
can’t believe i haven’t posted this before, but i drew a killing eve carmen au a while ago aslkdlaj

can’t believe i haven’t posted this before, but i drew a killing eve carmen au a while ago aslkdlaj !!

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[Glass shattering]

Carmen: So im running from the Chief, but its okay cuz i did for the girls and the gays.

Carmen: Apparently, you’re not supposed to sleep with ACME agents tasked in capturing you.

Carmen: I was tryna explain my backstory and shit

Carmen: But you know, i got a shell out of it! so im doing great- im feeling something!

NOT trying to start anything or attack anyone with this post or make ppl feel bad for characterizing them this way i am just sharing my opinion on this and if you wanna characterize them this way i cant stop you and you should do what you want to yk, the only reason im putting this in the tag is for other people who might agree with me but im not trying to upset anyone with that and if this post does that than please just ignore me and continue doing your thing

that being said i just rly do not understand at all characterizing carulia as either of them being oblivious about each others feelings just because like. just with their dynamic in the show they rly arent ?? like while the show doesnt explicitly mention any romantic feelings the flirting implied in a lot of their interaction is mutual and like with the “arent you a quick study”/“now look whose a quick study” moment it really just feels like they *know* and are flirting back and forth with each other yk they really dont seem to have that oblivious dynamic (and like. cmon unless they specified while doing so tht it was platonic or the person doing so was someone i had completely established that we are friends with no romantic interest with each other if someone gave me A BOUQUET OF RED ROSES id at least be kinda suspicious of whether the reason was romantic feelings and i think most people would be yk)

also just like. i really hate in general how the oblivious characterization is usually done as like “lol theyre dumb for not getting the other has feelings for them” and i just really dont like that even if it is done “affectionately” towards the characters because carmen and julia are both incredible smart and its a big part of both of their characters so i think its a huge disservice to both of them to characterize either of them as dumb or stupid and takes away from both both of them as characters and their dynamic to do so and imo doesnt add anything interesting to theyre dynamic at all like. idk i think their dynamic is good and interesting enough w out adding the idea of them being oblivious about their feelings which imo actually takes a lot away from their dynamic

but also once again this is just my opinion i just wanted to share it bc i dont like the trend in characterizing the ship that way but again not trying to attack anyone and if u disagree than u can do whatever u want


Hahaha these *d o r k s*. Back by unpopular demand

caruliaweek:Prompt List Reminder!Carulia Week begins on Sunday. Get your creative juices flowing and


Prompt List Reminder!

Carulia Week begins on Sunday. Get your creative juices flowing and prepare to participate!



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caruliaweek:COMING SOON!We’re now on Twitter and Instagram!Be sure to follow and tag your work with



We’re now on TwitterandInstagram!

Be sure to follow and tag your work with #caruliaweek and @caruliaweek. All creative works accepted. The sky is the limit!


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yes, oblivious carmen is good, but can we talk about oblivious jules. CAN WE. oh mygod.

carmen actively trying to court her and flirt with her, leaving her roses, gifts, winking at her etc and julia is just like “wow! this is so nice :) carmen is being such a good friend! :)”

and carmen is constantly wailing to player. “have you seen jules today. did you see how she smiled at me. she’s so sweet oh i really hope she liked the roses i left her” and player goes “holy shit just ask her out” and carmen is like “ARE YOU CRAZY”

but then carmen eventually gets the nerve and does it. SHE DOES IT! and julia finally has a realization.

carmen: hey jules, i was wondering if you wanted to get some coffee with me sometime? just the two of us?

julia, thinking:THE carmen sandiego wants to spend time alone with me?! what an honour!!!

julia: i would love to!!

carmen: great, it’s a date!



yyuppys: Carulia Week Day 1 : Confession @caruliaweek Kiss me onceThen, kiss me twiceThen, kiss me oyyuppys: Carulia Week Day 1 : Confession @caruliaweek Kiss me onceThen, kiss me twiceThen, kiss me oyyuppys: Carulia Week Day 1 : Confession @caruliaweek Kiss me onceThen, kiss me twiceThen, kiss me oyyuppys: Carulia Week Day 1 : Confession @caruliaweek Kiss me onceThen, kiss me twiceThen, kiss me o


Carulia Week Day 1 : Confession @caruliaweek

Kiss me once
Then, kiss me twice
Then, kiss me once again

yep.. i’m late four days.. anyways… :) julethief with wordless confession <3

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OOOO this AU has so many possibilities lol. It’s basically the entire Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus series but instead of Percy and Annabeth, it’s Carmen and Julia. My brain is a weird place to be tbh. I changed their eye colors to match their PJO counterparts. The idea of them calling each other “Seaweed Brain” and “Wise Girl” is just amazing to me lol I love it. Also the events of the show still happen, with some events and side quests like finding Carmen’s mom are moved around or deleted. No I have not written this, probably not going to, but y’all are free to lol. Anyway, here’s Carulia Week Day 4: Alternate Universe.



Day 6- Drunk on Something Stronger Than the Drinks in the Bar


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Read on Ao3

Summary: For @caruliaweek. Prompt: Proposal. When VILE breaks out of prison, Auntie Ivy and Uncle Zack take the twins to the old HQ for safekeeping. To distract the kids, they tell them a story about Carmen and Julia.

They stole a car. They hadn’t needed to steal a car in years, but they stole one. It seems that no matter how long ago she last hot-wired something, Ivy’s hands will always remember. Player sent compensation to the owner’s bank account—as they always do—but it still feels grimy.

Dexter and Vivian are quiet in the backseat. They’ve been quiet ever since they got off the last plane, but Ivy supposes that anyone would be tired after about twenty-four hours of near-constant travel. Really, she’s amazed that they only cried once apiece.

Rush hour traffic came and went, and when it died, it brought the sun down with it. The sky is painted a brilliant orange and violet above them as they drive, and Zack switches on the headlights to illuminate the darkening road before them.

Please read the rest on Ao3! It’s too long for tumblr lol.


i wrote this in a frenzy last night BUT pspsps carulia enjoyers and wlw yearners come get y’all’s juice!! day six of @caruliaweek and the fluffiest 2.6k proposal i could imagine at 10 pm on a thursday night with a dash of tired devineaux for Flavor!!


yyuppys:Carulia Week Day 4 : Alternate Universe @caruliaweek finally finished this omg ive been dyinyyuppys:Carulia Week Day 4 : Alternate Universe @caruliaweek finally finished this omg ive been dyinyyuppys:Carulia Week Day 4 : Alternate Universe @caruliaweek finally finished this omg ive been dyin


Carulia Week Day 4 : Alternate Universe @caruliaweek

finally finished this omg ive been dying to show u guys my very self indulgent AU which is a carulia yakuza (or mafia/gangster) AU!!! (im rlly indecisive) jasdssjsjs anyways i also would like to dump some of my rough ideas,, (warning that this might be incoherent)

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“Hey Jules!” “Ah! Carmen! Stop doing that!” “Sorry! Old habit!” I feel like Carmen would accidentally startle Julia all the time. She doesn’t do it on purpose, but old habits die hard. And so does VILE training lol. Anyways, here’s day 4 of Carulia Week: Surprise

