#cant wait to read this



Pages of You, a Drarry 1980s Muggle AU: Fic Now Complete!

Harry stares at the scrawl of neatly slanted handwriting, imprinted on crisp white paper that hadn’t been torn from a notebook like his own.

He slumps back against his pillows, reads the letter again, and his grin grows so wide that it actually hurts his cheeks.

He’s definitely royalty. Has to be.

When he sits up again, he grabs the yellow notepad from his desk, bites the lid off of his black biro pen, and he starts scribbling.

Summer, 1980. Harry is floating between university and becoming a Real Certified Adult. He’s not ready. He really isn’t.

In a desperate attempt to have the Best Last Summer ever, he takes a casual job at his godfather’s bookshop in London, starts an illicit pen pal affair with a wordy posh boy that he’s catching feelings for, all while dealing with the son of Sirius’s business rival, one Draco Malfoy, insufferable know-it-all extraordinaire.

A story about trying to figure out who you are, where you’re going in life, and who you want to take along with you.

Drarry (with background Wolfstar) | Rated E | 102k words

Read on ao3



i better actually start and finish this series. i’ve already put in so much effort.

what we think about bokuto and sakusa as gardeners? asahi, kai, kyotani, iwa, aone, and ushijima as the personal guard?

am i gonna make all the pretty setters servants? yeah.

here’s a spoiler! (which is stupid of me because what if i back out. i don’t even know what i wanna do.)

look it’s so pretty. anyways, that’s the title. shhhhh.


Lilacs Blooming in the Snow

- Synopsis of a  Showa-era Digimon Murder Mystery AU

Synopsis -

It’s the beginning of Showa and Mimi Tachikawa is forced to earn some real life experience by her forward thinking father who wants to leave their flourishing business under her care. With nowhere but a shady private detective willing to hire an unskilled worker like her, Mimi dejectedly takes up the job of an assistant under Yamato Ishida.

Rumours from the street inform her that Detective Ishida hails from Hokkaido and was in the police forces before he was discharged over reasons unknown. While other people assign an air of mystery and excitement to him, Mimi can’t help but look at him with a judgmental eye as being his assistant she is privy to his real personality, a somewhat lazy bum who derives entertainment in other’s miseries. The requests that arrived in Detective Ishida’s office ranged between being as menial as finding a lost cat to as scandalous as bringing home a cheating husband, with the latter somewhat being a speciality of Mimi’s boss. She couldn’t complain much however, because when it came to splitting up the money earned from a fulfilled request, Yamato was always diligent about paying her dues.

One day lying among the odd job requests, Mimi comes across a letter marked confidential and urgent which arrived from Yamato’s hometown, but she when hands it over to him, he disinterestedly throws it away. Curiosity winning over courtesy, Mimi decides to open up the letter and read the contents out loud much to her boss’ discomfort.

The letter was seemingly written by Yamato’s younger brother, informing him about a crime that had recently taken place in their small town and had the whole community shaken up.

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