#but thank you


@mycapt-ohcapt I think it was you who sent an ask awhile ago sending some love and asking about any scene that jumped easily from my mind to page (you worded it so much better than), or something like that?? I’m sorry- I accidentally deleted it when I went to answer. Tumblr reorganizing the damn screen is killing me {side eyes tumblr so hard }

I don’t have anything in mind in particular. I’d say that I have so much fun writing some stories and enjoy the plotting of others that the translation is usually very smooth from idea to keyboard. If anything slows me down, it’s trying to track details in complicated things like action scenes- making sure you remember where hands and limbs are and what they were just doing where so you know if they can actually do the thing next, or keeping track of bullets to know when someone needs to reload or improvise, etc. That’s where it gets tricky.

Now, if I could just get the time to write…




Aria winced slightly as her mother hugged her, pain jolting through her body as more injuries were activated. “Okay…Mum I love you, but if we could avoid sudden movements it would be really, really appreciated.”

She extracted herself carefully from her mother’s embrace and leaned against the nearby pillar. “I’m fine. Just…bit of an adventure gone wrong. Too many of them, too little of me…I’m recovering, don’t worry. I just…wanted to see you. It’s been awhile…for me anyway.”


She pulled away almost instantly, brow furrowing as she scrutinised her daughter’s appearance. Carefully, River reached over to put a hand under Aria’s chin. “It’s been quite a few months since I heard from you as well,” The frown only deepened. 

“Why didn’t you call me if you were outnumbered? or your father? Someone?” There’s a stern tone to that voice, every inch the mother.  


“Well sorry if there wasn’t exactly a ton of time with everyone shooting at me! I got out alive and look, I didn’t even regenerate this time! I’d say for how things normally go, I’m doing pretty well!”

She still wasn’t meeting her mother’s eyes, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to tell River the truth. She was afraid because she knew admitting that truth would be confronting what was making her so upset, and she wasn’t entirely sure that was something she was willing to do.

Tag 20 followers you would like to know It took me some time to notice I was tagged, some days to wr

Tag 20 followers you would like to know

It took me some time to notice I was tagged, some days to write this and a few more minutes to figure out who to tag. But it’s here, nice to meet you all

tagged by: @iloveluek

nickname: Nin or Ninka. On internet someone is calling me N. They are not very original but yeah.

gender: female

star sign: ♍ (virgo)

height: 167cm and I think it’s 5'4??? Not sure tho

sexuality: still figuring this out tbh

favourite animal: dog/ wolf

average hours of sleep: not enough… 7

dog or cat:

number of blankets: always one (in winter thicker, in summer thinner)

dream trip: top 3 Canada, England, Australia

dream job: hmm.. still haven’t decided if I want to be a nurse or writer lols

favourites songs of the week: Babylon by 5sos, Outside by Bea Miller, Stay (cover) by 5sos lol

things you find comforting: rain, fresh air, smell of brushed teeth, hot chocolate, books, snow, music, smell of cutted grass

Post link

i just clicked a t-ara performance vid from 2017 and by surprise exid junghwa had a really long mcing part at the beginning. i have been blessed  

To the anon who sent the video of the mermaid man crawling through the city slowly with random sweaty-faces shots of him licking his lips and tagged it Derek:

So I was thinking of Whinter and his intense dislike of winter themed puns… and my own OC Skyler and

So I was thinking of Whinter and his intense dislike of winter themed puns… and my own OC Skyler and his dislike for winter in general… and just had to draw these two being Scrooges together

Thank you for the art

Post link


Spoilers for season 3







Just incase. This isn’t something that happens in the show. But an idea I had.

That is if Wukong and macaque make up or at least attempt to reconcile their past mistakes. There would be shouting, fighting, denial and tears.

Each left reeling at how they made the other feel and stuck in the guilt of their part in the shut show of their once friendship.

Wanting to hug the other but not wanting to be touched…

I made myself sad, and why do I only draw sad art when I come to lmk

How many people liked this the heck
