#california sea lion

sketchbook pages fall 2016-spring 2017, part 2: animal studies (selections). All from web referencessketchbook pages fall 2016-spring 2017, part 2: animal studies (selections). All from web referencessketchbook pages fall 2016-spring 2017, part 2: animal studies (selections). All from web referencessketchbook pages fall 2016-spring 2017, part 2: animal studies (selections). All from web referencessketchbook pages fall 2016-spring 2017, part 2: animal studies (selections). All from web references

sketchbook pages fall 2016-spring 2017, part 2: animal studies (selections). All from web references with the exception of the alligators, which are from my own photographs. 

My technique for practicing animals in general, rather than over-focussing on one species: pick an animal and do an entire page of studies of that one species, then move on to a different one next time. Switch classes and families regularly; don’t get too used to just equines, or just songbirds. Don’t worry about skeletal/muscular anatomy or perfect proportions just yet- save that for when you do prep for a more formal illustration. Just try to capture quick studies of living, moving, animals. 

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California sea lions love to swim fast and bark underwater. Read more about them below!

Common Facts: Scientific name - Zalophus californianus Average life span - 30 years or less Diet - Fish, shellfish, squid…

it’s mammal mermaid time, first one up california sea lion ‍♀️ it’s still mermay right


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