#they are adorable

Chilean teacher Jacqueline Bustamante made her students create some memes about Gabriel García Márqu

Chilean teacher Jacqueline Bustamante made her students create some memes about Gabriel García Márquez’s Cien años de soledad(One Hundred Years of Solitude). You can see the rest of them here.

Post link

One chair and two perfect little gentlemen.

Group snuggle puddle in a midday nap!


women of the pazyryk culture!!

costumes based on the “ice maiden” in the ak-alakha 3 barrow, the woman in the pazyryk 2 barrow and the young amazon warrior in the ak-alakha 1 barrow


The latest batch of Shadowbeans is off to their new homes, so I’m taking the next week to clear my commission queue and do some show prep for Anime Ohio! I’ve been wanting to do more “friend stack” pieces like the Promised Neverland one I did for my kid a couple of months back, and obviously the best place to start was with the best series ever, Fullmetal Alchemist!

i hope they address Mike and will’s matching watches bc literally how did they get away with that HOW

Sokka, drunk : dude, I like him soooooo much

Zuko : who?

Sokka : Zuko, but don’t tell him okay

Zuko : okay, I won’t



via little.foster.family

I won’t be needing sugar in my tea all day… :-)

i hope u all know how much those lil comments in ur reblog tags mean to me


their colors r so diffferent


Knife Ice Cream pt 2

Logan’s turn to get Big Brothered by Virgil

Watch out for anger, crying, horrible self care, arguing, sadness, and self hatred.

wordcount: 3638

I’ll add a link to part one here when I’m able

Virgil silently tipped his head backwards to stare at the ceiling. A long sigh hissed through his teeth. He pulled a hand from his baggy hoodie pocket to move his feathery bangs from his eyes. He tapped his foot on the carpet as he bit at the inside of his lip with a mixed frustration.

To no real surprise, Logan was refusing any company.

