

The Ward and the Wanderer

“What are you doing here?!”

“Uh, what areyou doing here!?”

The intruder comes nearer, a young man with shiny hair and a beautiful face. Oddly enough, it causes Youngblood to search for poetry and poems to describe it.

“Sorry, I’m sorry! I came on a little short-”

“No, no it’s fine. It was me,” Youngblood apologizes, and doesn’t know exactly why. Usually he is cautious around strangers. “I just… I don’t do well with people invading my space.”

The other guy nods knowingly. Sun rays flicker through the treetops, leaving dots of light on his brown hair. It looks like a halo.

“You’re not from Reston, are you?”

Youngblood raises an eyebrow. “Is this an attempt to flirt or pure interest?”

“Hey! What? No! What? I didn’t want to… you know…this is a misunderstanding!” He couldn’t even protest as quickly as he got seemingly hot and cold at once. Quickly he clears his throat. “I was instructed to inspect a noise in the forest and you were lucky, because that tree I was hiding behind caught fire and uhm… so… yeah!” There’s an awkward pause. “So what’s your name?”

An amused smile twitches at the corners of Youngblood’s mouth. “Youngblood.”

“Exciting! My name is Roman. Roman of Reston.”

“Oh, you’re the town patrol?” asks Youngblood with a sparkle in his eyes. If this guy is what I need to worry about, he thinks, I’ll be perfectly safe there.

“I am!” With his most charming smile, Roman casually builds up in front of him. The elf’s gaze wanders over his new acquaintance and briefly gets stuck on the too large sword. It is more than obvious that this clumsy guy is not able to wield the weapon properly.

“I defend the town. The people in Reston rely on me,” says Roman proudly, pointing with one finger at himself. “And I totally, totally know how to use this sword.”


Youngblood tries to hide a grin. This is the most green person he could have met. He thinks, this will be the start of a wonderful friendship.

Check out the YOUNGBLOOD official PRE-ORDER CAMPAIGN:)! More info at https://t.co/Od26P0RAqxhttps://t.co/SQcBXyTyfg

You can see more details about book info from the author’s

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/sasha_laurens/status/1516501550847381512?t=Y3nYhc-okIiHjtHM9O3_ZQ&s=19

IG account: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cci3R2guxBf/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

on this tour any of this probably won’t happen (meet you there tour):

- calum won’t ask “michael what does she say?”

- iconic & epic castaway guitar battles between michael & luke

- disconnected won’t be on the set list anymore

- ashton’s end up here solo

- wrapped around your fucking/goddamn finger

- the switch between guitars in amnesia

& many more 5sos moments. but luckily it’ll be many more memories to come

i’m not understanding?

so i’ve seen some comments on youtube saying that michael should cut his hair & that they don’t like how long it is. for those who feel the same way, listen here.

first, you wanted him to cut his hair bc he was thinning hair from dying it now you want him to cut it bc he’s finally trying to maintain healthy hair? really?

two, michael’s trying. he really is & he needs to go to a stylist to shape it up bc last time he cut his hair he shaved the back of it & it obv grew back tremendously.

three, again, i’m not understanding how people want him to cut it. if he does, those same exact people going to be like “oH mIcHaEl wHy?” “iT wAs sO lOnG miChAeL, iM uNsTanNiNg” like shut up, ffs make your mind up. did you even think why he covers his hair up?

im not saying this bc i’m a michael stan & not kissing his ass but i love michael’s hair & he’s a beautiful person, don’t make him feel insecure. he’s deserve all the love he can get. i’m so proud of him for quitting coloring his hair for his more blonde, natural locks bc he remind me of his younger self except w a beard lol. it’s alright to not like something but don’t be so harsh about it bc i really don’t want michael to be insecure. it’s bad enough some fucking asshole wrote an article about him saying it looks like fucking donald trump. i want him to smile bc he has the prettiest damn teeth smile i’ve seen in my opinion.


can i just talk about how much i miss michael’s & harry’s relationship for a sec?

& tHEN rEcENTLY aT WANGO TANGO, the interviewer mentioned mr. styles himself & let’s be real here, michael totally became flustered. & when asked about not washing their black skinny jeans..

michael said, “yeah, he told me that.. i don’t know why he felt like he was-he was really wise. he was like, listen buddy imma give you a hint..” interviewer cuts him off for a sec. “yeah, i was sitting w him & was like, i like your jeans & he was like..” ashton cuts him off for a sec. now here’s the part where he impersonates harry’s voice bc ashton says he talks slow: “your skinny jeans.. never wash em.” & michael’s says in his cute ass voice, “& i’m like why? & he’s like (in harry’s voice again) just don’t.”

w the biggest damn grin on his face like oh, so, he only told you michael? fUCK omG, mirry styfford at its finest.


irrelevant but can you beLIEVE luke & harry shared their glitter boots & MICHAEL? yeah same. sorry i’m rambling but those two was so cute.. too bad luke & louis most likely got jealous bc let’s be real here, muke af & larry af.

i can see the future
