hips forward and tip slides in. You’re so wet that he’s met with barely any resistance. He just slides in little by little, constantly thrusting before he’s fully sheathed inside you. You whimper beneath. You gasp and moan. Your fingers reach up and dig into his back. He’s so big. He feels so good.

“Cum inside me”, you gasp out.

He doesn’t pause but his hips snap forward even harder. He hits a spot inside you that has you completely fall apart in his arms. Your back arches completely off the table as he slams into.

“I’m cumming”, you shout. He pulls out as you both climax together. He finishes all over your thighs while you shiver and shake on the table. Squirting like a whore.

He leans forward and proceeds to collapse on top of you. Gently he kisses your cheek. You thread your fingers into his hair.

“I think we got a bit carried away”, he whispers as he nuzzles your neck.

“You don’t say”, you reply before your heart falls through the floor, “God! This is a restaurant.”

He chuckles before responding, “Don’t worry, these private rooms are soundproof since they’re often used for confidential meetings. No one was going to bother us today.”

You relax at that and gently whisper, “We should probably clean up and leave.”

“Of Course my Angel, I can’t wait for you to tell me every little thing about you.”



“So you’re a cop?”, Poe says later on as you’re both seated in your car.

You send him a look of surprise. How did he figure that out??

He smiles sheepishly and says, “I’m a detective, although I suppose you already know that.”

You smile apologetically, “I’m sorry, I was investigating you. My boss thinks that you used work with The Guild.”

He pauses and considers you carefully then he shrugs and says nonchalantly, “Indeed, I’m their former master architect.”

“I- uh- excuse me?”

“Yes, I travelled to Japan with them to confront an old foe.”

“You’re actually with the Guild? But the Agency said you were clean?”

“Is that so?”, he responds before smiling, “Then I guess Ranpo must’ve left that information out. I was the one who supplied them with The Guild’s weaknesses after all. I guess I still have time to challenge him again.”

“Poe, can you do me a favour?”

“Yes, my Angel, what would you like?”

You smile sheepishly.

“Let’s not mention that to anyone, ever.”



