#shirtless muscle


Many a good husband first start off as someone you respect and admire. You met your good husband for the first time when he was your sex Ed teacher. He always made you feel comfortable when talking about your body. Now that you’re grown, you get to show him all you learned from him up close.

Whenever you have to go out of town, you always get your good husband a new toy till you get home. In order to make sure you get a good fit, you have to watch how the new toy worships. How’s this one doing?

When your good husband pumps himself for your daily worship session. After this, it’s your turn.

When he looks sexy right after pulling your car from the ditch by himself.

When you first met him, he looked like one of those IG models. While still handsome, you saw the potential for him to be something bigger and greater. All he needed was the right motivation. And what better motivation than your adoring mouth on his new body.

A new young potential husband trying to show you that despite being shorter, he has what it takes? What do you say?

As your good husband’s boss at work, you made sure that casual Friday still required a tie.

Most new young husband use different techniques such as posturing and swaggering about to establish his territory. What’s your favorite technique?

Your good husband doesn’t actually know anything about being a cowboy, he grew up in Florida. What he does know is how to turn you on and what a cowboy hat does in bed.

Dear followers,

Your good husband wants to introduce you to our newest good husband who wants to become as big a beast as possible. Please offer your support as he becomes a muscle beast.



A new young good husband needs to be tough enough to fulfill all of you fantasies and desires, be them inside or outside. Today, you wanted to see how long he can survive in the cold without underwear and how long he can remain hard. 

When he decided to become your good husband, he told you he would change into your wildest dream. The fact you never told him your wildest dreams and he still got it right just proves how much of a good husband he is.

Part of being a good husband is figuring out your landscape. Yes you are a beast, yes you are a god, but how hairy are you comfortable with or more importantly, how hairy do they like you?

Remember boys, you can only bring your motorcycle into the gym when you’re the strongest guy there.

A man who has just been a husband begins his journey of improving to become a good husband, he needs to know where his baseline is. This means taking stock of everything he’s done and everything he is. Once he knows these, he can then become a bigger and better version of himself.

When a young man first decides he is going to be a good husband, he must first prove himself by improving himself. The first step usually involving getting himself as big as he can.

Sometimes your good husband is just so happy with the way he looks that he starts flexing out of nowhere. You have started bringing extra shirts with you at all times just in case he tears one again.


Your Good Husband has hit more than 14.5K followers. As he wants to provide you all that you desire in terms of your good husbands, he wants to know what you want to see more of? differently? 

Longer stories?

More POC?

more explicit?

Different Kinks?

Thank you all for your support.

Your Good Husband 

“You may have won the match, but just wait till we get home. I’m going to show you how hard I can really play.”

At first you added it to your good husband’s shakes as a joke, thinking it was another poorly regulated dietary supplement. After a month, he looks like this. Maybe you need to buy more.

Your brother in law was a party animal, always the center of attention. Then the pandemic hit and no more parties (because we are socially responsible). He needed an outlet to please his need for attention so you agreed to zoom and FaceTime him. At first it was just listening to him talk, then as the year went on, you two became closer and you started sharing stuff about yourself. How it came about that you always had a crush on him and he was developing feelings for you you’ll never tell, after all , he’s your good husband now and you can’t wait to see him in person again.
