#tag your aesthetic



Types of People as Times of Day: Morning Winter Edition

5am: leaves themselves plenty of time to do things, soft breezes, enjoys the quiet moments, hair brushed back out of the way, worn out piano keys, sweet teas, lovingly battered paperbacks, pine needles and small stoves.

7am: studious, leather bound notebooks and messy scrawls, constantly lending pencils, dressing the dark and finding you’ve worn 3 different shades of black, tinkling glass, odd houseplants, sharp lines and soft scarves.

9am:always on the go, winter sunlight on frosted grass, scarves so big they swamp you, takeaway cups of hot drinks, the sharp inhale of breath as you step outside your door to start the day, colourful doodles and no nonsense notes.

11am:laid back but usually on top of things, bright warm colours, meeting a friend just to walk around, ice cold water, wandering museums at off-peak times, spilling your pencil case in the library, hushed whispers and barked laughter.

7 AM


Types of people - piercings

Tragus - omg aren’t I unique?, party animal, questionable fashion sense, really fussy, always in and out of relationships, ironically calls everyone daddy, posts too much on Snapchat, lives in Starbucks, very opinionated

Septum - is the coolest person you know, takes artsy pictures, can act normal when drunk/high, can never tell if they’re lying or being sarcastic, or telling the truth tbh, refuses to take pain killers, ‘eh I’ll sleep it off’, dude

Lobe - the most dramatic being ever, loves their friends, tryna be a hoe but is actually so awkward, loves shopping, makes stupid poses in pictures, talks mostly in vine quotes, buys the best presents, always knows the gossip

Rook - flippin fearless, impulsive little shit, makes the worst life choices, has arguments every other day, hates being told what to do, stubborn, actual caffeine addiction, only wears about 3 outfits on repeat, messy room

Types of people - houseplants #2

Part one here


String of hearts - straightened hair, broken-hearted at all times, has a contact list longer than my lifespan, bitchy facial expressions, the sound of tapping nails, high heels, monster energy drink, never deletes photos

Succulent - a happy little bean, fluffy cardigans, hot chocolate with marshmallows, obnoxiously large scarfs, doesn’t ask for much, likes being alone, rain-splattered windows, contented smiles, windowsill book nooks, marshmallows

Maidenhair fern - bitten lips, so fucking difficult, indecisive, somehow both delicate and destructive, silk dresses, lemonade in tall glasses, freckled cheeks, deep sighs and long paragraphs, moody all the time, torn fabric

Rainbow palm - colourful nails, chaotic interior design, thrives in June, doesn’t care what you think, dancing to girl in red at 3am, lingering gazes, statement jewellery, bubbling laughter in a quiet room, coversations in memes

Types of people - drinks

Champagne - the gayest person you will ever meet, tall boi, bubblegum pop, fashion icon, knows more references than you do, a Pinterest board for every occasion, the best of giving gifts, a true romantic at heart

Wine - always overthinking, classical music stuck in their head, smarter than you, refuses to accept compliments, gorgeous notebooks, too generous, makeup hoarder, long phone calls, teddy bears, lots of collections

Vodka - constantly air drumming, lives in headphones, worries way too much, PDA legend, band nerd, sweet tooth, playlist for every occasion, drunk texts at 2am, sleep deprivation is a personality trait

Coffee - don’t even talk to them in the morning, more piercings than sense, kinda emo, needs to get their life together, phones probably dead, winged eyeliner and death glares, can’t dress for the weather

Types of people - oceans

Requested by @la-mort-dans-l-ame

Pacific - feels everything everything far too completely, larger than life, every c is pronounced differently and I just needed to work that in, quirky, has a short temper

Atlantic - very open minded, a kind soul, loves bringing people together, tries to act bigger than they are, really a shy bean, hufflepuff, is actually the most dangerous one tho

Indian - quite closed off, amazing friend, very private person, doesn’t like social media, way more important than they realise, Bengal tiger sharks, those exist., the quietest voice

Southern - argumentative af, likes their space, constantly involved in some form of drama, can be really mean, the cleanest ocean, pollution isn’t cool my dudes, young and naive

Arctic - the baby of the friend group, protect them at all costs, probably really short, some disrespectful hoes think they’re only a sea, won’t stand for this kind of disrespect

  • They are literally all hella polluted, try to reduce your plastic use as much as possible

Types of people - my favourite songs

They just have a vibe ok

Teeth, 5sos - the smell of hair products, big hoop earrings, smacking gum, bold colours, has a playlist for every mood, listens to the ‘bad bitch’ one daily, unpredictable, the bad influence friend, backcombing, chain jewellery

Kiwi, Harry styles - rolled eyes, oversized suit jackets, always on their phone, follows drama like the news, always in and out of relationships, bad decisions, loudest person in a room,long Snapchat stories, random outbursts of energy

Body talks, the struts - flirting, smokey eyes, overdressing for everything, hair flicks, amazing at makeup and can put an outfit together like a pro, thrives at night, fancy cocktails, drunk dancing, giggles, heartbreaker, fuzzy memories

Checkmate, Conan grey - whispered confessions, letting the phone ring out, can find out anything about anyone, petty af, is in a million group chats , smarter than they look, wont take shit from anyone, singing to yourself

Types of people - tumblr niches

@strange-aeons made me do this

Dark academia - tweed jackets, indignant looks, smug smirks, dignity > a good time, hours in the library, checking out my studyblr @studiing-hun , mythology, neutral colours, black coffee, overpriced stationary, loopy handwriting, tattered paper, musky perfume

Kidcore - impulsive decisions, cringe culture, friendship bracelets, chunky beads, cluttered rooms, neon colours, hoes playing video games, uncontrollable laughter, teddies, big heart, loud music, posters everywhere, choreographed dance, acronyms

Vulture culture - the patience of a saint, overwhelming excitement at the smallest of things, helping others, quiet observation, losing track of time, amazing memory, more intelligent than given credit for, metholodixal action, respect, badass af, the weird cousin

Cottagecore - the smell of baked bread, simple dresses, sun hats and wicker baskets, freshly picked flowers, homemade jam, sipping tea on a rocking chair, domestic peace, gardening on a summers day, crafts, busy farm markets, gossiping over the fence, floral prints

Types of people - quotes

A golden cage is still just a cage ~ Anita Krizan

Quills dipped in metallic ink, daydreaming, passionate speeches, angelic singing, faux fur coats, wispy eyelashes, furious protests, heeled boots, steaming cups of coffee at night

I wanna contribute to the chaos ~ tfb

Freckled faces, baggy flannel shirts, spray paint speckles, mosh pits, flailed arms in the air, laughing with friends, battered converse, messy hair cuts, dark nights, jumping over fences

Heaven,like hell, is untidy~Carole Satyamurti

Black eyeshadow, impulsive decisions, false pretences, sickly sweet smiles, daunting realisations, masquerade masks, love songs, slow dancing, backhanded complements

Make it easy, say I never mattered~fob

Late night texts, self depreciating jokes, nervous fiddling, twirled hair, notebook pages full of rambling, sleepless nights, loud music, newly dyed hair, ice cream and Netflix


Types of people - pretty words

Vivacious - dancinglikenobody’swatching,always single, on 50 dating apps but will never commit to anyone, bright lipstick, beautiful, patterned dresses, too many friends to keep track of, full calendar for life, distinctive voice

happy and lively in a way that is attractive’

Zemblanity - lying to yourself like a pro, shaking your head to try and clear it, wide (and also fake) smiles, avoids social media, doesn’t keep track of the news, lots of friends but few close ones, scared of the future, quiet

the inevitable discovery of what we’d rather not know’

Meraki - always working on a project, or eight projects, very creative, loves sharing what they’ve made, bit of a hoarder, knows the right thing to say, liked by everyone, loving, most likely to be successful, very hard worker

the soul, creativity or love you put into something’

Alexithymia - getting easily overwhelmed, gesticulates a lot, keeps a journal, meditates and tries to connect with their spiritual side, skeptical of everything, conspiracy theory’s ftw, small friendship group

‘an inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner’

Types of people - tarot cards

The major arcana


The fool - taking a strangers hand, mumbling in the dark, childish promises, breathtaking naievity, unnoticed potential, carefree laughter

The magician - determined work, self assured confidence, showing off party tricks in crowded rooms, unique manneurisms, self respect

The high priestess - meditation in daylight, instinctive choices, overwhelming thoughts in the middle of a crowd, nodding to yourself

The empress - staying up all night texting lovers, vases of flowers, pet bunny rabbits, crystals and lipstick on every surface

The emperor - powerful voices, structured timetables, post it note reminders, deleting pictures to forget the memories, authority

The hierophant - gentle encouragement, loving vines, lawful good energy, sensible evaluation and healthy mindsets, relieved smiles

The lovers - sneaking out the window to meet strangers, heated looks, hard choices and harder consequences, pros and cons lists

Justice - karma, minor inconveniences, the butterfly effect, regretful longing, derserving praise, unexpected gifts, self satisfaction

The hanged man - complex situations, breakdowns on the kitchen floor, cutting out toxic people, starting fresh, difficult choices

Death - endings, new year new me, pamper days, new hairstyles and shopping trips, outstretched arms and the joy of freedom

Temperance - laidback attitudes, making plans in the middle of the night, patient explanations, evolution of the mind, neutral good alignment

The devil - powerless sobbing, refusal to believe in hope, intense fear of letting go and moving on, blank stares and miserable eyes

The tower - starting again, watching flames dance, strengthening weaknesses, destructive smirks, that feeling of dread in your stomach

The star - hope of healing, herbal teas and soothing voices, blind leaps of faith into welcoming arms, deep breaths, optimism

The moon - self doubt and hidden fears, subconsious nervous habits, learning to accept your flaws and be free, self care and confidence

The sun - confidence in decisions, promotions and certificates, confident walks, optimistic outlooks, counting blessings, success

Judgement - repentance, self evaluation and acceptance of mistakes, honest vulnerability, second chances, reconnecting with old friends

The world - wise eyes and knowing stares, serenity, complete fulfilment, excitement for what’s coming next, always learning

Types of people - trees

Birch - keeps up appearances flawlessly but is falling apart, very protective, always seems youthful, very maternal, new beginnings in the form of hair dye, healing = face masks and online shopping, stronger than people think

Maple - desperately wanting to leave home, impulsive, teenage rebellion and rushed packing, works best alone, quick learner, very good at dealing with change, thrives under pressure, wanderlust, staring at the sky

Oak - the most wholesome person ever, the best shoulder to cry on, has a useful answer for every question, seems to always know what they’re doing, are winging it all of the time, always keeps promises no matter how small

Pine - hardened by experiences, impossibly optimistic, brings about joyful energy, matured quickly by life, impressive inner strength, can adapt quickly to their conditions, loves feeling important to others, so is very quick to help


Types of people - witches

Requested by @joyfullyhappynut


Garden - freckles, suntans in weird places, paint and dirt stains on everything, sticky fingers from sap, Pinterest boards filled with houseplants, living in garden centres, talking to animals, finding new recipes with the stuff that actually grew, random bursts of excitement

Kitchen - the smell of home baking, bringing in treats for your friends and family, mum friend 200%, probably has some form of sweets in them at any given time, disapproving glares, piles of cookbooks on every surface, thrives on the approval of others, a lil too nice

Storm - mood swings, staring out the window for hours, the smell when it rains, tangible tension, the feeling you get when you know somethings going to happen, biting your nails, restlessness, long runs, messy paintings to clear the mind, planning ahead

Fire - gets really fixated on things, dark satisfaction, has literally no regard for health and safety, how are you still alive, ‘I wonder what would happen if I set this on fire?’, based on the time I poured nail varnish remover on a candle, boom, hates authority with a passion


Types of people - planets pt 2

part one

Requested by @koolgane


Jupiter - the coolest kid, wants/has loads of tattoos and piercings, can pull of beanies somehow, the prettiest goddamn face, can probably play guitar or something else that’s amazing, writes poetry that’s actually good, always single even though everyone loves them, has a good YouTube channel

Saturn - doodles on everything, probably wears those circle glasses, and they’re probably fake, captions their Instagram posts with some pretentious quote from someone you’ve never heard of, goes to concerts every other day, has tumblr, houseplants are cute, has a collection of healing crystals

Uranus - is a dick, like sorry but, the kind of person that shouts at strangers in the street, will get arrested at some point, for something stupid like graffiti, has a ‘street name’ that only their mum knows about, records cringy rap music for soundcloud, lives in detention, peer pressures people, wears sunglasses 24/7

Neptune - loves the beach, is such a good swimmer? Go to the olympics?, quiet, doesn’t like talking about their achievements, quite awkward in social situations, music obsessed, break their trust once and it’s fine forever, loyal, quite harsh in confrontational situations, loves holidays, good at languages, perfect memory

Pluto - fight me, the forgotten cousin in the family, gets fiercely involved in fandoms, has the most loyal friendship group going, is probably gay, the shortest little cutie, they just WANNA BE LOVED, very innocent, the most sarcastic being out there, beautiful soul , feels inadequate even though they’re amazing


Types of people - planets pt 1

part two

Requested by @koolgane


Mercury - always on their phone, hoop earrings, gossips about everyone, the least trustworthy person going, hoards makeup, nobody needs 47 lipsticks, will never wear the same outfit twice, uses hashtags like a crazy person, still has musical.ly/tik tok, cringy, doent know what they want to do in the future

Venus - very vocal about opinions, will email you links to petitions, empathetic, the person that posts all those motivational videos on Facebook, gets pouty when nobody listens to them, not very good at talking criticism, cute handwriting open minded, will listen to your problems ,hoards cute stationary

Earth - a mess, knows they’re making bad decisions but does the stupid thing anyway, ‘eh that’s someone else’s problem’, mood swings for life, their opinion literally changes hourly, ridiculously smart, can write like they’re Shakespeare but struggles to say a sentence, is probably an only child, a bit spoilt

Mars - sometimes feels like a second option, messy hair for days, seems to always have a headache, gets into fights a lot, refuses to take medicine because it’s a ‘quitters way out’ and would rather go to sleep instead (@me), attention seeker, photobomb master, is constantly exhausted, intense emotions


Types of people - chocolate bars

Twix - dependant on anyone that gives them time, wears loads of bracelets, charming and sociable, always has lots of messages, never at home, social butterfly, trusts too easily

Crunchie - unique taste, the most heavy footed person ever, fizzy drinks and pizza boxes, mismatched outfits, messy hair and last nights makeup, glittery eyeshadow and cat liner, extra

Galaxy - likes everything simple, the sigh when you sit down after a long day, clean cotton sheets and silky pajamas, face masks, treating yourself, manicured nails, snuggly blanket piles

Flake - is insane, having no regard for the consequences of your actions, overpriced ice cream cones, indecisively staring at flavours, swimming pools, summertime laughs, childish

Types of people - school subjects

Should be revising for my exams but here I am writing about them instead

Edit: this took me so long that I’ve now finished school…you can tell which subjects I’ll be dropping for A-level


Chemistry - curiosity, sudden movement, bright colours, cute diagrams, colour coordinated stationary, spontaneous giggles

Biology - dying plants, doodles, interesting facts, fake glasses, pages of bullet points, overwhelming volumes of information

Physics - thick textbooks, mindmaps, going off on tangents, whiteboards full of content, wait…what, rushed scribbles, angry tears

History - wooden swords and model castles, talking fast, pointless tangents, proper English accents, documentary’s, hand cramps

English - long-winded explanations, neat notes, pastel highlighters, unique thoughts, notes scribbled into corners, movie nights

Geography - stacks of flashcards, pretending to listen, common sense tbh, knowing far too much about pointless things, specific points

Maths - quiet pauses, confused head tilts, bitten pen lids, rolled eyes, angry muttering, staring at the clock, loud remarks, rolled eyes

Drama - exaggerated emotion, spontaneous dancing, wasted hours, snacks for days, stress, group arguments, gesticulation, tired eyes

Types of friendships

Frenemies - insults hidden behind smiles, snakes, malicious intentions, pointed acrylic nails, glossy magazines, drinking games, neon lights, discarded spray paint cans, vandalised bathrooms, snickers, black eyeshadow, hate liking, small talk, hangovers, hair pulling, ranting over FaceTime, fake laughs

Besties - pinky promises, Snapchat streaks, don’t tell anyone except ‘x’ obviously, inside jokes, photo booths, expert advice, kept promises, matching accessories, ice cream, blanket forts, listening to the sound of the rain, random gifts, FaceTime calls, random memes, birthday balloons

With benefits - impulsive choices, laughter, rollercoasters without holding onto the seat, smudged lipstick, knowing glances, gossip, mood swings, petty arguments, text message paragraphs, emergency calls to your best friend, clouds of confusion, stormy goodbyes, regretful decisions, scrunched noses

Mutual - familiar faces, waving at the wrong person, staring at the floor, awkward pauses, careless greetings, obligatory niceties, drunken conversation, long notification lists, silly games, big parties, losing things, nervous fiddling, endless group chats, empty plans, white lies, fake emotions, formal events

Types of people - aesthetics

Inspired by the ✨hours✨ I’ve spent on tiktok

Cottage core - matching tea sets, Knick knacks from charity shops, sweater vests layered with shirts, fake freckles, messy home library’s, floral perfume, following 100s of animal accounts, cute giggles, chipped nail polish

Bimbo - destroying the patriarchy, duh, unreal makeup talent, glitter eyes, wardrobes that blind, treating the streets like a runway, manipulation, self care days, freshly shaved legs in clean sheets, pink everything, lip gloss

Dark academia - dark wood furniture, sleek ponytails and flawless skin, blank book covers, replica art, quiet conversations, leather bags full of papers, monochromatic outfits, artfully displayed houseplants, matching stationary

Alt - middle fingers and stiletto nails, dark lighting, impressively detailed graphic liner, half started projects littering the floors, eye rolls and distant smirks, the corners of thrift shops, a talent for transitions, how do they do them tho

Types of people - handwriting

Requested by @cup-of-moriarty


Neat and even - late nights with books to the nose, glasses folded away, perfectionism, carefully ironed clothes, more stationary than sense, polished shoes, huge home library filled with things they plan to read but never will

Messy and rushed - cramming all night, piled up coffee cups and crushed energy drink cans, a sense of importance, impulsive decisions paired with lazy laughter, a walking contradiction, always up to talk when needed

Loopy and cute - pen pal letters painstakingly decorated, heart dotted i’s, studio ghibli movies, bullet journal, pastel outfits perfectly matched, cute when sleepy, really good at calligraphy, always singing under mumbles

Indecipherable - rubbed eyes and chipped nails, assignments handed in with seconds to spare, master of procrastination, unmade sheets, the kind of person who puts ‘nrs’ on their snapchat story but reply immediately

Types of people - yungblud songs

Parents - kissing in crowded rooms, small acts of rebellion, smudged eyeliner, tangled chains, rolled eyes and middle fingers, chipped nails

Psychotic kids - whispered arguments, silent agreements, internal anger, assumptions, long nights, secret diaries and messy handwriting

Weird!- trying new things, coffee too late at night, headphones and closed eyes, long journeys, relationships that never last

California - protests, being ignored even when you’re right, cynical, swearing to get a reaction, future plans, blunt realities, scream shouting

Types of people - my vocabulary

These are legit the only words I say


Lads - huge crowds, drinking in the dark, waking up confused, road trips to nowhere, knowing you’re wrong but sticking with it anyway, regrets for life, stick and poke tattoos

Thriving - uncontrolled laughter, actually doing work in free periods, friends you trust, quiet, meaningful actions, peaceful early mornings, aesthetic meals, humming to yourself

Vibe - dimmed fairy lights, face masks and herbal teas, watching YouTube videos cosy in bed, organising, little chuckles to yourself, meditation on a sunny day, scented candles

Mate - mind blowing moments of pride, heart to hearts on the kitchen floor, straight spirits, diy haircuts, impulsive decisions egged on by peer pressure, good intentions, bad results

Types of people - I-L



I - never indoors, worn out trainers, morning person, windswept hair and reddened cheeks, finds walks fun somehow, rope swings in the forest, 10000 hoodies in their room

J - messy buns and oversized t shirts, spends all their money on food, netflix for hours on end, does homework the night before every time, looks completely different when they dress up

K - sporty af, always injured, probably has crutches in a cupboard somewhere, athleisure, leggings as pants 24/7, no social life though because they’re always at matches

L - can’t catch to save their life, clumsy to the point of danger, like trips over air level of clumsy, tries their hardest at everything they can anyway, would love to play a sport


Types of people - heaven and hell

Heaven - lie ins, satisfied smiles, matching stationary, movie nights with popcorn and friends, fluffy socks, having breakfast in bed, naming houseplants, big comfy jumpers, the smell of freshly baked cookies, skincare routines, bullet journals, the studyblr tag, stretching when you wake up, cute group chat names, pastel colours, blowing nails dry, curling your hair, FaceTiming friends for hours on end

Hell - thick eyeliner, sarcastic smirks, getting drunk with friends, safety pins, making bad decisions because you’re prepared for the consequences, ‘it was worth it’, trying not to laugh in formal situations, exploring abandoned places, acting fearless, staying up late and watching horror films in the dark, 3am, tarot cards and ouija boards, layered necklaces, sage sticks and crystals, middle fingers

Types of people - gum

Requested by @pachowpachowbucket


Bubblegum - the most fun, works hard, naps for life, fluffy jumpers with ears on the hood, mittens, sudden bursts of energy, animal lover, pastel Instagram feed, homemade cookies

Peppermint - shy until you know them, hair tucked behind ears, gives the most thoughtful gifts, always neat, very soft spoken unless they’re defending a friend, plant mum

Grape - giggles in quiet rooms, room is fun of empty cans and crisp packets, weird taste in everything, can’t keep relationships, statement jewellery, indecisive, runs a Depop shop

Spearmint - reminds the teacher there’s homework due, constantly reading, drinks herbal teas and nothing else, minimalistic, perfect posture, habit of overthinking

Cinnamon - quirky af, Lana del ray on repeat, big curls, sunglasses perched on top of their head, caffeine addiction,wispy eyelashes, pretty handwriting, big laughs, thrives in autumn
