#captian america x reader



You loved your dog, you golden retriever named Blue but sometimes you could swear that he was a shit just for the hell of it. He’s been driving you absolutely up the wall today. First he’d woken you up far too early, on a weekend acceptable get up time was after 9:30 but apparently Blue had decided that 8:15 was late enough and you’d woken to a slobbery lick to your face. Honestly, pretty gross.

Then he’d barked through almost your entire shower, which was rude but not as rude as him trying to actually get in the shower with you.

Then he’d wanted to play, you’re pretty sure that he took out every single toy in his toy basket and dropped them at your feet while you tried to make breakfast. You’d tripped over them more than once and stubbed a toe on one of the bones.

“Okay. Oh my god you adorable pain in the ass. Let’s go to the dog park.” You tell him and he bounds to his leash. You tug your shoes on then put on his harness and clip the leash to it. Then it’s off to the dog park you go, Blue doesn’t pull too much just enough where you walk at almost a jog to get you to the dog park.

Once you’re inside the fenced area you let him off the leash and he takes off running. You follow at a slower pace but Blue always comes back to check in with you before running off again.

At one point Blue finds another golden retriever and come sprinting over to you barking happily. The other dog flings themself against your legs nearly toppling you to the ground. You laugh as you bury your fingers in their fur.

“Lib! I’m so sorry.” A male voice calls, you look up and are astounded by the man in front of you. He’s gotta be a model or something, sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a blue workout shirt that clings to his torso like a second skin and a pair of dark blue workout pants.

“It’s fine.” You tell him with a smile, “what’s their name?”

“Steve.” He says and you’re confused, you could’ve sworn he called the dog Lib.

“How old is he?”


“Your dog.” You say as you watch the two chase each other around.

“She, Libby is 3.”

“Oh sorry, I thought you said your dog’s name was Steve.”

“Oh. Um no I’m Steve.” He says and you glance up at him with a smile, his ears are turning red and god it’s adorable. You introduce yourself,

“And that is Blue.” You tell him, “He’s also 3. He just turned 3 last week.”

“No way,” Steve sounds surprised, “So did Libby. On Tuesday.”

“What? Blue too! Could they be from the same litter?”

“Totally possible, I got her from Nebula.”

“Me too!” You’re stunned, you’ve just found Blue’s sister and her super hot dad. “No wonder they get along so well.”

“We should trade numbers. So we can meet up here and let them play more often. If you’re comfortable with that.” He adds quickly.

“That would be great.” You tell him before digging your phone out of your pocket. You unlock it and pass it to him as he passes you his phone then you type in your name and number before handing it back.

You let Blue and Libby play for over an hour before you say goodbye to Steve and head home.

He texts you on Thursday.

You wanna meet up at the dog park this weekend?

You check your calendar before texting back what time you’re able to and he sends back a thumbs up emoji.

While the dogs play you talk, you get to know him and fall hard. You’ve been meeting for over two months when you get caught in a storm. You invite Steve back to your house since you’re closer and when you get back you let both dogs into the house first. Thankfully you’d closed the mud room door so when they both shake it’s not the worst thing in the world.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry.” Steve says and you laugh.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve got some towels and we can towel them down,” you glance up at him and see he’s drenched so you know you probably are too. “Then we can towel us down.”

“Sounds good.” He gives you a smile and you grab a couple of your dog towels, you toss him one and start rubbing down Blue. You finish by wiping his paws and then throw the towel into the sink before grabbing towels for you and Steve.

“Thanks Darlin’.” He says with a smile and your heart stops with the way Darlin’ rolled off his tongue. You didn’t know one word would completely floor you.

“Do you want me to see if I have anything to change into? I’m gonna change.”

“Maybe just a shirt?”

“Sure, I should have a sweatshirt or something, just toss your stuff into the dryer.” You tell him opening the door, “make yourself comfortable.” You tell him as you make your way through the house to your room. You change then dig in your closet for something you think will fit Steve. You find one of your dad’s sweatshirts that you’d stolen years ago and figure it’ll do fine. When you go back out into the main part of your house you freeze, god he’s cut like a fucking Greek god.

“I think this should fit.” You tell him hanging him the sweatshirt before throwing your own wet clothes into the dryer with his and turning it on.

When you turn around you catch Steve staring at you. You can feel your heart pounding as he moves slowly toward you.

“Darlin’ can I kiss you?” He whispers when he’s only a step away, you nod. His lips descend on yours as his fingers delve into your wet hair. It’s exactly what you’d hoped it would be, he sends goosebumps along your flesh and you moan softly into the kiss giving him access to your mouth.

The bark causes you to rip away from him. Both Libby and Blue are staring at you with wagging tails and tongues hanging out of their mouths.

“Excuse you.” Steve says not letting you go, “but we’re a bit busy here. Go play.” Neither dog moves and you laugh softly into his chest.

“A plus listeners we’ve got here.” You laugh, “Blue, go away.” You tell him and with a huff he turns and goes to his bed.

“That’s handy.” Steve says before snapping and pointing from Libby to the bed where Blue is. She too huffs and makes her way over to the bed and curls up with Blue.

“Now,” Steve murmurs, “Where were we?”

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