#i need answers




can my mutuals/followers from America or other countries where arcades exist please educate me as to how they work?

its for writing purposes.



i hope they address Mike and will’s matching watches bc literally how did they get away with that HOW




Okay wtf. I keep having a recurring dream where I’m at a banquet full of all sorts of Tolkien characters. I always start out chatting with Aragorn or Faramir or someone, but the dream always ends with me trying to find the Elven King. I literally just go around asking people where he is and exploring until I wake up before I find him. I just keep having this dream about Thranduil over and over again

I’m not making any of this up, I swear to you. I’ve had this dream like 5 times now and like ????

Is this some kind of omen?? Is this the beginning of a falling into Middle Earth fanfic and Thranduil is dreaming of finding me??? And one day I’ll find him in the dream and wake up in Mirkwood like wtf is this

@beenovel@blueberryrock@moony-artnstuff@erosofthepen help I literally work with deities and I know dreams have significance so what is going onnnnn

@errruvande you’re the only one on Tumblr who seems to be awake rn and I need to rant to someone about this because oh my lord

are you? Thranduil’s wife we don’t know ANYTHING about?? Not joking I do believe in any sort of teleportations to another universe with losing all the memory of your original one. Like when something absolutelly horrendous is about to happen to someone some higher power just make that person safe by dragging them to another univers where’s the danger can’t reach them? Placing them in the different body? It’s not happening to just anyone, but to someone who’s important or gifted

That actually makes sense since Thranduil’s wife probably was in great danger tho


Gurl I am having SUCH an existential crisis right now. Am I an elf??? Because you’re totally right about Thranduil’s wife being in danger and that belief of yours lowkey makes sense (I already talk with literal Apollo anything’s possible tbh)

Or maybe it’s like a reincarnation thing?? Because a common belief is that Thranduil’s wife died so maybe reincarnation happens regardless of worlds and I’m like,,, actually supposed to be in middle earth

That honestly explains so much like completely unexplained things about my body and life that I just attributed to weird chronic illness stuff or literally never bothered to question before because my life is already weird. O good Yavanna what the fuck

how does one wrap their heads around a crush on your really good friend?? like what the fuck are you guys?? enemies?? bc you fight like them. friends?? because you have the same interests literally adopting each others habits now smh. lovers?? because when are you both NOT together. rivals?? BECAUSE WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS BICKERING. BEST FRIENDS?? BECAUSE WHY ARE YOU TWO ALWAYS LOVINGLY SHITTING ON EACH OTHER WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON 

March 4, 2021

Okay I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and I don’t want speak to any of my close friends or family about it. Mostly because I might only feel this way because I’m pregnant and I don’t want to them to get the wrong idea of my boyfriend. But anyway first let me say this, I love him, I love my boyfriend very much. He makes me so happy… but only to a certain extent. I makes me happy sexually, when we joke around and when we’re just happy in general. But when we comes to serious things in our relationship he just shuts down and goes quite. I thought relationships were about the good and the bad? And what makes things worse is that I’m working but he isn’t. And I won’t be working for much longer because I have to have my baby in July so everything will be on him for awhile. We also still haven’t moved out, and I’m still technically homeless. I just wish I had the money to get my own apartment, my own place to stay were my child and I will be comfortable and safe. I’m honestly thinking about starting a go-fund me since my job is barely paying to anything. I have other bills that need to be paid also, so I really think a go fund me would help out a lot. But who would help? I really don’t know but it won’t hurt to try right? But on a lighter note, guess what?! I am now 19 weeks! And I’ll be 20 weeks on Sunday! It just hit me, I can’t believe I’ll actually be someone’s mother soon.. I really hope I’m a good mom. And I hope my baby loves me as much as I love it. I can feel it moving sometimes. It feels like little butterflies in there. I’m checking to find out the gender next week, and just to get a check up because your girl finally got insurance!!! I’m so happy! But that’s all I have for today. Talk to you later!

August 9, 2020

Okay quick rant today. Haha of course, of course it’s about.. guess who? That’s right! My boyfriend. I just realized that he still refers to his ex girlfriend as his girl. Even when he’s talking about her to someone else he’ll say “yeah bro I spilt with my girl”… what? Your girl what? She’s no longer yours sir. He’s always called her that when we were arguing in the car during that Buffalo Wild Wings incident. I don’t exactly remember what he said but he did call her his girl. I paused for a second and turned my head towards the window. My heart dropped, I’m your girl not her. I don’t think he noticed how hurt I was when he said. And I don’t understand why my dumb ass DIDNT SAY ANYTHING! Anyways, he either A. Still thinks he has ownership of her or B. He still loves her and misses her. My guess would be both. I feel like I always rush into relationships to quickly. But I always feel like I’m thinking to intensely about it. I mean the guy was in a relationship with this girl for 5 and half years and only a few months (more like 3) after they broke I became his girlfriend. But then I think “hmm he still refers her as his girl but when he bring me up I’m his joint” (joint basically means someone you’re having sex with or something along those lines. It’s hard to simplify slang that you’ve become a custom too). Why is she still his girl and I’m jus joint. Why does her still call her that and why are all her conversations muted on both his phones. I want to check his other phone to see if he still talks to her on there. My guess is he does. For sure! I just want answers! Or this will drive me fucking CRAZY! I’m so sick of being second to everyone! I’m never first! I’m never anyone’s first choice! I’m always a rebound…. I’m not making myself upset writing this. Bye.

Homesick update

With this being the last episode of the season, it’s really giving use some interesting cliffhangers! I’m extremely excited to see where season 2 takes us!

moriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just beca


Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just because it’s no Johnlock doesn’t mean there are “plot holes”.

Ask me questions, I can explain everything. These people are good writers.

K I know its been a long time since you probably posted this, but I do have some genuine questions:

How did John, a military doctor, not realize that the child bones were child bones in the first place?

How did he not realize the bomb was a bomb?

If John was seemingly tranquilized in the face by Euros, why was there no mark?

They bounced off the Speedy sign after the bomb went off, but wouldn’t that leave some marks?

Why did they address the letter that john gave Sherlock in 4x01 then never revealed its contents? Especially if the 5th season isnt looking likely?

How did one of the smartest men in the world not noticed that there was no class between him and a dangerous human?

Why would it stated in series 3 that a gunshot wasn’t all dramatic with blood going everywhere, when that’s exactly how Mary died?

Who was sending Mary’s DVDs?

How did people think that Sherlock was writing John’s blog? All of John’s blog is clearly written by John, even written in first-person.

Do tranquilizer gun smoke? Genuine question. Because if they don’t, why did Euro’s smoke?

Mycroft, the person who’s in charge of Sharon sherrinford, didn’t know that it was compromised, why did they sneak in?

Why did Euros try to kill them if she needed them for her sick experiment?

Please answer these when you can, these are the questions that keep me up at night

Post link

I need answers and theories

Why do you guys think Gregory was designed to look like Evan Afton (Crying Child) ?


when will they invite the muppets to the met gala. when will the gala be muppets themed

Do campers call Poseidon, Zeus and Hades big three??

And if they do. Do they call Percy, Thalia and Nico small three????








tired of people saying “gender is a spectrum, sex is a binary” when they’re trying to explain transness or whatever. sex is also a spectrum

if anyone tries to tell me that sex is binary i’m tattooing the intersex flag on the inside of their eyelids

yeah you get it

Do they mean sexuality is a spectrum? I know gender is a spectrum but isnt sexuality given that there is asexual, aromantic, greysexual, demisexual, bisexual, pansexual, gay/lesbian? No judgement just trying to make sure im understanding as a cisgender bisexual woman married to a non binary grey sexual and dating a genderfluid pansexual…

i do not mean that sexuality is a spectrum. i mean that biological sex, as in chromosomes, hormones, and genitalia, is a spectrum. it is not binary male and female. there ~140 million intersex people in the world, and there is a wide variety of sexes that do not conform to the sex binary among them. xx and xy are not the only chromosome combinations, only the most common ones. sexuality is definitely a spectrum, but i am talking about sex in this post.

Now my question is what about people born physically looking one sex but have chromosomes of the other sex and therefore sometimes end up looking androgynous or (frequently with the afab ones) have a lot of health complications because their body chromosomes aren’t lining up with the hormones they’re producing. Not saying its a binary in that sense either but maybe a trinary? Idk im still new to learning all this and even my classes arent covering the questions I ask sometimes because its just that new

these people are still intersex. sex is not a binary, not a trinary, it is a spectrum. anyone who’s intersex who can explain this better than i can is encouraged to add on.

Ok i know Stranger Things is supposed to be 5 seasons long, but does anyone knows if it means season 4B is the last of if there will be a season 5?

So I know I practically never talk about my little pony on this blog but I have a question that I just need to get out. So APPARENTLY the dazzlings/sirens are sisters? Thing is some sources say its canon while others dont state anything, and I genuinely don’t know what to believe now. Now I’m assuming that if them being related is a canon fact, I guess it must be a very onscure fact, cause I’ve been seeing a lot of people shipping them together and while I myself have never cared that much about shipping in the mlp fandom, I seriously don’t know weather to be ok with it or uncomfortable whenever I see someone shipping any of the 3 together, because obviously I’m not actually sure if they’re canonically related. If they are tho, to me it would actually make a lot of sense, given not only does their backstory seem to imply that they’re the only of their kind in equestria, and therefore from the same family, but also because their dynamics give me more sibling energy than anything. I guess as a kid it never hit me that they might be related because a) I never fought with my brother and b) they dont look related (but then again tho, mlp kinda has a history for making their sibling characters not look anything like each other, so even then it’s not far-fetched). But now that I’ve been rewatching everything as a late teen, the Dazzlings being sisters lowkey kinda makes alot of sense to me.
