

Here in this simple drawing I illustrated the principle of this issue I call “The Car Dilemma”. It’s not so much about the car or cars, but it’s about ideas and how we learn to accept them, because even if they are great they might not be ready to be used or properly explained. Yet.

The car above (Fig.1) represents the futuristic design we will see in the ahead probably ten or twenty years from now. But then again, it can be anything else than a car; while the bottom one (Fig.2) represents a much more familiar shape we already know.

So, from these two design what do we get? Ideas, concepts, products, come in two shapes: things we don’t know and things we already know. It can be displayed as something which is undiscovered facing what is already discovered. These two are part of our conscious mind which catalogs familiar shapes from those we are yet to understand.

We perfectly know Fig.2 and its familiar shape and content, yet we observe Fig.1 as an exotic pet we admire but unsure what to do with it. Just like for any creation we initially tend to take a much more original route and come out with avant-garde ideas, just like Fig.1. However, we progress through the thinking process of exposing such creation to the public and things come to a change.

Even if the car above is what we need to go ahead with, the one below is the most common chosen by us for fear of the unknown. It’s already accepted form and we think it might work for us. This dilemma shows how the reasoning system works among society: we abandon our potential thinking for new and bold ideas, so we can live in a comfortable and collective comfort zone.
