#bearded husband


Every morning you say your prays for how thankful you are to whatever god or deity saw you fit to have someone like him in your life. He is everything you have ever wanted and needed. He fulfills you in ways you never knew were possible. Every moment you are alive is better because he’s in your life. You don’t know if you can ever fully express how thankful you are to him. You hope looking like this when he wakes up is a good enough start.

When your good husband asked you to move in with him, you told him that you had a lot of stuff to move. He told you it wasn’t a problem and looked forward to it. You didn’t realize that he was going to move everything himself. This was him after finishing the last room.

When he looks sexy right after pulling your car from the ditch by himself.

You wanted a good husband who was wild in streets and in the sheets, so you sent him to Florida for a week. This is him coming back.

The tools a good husband grows should always be more impressive the the ones he owns.

Training an older good husband can be a rewarding experiencing. The key is to play on his ego. The more you help him feel like manly and masculine, the more he will respond in desirable ways. You know you have been successful when he sends you flex pics everyday no matter what.

When you were younger, you hated visiting the extended family because he would ignore you. You were just the annoying younger cousin. Once you grew up and became more confidant with your desires, he started to take notice. Now, you try to make it out to him as often as you can.

When he decided to become your good husband, he told you he would change into your wildest dream. The fact you never told him your wildest dreams and he still got it right just proves how much of a good husband he is.

When becoming a good husband, one must find out what his best look is and strive to surpass it.

All it took for your dad to become daddy to good husband was for you to say was that you liked his biceps when he worked out. Now he goes to the gym everyday just so he can get bigger and send you these pictures. The best part is when he gets home and shows you how much stronger he’s become in bed.

Daddy was always telling you how proud he was to be your man. How wonderful you were and how wonderful you made him feel. One day he asked you if you willing to show other daddies how wonderful you were. This was the third encore performance.
