#but i felt like this hc list was already getting too long


Mercy route headcannons about Ethan and the lords because y’know what nobody can stop me

Twitch livestreamer

  • Ethan and her relate to each other a lot. She admires and respects his need to find and save his daughter
  • Is rightfully confused when she slices his hand off and watches it straight up grow back, like his severed hand dissolves into mold and then slowly creates a new hand, and she’s just sitting there like ‘’
  • “You didn’t really think I’d let you get away did youuuuwhy is your hand growing back”
  • She at first thinks he’s mocking her when he refuses to kill her, thinking that he’s toying with her. In reality he just doesn’t want anybody to die, he just wants to find his daughter and get out. He has too much blood on his hands and he hates it
  • She’s shocked and confused at the care he shows her and the other lords, although she doesn’t show it at all. This random man-thing that came into her castle, who’s hand she sliced clean off and threatened to murder, is showing her more care then Mother Miranda ever did
  • She sees him do her daughters makeup somehow and then totally does not hope that he will ask her if he can do hers.
  • He does, and Alcina makes it very clear that she does not care but she will allow it
  • He ends up sitting in her hand and having her lift him up because she refused to sit down. He says she looks very pretty, and Alcina just stands there like ‘is this what a Mother’s love is supposed to feel like? Cause if so Miranda’s doing a shit job-‘

Donna and bjd(s)

  • I feel like Ethan would brush and braid her hair
  • Like low key after a while of getting to know her she would take off her veil and Ethan would be like ‘You look lovely oh my god come here and give me a hug you sweet doll child’
  • But yeah I just like the thought of Ethan brushing her hair.
  • Donna hasn’t had to actually brush her hair in a while, and Ethan knows because of Mia, so I feel like it would be really sweet
  • He probably also hums while he’s doing it, maybe a lullaby.
  • Feels bad that she sent out a mold baby hallucination to traumatize him D:
  • He treats Angie like a human being and that makes Donna very happy
  • Doesn’t let her have doll knifes anymore tho, that makes Angie sad. Doesn’t complain though she’d feel bad
  • Figures out Ethan isn’t entirely human when she sends the hallucination baby after him and he just dissolves into mold on the spot in fear.
  • They have tea parties together! I just want them to have tea parties together!

It’s hammer time

  • I like to think Ethan would accept the deal Heisenberg proposed, but only after beating his ass.
  • “Fine then, I’ll work with you, under one condition. Rose will not be used as a weapon”
  • “Wait wait you’re not gonna kill me?”
  • “N-No?”
  • “Why?”
  • Karl really said *confusion intensifies*
  • They end up getting separated when Miranda rips out Ethan’s heart, and Karl leaves thinking he’s dead
  • Man is the only one besides Miranda who doesn’t know Ethan’s actually a mold monstrosity. He was left out of the big secret until later.
  • Alcina, Donna, Angie and Salvatore:We know something he doesn’t know~
  • I really like the idea of Karl being like ‘yea shit guys the man is dead’ and the rest of the lords bursting into laughter as he looks around confused.
  • Is very upset when he realizes he was left out of the mold man secret
  • “You were going to use my baby as a weapon??”
  • “Your point???”
  • He is also big sad when he realizes Ethan killed a lycan. Ethan admits not remembering any of this. It is all together very concerning
  • He very much enjoys the fact that he’s not the only freak who looks human around

Fishy Fishy Man

  • He’s embarrassed at the fact that his life has to be spared. He thinks everybody is going to laugh at him for being unable to kill the father of Miranda’s special child
  • He’s also shocked at the fact that Ethan cared about him enough to spare him in the first place. He stops being upset that he couldn’t kill him and starts being happy that Ethan cared about him enough to not kill him in return
  • All together very big sad cause he feels like he disappointed Miranda
  • Ethan feels bad so he’s just like ‘hey I’m a mold monstrosity too ! :D’
  • Salvatore feels better after that so win win let him have a hug. To him, Ethan is like living proof that he can be normal again from before the cadou.
  • Attaches onto Ethan and his care and love like the plague.
  • He’s so happy at the fact that Ethan cared enough not only to show him mercy but also to stick around with him by the reservoir even after his specific level is done. It is very sweet, I beg of you give him a hug. He may throw up on you though

Best Dad himself

  • He relates a lot to the lords, even if he doesn’t want to. He knows that he’s a lot like them, a B.O.W. The only reason he isn’t in a lab right now, or being used as a weapon is because he and Mia were able to hide it from the BSAA
  • Because of that they’re a lot closer in this au, he’s mold after all he can practically feel them. He relates to them and a part of him finds it heavily hypocritical to hurt this family when he just wants to help his own
  • So even when they reach out to attack him he tries his best to get out of the situation without fighting
  • He’s not completely a pacifist though, he will fight and hurt and kill if his life is put in danger, he knows that their are some instances where he will have to fight and he will have to kill. He still regrets not being able to help the Bakers, when in the end they were just like him really
  • “We can’t fight Mother Miranda. Shes far too powerful.”
  • “But, but we have to. She hurt people, and she’ll continue to hurt people”
  • “That’s why we can’t fight her, Ethan”
  • “No…that’s why I have to fight her, why I have to kill her”
  • Makes his disapproval of what the lords did to the villagers very clear, and that just because he didn’t end them doesn’t mean they’re off to hook.