

carlos with heterochromia is now canon. that is all.

So…some days ago I had a bit of social life with @stemart and @giadin-a and we watched DescanSo…some days ago I had a bit of social life with @stemart and @giadin-a and we watched Descan

So…some days ago I had a bit of social life with @stemartand@giadin-a and we watched Descandants because….of reasons….but the incredible was that we actually LOVED it so here is a little art-trade done that night…

Mal form @stemart

Jay from @giadin-a

and Evie by me (ant here it is the solo version a bit fixed)

And yes, before you ask, we were sober all the time (I’m joking) 

I will do Carlos one day, cause I love him so much and it’s sad that it’s missing

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im making stickers

instagram//patreon//tip jar

ive made the stickers

Just bought some stickers >:) I’M SO EXCITED :D

sajwho-art: I’ve been thinking about Cecil’s canon and fanon fashion styles and what the alternative


I’ve been thinking about Cecil’s canon and fanon fashion styles and what the alternatives could be a lot lately

Here’s an image that’s literally titled ‘bi Cecil.psd’ on my computer

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When Hades said “When your people try to destroy the world it’s ‘an error in judgment’ but when we do it it’s ‘lock them up, throw away the key’” whew, one of the best lines of the night. All the subliminals about racism and xenophobia, the writers did what they had to do

Live footage of the Isle when the core four returns for VK Day(if the writing actually made sense):

Mal and Maleficent whenever Mal invites her to Auradon and she tries to get her to steal the wand again:


under the cut because spoilers

Keep reading

DRAG IT! You literally touched on every point I hated lol. Especially their “We know every trick in the book because we wrote it.” line. I rolled my eyes so much reading this book, none of it was realistic and like I keep saying, they’re making the core 4 more and more unrelatable and annoying. And then at the end when they were making the kids of the isle watch them graduate while the VKs don’t even get proper schooling just blew my mf mind. Like blew it out of the water how Melissa made anything that the core 4 were saying a good thing. How they went back to the isle with the “Oh we’re not scared, they know who the big villains are.” But got there and were afraid to sleep on cobwebs and no one acknowledged that they would be going back to Auradon in 2 days, while everyone else had to live in these conditions forever. Celia being a snitch also irritated me a little, I mean I get it she thought Uma’s plan would only make things worse for the kids on the isle but Celia had no reason to try and help the core 4, absolutely none. And Evie was condescending through the entire book, everytime a name was suggested it was always “they’ll have to earn it if they want it” WHAT DID YOU EARN? It’s so crazy, they have become the true villains of the story and ima preach it until Melissa keeps Uma out of her books since she doesn’t know how to be consistent with her character.

And since when does Uma want Ben?!!? I know she’s mad that she wasn’t chosen but chosen to go to the isle, not to be the queen. They’re really going down this “you want everything Mal has and you will never get it” route. They should just keep China out of any future projects with Descendants because I was so over it.

average ray and fritz interaction
