#canary dndads


Listen,,,, if she’s not important I’ll riot

{Image Desriptions: two pictures, the first is of a tall, thin, young blonde lady wearing a long light green dress. She’s smiling at the camera, she’s barefoot and is wearing a dark green fannypack. Off to her side her name, Canary, is written in green and white. The second image is of the Brooklyn 99 meme of Rosa Diaz holding a puppy. The puppy’s head is replaced by The head of Canary from the previous picture. The text has been edited to say “I have only had canary for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself”

Today’s episode was brilliant, love Henry’s sense that the boys might get weapons sfhsgvchfcds side note i would die for Canary.

{ Image descriptions: Two images, the first is of Daryl Wilson, a tall medium toned man with curly brown hair and a matching beard, talking to Glenn close, who is facing away from the viewer, he’s shorter and has dark black hair. In the background are Lark and Sparrow Oak stacked one on top of the other in a trench coat. They’re young boys with dirty blonde curly hair grinning devilishly at Darryl while he says “Should we arm the lord of chaos” the second image is of Henry Oak, a tall, pale, blond man wearing a lime green shirt and khakis. He looks very worried and he’s shivering, saying “oh God-.” Behind him is a cloud of smoke at his feet to represent Ron being dragged behind him. In front of him is Canary, a shorter woman who shares similar colors, she looks much more care free}
