#byler is canon




“will wants to be in the basement with mike playing DnD for the rest of his life” DAVID WE GET IT


THEYRE BEING TOO OBVIOUS. PLS FINN’S SMILE IS SO FUNNY TO ME, you can tell he feels a bit called out when David says this. With the way they’re saying it, you can tell it’s someone in the known cast that Will has a crush on. WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS

And when Mike and El have to split apart while checking into a hotel with the Pizza crew because they as a couple ‘shouldn’t have a room together’ and so Mike offers to sleep in a room/bed with Will? What then?

Or, alternatively;

When Jonathan and Argyle share a room and they can’t afford a third so Mike, Will and El all have to sleep in one? WHAT THEN??!?!?

If any stranger things fans are even remotely surprised to discover Will is gay this season, I will actually go on a rampage. It’s been fucking hinted too many times before, and it is already to be expected.

Can’t wait for that scene we get of the California crew road trip, Mike slotted in between Will and El in the backseat as he glances to both of them with a slightly troubled look on his face. I’m only dreaming tho

What I love a lot about the potential of the love triangle plot is that these shots don’t really specify who Will is jealous about.

Obviously, he’s a bit mad that Mike isnt giving him much of an ounce of his attention, despite their closeness, but another thing is that maybe he’s sad that El isn’t either. They probably developed some sort of relationship after the months of living together, and considering their friendship/sibling solidarity suddenly goes flying out the door when El sees Mike again, I think that could also be a thing he’d hate. I love that him and El have a real relationship now!! Makes for more conflict between the love triangle too.

I don’t know if anyone has already answered this before, but if the Smalltown Boy theory is eternally lost, then what were these stills of the parents surrounding the kids with assumed ‘bad news’ about?

I cant think of any other reason they’d all be huddled like that, not to mention with Mike’s parents present as well. He takes a plane, that’s established, but it’s not like he can do that on his own without supervision?? I’m really not sure, but something had to happen for him to be talked about at this ‘intervention’ with the Party back at Hawkins, right? Lmk y’all’s thoughts!

Random reminder that when strangerwriters was asked to describe the characters with famous musicals, they used Spring Awakening to describe Will

*coughsneezecough* SPRING awakening *ahem*


break ;)


Just FYI, spring awakening is a play well-known for its explicitness for showing homosexuality when it was published and later performed around 1890-1900. It was usually banned or heavily censored for the time that it was published throughout the 20th century. The musical, which is really just a recreation of the play (with songs) that was off-broadway at first in the 90’s, explores the conflicting lives of teenhood sexuality. Much less censored this time around, but also is is given a turn into a more comedic outlook on the teens’ situations.

The two boys who are love interests in the show are two who I don’t really think reflect anything near byler, but it’s still definitely something they used to emphasize that Will is most definitely not straight and that they may be revealing it at some time that relates to spring. anygays thank you for coming to my TED Talk

There is seriously absolutely NO WAY Mike is ignoring Will in the first few episodes for no reason.

Like, Mike and Will haven’t seen each other in I don’t even know how long, they are literal best friends, but apparently Mike pays him absolutely no mind when hopping off the plane at first in Cali? Seems very sus to me, especially considering where we last left off with Mike last season.

(In case y’all forgot)

Obviously, whatever is going on will be resolved sooner rather than later, considering all of their anticipated screen time together, but aside from that, I was asking myself earlier why on earth Mike would be avoiding him. And as much as I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, I’m really leaning toward what lots of other blogs have been saying about Mike having a ‘revelation’ about his feelings and as a result deciding to suppress and avoid the person causing it *cough* William Byers *coughco* I really don’t see any other reason for Mike to fall back into his previous coping mechanism of focusing all of his attention on someone that’s socially acceptable to hang out with and who he can handle that doesn’t have him questioning himself (sexuality-wise). I just think at this point he’s overdoing it a bit, and all I ask is that Will won’t have to snap at Mike again for him to finally get what he’s been doing wrong.


All of season 3 was about ignoring Will, so there’s no way the Duffers would do a repeat of that whole dynamic without addressing it or having it be a plot point that actually changes something this time around. With that in mind, I’m super excited for what they turn Byler’s relationship into, even if they don’t solidify them completely yet in this volume. I think we will get even more concrete evidence into some of our theories at least.

Im not sure if anyone has mentioned this on tumblr, but I saw this on an Instagram edit and ????


There are teams of people working on the specifics of this show; people who keep note of every significant date and time and who make sure things are aligned and don’t clash with previous important dates. We all already thought they’d at least MENTION Will’s birthday considering it’s spring break, but alas…

Well, if you really think they put that date into the video in clear conscience thinking “oh hey, this is a completely normal day for us to set this day in” you are MENTAL. and, on the other hand, if the duffers let this happen actually thinking that, THEY are mental.

So… what will it be?

theres no way Mike doesn’t get the hint with Will and all. I MEAN WE KNOW HES A DUMBASS, but if he could figure out the shit with the computer dial and Nina Project then he sure as hell can pick up on a few sent signals by his BEST FRIEND. “That’s because she’s my girlfriend, Will.” “And what about us?” “We’re friends. WERE FRIENDS!”

i know DAMN WELL y’all have seen those compilations of Mike wheeler repeating sentences in stranger things, with EXTRA emphasis on the second time (ie: “Will is alive. WILL IS ALIVE”, “what is wrong with you? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU”, etc etc) I just wish it hadn’t been this one why did he have to clarify so much? Perhaps he jumped to the idea that when Will said what about us, he was implying something else. Something that they MOST DEFINITELY DONT HAVE GOING ON. It almost sounded defensive, even a bit like he was denying something.

THEME CHANGE. in honor of us being one step closer to a Will byers love confession.

i hope they address Mike and will’s matching watches bc literally how did they get away with that HOW


my dumb oblivious bisexual ass would be ECSTATIC to see the long overdue rep LMFAOO

Tumblr bylers explaining why the most insignificant, background, forgettable, minute detail of a three second scene is the duffers hinting that Mike likes BOYS (specifically a traumatised gay bowl cut headass mf)

Am I the only one who though this interview made it sound a lot like they’re going to make byler ambiguously unrequited and have the best friend in love with (maybe) straight friend trope? It sounds like Finn likes the idea of Byler, but is slightly resigned, knowing the end and all… “mutual understanding and acceptance” sounds so bittersweet and sad

The interviewer’s first question: “It seems as though Will’s feelings toward Mike are kind of shifting towards a more endearing, kind of heartfelt, romantic affection. Can you comment on that?”

also side note: ​I LOVE FINNS CASUAL ENTHUSIASM WITH QUESTIONS ABOUT BYLER. i don’t agree with the comments about him overtly hating mileven, per se, but I definitely feel like he likes getting questions about byler more than mileven because it’s so old already for interviewers to be asking him again every season. He seems refreshed to be able to talk about this.

patiently waiting for volume 2 so I can see a confirmation that both will and mike like each other so that can pave way for season 5 development

the El and hopper reunion is going to be the death of me. I already know it’ll be my favorite scene of the whole series.

boy these spot the difference games are getting a little too tricky


thedifference in how mike hugs will back is so telling

the time mike spent apart from will made him realize he missed him more than just a friend and that scares him, he can’t let will know so he puts distance between them
