#captain syverson fic



Summary: She uses all of her tricks to convince Sy to let her take control for the night.

Pairing:Captain Syverson x Female OFC (no body type specifically described, not named.)

Word Count: 3.1k

Warnings:18+ ONLY, smut, thigh riding, swearing, control, lipstick kink, lots of teasing, bodily fluids, sex (p in v), slight dom/sub behavior if you squint, light praise kink, bodily fluids.

Author’s Note: This work is for 18+ only, no minors tolerated. You consume content at your own risk.

@cavillsthighs gave me the brilliant idea to continue this “Lipstick Kisses” theme for more of Henry Cavill’s characters… so I am doing just that! Shoutout to her for the support and for editing this for me! LOVE YOU, BESTIE.


✨ If you wish to be added to my tag list, send me a DM or comment on this fic!✨

Lipstick Kisses Series|Master List

*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, or claiming any ideas or parts as your own.

Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed!


Finally, tonight was the night. Tonight her man was coming home after another long three months away. Sy had been helping train new military personnel four states over, and she missed him terribly. Luckily he didn’t get sent overseas anymore, so the deployments weren’t nearly as long, but even after only a few months of not having had his touch, she was feeling touch-starved.

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Summary: She uses all of her tricks to convince Sy to let her take control for the night.

Pairing:Captain Syverson x Female OFC (no body type specifically described, not named.)

Word Count: 3.1k

Warnings:18+ ONLY, smut, thigh riding, swearing, control, lipstick kink, lots of teasing, bodily fluids, sex (p in v), slight dom/sub behavior if you squint, light praise kink, bodily fluids.

Author’s Note: This work is for 18+ only, no minors tolerated. You consume content at your own risk.

@cavillsthighs gave me the brilliant idea to continue this “Lipstick Kisses” theme for more of Henry Cavill’s characters… so I am doing just that! Shoutout to her for the support and for editing this for me! LOVE YOU, BESTIE.


✨ If you wish to be added to my tag list, send me a DM or comment on this fic!✨

Lipstick Kisses Series|Master List

*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, or claiming any ideas or parts as your own.

Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed!


Finally, tonight was the night. Tonight her man was coming home after another long three months away. Sy had been helping train new military personnel four states over, and she missed him terribly. Luckily he didn’t get sent overseas anymore, so the deployments weren’t nearly as long, but even after only a few months of not having had his touch, she was feeling touch-starved.

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Title: A Dose of Serotonin

Summary:Sy takes care of his girl after she tests positive for Covid. (Told from Sy’s POV)

Pairing:Sy x reader

Word Count: 675

Warnings: fluff, reader has Covid

A/N:This story was inspired by a little drabble I wrote for my beautiful bestie @cavillsthighs. I added a bit here and there and decided to post it.

Disclaimer: FEEL FREE TO REBLOG IF YOU LIKE THE STORY! Writers live off reblogs! Do not copy any portion of my material to claim as your own. Do not repost my work, or any portions of my work on any site and claim it as your own. Like all my other fics, this was written on my phone and not beta’d.



Stupid fucking covid. Two years in and she catches stupid fucking covid.

She just wanted to go on one trip. Now she’s in the bed coughing her head off, and trying to keep her fever from spiking again. I feel like the best thing I can do is make soup for her, and get her medicine and tissues when she needs them.

She didn’t want me to stay here but I insisted. Unlike everything else, she couldn’t do this one on her own. I’d already been exposed anyway; there was no way I was leaving her alone during this.

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Aww, Sy is such a sweetheart

This was cute as heck


Heart Of The Matter

Summary: A few weeks after you and Sy break up, you show up on his doorstep determined to win him back.

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader

Word Count: Approx. 8k

Warnings:Angst with a happy ending, couples fighting, smut, some angry sexual contact, slight praise kink, oral sex (f receiving), masturbation (male), vaginal fingering, p in v sex, some fluff at the end.

Authors Note: This took a lot longer to write than I had anticipated. I’ve had a rough week in my personal life and truely, the angst and the making up of this ended up being pretty therapeutic.

As always I need to thank my amazing mates and readers @amberangel112and @henryobsessed and @nashibirne , your thoughtful and honest comments are always appreciated.

Edited by me, there will be errors

Thanks to the Anon who sent in this prompt, I hope you enjoy it.

Dividers by me.

Looking in the rear vision mirror, you rub your sweaty hands on your jeans before running them over your hair, checking that it’s still in place. It’s dark, you can barely see and the streetlights are not sufficient to check your makeup, but you try to look anyway. You’re also stalling.

“Fuck it.”

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This was just so beautiful

I love how they eventually found their way to a compromise enough that they could stay together

This was so heartfelt and angsty that I held my breath at points and then all that warm fuzzies at the end with them finally circling back to one another in a better place.

Amazing work



Summary: Sy buys you a bunny tail butt plug.

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader

Word Count: approx. 220 (six sentences)

Warnings: smut, anal play, use of butt plug on reader, praise kink, implied pet play.

Authors Note: So I was challenged by @aussieezin@lancsnerd to participate in this and since I have struggled to write anything under 5k in months, I thought I’d give it a go. Thanks for letting me participate. I hope it fits the requirements.

Thanks to the anon who sent in this prompt, I hope you enjoy it.


You shiver as Sy runs his knuckle up your spine before resting his hand firmly between your shoulder blades and applying gentle pressure until your chest rests on the mattress making your ass stick vulnerably up in the air.

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This is the epitomy of romantic filth that I adore from you

So sinful and dirty but so soft? And how he just handles it? I would have 100% perished if this happened to me

Gonna be thinking about this for a while, damn!


tales of love - years later

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Axel gives us a little update on how things are going with Sy and Molly. (yes i wrote a chapter from a dog’s pov )

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 545

A/N: And this was the end of a short but sweet little series with vision impaired!Sy. Writing this truly broadened my horizon writing wise and I enjoyed it so much. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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Haha I love that the last chapter was entirely from Axel’s POV as is only right for the bestest doggo on the planet

This was a great series ☺️ so thank you for trying something new because it was amazing ✨


Eyes That See Summary: Your life consists of caring for others. This is a story of you learning to care for yourself.

Eyes That See Part 18 Summary: After you complete your final exams, your fall semester is through. In celebration, Sy cooks you dinner, but your real reward comes later.

Words:24k or so–If this crashes on mobile, maybe try it on a laptop?

Warnings:brief mention of Y/N’s past relationship issues, lots of dirty talk, edging/edgeplay, biting, praise kink, size kink, oral sex [m], fingering, vaginal sex, did I mention size kink? did I mention edging?


A/N:Sy buying boxed wine in this chapter will never not amuse me. This is basically just smut. Drawn-out, long smut. On Sy’s couch. The little “links” I’ve included throughout the fic are NSFW if you choose to click on them for visuals. I tried to find the best I could. Thanks for reading if you choose to do so!

Inspo #1
Inspo #2
Inspo #3
Inspo #4
Inspo #5
Inspo #6
Inspo #7
Inspo #8

Previous Parts Here


You carry so much anxiety concerning your presentation that upcoming Monday that you barely sleep over the weekend at all. Nervous enough to bother the other members in your group, you throw out the idea of practicing your speeches together rather than individually prior to actually presenting it, but they decline your offer to meet up, preferring to keep things how they currently are where Person One does their assigned part, Person Two does the next, and so on. You know that makes the most sense, but when Monday rolls around, you’re so full of nerves that you can’t focus whatsoever at work. You don’t want to fuck up.

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Goddamn. That was certainly a pick me up

Title: A Dose of Serotonin

Summary:Sy takes care of his girl after she tests positive for Covid. (Told from Sy’s POV)

Pairing:Sy x reader

Word Count: 675

Warnings: fluff, reader has Covid

A/N:This story was inspired by a little drabble I wrote for my beautiful bestie @cavillsthighs. I added a bit here and there and decided to post it.

Disclaimer: FEEL FREE TO REBLOG IF YOU LIKE THE STORY! Writers live off reblogs! Do not copy any portion of my material to claim as your own. Do not repost my work, or any portions of my work on any site and claim it as your own. Like all my other fics, this was written on my phone and not beta’d.



Stupid fucking covid. Two years in and she catches stupid fucking covid.

She just wanted to go on one trip. Now she’s in the bed coughing her head off, and trying to keep her fever from spiking again. I feel like the best thing I can do is make soup for her, and get her medicine and tissues when she needs them.

She didn’t want me to stay here but I insisted. Unlike everything else, she couldn’t do this one on her own. I’d already been exposed anyway; there was no way I was leaving her alone during this.

Drying my hands on the dish towel I looked around to make sure everything was done. Trash taken out, dishes washed, dinner warming in the crockpot. Only need to dry the laundry and I’ll be done. I could hear her coughing from my place in the kitchen.

“Sy?” Her hoarse voice broke my heart.

“I’m comin, doll,” I grabbed another bottle of water and headed to the bedroom.

My beautiful love. Normally she was bigger than life. Independent, strong, happy go lucky, but right now she looked so small and helpless. She’s bundled up in her favorite blanket, watching that show she’s been obsessing over. Aika had set up camp at the foot of the bed.

“What’d you need sweetheart?” I can’t stop my brows furrowing in concern.

“You,” she asked softly.

This simple request melted my heart. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman. It’s my honor to be the one she calls for; the one that she wants to hold her when she needs comfort. I should probably tell her that. Putting the cold bottle down on the nightstand, I kicked off my shoes, and pulled my shirt over my head. She watched me the entire time.

“Aika, come,” I called for her to get down. Being a good girl she hopped down immediately finding her bed by the dresser.

Climbing under the cool sheets I could feel her warmth. Her fever was breaking but still stubbornly hanging on. Seeing her smile despite all the bad shit going through her body right now let me know I was doing something right.

“C’mere darlin.” I said softly.

She immediately wrapped her arms around my torso. Her legs tangling with mine never failed to make my heart skip a beat. She laid her head over my heart.

For a moment everything was still, quiet. The soft hum from the fridge down the hall played in my ear. The tinkling sound of the decorations she had hung on the wall moving with the ac almost made me want to drift off. It was peaceful. For a moment. She coughed again, groaned and buried her face in the blanket over my stomach.

When she moved back I ran my fingers through her hair. I began to think how lucky I was to be here with her. I’d been worried about her since she came home. We thought it was the jet lag making her tired; maybe it was her allergies making her cough. As soon as she asked to take that Covid test I knew something was really wrong.

I pulled her closer to me without a second thought. I want to be as close as I can to her right now. I told her I didn’t care if I got it and I meant it. In fact if I could I’d take it from her, go through it for her I would in a heartbeat.

Her fingers skimmed over my chest, playing with my hair. She laid a soft kiss over my heart. I could stay in this moment, if only she felt better. Snuggling deeper into me she unknowingly made me feel on top of the world. Who do all these cuddles benefit here - me or her? I placed a kiss on top of her head.

“I love you,” I whispered against her warm scalp.

Either way, all I know is if serotonin could cure Covid she’d be over it by now.
