#sea lion


You ever see a seal get their ions sucked right out of their body?
Hear is a seal and a seal-ion captured on film.

A happy sea lion for a friends birthday ♥

A happy sea lion for a friends birthday ♥

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Mystic Aquarium is also letting its animals visit each other during this time of great boredom. Get you a partner who looks at you like this sea lion looks at this tegu.

With bafflement and slight distress

#animals    #sea lion    #reptiles    #lizard    
Sea-lion suckling her young, Paris, Jardin d’acclimatation, early 20th century(source: Charles Victo

Sea-lion suckling her young, Paris, Jardin d’acclimatation, early 20th century

(source: Charles Victor Alexander Peel, The Zoological Gardens of Europe)

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 Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you take some time to rest, and enjoy the company of friends, famil

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you take some time to rest, and enjoy the company of friends, family, or yourself. Stay well.

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Sea pupper greets you


Floink floink floink floink floink

Huh … well, welcome back to another Werewolf Wednesday y’all. Feeling fresh and recovered this week I decided to trek out and follow up on the rumors floating about the Ice Lagoons to see if I could explain the phenomena. I’m not sure I solved anything though.

As you may imagine the Ice Lagoons are generally not a very hospitable sort of biome, so I went dressed this time for a long trek. And long it was, hours along the desolate black sandy shores and trackless iceberg ridden waters.

After the wonder of the place wore off an eerie feeling began to sink in- wasn’t this place supposed to be known for its unique endemic life? Where was everything? Where was anything? Just as I had begun to ponder that a strange noise broke the silence.

It was like a voice? but somehow off- like a crow or a parrot imitating a human perhaps? No that’s not quite right. The way it carried on the wind was strange too, I couldn’t seem to track it with how it seemed to bounce off the ice, no matter how long I spent listening.

Eventually I only had another hour of good daylight left and I was getting hungry, so I decided it was time to turn back. That’s when I spotted a lone sea lion… was the sound coming from it? I whistled to grab it’s attention, but when it turned I swear it had a woman’s face.

I was shocked, but before I could even blink the creature had slipped into the water and out of sight for good. That’s another one for the list of weird crap I’ve run into. Well anyways, I’m drinking off the experience now and planning my next move. Until next time y’all, cheers!

it’s mammal mermaid time, first one up california sea lion ‍♀️ it’s still mermay right


commissions open, ko-fi and insta links on blog bc tumblr is you know




this seems like something that would legit happen in an abandoned fjord in Norway where the border between humans and the old gods is thin.

#sea lion    #animals    #wildlife    #i just    #aright    
sofiabiologista: I bet you’ve never seen a sea lion wrestle an octopus before! Check out these amazisofiabiologista: I bet you’ve never seen a sea lion wrestle an octopus before! Check out these amazisofiabiologista: I bet you’ve never seen a sea lion wrestle an octopus before! Check out these amazi


I bet you’ve never seen a sea lion wrestle an octopus before! Check out these amazing photos by Andrew J. Lee.

+ sofiabiologista 

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sea lion

I’ve always known that I’m related to some shitty people. My biological father ran a Russian bride website. If you go back far enough, I’m related to the first white baby born in New France. I’m pretty sure the Quebecois side of my family started the first residential school. Family skeletons are not a surprise.

But I was blissfully unaware that my cousin is a fucking lunatic. I knew he was an idiot, as he had previously broken both of his legs jumping off of a rock (not a cliff. A rock.), but I didn’t know he was a complete write-off as a human being. 

I’m a firm believer in the old adage that sunlight is the best disinfectant, so I’m cataloging some of his choice facebook posts. I don’t anticipate many people reading this, I just want there to be a public record both for my sanity, and for evidence once he realizes this could effect his custody agreement and deletes everything. I blocked out his name when I tweeted about it earlier, but fuck him. Also, the timestamps are a little weird, because I retook some for ease of cropping reasons. 

Here’s how it started.


Typical, “I’m a shitty person but will blame feminism for my personal failings,” post, not particularly worthy of much more than an eyeroll. So I expanded the comments. It was mostly sad ramblings about how it’s not fair that men have to be nice to women from future members of the Dead for Three Weeks Prior to Discovery Club for Men. His solitary feminist friend posted, “No, men don’t have to be nicer to women than women have to be to men. Everyone should just damn well be nice to each other. It’s really that simple. It’s not how it works, but it’s how it should work.”

And that’s when my cousin’s brain levee broke. Everything that came after was a non-stop deluge of Evolutionary Psych 101 persecution complex bullshit.


Sorry, I was unable to block out his friend’s name because I couldn’t reach from all the way up on my crazy high rights pedestal. Anyway, back to my 28-year-old high school drop out cousin who lives with his mom teaching us about how women are attracted to powerful men with social status. Oh, wait, no, he’s onto something new:


Jesus fucking Christ. 

Even one of his shitty friends pointed out that was too far and that what he said doesn’t excuse sexual assault, which brought us to:


The mother of his daughters tried to get him to chill out and referenced how women were treated in the past, which is how we arrived at a list of things he never learned at the school he didn’t go to:


This is when I showed up and discovered that I am descended from Selkies. I learned this when my presence magically transformed my shitty human cousin into a magnificent, equally as stupid sea-lion who was incredibly confused as to why I wouldn’t provide a sound argument to counter his completely factually sound, “Bitch deserved it,” stance:


I’m going to leave out most of my commentary because I don’t want this to turn into those, “Look how great I did at the argument” posts, but I’m leaving in that last one and this one for context. The blocked out name is his 5 year old daughter:


While in a stupor from what I just read, I began a delightful conversation with the woman who introduced his parents. She was pretty upset that this resulted from that. I also heard from the very much not pleased mother of his children.

I was then treated to walls of text via private message which are mostly too boring, repetitive and caps-locky to post, but I reached a point where I would only respond to his arguments with actual studies and easily google-verifiable cases.

Eventually out of exhaustion, I ended up here. I should point out that this is the closest I got to saying any laws should be changed, which will come up a lot soon.


To which I received:


This was when I cut him off. I told him that what he has to say about women shows a lack of respect and care for me, my sister, my mother, our grandmother, his mother, and most importantly his daughters. He continued to send me unanswered walls of text, ending with this beautiful gem that I will cherish forever:


All of this inspired him to write out a very strange, inaccurate, citation-needed version of the Marissa Alexander case, claiming that I want special laws for women who shoot at their husbands in front of their children to get out of jail free. 


 I was well past the point of thinking I could make a difference, and I thought it would be more fun to watch it play out without participating. I was right. Why? Because his friends thought a) I sound like a cunt. and that b) My cover photo of Kathleen Turner is totally me.


I’ve also apparently been secretly hoping a man would call me a cunt so I could say I won. Ladies, please take heed of his invitation to contact him. 


This got long as hell, and it doesn’t even cover a tenth of his garbage. So I’ll just end this here with a thrilling proven fact that I learned from his friend via the thread:


I, for one, look forward to the great Lipstick War of 2019. #Hilary4Prez

TL;DR version, my cousin’s daughters would have a better chance left in the woods than they would in his custody. 

Don’t mind my voice or the bad quality plz

The brand new Merlion and Merlion Add-On Fins and Tails crochet pattern are now available on Etsy and Ravelry!!

A Merlion is a half-lion half-fish! The Main Merlion pattern comes with everything you need to make the body legs, head, pieced mane, and Style one of the Tail, Side, and Dorsal fins. The Add-On Merlion pattern comes with FOUR MORE styles of Fins and tails and an additional crocheted mane!! This one took a long time to write, and I’m super proud of it – I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed designing it!!

You can find the Main pattern here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1089358452/merlion-crochet-pattern-by-crafty?ref=listing_published_alert

Or here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/merlion-3

You can find the Add-On pattern here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1089419628/add-on-merlion-tails-and-fins-crochet?ref=listing_published_alert

Or here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/add-on-merlion-tails-and-fins

The brand new Merlion and Merlion Add-On Fins and Tails crochet pattern are now available on Etsy and Ravelry!!

A Merlion is a half-lion half-fish! The Main Merlion pattern comes with everything you need to make the body legs, head, pieced mane, and Style one of the Tail, Side, and Dorsal fins. The Add-On Merlion pattern comes with FOUR MORE styles of Fins and tails and an additional crocheted mane!! This one took a long time to write, and I’m super proud of it – I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed designing it!!

You can find the Main pattern here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1089358452/merlion-crochet-pattern-by-crafty?ref=listing_published_alert

Or here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/merlion-3

You can find the Add-On pattern here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1089419628/add-on-merlion-tails-and-fins-crochet?ref=listing_published_alert

Or here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/add-on-merlion-tails-and-fins
