#car muscle


Training an older good husband can be a rewarding experiencing. The key is to play on his ego. The more you help him feel like manly and masculine, the more he will respond in desirable ways. You know you have been successful when he sends you flex pics everyday no matter what.

When you agreed to tutor the captain of the football team, you jokingly set your price at “marriage after finals”. You’re on your way to the courthouse now.

Your good husband spent most of his life being the small kid. He took to working out like a new drug. Now we very time he comes picks you up from work in the same town he grew up in, he shows up looking like a god just to show how much he’s grown.

When you were younger, you hated visiting the extended family because he would ignore you. You were just the annoying younger cousin. Once you grew up and became more confidant with your desires, he started to take notice. Now, you try to make it out to him as often as you can.

One of the most important parts of being a good husband is being able to remain himself. He should be able to enjoy being himself as well as being someone for you to enjoy.

All it took for your dad to become daddy to good husband was for you to say was that you liked his biceps when he worked out. Now he goes to the gym everyday just so he can get bigger and send you these pictures. The best part is when he gets home and shows you how much stronger he’s become in bed.
