#can you tell i hated maths


Types of people - school subjects

Should be revising for my exams but here I am writing about them instead

Edit: this took me so long that I’ve now finished school…you can tell which subjects I’ll be dropping for A-level


Chemistry - curiosity, sudden movement, bright colours, cute diagrams, colour coordinated stationary, spontaneous giggles

Biology - dying plants, doodles, interesting facts, fake glasses, pages of bullet points, overwhelming volumes of information

Physics - thick textbooks, mindmaps, going off on tangents, whiteboards full of content, wait…what, rushed scribbles, angry tears

History - wooden swords and model castles, talking fast, pointless tangents, proper English accents, documentary’s, hand cramps

English - long-winded explanations, neat notes, pastel highlighters, unique thoughts, notes scribbled into corners, movie nights

Geography - stacks of flashcards, pretending to listen, common sense tbh, knowing far too much about pointless things, specific points

Maths - quiet pauses, confused head tilts, bitten pen lids, rolled eyes, angry muttering, staring at the clock, loud remarks, rolled eyes

Drama - exaggerated emotion, spontaneous dancing, wasted hours, snacks for days, stress, group arguments, gesticulation, tired eyes
